Diving into an endless void with never ending clocks that float in every direction
Ticking to time zones that no longer exist.
Cascading upside down I rise into a world
on a distorted path of the less traveled.
I land on a solid platform of rocks and rubble.
filled with no sense of security I walk towards a figure with a face of light projecting old memories onto a wall of painted pain.
It’s filled with uncomplimentary colors devoid of all light.
I float to the wall that was created on the tears of bad luck and I paint my yellow light down the wall in a single stroke.
It ages instantly becoming duller but
The yellow remains moving along with the other colors.
I move my hand against the wall as I am pulled upwards and I can no longer touch it and it eventually vanishes away.
I float higher looking up towards a light.
it engulfs me, now it is all that surrounds me.
Leaving my shadow with nowhere to land, so I caress them in my arms.
I hear clicking and I close my eyes.
"Have all the opportunities passed?
Have all the paths ended?"
I feel the warmth of everlasting sunshine on my skin
and the sounds of calming winds and rustling leaves.
I open my eyes to see a bountiful blue sky
of puffy white clouds and rainbow rays of sunshine.
with emerald green grass forming to the shape of my hands
and with no sense of purpose, I smile.
feeling so stuck in time. and in ways I don't mind being stuck. I smile knowing there will always be a beautiful sky above me and a soft wind blowing even if I'm not there to see it. Stuck. Am i writer? a poet? a singer? actor? content creator? am I all of these things or none of them? How do I begin? How can i be seen by the world but feel safe at the same time? How do I do anything when I feel like I know nothing.