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I love the way you write
I love the way you comment on so many poems
I love the way you post so often
I love the way you bring happiness and poetry
I love the way you show others you care
I love everything I know about you
(Platonically of course)
In the rare case you couldn't guess who I'm talking about, it's... (drumroll please)
Liana is always so nice to us and comments so many positive things. Nobody is truly grateful though 😀 let's show Liana we care <3
everybody go like/love/comment on as many poems of hers as possible. she deserves appreciation :D
Nov 11 · 207
I Hide everything about myself
The fresh cuts and scars with a sleeve
The stomach with an oversized hoodie
I want to leave

I Hide everything about myself
The pain with a mask
The trauma with a wall
Finally, last...

Pure quietness
No conscience
That's the dream.
Nov 11 · 136
Losing it~
Words no longer coming to my head
Fingers no longer able to hold a pen
Hands no longer able to type
My skill flown away
Losing my mind
Losing my hope
Losing my happiness
Losing everything
Not going to lie, I just watched about 13 minutes of a horror movie and now I am traumatized. The movie was 'smile' and now I want to hide in a hole πŸŽ€πŸŽ€πŸŽ€
Nov 10 · 245
Someday you'll figure~
You'll figure out that I love-
That I love you so~
Nov 10 · 168
Icy stares open
Eyes that have been touched by pain
Yet freeze ones left warm~
Toxic friends **** πŸ˜…
Nov 10 · 47
Avoid the question
Ignore the problem
Try to stop
Try to eat
I can't
I can't *******
I can't ******* do
I can't ******* do this
I can't ******* do this anymore
Nov 10 · 52
Precious memories
Swirl around the memories
Dance along
A beautiful place
A beautiful song
Hope gracefully leaps through the air
Golden memories of people that actually care
A final happy poem
Maybe the last one I write
Hopefully not...
I love my life
I know I won't be saying that tomorrow...
My moods switch easily but I feel really good right now :)
Nov 10 · 201
Eye twitch
My eye is twitching always
It didn't before
I wonder if something changed
Just a reverse haiku i wrote at 2 in the morning last night lol
Nov 10 · 53
cupid my ass
there's no such thing as cupid
just an electrician
who makes the spark between two parts
and lets them fan the flame
cupid my ***

there's no such thing as cupid
there's no such thing as fate
there's no such thing as love at first sight
there's no way to open the gate
cupid my ***

just randomness
two people that meet in the abyss and sometimes manage to make it work...
cupid my ***
Nov 8 · 276
Dont eat
**** it up, buttercup
It's only gonna get more hard
Ignore the hunger
You'll only get more scarred

I know they're watching me eat
Everything I Blink I see them staring at me
Judging me
... let me be

Don't eat
Don't eat
Won't eat
Won't eat
Can't eat...
Nov 8 · 379
i still remember the first time i texted
i was in the 6th grade
holding a Swiss army knife
from my shoulders and wrists
and heart

it was 2 in the morning
i was in my room
they gave me a list of reasons of why i shouldn't
it didn't stop me from trying

one week later
i texted again
same story
then the next week
then the next
they started to recognize my number
they remembered my name
every time
i haven't texted them in a while
i wonder if they miss me
i wonder if they're happy i haven't

i kind of miss them
Nov 8 · 85
Why do I laugh
Why do I sing
Why do I cry
Why do I even try
Whenever I have faith
It always ends up as a lie

Why do I write
Why do I draw
Why do I smile
It's almost never worth while

Make it stop
Nov 8 · 97
Last night I cried myself to sleep
The night before as well
Tonight I can't stop crying
And life feels like hell

Scrape the paint off the walls
Make me feel insane
Scrape the skin off my arms
Let me go through pain

My tear-stained pillow
Can't take any more
It soaks up my sobs like a sponge
Unlike the cold hard floor

I think I know something about that word
Like your heart by the end of the year
Left with nothing but migrating birds.
Running away.
Hope for happiness
... one day
Nov 8 · 14
to talk

to avoid

that's me

hates him
nobody cares

wants to
shove him down the stairs

that's me.
Nov 8 · 74
I once saw the beauty in fall
With the colors
And joy
And holidays

But now I just see the leaves dying
And falling hopelessly to the ground

Funny how your perspective can change so quickly.
Nov 7 · 397
the hunger games
ignore the hunger
keep the lion tame
you have joined
the hunger games

**** in your stomach
cover it up
with an oversized hoodie
this *****.

ignore the hunger
ignore the hunger
they'll start hurting you again
if you eat
if you eat
you'll go through the same pain
i want a new brain

ignore the hunger.
survive longer
lose weight
never take

to the hunger games
Nov 7 · 42
Morning of election results
Mourning of election results
A dream of freedom lost on the air.
A hope for a president who will actually care.

Danger is coming
Nov 7 · 219
I wonder
I wonder if you even know
How much you affected me
I wonder if you even know
How hard you made life for me
I wonder of you know
Why I get panic attacks
I wonder if you know
That I get panic attacks
I wonder if you know
Why I hurt myself
I wonder if you know...
That the cuts you made fun of me for...
Were your fault...
Sorry this gets a little intense. This is about my experience with bullies and heartless jerks.
Nov 7 · 30
Hi, sorry this isn't exactly a poem. I'm sorry that I've been dumping all of my ****** poetry and emotions on you, but poetry is my outlet for emotions. With trump winning the elections, I've been left stressed, sad and downright scared. Sorry.
Nov 7 · 562
Ha. Silly me.
Come one, come all
Come see this display
He once stood tall
Come now, don't delay.

Show and tell,
A sight to see,
hopelessness etched into my skin
I realize I'll never win
Ha. Silly me.

Sleeve fell down
Everyone saw
I want to run away
And break the law

He goes through pain!
Everyone see!
Ha. Silly me.
Nov 6 · 230
An unfinished poem
An unfinished song
A nonexistent place
Where everyone feels like they belong

An imaginary escape
Fake people with open arms
A mere dream of a place
With no hurt or harm

The real world with endless pain
The true world with tears and grief
The actual world
Where I'm not allowed to be me.
Nov 6 · 57
Life feels like a carousel
Spinning and spinning
I want to fall off
Too much happening
Nausea sprouting
Anxiety rising
More future scars appearing
All alone
Nov 6 · 58
Open your eyes
You're not safe
Get out from the open
Hide in a cave

Lock your doors
Hide with me
In the closet
Where no one can see
Nov 6 · 191
Where will i go
Where can I go
Anywhere but here
Anywhere but here would be safer
Anywhere but here would be better
Where will I go
Somewhere i can meet new people
Somewhere i can hide
Somewhere i can have new experiences
With you by my side
Would be better than here.
Nov 6 · 41
The worst thing in the world
Is the days where you feel like nothing matters
The days where no matter what
You can't enjoy what you usually do
The days where you feel nothing
And everything
All at once
Like styrofoam covered in gray and blue
The days where the sun is out
But you feel the rain drops hitting your sleeve.
The days where you scrape and stab at your skin just to feel something.
To feel anything.
Or nothing.
Welcome to living hell! Also known as my life 😊
Nov 6 · 149
For who I am
Nov 6 · 82
open the gate
who do you hate
"people who know who they are",
he said
i have to leave
i have to flee
I'm now in a country where i can't be
who i want to be.

open the gate
who do you hate
"everybody but me",
Trump won the elections.
Nov 5 · 741
It happened again
It happened again.
How dumb of me to think I could go more that 24 hours without it.
My worst enemy.
My best friend.
My problem.
My solution.
I don't even know why.
It just happened.
I'm so sorry.
Nov 5 · 298
I sit at the table
While a different part of my brain
Tells me that I can't eat
Or i'll go through more pain

The bullies will come back
They'll hurt me more
I hate my life
I miss how it was before

Why is it so hard to eat
Why is it so hard to talk
Why is it so hard to run
instead of choosing to walk

I don't want to gain weight
I don't want to lose
I wish that whether I eat or not
Is something I can choose

My friends have started to notice
How little I eat….
I don't want to talk about it…
Nov 4 · 61
Whats wrong with me
The blade on my desk sings an alluring melody
Tempting me to cut
Telling me that I deserve it
I'm happy… anything but.

I try to ignore
Against the wall i lean
I try to hope
I try to dream

But the song draws me closer
Telling me to cut deep
Telling me that if I do
It'll help me sleep

The avoidance fails.
Blood falls to the floor
Staining the carpet
I close the door.

Silent tears
Hopeless dreams
A ruined life
ripped at the seams

Tears fall to the cuts
It stings.
Is it weird that I like it?
Is it weird the happiness it brings?

When I finish
I cover it with a sleeve.
A future Scar
That I know will never leave.

I didn't Want to.
It was an accident.
A beautiful accident.
A painful accident.
Not an accident.

Help me.
Build me like IKEA furniture
With wood and screws and pain
Let me talk to you deeply
Let me take up part of your brain

Let me love you truly
With no lies, wrongs or cheats
Let me care for you lovingly,
Let me wrap you In clean sheets.

Let me ****** those who wronged you,
Let them bleed Out on the floor,
Let you smile honestly
When I come knocking at your door

Let nobody near you but me
Let the pain stay far away
Let me be your medicine
You must take me every day.

Don't leave me.
Please love me.
Who is she?
Does she replace me?

I'm not obsessed.
I'm not obsessed.
I love you.
Let me say that this isn't relatable to me in the slightest, but here it is folks 🍷
Nov 3 · 50
What part of no
Sounded like yes
I am not a survivor. And I don't speak for them as they are their own people. But I hope I bring comfort and peace to whoever is and reads this. Good luck. You deserved better. And you still do.
Nov 3 · 55
Never again
Quick breaths
Peppermint tears
And I said,
"Never again."
"Never again will I be the weakest link,
Never again will I fail,
Never again will the pressure
Hit my back like hail."
"Never again will I be weak
Never again will I be lost,
Never again will I feel this way,
No matter the cost."
I wrote this when I was a lot younger, so that's why it kind of ***** ***.
Nov 3 · 131
Crystal clear
Turns out
Crystal clear
Might not be as clear as we think

I look through glass
And I see a warped version of you
A twisted version of the person I once loved

I look through quartz
And I see a kind person
Someone who cares
Someone who loves.
That's not who you are.

I can see for myself.
I don't need any crystals that manipulate me into thinking you are good.
You're not.
Leave me alone.
Love yourself as much as you should be. (A lot.)
Nov 3 · 147
I'm not a girl
I barely recognize my reflection
Who am I?
Who is the person in the mirror?
I don't look like myself. This isn't my body.

I'm not a girl
I'm not a girl
I'm. Not. A. Girl.

The mirror says the opposite of my heart.
A stranger looks back.
We argue.
My eyes verus my mind.
My body versus my soul.
My heart.
Glass shatters and breaks it.
I feel it fall to the floor.
Blood dries on the ceramic bathroom tiles.
So do tears.

I refuse to be a girl.
I won't be a girl.
I never have been.

I'm. Not. A. Girl.
Trans guy problems πŸ₯²
Nov 3 · 109
Goodbye Earth
What is wrong with humanity
We torture animals to entertain ourselves
We separate them from their families
We burn their homes
Flames licking at ancient trees
We poison their waters
We fill them with plastic and oil
And say that we have it bad
What have we done?

You can't go anywhere that Hasn't been touched and ruined by humans.
Not a forest with no footsteps
Not an ocean with no plastic
Not a mountain where humans haven't planted their flag.
What have we done?

A collapsed society, built on greed and neglect
World awful
Whoever has more money wins
People stuck on violent, garbage filled streets
Animals in chains
What have we done?

Birds try to fly
But wings are tied
Fishes try to swim
But gills are caught
What have we done?

The only way to fix it
Is to start over
If only.
If only we could.
Goodbye, dear earth. I'm so sorry.
Humans are awful. We hurt and harm and leave the world worse that when we found it.

— The End —