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 Feb 2018 sage
Black shoelace, tied in knots
basks my face with paltry plots
stole my heart like summer's sin
heat is threatened by cool wind
        Rear view mirror, burned by glow
        reflects a frozen, fragile soul
        they appear, my warm woes
        white lies, turn from ash to coal
Crave smoke rings, periled fade
round' my solo fireplace
truths can't find their crumbs to trace
her sparrow, sings a love charade
        All my years, i'm alive
        caches in my brain's hard drive
        my White lies, wear a Black shoelace
        they delve deep, digest disgrace..
 Jan 2018 sage
Diary of Jane
 Jan 2018 sage
Diary of Jane
Every time someone asks me, "do you still like him?", I can't help but realize  just how trival the word "like" is.
What I feel for him cannot be encompassed in those four alphabets. I  cannot call it "love" either, cause it feels much deeper, much sacred than any other love I have ever felt before.
All I can say is that I care for him, and perhaps I always will even if we were not in each other's lives.
 Jan 2018 sage
Walter W Hoelbling
imagine a world
with no humans left

    man-made sounds
    street noise  airplanes
    laughter shouting fussing babies
    cars  radios TVs machines
    pop songs string orchestras
     birdsongs  leaves blowing in the breeze
     sounds of rain  of springs and rivers
     deer splashing through a creek
     wild pigs snorting through the forest
     the sharp cry of an eagle
     owls hooting under the moon
     anmals rustling in the underbrush
     ivy decorating empty window frames

    all those poems
    nobody can read
Inspired by the recent movie **** SAPIENS
 Jan 2018 sage
Gage B
Hey, You
 Jan 2018 sage
Gage B
Hey, You
                                    absolutely gorgeous thing
Don't you know
                                    every guy is gonna want you?
                    That's what I think is gonna happen.

You're always right
                                      I don't know everything about you.
But sometimes I think that
                                      You might not know a lot about me

Hey, You
                                     absolutely troubled thing
Everything is gonna be just fine

Hey, You
                                      Please answer me
You're gonna be okay. It's not the end.

Hey, You... You're not gonna forget me?
                                       Even after all of the small things we did?
I know that they don't mean much to you, but
                                       it did to me

Sorry you didn't see it the same way. But, it was still nice.

Hey... You know that I'll always be there for You

                        for You
                                                                   for You

                                             For You
You will never stop loving something, even when time has brought it to an end. My love for you, Kit, is everlasting and unconditional. Never forget that.
 Jan 2018 sage
Your voice spools like satin
Do you know that you sound amazingly attractive?
Syllables curling around my ears
Speaking words you find dear.

My heart flutters lightly
If you were here my blush would be unsightly.
Yet it’s not ****** at all
Instead to sleep I’m lulled.

Just a chapter
If i was a cat i would gladly purr
Curled up with you
Stealing your warmth to escape the gloom.

You’re busy reading out loud to me
The stars in my eyes go unseen
The scenes in my head
So much more vivid than if i had read instead.

I want to read with you
To fall asleep to your voices serene tune
Cuddle myself safe within entangled limbs
Through the sea of soft syllables i swim

The words twirl down from your lips
An ambrosia i happily sip
I lose myself in your voice
But i refuse to leave you, my smartest choice.
 Jan 2018 sage
Diary of Jane
Happiness is as easy
and as free
as watching three little, cuddly puppies-
one brown, one white and one sandy,
rolling on the sand
on the street side
and breaking out in unexpected smile
at the innocence in nature
after you had a ****** night
of battling your existential crisis.
 Jan 2018 sage
Alexandra Meelan
I want to be left alone
                                                           ­     I don't want to feel alone
I want someone to hug me.
                                                             ­   I hate being touched.
I want to tell someone.
                                                        ­        People scare me.
I want to speak.
                                                          ­      I can't open up.
I want comfort.
                                                        ­        I push people away.
"I'll be fine."
                                                          ­      "No you won't."
"But I will."
                                                          ­      "What if something happens?"
"No, it'll be okay."
                                                          ­      "But now you're doubting yourself."
                                                ­                "Oh come on. I'm a friend."
"You cause so many problems for us."
                                                            ­    "There's nothing you can do now."
"Don't do this."
                                                          ­      "It's too late, I've won."
 Jan 2018 sage
Loving Kites
 Jan 2018 sage
"and i have never once felt this type of love. the type that lifts you so high above everything; the struggles you're facing, the neglect to yourself, the way you feel about the world and how easily you could slip out unnoticed. but you... you've built me a wonderful whimsical world where i believe that i can be just as happy as the next person, like on my lowest days i think of daisy's and not death and on my highest i can think of you so much that you are there and not just a strong aroma that i smell at the slight thought of you. you encapsulated me and brought me to a new place of a higher being and yet you haven't quite seen what i know... you are what keeps my head above water when i so desperately want to drown, you anchor me in place where i once couldn't imagine staying still, and you make my mind roam so free like a herd of wild horses running from the awful storm to the place they feel safe and that is me beside you. When i'm in your arms i know no harm can come to me, i am an untouchable object to pain and i am no friend of death, and when we part ways like Moses did the red sea a single tear will slip because once again i tip starting to slowly find my way to the waters edge where i'm surely not in my own head... i'm lost and you know just where to find me and you make it in just a nick of time before the damage is done and you bring the sun with you to dry up the puddles that have escaped my eyes, you bring the happiness i've longed for after the mere hours of being apart and yes you might call this being to dependent... but when you've been alone for so long you latch on to the one who makes you feel like you've never felt before and you hold on to that. because that's an undeniable love that i never want to fade like my washed out blue jeans, i want it to grow like the wildflowers you can find on any local road and i want it to stay like the pain did for so long, so replace the pain and come cuddle up... show me the love that makes my heart run amuck and sing in the breeze i would've once complained of being stuck..." ~m.a.g
i write a lot but i guess it’s just passion pouring out. it’s hard to stop when i start
 Dec 2017 sage
I am afraid
(Of the future I’ve made)
For the boy
(Treating his body like a toy)
Who will slowly remove his shirt
(Unable to find the shadows in which he lurks)
And show her his scars
(That scatter across his whole being like stars)
His aches and pains
(The results of what drives him insane)
Bumps and rough patches
(From stabs and all of the scratches)
Marks she will look at
(While he is poised in preparation for attack)
The words he waits for
(What is wrong with you?!
What caused you to mutilate and gore?!)
The aching silence
(Leaving him to regret his self violence)
But maybe
(Because the future can’t be completely seen)
Maybe she won’t be afraid or hate the scars
(Because his body truly is marred)
Maybe she’ll tell him that she doesn’t mind
(Something i doubt, but is still possible to find)
That his scars are not something he should hide
(Terrifying, id just assume it was a lie)
That she wants to know the story behind every one
(Even though there are piles of marks, no, tons)
And she will take her hand and trace
(While he stands still, less afraid)
Every line, every dot
Every mutilation, every spot.
(While he’s waiting for the catch, the lesson he’s always been taught)
And she just stays there, looking at but not cursing him and his scars
And he thinks “maybe i can be loved, though I’m marred”
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