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Feb 6 · 180
waiting in line
for something interesting
this light of mine
will always be the best thing
waiting in line
to see a new movie
i saw it online
it looks pretty groovy
waiting in line
to ride a carousel
the names of every animal, couldn't tell
waiting in line
for a celebrity to sign
my snapback hat and then
i'll feel divine
waiting in line
to drive and see you
traffic always makes
my time seem few
waiting in line
for the next train
the carriage stops now
they all look the same
waiting in line
to get something to eat
hunger moves throughout
and pain through my feet
waiting in line
to wait in another
i've been in here for days
don't want to be a bother
waiting in line
to an elusive pit
people line up
so seen as fit
waiting in line
'till i finally leave
the photopass shows
only five seconds on the screen
inspired by time spent waiting in queues.
Jan 17 · 259
as i watch the candle burn
the wick disintegrates
wonder when it'll be my turn
to join the invertebrates
distant echo repeats
the sun sets ahead
the oak roots meet
the foot of my bed
a collection of scents
for only $9.99
down the aisle i went
for the three hundredth time
melt into a mold
a mindless distraction
an umbrella, rose gold
with hydraulic retraction
collect ash and soot
from time spent waiting
for a longing fresh look
at the end's very beginning
a battery powered candle
with translucent white plastic
burns surprisingly well
poison fumes are fantastic
i set it all on fire
and watched the polymers melt
i heard a copper choir
the burning heat i felt
i can't get too close
lest i run the risk
of singing my own nose
or encoding a compact disc
inspired by a time i was lost in a candle aisle.
Dec 2024 · 263
Bonnabelle Reed Dec 2024
3 dollar kalimba
from the thrift store
only eight notes
never any more
3 dollar kalimba
plays a little tune
got it as a gift
of plastic hewn
3 dollar kalimba
heart shaped acrylic
lets the light through
of nothing in specific
3 dollar kalimba
that doesn't reverberate
too small a structure
to support sound ornate
3 dollar kalimba
with some added stickers
one of a rainbow
the other a faded picture
3 dollar kalimba
the eighth note is flat
but its melodies continue
in despite of that fact
3 dollar kalimba
how i love you so
your metal teeth ring
from high to low
3 dollar kalimba
forget what time it is
when i hear your sound
don't care what your price is
an appreciation of the smaller, imperfect things in life.
Dec 2024 · 141
wind chill
Bonnabelle Reed Dec 2024
i love being outside
because i forget
what is inside
even just being
outside of a freeway
is much more freeing
than indoors' lack of leeway
the ground beneath my feet
textured with imperfectness
makes me okay to meet
a theoretical highness
live oaks are ironic
because of their name
they aren't really chronic
and i'm just the same
a grackle cries out
atop a power line
what are you talking about?
this forest isn't mine
a blackberry grows
during winter's reign
despite everything i know
i sink into the rain
a cat pounces upon
a small white rodent
i turn the laptop on
and write a poetic statement
cumulonimbus forms
shocking the ocean
one is forlorn
the other sits again
a bridge is constructed
connecting the valley
a heart is abstracted
another dash to the tally
a language created
means of expression
soil is sated
from decomposition
every beautiful thing
must be transient
it's making my ears ring
terra, stop the embarrassment
an ode to nature in the wake of existential awareness.
Dec 2024 · 150
get up
Bonnabelle Reed Dec 2024
and do something
that will be
impactful during
a time filled with glee
an unmade bed
a basket of laundry
messages unread
missing assignments
college applications
half finished projects
acrylic stained station
leave me alone
ctrl + a
if i could start
a tabula rasa
maybe i could
have my own wikipedia
but instead i'm now
unable to move
go with the flow
get in the groove
rid me of
the chemical imbalance
behind my eyes
and above my throat
it consistently lies
did you know that
it's freezing without a coat?
thoughts on executive dysfunction.
Dec 2024 · 392
Bonnabelle Reed Dec 2024
our love
is like no other
fly, my butterfly
kafka can't see
who we're meant to be
an extraordinary beauty
fails to be seen
when the mirror's fogged
by government ids
your name is sublime
not the noise they shout
for it is simply air
and rings false every time
your silhouette and your voice
have never been a conscious choice
but to ever deter
the watercolor within
is to shake a can
that never opens
so go, dance in the rain
rewrite history's pain
you are my pride and joy
melting different metals
creates a wonderful alloy.
a love poem to my partner, and to all trans and queer people <3
for context, étaín is a shape shifting goddess in irish mythology, and is often a symbol of rebirth, love, and butterflies!
Dec 2024 · 338
Bonnabelle Reed Dec 2024
i wish i were a louse
so i could crawl about
and land on someone's scalp
rodion, exterminate me now
for such a time as this
take a final bow
before ceasing to exist
remove knowledge from within
a minimum wage job
blow on a dandelion
and turn down the volume ****
can the blinds be closed again?
from when i was a child
existence didn't seem so thin
the sauce is only mild
maybe i am mistaken
for i am still young
but will i feel the same
when the photo album's hung?
the opposite of a hobby
is a clean ceramic plate
the milk of human kindness
has gone past its expiration date
hand moves past the hour
writing within its margin
chronos will laugh
as i fertilize the garden
speaking to an empty sky
full of nitrogen and O2
if you really were here
couldn't i know, too?
mephistopheles knows
how long it's really been
spray insecticide in the air
an addition to the compost bin
don't mistake my words
for self deprecation
i simply wish that i
was unaware of termination
a reflection on the awareness of mortality.
Dec 2024 · 438
wash your hands
Bonnabelle Reed Dec 2024
all employees must wash hands
before returning to work
pressure builds up
before launching the cork
listen very closely to
the chirp of a sparrow
lasers can't measure all of
the thin and narrow
sit on a windowsill
fly to a different side
i ran past the traffic
ignoring all of the lights
desktop monitor flashes
in a macroscopic view
a pendulum swings
starting anew
a car's headlights shine
reflecting on the walls
i picked up the phone
to voicemail bound calls
i'd like to walk today
to get some extra steps in
the cracks in the pavement remind me
that i never asked the question
nor did i receive an answer
for the only thing i got
was a generic business card
in an empty parking lot
a search for meaning in an impersonal world.
Sep 2024 · 462
Bonnabelle Reed Sep 2024
brush your hair
comb the edge
get rid of your blemishes
upkeep things
nyquil for the idle hands
know you're wrong
don't say so
arguments are a lost cause
snapback hat
time for the collection fee
walmart brand
can of worms
guilty for the selfish hearse
you're alright?
yeah, i am
throw it in a garbage can
selling pain
dip head in the ocean plain
saline eyes
retina sees
iridescence in the trees
shutter flash
phosphenes lie
LED painted sky
thumb moves past
impulse read
why don't you stay in bed?
travel blogs
saved to note
corkboard creaks, tilted down
birdcage closed
food poured in
aluminum paper thin
fields of wheat
eyelash closed
only at the tip of your nose
dusk rolls in
pavement hides
suburbs in your alveoli
inhale once
exhale twice
chew on tepid freezer ice
a yearning of something beautiful in a numbing and artificial environment.
Sep 2024 · 560
right on cue
Bonnabelle Reed Sep 2024
navigating a conversation
is circumnavigating a globe
a lexical darkness invokes
an expected step in the stairs
that was never there to begin with
seemingly constructed soundly
its revolving linguistic doors
halt and close shut precisely
when an attempted entrance is made
an impossibly difficult rhythm to gauge
except it seems as though everyone else can
alien colloquialisms loom
as familiar judgements rise
surrounding clapperboards echo
as larynx follows suit
interests watered down
manufactured in plastic casing
arbitrary convoluted theorems
of etiquette and mind
as clear as matte black
and as legible as handwriting in transit
as pleasant as disease
yet as necessary as water
based on personal experience with social interaction as a person with autism.
Sep 2024 · 313
Bonnabelle Reed Sep 2024
orange tinted bottle
poses on its shelf
auto isolation
dulce de psyche
locked in cylindrical plastic
across a carpeted sea
static rooted legs
cowering elastic comforter
cranial jolts crest
water not drunk
and it will remain
needs dip
jewel hovering over head shifts to crimson
"go here"
"go here"
the great salt lake
was formed in a bed bound state
notification reminds
yet opportune remains deceased
an eleven pm google doc
next stop
early morning
based on experience with executive dysfunction.
Sep 2024 · 195
Bonnabelle Reed Sep 2024
teacher erases
marker mistake
expo stains
still left behind
a tinge of red
under the blue
a short poem on education.

— The End —