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Feb 7 · 34
My Nana
Kay Feb 7
I finally found a word to the feelings I have
To what I hold in my heart
"Anticipatory Grief"
I have lived with you now for 5 years
Taken care of you for all of them
Watching you age
watching you losing weight
knowing that the tables have turned
I now take care of you
I don't want you to worry
Everything will be fine
I love you more
When its your time I will be there
and I will hold your hand like you have mine for so long
There's nothing to be afraid of.
Sep 2024 · 447
How do I show you
Kay Sep 2024
Sure I've been in love before
But never like this
Your love is so kind
Like a salve to my burns
You take care of me
With your words and your actions
Yet it makes me feel so broken
How do I act
What do I say
It never feels enough
I'm trying to learn this new love
This right love
But how do I show you
That with all your actions
Your slowly healing me
How do I show you
That I love you so dearly
Aug 2022 · 696
My Love
Kay Aug 2022
Dear ####,
How long has it been? To be honest, since we stopped seeing and talking to each other I have been miserable. You'd be upset with me, I've started stress smoking because of us, or because of what we were. I was thinking to myself the other night and I was brutally honest with myself. I still love you, and I'm sorry for it. I'm sorry because I never wanted to put you in this position, I never meant to fall in love with you, but I'm sorry the most that you couldn't bring yourself to say the same, that you were falling in love with me.
I'm sorry.
Now I am left to grieve, like you have died but its worse, your just down the street, just out of reach. You have decided that I was no longer part of your storyline because loving me scared you. Left with all of the memories, all the emotions. All the times we touched, you make me feel like I've never even laid my fingers on you. As if it never mattered to you. Like I was holding the shadow of your hands, snuggling with the idea of you. I cant go anywhere without memories of you, you in my bed, on the couch, playing cards at the table with my Nana, your hand in mine, your lips meeting my shoulder, even just at the grocery store. You claimed me as yours with Marker "####'s Kay", but it was as if your love was  like the ink, bright and beautiful in the moment, but not strong enough to last forever, not permanent.

But its okay, one of these days I will release the ideas that if I just wait long enough, you will realize that it doesn't matter if we are the same gender.

Its okay because I will heal.
Just so you know, I don't regret a single moment of us.
I miss you.

Your Kay
W/W, Just a letter I wrote and will never send. I know its a mess, but that's what I was/am.
Nov 2020 · 374
Its Fine
Kay Nov 2020
"I'm fine," I smile.
dyeing a little as I say those words,
"I'm sorry did that hurt?"
No I'm fine.
"Are you okay if I leave you alone?"
yes, don't worry about me,
"I'm fine."
It may seem that I am lying to others,
but I'm really only lying to myself,
trying to deceive my brain,
my heart,
my soul,
that there's is no pain.

"Its okay, your fine."
Nov 2020 · 385
Kay Nov 2020
The sensation
the ocean being myself
trying to come up for air
my own hands
pulling me down
opening my lungs
the waves of anxiety
too hard to breath
trying to swim to the top
the fear to fail to great
too exhausted to fight the waves
I sink
My fight with anxiety.
Feb 2019 · 290
What A Mess
Kay Feb 2019
I was there, alone
that wasn't new.
alone to feel the pain
the pain i liked to feel
i didn't have a knife
my thoughts cut deeper then the scissors
i couldn't even feel it at first
my mental pain melted away
forgotten by the feeling of the liquid dripping down my arm
sweet release if only for a moment
till the pain is just not enough
the reason behind your pain bubbling up
as you continue to bleed
what a mess.
Kay Feb 2019
I hate this feeling
the feeling of nothing
but also the feeling of everything
how is it even possible to feel them both at the same time?
to feel empty, after you felt it all
feeling like you are torn apart, and left broken,
because you could not deal with it all.
i almost wish that it would never stop
the feeling of emptiness
as if shouting into a void and not even hearing a wispier
not even an echo
the emptiness is so stifling, it fills me
the feeling of everything
i wish it would stop.
i wish i would,
Feb 2019 · 349
Kay Feb 2019
He was that fire that burnt in your heart
that burned in your life.
His smile, his laughter would make the fire burn brighter
then he decided to singe that fire with a spray of cold water
try to understand that it was just a mistake.  
He'll always be there right?
What happens when the fire that burnt so bright dims to a single candle light,
what happens when you have to keep lighting that single
candle wick,
because the fire is slowly dying.
Will you go out too?
Feb 2019 · 229
Alphabet Poem
Kay Feb 2019
A:    Away they always run
B:     Because of what follows behind
C:     Creeping low to the ground, it followed
D:     Death and darkness wound together
E:      Eternity it will be there
F:      Following not far behind
G:     Grabbing and dragging
H:     How the dead weight felt
I:      Internally screaming because they could not make a sound
J:      Juggling between life and death
K:     Killing whatever gets in there way
L:      Life is only for the living and that they are no more
M:     Moaning is no option, running they tried but
N:     Nothing gets away from, HE  
O:     Oh the joy the light is coming
P:      Perhaps a change of view
Q:     Quickly the lights blew out an all that
R:     Remains is the
S:     Silent whispers of
T:     Their names being called, tugged
U:     Under ground
V:     Venomously pulled away to a place
W:    Where the light will never be seen again
X:     Xenophobia beginning
Y:     You are no one now
Z:      Zeitgeist, no more time
Found this in my old journal.
Nov 2018 · 267
Kay Nov 2018
Here's the thing about AVERAGE: its average
I wanted to reach higher
to be stronger,
i wanted to show every one that i am MORE.
So i became more,
I trained HARDER,  i pushed for more, and in return...
i couldn't love myself because i was never enough,
i forgot the feeling of a smile,
i became empty, because i forgot who i was,
and eventually i stopped trying to be more.
Because, was Average really that bad?

If average is yourself than maybe you should strive for average.
After the Fall
Aug 2018 · 253
The Fall
Kay Aug 2018
We will walk off thousands of cliffs,
but not all of us hit bottom,
some will learn how to fly,
others will lose themselves in the fall,
and the rest will wait until the cliff finally ends.
which are you?
Mar 2018 · 174
The End
Kay Mar 2018
What are we doing?
We as people have to expand the bounds,
we have to see and breath under water,
we have to adapt to quench the the thirst to break ourselves,
yet we do.
Why fear death if we are it?
We **** ourselves every day and one day it won't be enough.
Push the bounds till there are none left,
push your body to the point where you don't have one,
break yourself, tear your self apart then, stitch it back together so you can do it again.
Don't think "who cares,"
we will watch with enthusiasm yelling  "jump!"
And you will as you plummet to the ground we will watch....
We have no bounds,
and yet as you are falling you think,
"Why doesn't anyone care?"
And you don't know why, but it hurts more then the fall...
The End
Just a bunch of random stuff bunched together...
The world today
Mar 2018 · 170
"Untitled Voice"
Kay Mar 2018
If they call the good part of you,
or the good little voice a conscience,
then what do they call the war?
What do they call the turmoil inside,
the little voice that tells you you're worthless.
The part that pulls you down to a place,
where light does not exist...
I've called that place my home,
I've listened to that voice.
You tell yourself its wrong,
but you can't help to lean in a little more,
to ask "What am I worth?"
You'll wait for the answer to come,
but you will wait forever...
The voice is gone...
The silence will never answer,
because it can't lie...
"shhh im listening..."
Feb 2018 · 292
The Mirror
Kay Feb 2018
Shes afraid to see her reflection, the mirror that tells the truth.
The mirror that shows the hidden scars on her arms,
and the newly sewn stitches.
She tried and failed to stop the feelings ,
the newly fallen streaks of salt and fear staining her face.
The mirror that tells her that shes not good enough,
she doesn't have the strength to deny it any more.
The mirror that shows the girl who cries behind closed doors,
and that screams in her dreams where no one will hear.
Will no one help her, has the world turn its back on her?
Will she go out silently into the night?
No, be the one that stands up and shatters those mirrors, pick those people up and show them that they would be missed. Be the ones to show the real truths.
Dec 2017 · 276
Whats Art?
Kay Dec 2017
What is art, from the words I say,
to the things I paint...
What do my words mean, they flow and they haunt,
but do they tell the truth?
What is facade but a word said in a nicer way.
The truth spread thin.
What is real in you eyes, may not be in mine,
and lies are too easily said for me to believe you,
or your actions.
The paint from your brush tells a story,
of grief and deceit.
Paint me a life with no more pain,with no more lies...
Would you call that art, or the art of disguise?
If you where then an artist and you died,
would it be a beautiful death, or a sad reunion?
We may be all different colors, none the same,
but that never stops you from trying to look the same.
If I were to tell you to look closer, to look at their faces,
would you notice the mask they ware?
The tears have left scars on their wrists,
and words have left burns on their hearts.
Are the words we say just scrips to please the crowd?
I'm telling you now, make your own art,
one that's never been seen before...
Words can hurt...
Dec 2017 · 304
It's too painful...
Kay Dec 2017
I really do care for you,
but these feelings you make me feel.
They are painful, they frustrate me, and slowly crush me.
When you smile, my heart skips beats.
Why cant you just hold me, please love me?
You speak but I can't listen.
Look at my actions, cant you see, i need you...
I'll breath but I feel like i'm drowning,
your word keep me afloat now,
but later, other words can drown me.
My emotions that i buried bubble and fester,
they tell me i'm not good enough for you.
When you look at other girls i cant help but hurt,
i'm sorry if i'm annoying you, i cant help it.....
I've fallen in love.
But if i love you, then why does some part of me hate you?
At one point you have to ask yourself, "Is he really worth it?"
Nov 2017 · 180
Tell Me The Truth
Kay Nov 2017
I really do care for you,
but these feelings you make me feel.
They are painful, they frustrate me, and slowly crush me.
When you smile, my heart skips beats.
Why cant you just hold me, please love me?
You speak but I can't listen.
Look at my actions, cant you see, i need you...
I'll breath but I feel like i'm drowning,
your word keep me afloat now,
but later, other words can drown me.
My emotions that i buried bubble and fester,
they tell me i'm not good enough for you.
When you look at other girls i cant help but hurt,
i'm sorry if i'm annoying you, i cant help it.....
I've fallen in love.
But if i love you, then why does some part of me hate you?
Nov 2017 · 265
Now that I Want You
Kay Nov 2017
From the moment i met you, 
you were the image of perfection.
I didn't want to lisen to the voice in my head saying,
its all a con, hes to perfect. No ones perfect.
Your stuck in my thoughts, not sure what i should do with you.
I hear you whispering to me, the sound of your voice is memorizing.
I'm praying to God asking him for strength, because you bodies got me crying.
Just a little taste wont hurt, just one moment.
I need you now.
Now that I've fallen for you.
Your always there when i need you. Where are you now that I want you.
don't fall for it...
Nov 2017 · 251
Kay Nov 2017
The mirroring of feelings as clear as shallow water

Your intentions are see through yet undefinable

when I look in your eyes, reflections show through.

Manifestations of shadows, of turning oceans, and of rising waters,

shock me with the coldness of one touch of your skin.

The deep reflections in your eyes show what you so dearly need,

yet untouchable they are.

With no where to hide but the deep waters in your eyes

in those dark shadows i will hide.
Nov 2017 · 174
Broken pieces
Kay Nov 2017
I never even realized that I was lost.

Until you showed me the map

I've been wandering,

far from the road where I am supposed to be.

You gide me to new places where I find,

pieces of myself that I thought were forever gone.

You, who is so skillful pieces me back together,

your hands like razors cut away the misfit pieces,

making them new.

Where my soul is cracked, you fix it up.

I am new because of you. Thank you.

What you expect something from me now?

You fixed my heart with yours and now its time to say,

Nov 2017 · 196
Broken Consequences
Kay Nov 2017
You have left me scarred,
when you repeatedly crushed me with your words.
Caring is important, yet you don't bear me a single glance.
Never being cared for, it messes you up,
consequences of never being cared for leaves you cold,
these things get in the way of life.
They block the light out of your life.
Open yourself up, I dare you, I believe you'll be surprised.
The people around you will change you for better or for worse,
don't build a wall, old habits are not easily broken,
but don't take a step away.
Come toward the light and do not stray, don't close your eyes,
I'm right here.
When you do open your eyes, I'll still be right here, you won't have to lose anyone else.
Just don't push us away.  We won't leave you alone.
I believe in you.
Don't build walls that your not willing to take down
Nov 2017 · 648
No Air
Kay Nov 2017
How can one person make you feel empty
like they have broken you,
as if they have grabbed your heart out of your chest,
just so they can stop your heart from pounding,
from believing, from breathing just long enough.
Then they let go, and all of a sudden you feel again.
Your crushed heart breaths, but not long enough…
You grasping for air that's just not there.
The pain that you had been forced to suppress comes,
and now your dying…Why?
Don't let people push you around, it's your life not theirs.
Nov 2017 · 197
Always Changing
Kay Nov 2017
I look around, I look at you.

How do you look at this world?  How do you see me?

With those broken eyes, are we so different?

The stars in the sky weren't put there to tell us what to do

but to show us who we are, to let us know that they are still there.

look at the sea constantly changing, like you and me…

why can't we spread our wings and fly?

What’s holding us down?  Are you broken, angry or hurt?

It doesn’t matter, I won't tell you, that you didn't get it right.

You will grow, and you will change,

you'll be stupid and you'll be smart.

But in the days that you do happen to get it right,

we are here and we hear your cry's…
Oct 2017 · 350
Unwanted Lover
Kay Oct 2017

My Unwanted Lover

I know him by name

and I've seen all his faces

as beautiful as they are

they always remined me of a time

when it wasn't worth living

and breathing was replaced by grieving

He was my closest friend

and he understood me because we shared the same feelings

he told me he wanted what I wanted

when I was born he held me in his arms

whispering promises to me

telling me of all times that he would visit me

but I could never remember

Since I was born my life was promised to him

that he would be the death of me

I wish I would have known that he was never my lover

but the grief in so many others
My relationship with Death
Oct 2017 · 192
The Embrace
Kay Oct 2017
Touching you is like electricity on my tinger tips,

your arms surrounding me is pleasure to my vains,

breathing without your lips is to struggle.

Gracing me with your presence is denying me of air,

you like fire burn the people that touch you

I need you, no.  I want you.

You tell me of a future that can never be true,

and you lie to me when you say you love me.

Isnt this how it always goes?

I can scream at you all i want and you would never blink an eye,

you who is so focused on your self cant see,

you left me in rubble.

I who loved you for who you where, you killed the only part of me living,

but dont worry about me I'll be fine.

Until one day I'm just like you.

— The End —