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Mar 12 · 389
Styles Mar 12
Lost without your love,
I am broken,
beyond all,
Mar 11 · 550
Styles Mar 11
The look in her eyes told me everything,
but they were all answers I didn't want.
The truth hurts more when you can feel it,
Lost but never forgotten, even more when they mean it.
Mar 8 · 228
Styles Mar 8
You are my lover of the night, as you set my mind amaze.

Craving the juices of your fruit, and how flavor tastes.
Mar 8 · 328
Styles Mar 8
I want to be
inside your mind
entwined in your thoughts,
consuming your wants
living out your fantasies
bound by our
****** chemistry
our destination
is ecstasy
Mar 8 · 315
Lost Memories
Styles Mar 8
Moments turn to memories,,
time passes quickly.

My flesh, still needy.

The look in your eyes,
they are in need of me.

Eager thoughts entice and ****** me.

Wanting you to tease and encase me.

So effortlessly you embrace me.
Your body, I'm craving,
your folds, my haven.

Give your *** to me,
feed my need,
with all your greed,
while you feed,
my essence,
your taste,
I’m addicted,
to our embrace,
your place,
our space.
Mar 6 · 477
Styles Mar 6
I was the ink
on her pristine page
I wrote in a language
only her heart could
Mar 6 · 520
Inspired Hearts
Styles Mar 6
She was the paper, and I was the pen
My words poured over her like black ink.
each word evokes, emotions with each stroke of my pen I wrote
poems only her heart can comprehend
Nov 2023 · 7.5k
Styles Nov 2023
Her body’s indications are indicating what she's anticipating.
Something exhilarating and stimulating
Nov 2023 · 959
Styles Nov 2023
As she stands there,
In nothing but her underwear, g-string
Breathing heavy

leaning her head against the cold tile.
Water is raining over her body, the soap suds slow rubs against her body

Fighting her own,
These urges,
relentlessly. The pressure building is tremendous
Thoughts of pleasure --  overwhelming

The warmth of his breath,
Make her ******* *****
Shivering so hard her hands trampled
down her spin, between her thighs,
His hands are on her hips
But his hands are inside her mind
Nov 2023 · 1.0k
Hopeless Romance
Styles Nov 2023
careless as we danced
Till the lights went out
and all I could see were your eyes
staring back at me
it meant something; possibly.
Nov 2023 · 442
Early Morning Wood
Styles Nov 2023
I miss being awakened
by your early morning taking
You by my side,
laying on my side,
with you inside.

Now, with that on my mind,
I am more than inclined.
After feeling your piece,
I pulled your body against mine.
the sensation of your *******
is blowing my mind.

inviting yourself between my legs,
Now, you are taking your time.
your moves -- my body begs
my spots -- not hard to find.
rubbing my ****, so I arch my spine
******* me harder, as you lift my thigh.
Out of this world, on this natural high
Aug 2023 · 6.2k
Styles Aug 2023
I want to make her *** intellectually,
when she thinks of me.
Jul 2023 · 866
Styles Jul 2023
with one look,
         she had me wanting to be with her
         make her so hot, skin feel like fever
         not only do I want it, I need her
         just to touch her, I am longing for
         and to feel her, I long for even more
Jun 2023 · 650
Battle Mental
Styles Jun 2023
that Fear that subsides
Deep inside your mind
ties that hold you down
so deep you could drown
All alone, I have cried
The silent tears I must hide
Thousand times I've tried
From a heart made of pain
its already turned my soul to stone
with a reality so cold
these cards I fold
Jun 2023 · 708
I am Healing
Styles Jun 2023
First, when there's nothing
But a dim glowing dream
fear that subsides
Deep inside my  mind
All alone, I have cried
Silent tears I hide
from a heart made of pain
turned to stone
hope,  I just can't condone
I’m better off alone

Then, I feel your touch
Close my eyes, feel the rush
Wrap my arms around,
until i can't get enough
What a feeling
to be healing
I can’t have it all,
just need your passion
to make it happen
my dreams come alive
when I look in your eyes
it all makes sense with you by my side
this present is mine
girl your blow my mind
girl i love your vibe
Jun 2023 · 7.1k
Affirmative attraction
Styles Jun 2023
In your presence, where desire takes its hold,
Yearning surges, a story yet untold,
With eager lips, I seek her tender kiss,
A dance of tongues, an intimate abyss.

Exploring further, my tongue does trace,
Her sacred curves, a path I gently trace,
Whispers of pleasure adorn her sacred mound,
Each taste, an artistry of senses unbound.

As I delve deeper, a mouthful of her essence,
A symphony of flavors, a divine presence,
It's the elixir that calms my restless soul,
Truthfully, her nectar, my senses extol.
Jun 2023 · 703
Styles Jun 2023
In your presence,
              my longing unfurls,
              eager to taste the sweetness your lips hurls
              from touch to caress,
              exploring with desire,
              a sensuous journey,
              with an explicit intent,
              to igniting an internal fire.
Jun 2023 · 1.7k
Secret Admirer
Styles Jun 2023
Delicately savoring the essence she imparts,
A feast of flavors that stills my restless heart,
For in her nectar's embrace, tranquility I find,
An elixir of truth that soothes my wandering mind.
Jun 2023 · 686
Styles Jun 2023
My words find solace;
                           They dance and bloom,                  
                           with grace and elegance,
                           waiting to be consumed,
                           and amuse.
Jun 2023 · 597
Bleeding hearts
Styles Jun 2023
I perceive and perceive;
                  our souls woven by divine decree,
                  Apart, in the same place
                  we are incomplete,
                  while our souls find no solace nor space.
Jun 2023 · 764
Heart Broken
Styles Jun 2023
In the realm of love, a piercing tongue,
Rendered my heart useless,
Leaving me with canvas of pain
Jun 2023 · 7.0k
Jun 2023 · 1.3k
Styles Jun 2023
lets escape into,
       each others trauma.
Jun 2023 · 5.9k
Styles Jun 2023
I'm lost in love,
          come find me.
Jun 2023 · 1.4k
Styles Jun 2023
She opened her legs
        exposing her secret
        gift wrapped in wet
Jun 2023 · 5.4k
Styles Jun 2023
    pretty pink
Jun 2023 · 5.2k
Moon light
Styles Jun 2023
The moonlight
        formed shadows
        against the wall  
        reflecting our
Jun 2023 · 604
Styles Jun 2023
Her love
Punctured my heart
Now nothin but hate
Pours out it
Jun 2023 · 274
Styles Jun 2023
my poetry
           is another way
           your space
Jun 2023 · 736
Styles Jun 2023
I hope
you day
was as good
as you

I hope
you feel
half as good
as you
Jun 2023 · 1.2k
Wild Desire
Styles Jun 2023
you are a wild,
        that needs to be tamed.
        I am a hunter
        that enjoys your  taste
        so to conquer this desire
        I must devour you
        starting below the waist
Jun 2023 · 844
Styles Jun 2023
Like beautiful eyes,
                    Words cast spells,
                     that change the future.
                      Use them carefully.
Jun 2023 · 4.8k
Styles Jun 2023
If *** is the cream in the pudding,
                 then I look forward to creaming in you.
Jun 2023 · 5.0k
Tease me
Styles Jun 2023
You little tease,
        You know,
        the thought of you,
        not wearing *******,
        under that dress,
        makes me hard,
        in all the right places.
Jun 2023 · 336
Styles Jun 2023
Jun 2023 · 4.5k
Soul Mate
Styles Jun 2023
She and I
       had the same vibrations
Stuck in our souls
       it only took one look
Deep into her eyes
      For me to feel it
Jun 2023 · 4.2k
Styles Jun 2023
Lips dancing
Across her flesh
             Where will
they go
Jun 2023 · 1.0k
Styles Jun 2023
His fingertips,
       like whispers,
       trace her forbidden paths
       to destinations untold,
       kindling flames of desire,
       setting her spirit on fire,
       igniting flames unknown.
Jun 2023 · 912
Styles Jun 2023
She reclines, nestled amongst her stacked pillows,
                       legs spread wide,
                       hands cradle her delicate flower.
                       Fingers wander,
                       igniting sensations;
                       closed eyes,
                       biting lip in anticipation.
                      Her final release
                      standing ovation
Jun 2023 · 3.8k
Styles Jun 2023
Your hips;
         ride hard
         non stop
         on top
         I'm rock!
Jun 2023 · 3.4k
Styles Jun 2023
Many times, I've dreamt of your Heaven; using my fingers to caress it and my eyes to see.

Now spread your legs and expose your world to me.
Jun 2023 · 3.3k
Styles Jun 2023
Often, I dream of you, he said, the taste of your breathe is my favorite.

Now, stop talking and kiss me.
Jun 2023 · 3.0k
motion of the ocean
Styles Jun 2023
We made love
       to the sounds of the ocean
       in one swift motion
       your body washed over me
       like a love potion
Jun 2023 · 2.8k
Styles Jun 2023
I would lick you
     in that special place,
     changing your face.
     the look in your eyes
     guides my fate
     your lips;
     my favorite tastes
Jun 2023 · 459
Styles Jun 2023
my fears turn to tears;
      running down my face,
      like stairs,
      so many ups and downs,
      ego in my ears,
      nobody cares.
Jun 2023 · 576
One another
Styles Jun 2023
I truly believe
we were made
for each other
like the world
needs the weather
without each other
there couldn't be
one of another
Jun 2023 · 829
Styles Jun 2023
In your presence;
              my words find solace,
              in the elegance,
              your confidence,
Jun 2023 · 1.0k
Styles Jun 2023
Every crevice your lips,
             Tells a story unfolding,
              woven into your tenderness,
              Of warmth that keeps me swollen.
Jan 2023 · 7.2k
Roomate Part 2
Styles Jan 2023
Walking past your bedroom, I hear faint whispers of deep breathing. The sounds grew louder, as I approached the room. I put my ear to the door and heard panting. Accidently, it starts to push further open, revealing her, across the room lying on the bed naked, with both of your hands between your legs, playing…
let me know in the comments if you want a part 3
Jan 2023 · 6.6k
Beach Front Part 2
Styles Jan 2023
After his eyes explored her as his hands did the same.  Working them down from her hips, his fingers explore between her legs; skin smoother than the silk she wore. Sensations coursed through his body, transferring to her flesh. The more he explored her, the more she opened up to him. His hunger and eagerness grew and  
she was writhing in pleasure, and her lips started to water, soaking his fingers. He smirked.
let me know in the comments if you want a part 3
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