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Nov 2020 · 51
Remember II
SiouxF Nov 2020
We are here to remember who we are,
To become our true selves,
Not to learn, because we already know deep inside,
We just need to remember.
And you’ve had more than enough experience of what you’re not over the years,
Now is the time to experience what and who you really are,
To live with joy, love and passion,
Now is the time to let go of the fear and everything that’s been holding you back,
To be kind, to you and everyone,
To trust others and yourself.
With every thought, word and deed
Now just breathe and relax and enjoy the ride!
Nov 2020 · 63
Remember I
SiouxF Nov 2020
Listen to your inner voice of wisdom,
Notice the signs and people around you,
For they are there to help you remember,
To remember who you truly are,
A wondrous amazing being,
Know you are loved
Whatever, wherever and whenever you err,
Because you have free will
It’s down to you,
It’s your choice to live from love,
Or from fear,
But know you will receive back what you dish out,
You will attract what you focus on,
So choose wisely
Nov 2020 · 55
Choose Love
SiouxF Nov 2020
Choose love not fear.
Two choices with every thought, word and deed.
After 50 years of living in fear,
Now is the time to let go,
To experience love and joy,
To let love in your heart,
To start truly enjoying this life,
And appreciate the world around you in all its glory and wonder
Nov 2020 · 38
The Power of Tone
SiouxF Nov 2020
A tone of voice can be many things,
It can hurt
It can wound
It can make or break a relationship,
It can soothe
It can repair
It can show compassion and care,
It can be
Or it can be

Be aware of the power of tone
How it can lovingly embrace,
Or slice through bone.
Listen out for what is behind others’ words
As well as your own,
Be clear with your intention,
Be kind
Be compassionate
Be forgiving
To all
With all you say,
Including to yourself
Nov 2020 · 45
Listen II
SiouxF Nov 2020
Open your ears
And listen,
Truly listen,
With an open mind,
With no pre-conceived false slights
Tainting what you hear,
No black tinted spectacles
Marring your view,
No perceived attack
Altering your perception.
Just listen,
Truly hear,
The tone of voice,
The intention behind the words,
Know what is really being said,
And understand
The truth of the matter
Nov 2020 · 33
Love Trumps II
SiouxF Nov 2020
Love trumps fear
The end
Nov 2020 · 42
Love Trumps I
SiouxF Nov 2020
Love trumps fear
Love trumps all
All you need is Love
Nov 2020 · 51
You’re Safe Now
SiouxF Nov 2020
It’s safe now
You’re home now
You can come out now
From behind the barbed wire
Of your troubled mind of turmoil and strife
With its venomous insults, fear and pain.
I invite you my beautiful vulnerable imperfect child
To come into the light
To experience the grace of God
To know all is well now
You are free now
You can laugh now
You can live now.
Surrender and
Give yourself
To God
And know
You are loved
And accepted
Beyond all compare
You are safe now
You are home now
Nov 2020 · 95
The Cloak of Shame
SiouxF Nov 2020
Oh that cloak of shame,
Seductively swaddling us in its clutches,
Affecting every thought, every decision, every action,
Hiding our light,
From others,
From ourselves,
Weighing upon us,
Dragging us down,
Exhausting us,
So that even putting one foot in front of the other
Is a struggle,
A challenge to stay afloat,
When all you need to do
Is undo the knot at the throat
And throw off this stubborn, worthless dastard imposter
To reveal the glory
The wonder
The joy
That is you
Nov 2020 · 78
A Slave To Fear No More
SiouxF Nov 2020
A slave to fear no more
We are God’s children,
And I accept I’m a daughter of God
A heir of god
Co-heir with Christ
Sharing in his sufferings and his glory,
I may face rejection or opposition
In this topsy turvy world of ours,
But with faith and God’s backing
I stand strong
In the face of all adversity
Nov 2020 · 49
Humility Prayer II
SiouxF Nov 2020
Oh Lord,
Give me patience,
And­ kindness,
Towards myself and others,
And ever lasting gratitude
For your perseverance
And tenacity
In never giving up on me,
And for your unconditional love
For all of me,
Warts and all,
Eternally yours
Thank you.
Nov 2020 · 45
SiouxF Nov 2020
What will it take to remember
I AM enough
I AM deserving
I AM loved
By Him at least,
And to know
It will all become easier
When I learn to accept
And let go?
Nov 2020 · 143
Another Way To Be
SiouxF Nov 2020
I’ve been through such deep seated pain for so long,
Like a knife to the heart being twisted and dug in deeper each day,
For 50 long years,
Like a glutton for punishment
Going back for more.
It’s taking time to know and understand there’s another way to be,
For my many wounds to heal,
For my barbs to soften,
For my defences to disintegrate,
And for my heart to fully open up and let love in
Nov 2020 · 55
Humility Prayer I
SiouxF Nov 2020
I know I am in need of humility Lord,
To throw off my shackles of insecurities,
Of needing to feel significant,
For only you need bear witness to the impact from my good deeds,
To know the impression from concentric rings
Of my thrown stones of kindness
Rippling out in the water of life.
Not others.
Not me.
I just need to let go,
To trust you,
To trust others,
To trust me,
And know the timing is ok,
I’m here now,
Imperfect yet ready
To serve you in whatever way you have chosen for me,
And to throw myself into others with kindness and compassion,
Starting with myself.
And to know I have your divine strength to help me bravely fight and overcome evil,
So I drown no more in the murky mud and tangled weeds of tumbled thoughts of negativity and insults,
And instead show others the way
Of truth.
Nov 2020 · 120
The Edge
SiouxF Nov 2020
“The edge is not the limit....
It's only the starting point!”
You shout as you hurl yourself off the cliff
Into the unknown,
No need to be fearful of the unexplored,
No need to hold yourself back no more,
For the unknown is where the joy and adventure is,
Where hidden delights and pleasure  
And hitherto unrevealed love and kindness
Are patiently waiting for you
To take that leap of faith
And to welcome you
Into the unknown
Into the bliss
Nov 2020 · 91
Choice II
SiouxF Nov 2020
Life is simple,
Two choices,
Fear or Love,
But the outcome is immense
Depending on which you desire,
A life of rejection,
Or a life of connection,
Fear or Love
What choose you?
Nov 2020 · 75
A Sign
SiouxF Nov 2020
Today I ask for a sign oh Lord
That you do truly exist
To help me believe
And take a leap of faith
So I know, in spite of my many errors and faults
And tangled thoughts that tie me up in knots,
There is hope
There is purpose
There is love
I am loved
You love me
I love me
Nov 2020 · 137
SiouxF Nov 2020
As human beings
We need to believe in something,
Otherwise we drift through life
Not reaching our potential,
For we are all here to help one another
To lift each other up
To support and guide and care.
Without faith and belief
We feel disconnected
Our ego and self absorption
Hiding us from the truth,
Our truth,
Increasing separation
And discombobulation,
Rather than connection
And Oneness
With all living things.
What to believe in is up to you and based on your culture and what you’ve been told,
Though be careful of man made religion designed to control according to human narrative,
But God is a good starting point.
A higher being connecting all of us through love not fear,
Who is always there for us
In love, compassion and forgiveness
No matter who we are or what we do
We only need to ask and invite Him in.
Nov 2020 · 119
What’s Wrong With You?
SiouxF Nov 2020
‘What’s wrong with you?’
Was the bane of my childhood.
Without waiting for my answer,
Found lacking
And sentenced
Without me even uttering a word in my defence
Other than protestations of unfairness and injustice,
All swept aside and ignored
For my voice carried no weight or import.
Then punished whether guilty or not.
And even now still hung, drawn and quartered without my side of the story being heard or even asked.
Found guilty
And sentenced
In absentia.
When what I need now is a supportive
‘What happened to you?’
With empathy
With compassion
And a gentle caring ear
Nov 2020 · 59
Life As An Extra
SiouxF Nov 2020
Bucket list item,
A dream come true,
In my 50th year
An extra in a film,
Not just any film,
But big feature film with famous stars!
5:30am early start,
Breakfast in individual covid pods,
Undergarments on,
Hair and makeup,
Outer clothes on,
Boots brushed,
Creases steamed,
Lipstick touched up,
Hair curled and sprayed within an inch of its life,
Top to tail inspection,
Bussed to holding area,
Hours of waiting,
Deep and meaningful conversations,
Histories divulged,
Books devoured,
Ping pong with sellotaped paper ***** and paper plates!,
3 meals a day
Preened and touched up some more,
Line up
Yet another inspection,
Walk to set.
Back to holding area.
Walk to set,
This time we’re on.
Sometimes told where to start,
Other times make it up yourself,
With very little direction.
1930’s German,
Unshapely winter coat and thick woollen tights
Looking 20 years older ******!
Walking along German street
Trams and old cars,
And mashed paper snow!,
Glancing in shop windows
As the main protagonists walk on by,
Sometimes repeat after repeat after repeat after repeat
Of 10 seconds of filming from every angle,
And others wrapped after 1-2 takes.
Freezing cold, rain, sun, never puts us off,
******* screens to block out the sun
Blue screens at the end of the street and the top of buildings,
Sheltering from the rain in shop doors in between takes,
Bonnets on, masks on,
Get in position, bonnets off, masks off.
“Rolling” they shout,
Klaxon sounds,
“Action vehicles”,
“Action background”,
Here we go again.
Oct 2020 · 58
Bystander No More
SiouxF Oct 2020
I’ve been an observer all my life
Eavesdropping on other people’s lives
A bystander
Not living at all
With people talking about me, around me, behind me, at me, but not with me.
Today I was in it
I was involved
I was a participant
I was part of adult conversation
I was equal
No longer on the edge
Looking in
But fully participating in my life
And it felt wondrous
And oh so new
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