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ParisThePoet Oct 2014
The days are cold
My tree of life is filled with mold
Everything I build falls apart
So I end up alone with a broken heart

In my mind time stands still
Still like a window sill
Will true love ever come my way
Will I find somebody that will actually stay

No one knows whats going on through my head
Questions and more questions pop up as I lay in bed
My brain is confused From all the reality that I refuse

If only I had a clue
About what I'm going to do
Then I could snap out of it
But how this is going I don't think I'll ever get out of it
Old Poem after a breakup
ParisThePoet Oct 2014
A pregnant woman cries in bed
Why me is all she says
She was having twins and she lost one
In her head she can't believe he is gone
As time passes her sadness deepens
No more partying on the weekend
From now on there would be no fun
Staying awake until she can see the sun
She's been through this before
But this time the pain is too much to ignore
Her baby doesn't let her sleep
She tries to no avail so she weeps
However, she loves her baby
I would call that being a real lady
She's stressing hoping everything works out
Cause right now she has many doubts
I made this for my sister during her pregnancy. Iris is her name.
ParisThePoet Oct 2014
Emotions are the key
Love is the heart
If you agree then I hope you can see
That love is a wonderful work of art
ParisThePoet Oct 2014
Times are changing
The whole world is rearranging
Love is fading
What is the world evading

*** is now the new thing
But that's just temporary pleasure
In the end what does that bring
It's just people giving away their treasure

Love is what people should look for
Since it is amazing beyond measure
When you have love you don't need anything more
Because there is nothing better

Lust, addiction and obsession shouldn't be confused with love
These are different feelings
Those aren't feelings you should be proud of
You'll notice this the day you actually start seeing
ParisThePoet Oct 2014
Everyday I'm one step closer to the end of my life
Everyday there's a different fight to overcome
Everyday you have to give it your all and then some
No matter what you do problems arise
And if you don't handle them right it can lead to your demise
I'm tired of the lies
Fire in my eyes
No one will stop me now
Don't ask me how
You won't get an answer
I won't be a dancer
I won't dance around the situation
The only thing left is alienation
To be left alone
In my own little zone is all I've ever wanted
But that's far from the truth
I want someone to love for real
To someday seal the deal and be happy
To have someone to take my ****** days
And turn them around
Not one more sound
Cause thats all I've been wishing for
Old Poem I actually don't remember what made me write this.
ParisThePoet Oct 2014
Time passes away
But memories stay
Time is like money, you spend it
Just don't spend it on the wrong things
ParisThePoet Oct 2014
They say long distance is pointless
But with you I score
They say love less
But I can only love you more
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