Pick me up, And open my cover, But be careful, Cause I might crumble, Read my fine print, Just don’t mock the way I am, I’ve been through alot since then, Drugs, Fights, Heart breaks, And more, Are all the things you’ll find, In my novel.
i just wanted you to know that I've been reading your poems your stories your heart and I too bleed for these words like you and I hope you read mine too when your heart seek for words
Sometimes, I just wanna leave everything and everyone Just to see who'll find me In the crowd of thousands Will ever someone actually be bothered about my absence I wanna sit back and watch
There is still time To have breakfast in bed after we woke up There is time to talk Slowly Carefully Picking words which don’t hurt We can still hold hands Gaze into each other’s eyes Be kind Be nice We still have time to laugh Watch each other smiles And be amazed Everyday
i need a hug, not a false side one. a really long one. one in which i just disappear from the world.
nothing else will matter. not the fact that me and you have both moved on and found someone new. i need one so tight that i can feel my bones being crushed and pressured until they s h a t t e r .
until i see nothing but a black screen.
because all of what i've seen is pain and hurt. people fall and are pushed to instantly get back up and brush off the dirt.