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 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
Ryan Hoysan
This is my credo
this is my dogma
this is my statement of belief
you can call this whatever you like
because the title is unimportant
this is my uncompromising doctrine
of which I believe in
to the utmost degree.
Everyone is important
Despite what they may think of themselves
Every single person has a life that matters
No matter how they see their life
I will be the person who is left
When everyone else has left
And you believe yourself to be alone
I will be the one who believes in you
When even you do not believe in yourself
I will be the one to remind you of your beauty
When you forget the beauty you possess
I will be the one who will listen for eternity
When you feel like you are worthless
I will see value and worth within you
Even when you believe yourself to be worth nothing
I will be the one to worry over you
While you worry over everyone else
Come hell or high water
Regardless of the burden it shall place upon my shoulders
I will undertake the task
Of lessening the pain and suffering of others
For I can bear much suffering
And my heart is warmed by the sight
Of suffering and pain being lifted from someone’s shoulders
I will do all that is within my power
Put forth all the effort I can
With mind, body and soul
I step forth into this world
To deny suffering a place here
And to lessen the pain
Felt by any and all
So bring me all the worst
Of your broken
Of your bruised
Of your supposedly insane
Dreams feelings and memories
Bare your soul to me
And I shall reply in kind
Welcoming you in to the depth of my being
And encompassing you within the warmth that I possess
I know that I may not save all
But that will NOT STOP me from trying
To save everyone
Because if I can save even one person
Then any sacrifice is worth the chance
So, if you've made it this far I thank you for taking the time to read this overly large write. Many friends of mine have suffered through many things or are still suffering. These things range from mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts to abuse, family troubles, and a loss of meaning in life. Everyone has their struggles in life, who am I to add any more of a burden onto their shoulders. I try to make the world a better place by taking the burdens of others and placing them upon my own shoulders because I know that I can handle it. I do everything I possibly can to accept every single person, no exceptions, as a whole. People are the sum of their parts, but their parts alone do not define them. I do not expect everyone or even many to share my sentiment, but nonetheless, this is MY sentiment that I am putting forth. If there is anyone who needs someone to talk to on a rough night or if there is anyone who is just looking for a pleasant chat, I welcome both with open arms, please reach out to me through a comment or a message and I will do my best to respond as soon as I can.
You ask me, what anorexia is like.

It's like slipping or twisting your ancle without anyone seeing, no one to help you up.
You sit until someone comes by, they help you up, but after a while you slip again.
This time your sitting in mud and slowly sinking into it.
And when you're two feet into that hole, a person comes by and tries to help you since your anvle is hurt.
But you're afraid they'll fall too so you ask them to leave.
You start to crawl out and finally get up, but slip again.
You fall down in that hole again, and this time you beoke your entire leg.
It starts raining and the hole grows deeper.
It's 5 feet deep now.
One of your well known friends comes by and tries to help you, but ends up throwing you a shovel.
But actually you start to like your hole, you take contact to people, who also fell into a hole.
There are sites on the internet, some shows how to get the deepesr mist perfect hole.
Other shows how to get up.
But you're sad, and you like your hole, so you try to get that deepesr one.
You want to win this, you wanna show everyone who called you weak that you can get the deepest hole in the world.
But when you're 20 feet under ground, and everyone starts to notice your hole.
Everyone is willing to help you.
And suddenly you have 20 shovels, and 20 stairs.
But you can't decide wich one is better.
*That's what being anorexic is like
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
Eleanor B
How did we become ...this?

Charcoal sylvan settings drawn with quills of silver-
and blue as crickets play hypnotic , bucolic evening tunes
The call of nightfall dove beside the very miracle of everlasting love* ...
Copyright April 1 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
The dark gift, my friend
Between the fields and mountains
Whose will work overwhelmed
In my thoughts of life
How will you be disappointed?
Of not being dark gift, my friend
Darkness of misery with no luck
In addition we may need help
To whoever else is needed
Humanity has rise to be strong
Against the wall of fire
Up until no confident return
But will be no more dark gift.

                    By K-mari ©2016
 Apr 2017 SteffyWeffy
you may not be aware
but i'm writing this in the dark
one of those nights has turned to a habit
i'm afraid
afraid that i may be blind soon
or perhaps i already am.

it is no excuse
i close my eyes
attempting to dream
refresh not regret
the room is upside down
i'm afraid
of the inevitable

i know i'm aware
my existence
it is not an epiphany
a thought
a concept
a prolonged
an elongated
an infinity

i will soon be dust and
i'm afraid
They say write everyday.
Put those words to paper before you lose them.

I say.

If your words are lost so easily they were nothing more than a mental **** to begin with.

I say .

Live without writing see the ocean at sunset bask in the existence without giving a single thought of capturing it upon the page.

Don't ever fear losing something for when we fear loss all we do is waste are time that we have.

They say many things all directed at keeping you back.

I say **** them all.

Cause any person worth there salt in this life.
Isn't sitting on there *** handing out advice like some curbside therapist.

Life is the only teacher you ever need.

Just remember advice comes cheap.
And opinions are just like ******* everyone's got one .

Im.always waiting for the relapse like a spent sunset and far to overplayed song .
Whispers of what was and never will be .

Im not here now simply try again later for the side of the man you care to see.
Poems are simply pages filled and my stories are far more than cliffnotes to your day.

Play me out sweetheart another fix like all the rest .
Lets create the essence of the obscene let me erase it for my ego just the same.

It's always the elephant in the room i know it all to well for I lived it just the same.

Did it break you as once it did I?
Do we breathe to simply keep living like zombies no answer or direction does apply.

We left it behind to haunt us still .
Guess nothing stays burried forever .
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