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2.1k · May 2015
School gates
Natasha George May 2015
I assured him I was okay,
insisted he'd go catch his train.

Though the meeting had shook me,
I knew how to stand and behave.

He told me
forget about today,
use camp as an opportunity for relaxation
and not to keep peering at that dense haze.

But I couldn't.
The truth burned and scalded my face.
Her lies felt like a wet blanket,
soothing all the ache.

It would be easier to oblige,
to push aside dreams of justice
and give in to her lies.

But, no I couldn't.
And I wouldn't.
Cause to do so I'd betray someone's trust.

Tear burned behind my eyes.
I told him once again that I was alright.

He let out a heavy side,
left me at the school gates.

Father knew I considered this my place.
My safe place.
My hiding place.
2.0k · May 2015
Mother knows best.
1.6k · May 2015
A dark figure
1.5k · May 2015
Split apart.
Natasha George May 2015
Let me scream till my lungs collapse.
I don't want to breathe without you.

Internally bleeding,
let me drown on my own blood.
I want this heart to stop beating.

Let me die tonight.
Let me die with you.

I can almost touch it,
I can almost grasp it,
that white bright light that's swiftly fading.

I don't want to,
but I'll have to.

I'll have to live without you.
And you'll have to die without me.
1.5k · May 2015
Hold me
Natasha George May 2015
Hold me, in your arms.
Rock me to sleep. Peaceful sleep.
Just hold me till dawn.
A haiku
1.2k · May 2015
An investigation
Natasha George May 2015
Her flash-light beamed,
making shadows crawl on the walls.

She gagged at the overwhelming smell,
trying to investigate what was going on.

Then her knees buckled.
Her stomach felt queasy .

Dark red.
A trail of blood stained the hall floor.

Really dull.
A pale hand lay limp from underneath the floorboards.

She turned off her flashlight,
footsteps echoed from afar.


Her flashlight remained on.
1.2k · Oct 2015
Lost at sea.
1.1k · May 2015
In cinders
Natasha George May 2015
Singing to tunes of Cinderella,
not knowing one day I'd listen again;
Tears burning behind these dull hazel eyes,
which have seen the lost
and been the innocent.

Aspects of me now lay in cinders,
you haven't completely burnt me yet.

My throat is parched.
My voice is raspy.
But I'm still here.

So stop
lighting up the fire place,
there's already so much ash up in here!

and just leave me be.
Aspects of me lay in cinders.
My life lays in ashes.
My bones wish to lay in peace.
1.1k · May 2015
Still I run
Natasha George May 2015
Sirens now screaming.
All I see is red and blue.

my feet hurt.

my lungs hurt.

I run.

I run
cause I can't stop.

I can't stop,
cause then the rest will catch up.

Sirens still screaming,
red and blue lights surround me.

Still I run.
769 · May 2015
Shatter me
Natasha George May 2015
Go ahead.
Shatter me!
My glass isn't half full,
it's empty.

I'm just another pretty thing
waiting to be fractured,
waiting to bleed.
You wanted some change,
so watch as my screams now morph me.

Go ahead.
Shatter me!
I'm tired of applying the ice,
set fire to something!

I've been numb for too long,
leaving things to decompose ,
making skeletons in my closet.

Shatter me!
Make me scream!
Make me bleed!
Make me
Make me
Make me break.

cause you can't scare me
if I scare you first.


The sickening laughter fades.
The smile dips down.
The denial ends.

You're scared.
I'm no longer fragile.
I'm a pristine gem.
350 · May 2015
Natasha George May 2015
I really liked you,
but then I soon figured out
I'm better off without you.
A haiku

— The End —