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Feb 2019 · 1.0k
what do u think about that?
Sad Boy Feb 2019
Your friend wanted to beat my friend with a bat
What do you think about that?
Your friend wanted to hit my friend with a bat! ***** that’s ghetto, **** that!
What do you think about that?
What do you
What do you think about that?
Guys leave me a comment saying how you feel about that and make sure you follow me thanks love ya
Oct 2018 · 945
Sad Boy Oct 2018
Do you wanna know what happened or are you good?
Is it cool that I tell them what I did?
In order to get over you I had to be like...
Collect their hearts and put them in jars like
You, boo...
Brandon’s song Verse 1
Aug 2018 · 1.8k
I don’t know?
Sad Boy Aug 2018
Who are you?
& who am I?
You held my hand and made it fine
I cried in the cab, accepting the  fact
That I’m with a boy and it feels ******* right
Acceptance is key, you see I never had it
I’m a freak in my body, a leech, & an addict?
For Brandon
Jul 2018 · 1.3k
Sad Boy Jul 2018
My loneliness is killing me
And like Britney sang; I still believe
But I lose my mind when I’m with you
And think clearly without you
But I’m not waiting for a sign
Because I still have bruises from when you hit me... baby one more time
... Baby One More Time (1998) by Britney Spears
Jul 2018 · 7.0k
Emotional Baggage
Sad Boy Jul 2018
It wasn’t fair
Here take it all
Fix it
I never should’ve
Let me fix you
I shouldn’t have
I wanna fix you
So you fix me
But what’s here to fix ?
I can’t fix you
You can’t fix me
I wasn’t ready for you
You’re a challenge
You challenge me
I can’t have you
I don’t want you
Yes I do
Maybe I’ll always want you
But who cares
You don’t
Do I care ?
I never came
I didn’t wanna cause you pain
But I did
And you cause me pain
We abused each other
I’m gonna let you go
It hurt so much
But I have to
Because if you love someone
You have to
I’m sorry
I’m sorry for being so obsessive
For being so possessive
But what you did wasn’t right
You didn’t really help the fight
I don’t know what else to say
Ok bye I hope you have a nice day
Jul 2018 · 9.0k
Sad Boy Jul 2018
Is he a *******
Or is he just sad?
Is he a player?
Or is he just mad?
Jul 2018 · 24.7k
Lana Del Gay
Sad Boy Jul 2018
I hope I don’t see anyone I know
I need to be high to enjoy the show
It’s wearing off can we please go?
Come back to my place we’ll snort some blow
Inspired by EP
Jul 2018 · 2.1k
Sad Boy Jul 2018
Weather’s colder than I thought
Where is my Über?
Jul 2018 · 283
Sad boy
Sad Boy Jul 2018
Why is he sad?
Why is he blue?
Does life mean anything to you?
He can be wild
He can be free
Yet he acts like he’s in captivity

He goes to check on himself
To make sure he’s still worthless
Tell me boy do you feel useless ?

This sad boy’s truth is truer than true
His pain is real like me and you
But this sad boy isn’t real anymore
He’s a sad man now, kicking down your door,  maybe one day he’ll find some peace or make his life a living art piece

— The End —