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I desperately hold on to
The remnants of my youth
As late autumn dying leaves
Getting older is such a scary thought...
I could never write
Anything remotely
As flawless as you do
So I'll fake it until
Someday I can find
Beauty in words too
It's hard not to feel like a fraud among such amazing writers here at hepo.
The weeds in our garden
Grew as fast as the pile
Of your unreplied letters
Such a sad race to behold...
In shadows deep, where whispers fade,  
Behind the walls, the women pray.  
Their dreams are bound in chains of fear,  
In lands where hope can't find its way.

A world that stifles every voice,  
Their cries of pain, without a choice.  
Beneath the veils, their stories hide,  
Silent tears they cannot show with pride.

For freedom's price is far too steep,  
A life where courage dares not speak.  
Each step they take, with cautious tread,  
In lands where even thoughts are bled.

Their wings are clipped by heavy laws,  
Yet still, they rise—despite the scars.  
With hearts of fire, unbroken will,  
Though pain runs deep, they're standing still.

In every glance, in every tear,  
Resilience grows where hate draws near.  
In the silence, strength is found—  
Women rise without a sound.

For even in the darkest night,  
They hold within a spark of light.  
No chain can hold what’s meant to soar,  
A flame that fights forevermore.
They hate us,  
Yes, they despise us,  
They copy us,  
They want to be like us,  
They can’t stand when we breathe.  

I know you are wondering who “they” might be,  
But I’ll tell you what “they” do to us:  
They have stolen and are still stealing our identity.  
They **** us, oppress us, and take our hard-earned positions.  

To them, we are just objects,  
Goods of no value.  
When they bark, they expect us to respond.  
They have caged us, taken the very little freedom we had.  
They don’t care about us.  

When will they leave us alone?
This poem is inspired by what women endure, on day to day basis,.
Its sickening and sad.
"Why do they hate us"
Cant ban me
Page wont load
All my views gone
You must be democrat
Cant even view my art
Silent voices
So important
Posts blocked
Posts regulated
Typical from dumb
I cant even move locations
What did i do to you
I been faithful
Thanks for your time
But like
Where the boss at
Fix my ****
Im a viral poet
Loading sign
I give up what you think about me.
It's probably all true anyway.
But what I think of you, is my problem, or my solution.
Depends on which way I want my day to go..

It's going well so far but I haven't met anyone yet.
NOTES - I don't think he said this....

Jesus describes three kinds of soil
Upon which we labor. Toil.

1. We disburse seed upon the edge
Of the way, the trodden verge
There no soft place to plant is found
Hungry birds peck seed from ground.

2, The second type produces shoot
Joyful! Laughing! But no root.
No soil but rock 1 inch under
The seedling dies, it's no wonder...

3. This growth's root indeed goes down
But a choking **** beside is found!
The plant is stunted, has meager shoots
No wonder! It had twisted roots!


Now, there was a different kind of ground called Faith,
It buried seed and gave it grace.
The loam produced so much grain
The Soft soil and spirit rain!
So much fruit grew right there
that harvesting workers laborers shared!

There's a difference between belief and faith
Only the last will see God's face.
Only deep roots produce rich trees
One must dig deep to produce these!

SoulSurvivor aka
Write of Passage
Algo was a lonely lad.
He walked without a mate.
Cause every where that Algo went
He would always hesitate.

It got real bad, this loneliness
That made him out of step
So he thought about his ole great flame
Rhythm was there, she slept.

They’re married now.
They watch a lot
And then they sprung their trap

Of marriage  is what I’m talking about
The world was not watching for that.

And now they sing a song of love
To watch and wait and see
And Algo Rhythm Jr. was born,
To make your life, his sea

He swam and watched and pushed a lot
Reported back to me.
We’re Algo Rhythm Sr. now, we do just what we want.

In this world they say is free today.
We're here to praise............and haunt.............
and taunt.…
NOTES – “Bad Algo” - 91024
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