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Jan 2021 · 454
SiouxF Jan 2021
Oh to be wrapped in your arms,
your heartbeat
your warmth
your love
right now,
in our comforting
just you,
just me,
just breathing,
just being,
just loving,
Just us
for all of
Jan 2021 · 121
The Bedouin
SiouxF Jan 2021
He noticed her as soon as she glided purposefully, yet gracefully, in to the centre of the extravagant feast, her elegant wrists and ankles adorned with tinkling bells and colourful ribbons, her vivid costume embroidered with decorative beads, sequins and coins.

The men were gorging on the remains of the sheep’s head which had been slaughtered, as was the custom, to celebrate the successful return of the sheikh from his latest raiding expedition.  The silver trays laden with sumptuous dates, grapes, almonds and watermelons.  The camel hair tent covered with exotic, lavish furs to keep the bracing desert winds at bay.

The desert dweller was hosting important guests from a nearby clan, keenly trading news and enthusiastically discussing the breeding of his famed Arabic stallion.  Yet his conversation ceased mid-flow, the words left hanging in the air, enthralled and captivated from his first glance of her.  Her elegant ****** features, high cheek bones, blood red luscious lips, and jet black hair, she was striking to all who gazed upon her.

"I must have her" he muttered under his breath, even as his four wives and six concubines were waiting in the wings to pander to his every need, anticipating which one would receive his undivided attention tonight.  However, they all paled into insignificance next to this manna from heaven, this visceral feast upon the senses.  Though this did not pass unnoticed under the watchful scornful eyes of wife number one.

The haunting Arabic music began.  The opulent dancer moved slowly at first interpreting her emotive gestures to the sound of the three-string rebab, coyly, coquettishly, teasingly.  Yet, she was anything but coy.  You could sense her wildness, her passion, her animalistic instincts simmering under the surface. She was untamed, and determined to remain so, yet aware of her allure on the hot blooded males.

The Bedouin stared at her, could not take his eyes off her, just as she captivated them all with her beguiling beauty while weaving her magic throughout the room.  All but one that is.

The mesmerising melody picked up, her hips shimmying to the Badawi beat, skirt tassels swirling, slender arms accentuating evocative gestures, creating sensuous shapes, texture and depth to the melodic mystery unfolding before them.

As the music paused so did she, directly in front of him as he reclined on the cushions, defiantly, passionately staring straight into his eyes, as she grabbed his just refilled wine goblet.  He watched the droplets enticingly trickle down her exquisitely defined chin as she devoured it in one, and ached to kiss those ruby red lips.

And with that she was off again, twirling and swirling, twisting and circling, tossing her head in synch with the frenzied beat, holding the whole room in the hypnotic palm of her hand.  The stirring rhythm rose to a crescendo and so did she, spinning mesmerisingly round and round, heart thumping, wild eyes blazing, and as the last beat of the darbuka sounded and faded away, she paused one last time, and so did the breath of everyone present, enchanted as they were with her captivating spellbinding performance.  Only he noticed the fear in her eyes, the pallor of her skin, the tiny beads of sweat above her top lip, as she slid silently yet elegantly to the floor.  Everyone was on their feet, applauding madly, demanding an encore, while he rushed over and held her in his muscular arms.  "My love" he whispered, passionately kissing her and thanking her for that all too fleeting moment of pleasure, ecstasy and bliss.  Too late.  Her last precious breath ebbed away from her forever.  Unknowingly, unwittingly, her life for his life with that one innocent sip of wine.

He was incensed.  His unfulfilled lust transformed into outright fury and rage.  His animated roar "I will find you, whoever you are and avenge her.  An eye for an eye.  You will not rest easy in your bed until you have a dagger through your heart" ringing in the perpetrator's ears as she, hidden in the shadows, slinked away silently into the cold dark night.
I appreciate this is a poetry site, but I have committed to sharing my creativity journey, and this prose definitely fits into that.
Inspiration often comes to me in the middle of the night, and I wrote this just before Christmas 7 years ago, when I was suffering from flu and unable to sleep. I wasn’t very creative at that stage having never written anything since school, but inspiration came when least expected and the words started to tumble out from nowhere.
I grabbed my iPhone. Hurrah for technology and not having to turn the lights on!
This is what I created that night, almost verbatim from its first inception, other than to check factual accuracy and to descriptively embellish it. I hope you enjoy it.
Dec 2020 · 890
You Are
SiouxF Dec 2020
You are
The glistening snowflake,
The valiant snowdrop,  
The fragrant cherry blossom,
The shimmering ocean, and
The abundant harvest,
I am there for you and you for me,
All year round
My sweet love.

You are
My ray of sunshine,
My shooting star,
My waxing moon,
My rainbow magic,
My inspiring muse, and
The meaning in my life,
I love you
With all my heart.

You are
The sunshine in my step,
The smile on my lips,
The twinkle in my eye,
The timbre in my voice,
The tenderness in my touch and
The passion in my kiss,
I’ll always love you
And a day.
I found the remnants of this old poem while sorting out some paperwork which surprised me as I didn’t know I’d attempted poetry before. I tidied it up so it flowed and sounded better but the draft wasn’t too bad for an initial foray into poetry.
Shame the love didn’t last forever either!
Dec 2020 · 218
SiouxF Dec 2020
Mind blown
Scattered remnants of
Previous thoughts
Past beliefs
Imploded into a million shards
Lying in tatters and dust
All around

Leaving a void
An emptiness
A space
New thoughts
New beliefs
New ways of being

But for now
Laid bare
For all who see
Dec 2020 · 94
The Snail
SiouxF Dec 2020
Struggling through life
With the weight of the world on his back
The snail keeps on moving forward
Slowly but surely
Leaving a contrail of slime behind
Yet with hope of greater things to come
Dec 2020 · 63
Dec 2020 · 392
SiouxF Dec 2020
i want someone to wrap me inside the warmth of their body.
i want someone to protect me in the strength of their arms.
i want someone to hold my heart in the palm of their hands.
i want someone to still my mind.
i want someone to understand my pain.
i want someone to heal me.
i want someone to set me free.
I want that someone
This poem was inspired and adapted from Elias‘ poem ‘my fault’ who kindly gave me permission. Thank you 🙏🏻
Dec 2020 · 93
SiouxF Dec 2020
Everyone is a keeper of secrets,
Little white lies
Sometimes big whoppers,
Even telling your child
Santa IS real.
But the most damaging, destructive and toxic
Are those you hide from yourself
Because the pain is too much to bear
Dec 2020 · 61
No Time To Waste
SiouxF Dec 2020
There’s no time to waste,
Live with passion and purpose,
Love with all your heart, and
Bring joy, kindness and peace
To all you meet
Dec 2020 · 46
SiouxF Dec 2020
Life is precious,
We never know when it will be taken from us,
So enjoy every moment
And live like it will be your last.
No more time to be serious,
To carry the weight of the world on your shoulders,
Let go of grudges, perceived slights and those who wronged you,
Learn the lessons
And trust,
For there is hope in the now.
Live every moment
With childish curiosity
Wonder and awe
Appreciate everyone in your life
See the light and good within them
Know they are struggling too
So do what you can to
Lighten their load
Ease their burdens
And bring joy to their day
By pouring yourself into them
And in so doing
You will bring joy and peace
To yours
In return.
Dec 2020 · 102
SiouxF Dec 2020
Falling through your fingers like sand,
Even though highly treasured
For its beauty, care and grace,
It is no much yours
As is the raging sea.

The only certainty
Is God,
For those who believe of course,
And death of this mortal coil
With all its suffering.

Awaiting the
Return of the rising sun
The glory of Jesus,
And to be welcomed
Into the warm embrace

Of my one and only saviour.
Only he can release me
From this relentless toil
And pain
And hard fought lessons of life
Dec 2020 · 36
SiouxF Dec 2020
Once again
To the sleepy seductiveness,
Eyelids drooping,
Breath deepening,
Drifting off
In the arms of Morpheus,
Yet sofa bound,
Til waking in the early hours,
Neck taught,
Limbs frigid,
Dragging leaden feet upstairs
To the comfort of my waiting bed
And dreamless sleep.
Dec 2020 · 241
The Butterfly
SiouxF Dec 2020
Never settling,
A dainty butterfly
Flits from
flower to flower,
Imbibing fragrant nectar, while
Revealing moments of glory with a
Flash of its multicoloured wings,
In betwixt the dull brown underside
Reflecting life’s drudgery
And the yin and yang of existence.
Dec 2020 · 314
SiouxF Dec 2020
Look for the stillness,
The peace and
The quiet,
For that is where you will find
your purpose,
Along with
And salvation.

So quieten your chaotic demanding cynical monkey chatter,
Take time,
To breathe,
And breathe again.
Then notice,
The diversity of
Sights, sounds and touch
That’s all around you.
The vibrant colourful hues of nature’s forest,
The gentle touch of wind’s breath upon your skin,
The melodic mesmerising waves of the sea,
The warming glow from sun’s golden orb.
Take time
To breathe
Long, deep and slow,
To go inwards,
To reconnect,
Mind, body and soul.
What is your body saying to you?
What message is it offering you?
What sensations are crying out
For you to listen, to hear, to understand?
What do you need to learn
From the deep wise voice
Deep inside you?
Dec 2020 · 310
SiouxF Dec 2020
A life ill spent
Through no fault of my own,
But drowning
In a muddy well
Of confusion
And pain
And oblivion,
Obnoxious toxic stale fetor
Permeating every pore and inhalation
As people passed on by,
Stuck inside their own dazed state of busyness,
Unseeing, unknowing, unaware,
Until one had the grace
To stop and notice
The floundering and muffled cries for help
And reach out a hand,
Unnoticed at first,
Then wilfully ignored from deep
Feelings of unworthiness,
But their strength
Steadfast manner
And the grace of God
Won through in the end,
Patiently reassuring time and time again
Their intention was true and honest,
They did care,
They could be trusted
To not let go,
The forged in stone connection could not be broken
By man or foe,
In spite of devilish attempts to the contrary,
So I reached out my hand
To grasp
This longed for beacon of hope,
Tentatively at first,
Fingertips brushing gently against each other, but
Slowly and surely,
Step by step,
Bit by bit,
Until the foregone conclusion,
And Phoenix like,
Though blind and bedraggled
With muddied feathers for sure,
I am risen from a well of melancholia and oblivion,
To the bright light of day,
Drinking in the hitherto unknown golden orb,
And breathing in the fragrant rose bloom
Of hope and emancipation.
Nov 2020 · 45
Sink or Swim
SiouxF Nov 2020
Sink or swim,
That is the question.
The seductive abyss,
Or the choppy waves,
Which choose you?

The mermaid of the deep
Seductively calling
My name,
“Come hither,
Come rest your weary head”.
No! It’s a lie!
There’s no rest in that direction,
Only torment and pain and confusion.
So reluctantly at first,
I rise above it,
I feast my eyes beyond,
I float,
And swim safely to shore,
Slowly, exhaustedly,
But more
Stronger every time,
I resist the urge
To drown
Nov 2020 · 39
Treading Water II
SiouxF Nov 2020
Finding myself
Treading water,
Arms and legs flailing,
Trying hard to keep my head above the waves,
Rather than succumb,
To the
­of the

But this time,
Before it has a chance to ensnare me in its grip,
I lift my head,
I look to heaven,
And I smile,
Knowing I can choose now,
To instead rise above,
And not only that, but
Fly high above the turmoil
To my destiny and
My freedom
Freedom hope
Nov 2020 · 37
SiouxF Nov 2020
I am so grateful
To those who went before me
Signposting the way,
Over and over,
Until I had the grace to listen
And to learn
And to respond.
And now it is my turn
To repay that kindness,
To pass it forward,
And signpost the way to those behind me
With love, patience and kindness.
Nov 2020 · 212
Today I Choose
SiouxF Nov 2020
I choose
A different way
To the well worn path of old,
I choose
To let go
Of all that’s holding me back,
My limiting beliefs,
My damaging thoughts,
My hurtful words,
My self flagellation.
I choose
To let go
Of all I thought was wrong with me,
Of how worthless I used to feel,
Of being downtrodden with no voice.
I choose to
Rise above the ashes
Of past thoughts, negative feelings and broken dreams,
And step into who I truly am,
Who I choose to be,
Who I’m meant to be,
Knowing God is within me and all around me.
I choose
To trust
All is well.
Is a brand new day,
An opportunity
To start living my life,
Truly living,
With love, joy, kindness and compassion,
Patience, faithfulness and grace
Nov 2020 · 85
SiouxF Nov 2020
Give hope,
A word of encouragement here,
A sprinkling of joy there,
A possibility of light at the end of the tunnel,
A compliment and a smile,
And that’s how you’ll change the world,
One step at a time,
One person at a time.
Nov 2020 · 65
SiouxF Nov 2020
All you need to do is send
When overtaken by dementors,
When stuck in a web of loneliness,
When wallowing in a well of self pity,
Just three characters is all it takes,
S O S,
And in response
A kind word,
How can I help?
What do you need right now?
Would you like to talk?
Or to pray for you?
But you need to ask for help
You need to send that
Nov 2020 · 63
Trust Is A Choice
SiouxF Nov 2020
Trust is a choice,
We choose to trust
Or we choose to mistrust,
Often based on our past
Rather than the moment and the person in front of us,
Choosing to tarnish them with the same brush
As those who mistreated us
Those who did not have our best interests at heart.
Trust is a choice,
But do yourself a favour
And trust from the present
Trust from the heart
Trust until proven to the contrary
Nov 2020 · 50
Leap of Faith
SiouxF Nov 2020
There’s two ways to live,
One is expansive.
The other restricting.
One is joyous.
The other painful.
One is unknown.
The other known.
But the uncomfortable comfort zone is no place to be.
Take a leap of faith
For it is only then you will learn to fly,
Like the baby bird leaving the safety of its nest for the first time,
It’s what it was destined to do.
So although it feels strange and scary,
It’s the only way to love, joy and freedom.
So trust,
Throw yourself off the cliff
With wild abandon
And wait for the wonderful experiences,
The dizzying heights,
The low valleys and dales,
Knowing God has your back
And you are fearless and undefeatable with God in your heart
Nov 2020 · 90
Before And Now
SiouxF Nov 2020
Before I knew no other way
Only shown how to stay small
How to be insignificant
Now I know better
I choose a different way,
For now I know
I am valued
I am loved, and
I am worthy
of so much more
Nov 2020 · 183
Today I Choose
SiouxF Nov 2020
Today I choose

Actively choose what is good,
Shed what no longer serves you,
Step into who you want to be
And trust all will be well
For you have more power than you realise
To create the life you want
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