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Lies in a bath tub,
filled to the brink.
He has tried to go under,
He has tried to sink.

He maneuvers his fingers slowly,
To the edge of the blade.
His goal is to only,
Make the memories fade.

But not much will change,
The more he will suffer.
Lets try again?
One cut after another.

Warm blooded,
The water turns red.
He is still alive,
He is not dead.

His hope is religion,
His strength he must trust.
Take all the bad memories,
Turn then to dust...
I was diagnosed with depression and I have struggled with life many days
 May 2014 Victoria Johnson
 May 2014 Victoria Johnson
Let's make a deal
that the smoke scented
taste of your tongue
will never leave mine.
Transcend your life,
don’t die
or say goodbye,
just rise into the sky,
look back and ask why…
have you ever been too scared to ask why?
I have.
My own thoughts left me with a black eye.
But it’s alright.
I don’t cry,
just find my vibe,
ride out the night.
I’m alright.
Can you tell that I’m lying?
Can you tell that I’m crying?
I’m alright,
it’s all behind.

Dark poetry by Vladislav Vagner
I am a collection of scars.
Each tells a story.
Some from a childhood of laughter and a carefree attitude,
others from lonely nights in the shadows with anxiety riddled thoughts pressing down on me;
as I pressed down on the blade.
Excerpt from a short story I am writing.
I should be happy.

I woke up alive and well,
I should be happy.

I have new books to read,
I should be happy.

I have 490 songs on my iPod,
I should be happy.

I have good grades in school,
I should be happy.

I have friends who I can talk to and fangirl with,
I should be happy.

I'm young, I have my whole life ahead of me,
I should be happy.

I should be happy,
I'm not happy.

The Beast rest
Don't get too close
You'll wake the Beast

It's very rare
For someone to get near
Without provoking Him

If you get near
He will awaken
He'll look into your heart
He'll see if you're worthy
He'll pass judgement
If you could come closer

He protects Me
I protect Him
Many have hurt Him
Many cannot understand Him
Very few can

Beware the Beast
If you get too close
He'll watch you
If He senses danger
He'll defend Me

I will not restrain Him
I'll let Him feast upon
Those whom wish Us harm
So allow the Beast to rest
So don't get too close
Just keep your distance
For I won't be responsible
For what the Beast will do
Fate will make our paths cross
But is it what I want? My future is someone else's, and soon it will be yours.

People say we are for each other, but is it truly so? A companionable silence will follow but nothing will grow. They say time will bring us love
I think not. Acceptance will grow but not of love

Love eludes me in this destiny, this cage I'm trapped in
My choices are yours, your choices are others
We are what they define us to be.
Love for us - It's nothing but an illusion
The only love we will ever have is to forever be
In love
With the idea of love.
if I go out
I want to go
with a


something that will make them all stare

there's just something about that
that sounds so

© A. Leigh
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