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 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
Before the midnight comes
I'll lie by your side
and look into your
deep blue eyes
stroking your
soft blonde hair.
You'll hold my
hands and whisper
to me, "I love you,"
and I'll press you
against me till I feel
your heart beating against
mine, and then I'll
whisper in you ear,
"Well don't."
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
Your ebony hair is the night personified,
Or maybe it's all just in my mind,
But I can't forget how graceful you seem in stride,
Like an angel made of clouds caught in mid-glide,
Yes, I do mean to say that you are heavenly,
And my heart's door awaits your entrance readily,
I hear there is a certain kind of sadness to be found in beauty,
But your eyes seem unaware of this apparent reality,
I'm caught in a certain wrongness, something feels amiss,
And only then do I realize just how badly I'd like a kiss.
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
Your eyes, your face, your hair, your lips,
Your smile, your skin, your curves, your hips,
When I wake I crave your face, when I sleep I crave your dreams,
Your laugh is my nectar and your touch is my wine,
Your existence my world, my lingering lifeline,
I'm drunk on your words and high on your presence,
I long for your laughter and get off on your whispers,
You are an addiction that seeps deep into my soul,
As vile as a poison and as dark as coal,
But I'd still walk a thousand miles, to bask in your beauty,
A beauty so surreal it defies reality,
And I'd still trace your face in my every waking moment,
Counting the seconds till I can see you again,
Even though every second with you is nothing but pain.
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
True love doesn't exist, and neither does "The One",
                              You marry the person who ****** you off the least.
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
He was born with a builder's hands,
But has a poet's heart,
In reality he is a slave,
But in his mind he is free,
The shackles, they bind him to these lands,
They exist, but they are not for us to see,
For they are mental constraints, and they cannot be shaken loose.
But there is freedom in all things, even in slavery,
We cannot see this though. He can.
He's different from us. Where we see endings and walls, he sees milestones,
Who is this man, who will wait for the night, till the cold claims his bones?
Who is this man, who prefers the night to the day for it bears the audience of the stars?
Who is this man, who knows not the art of speech, but makes men cry with his words?
Who is this man, who gazes upon a girl and sees not a girl, but a universe and perfection?
Who is this smith who craft's blades strong but forges hearts adamantine?
He is a wordsmith.
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
That awkward boy in the corner.
He walks oblivious through the school halls,
His arms are crossed in front of him like a shield,
A shield to block out the pain hidden in these whitewashed walls,
His backpack is slung across his back, weighing him down,
Amongst other things.
If you look closely you can see the tears in his downcast eyes,
His shoulders aren't hunched from the weight of his books.
No, they're burdened by the fears he dons like a burial shroud,
So he stays away and keeps his head down, ignoring their looks,
Where others have friendships and love, this boy has spaces,
Screaming teachers and bullies clamor in his dreams, with hollow faces.
This world it holds nothing for him, but in his mind he is free,
In his mind he is not an outcast, in his mind, he is not me.
But he does not live in his mind. Reality has never been kind,
It deals out impossible hands and leaves the good ones for you to find,
But this boy, he finds none. So every night he writes under the stars,
For they are his only friends, the words and stars. They reach out to him through steel bars.
They comfort him. But each day the sun rises and they leave,
Just like everything else. The pain is a constant, but he feels it none,
His lips run red with his own blood, and his side it aches from kicks and blows,
The fear and pain, it consumes his body and craves him whole,
It threatens to engulf him, to damage and blacken his soul.
This boy he's covered in the darkness, smothered by it.
His world is cruel, filled with dreadful blackened souls,
And they march on his hopes and dreams, filling them with a million holes,
Escape is ephemeral, like everything, and everything crashes down eventually,
This world it holds nothing for him, so in his mind he makes his own,
In his mind he has friends, and in his mind, there is no pain at all,
The whitewashed walls are empty, and he has the stars and words for company,
In his mind there is no pain and he is free.
In his mind, he is no longer me.
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
The Wordsmith
What is love, someone asked me once,
Love is not when she is perfection.
Love is when she's ordinary, flawed,
And you accept her, flaws and all,
Because they make the perfection
That is her.
She is not a sub
And may never be
Her inner voice
Convinces her of
A different choice

But her spirit wails
And her body lusts
For hard physical passion
Power exchange
Seed and submission

If you play with her
Deliver strength
Back her to a wall
Kiss her hard
Command her jaw

Use her
Discipline her
Drop her to her knees
It’s what she needs, and
She loves to please
a fun little D/s poem about power exchange
 Jul 2015 Nobody's
Jamie Lee
I can smell your sweet cologne,
and my heart aches...

A warm flood of tears rush,
knowing that I cannot hold you,
or feel the warmth of your comfort,
for you are not next to me...

The place of beauty is your home,
surrounded by loving family.

The place of greed has become mine,
adapting so effortlessly...wanting,
all of you.

Another whiff of your cologne,
keeps the flood flowing...

As I face your side of the bed,
staring at the void that is left,
I sink deeper into despair...
with my need growing stronger.

Feeling as if I will not survive,
this uncontrollable flood,
quickly becomes heavier...
weeping for your presence.

I need to look into your eyes...
those gorgeous windows of yours,
to see that beautiful soul beneath;
to have my tranquility.

I need to be held in your arms...
listening to soft whispers of love,
experiencing that new feeling,
of being completely whole.

Only to my torture do I dare,
to brave another whiff...

I am reminded with wet warmth,
of how much I need you by my side.

I miss you like crazy...
as my broken flood gates,
have revealed.

Copyright ©2015 Jamie Johnson
I love you Jessica. Always and Forever!

Copyright © 2015 Jamie Johnson
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