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“Social media is taking over our lives,”
she tweeted angrily.
He pressed his nose up to a mirror—
No matter how close he got,
He still only saw who he could be.

He peered into a magnifying glass—
Looking longingly at his hands,
He still only saw who he wasn't holding.
 Sep 2020 Maria Hernandez
You were
like a rainbow
Beautiful to look at
But when I touched you
I felt nothing
 Sep 2020 Maria Hernandez
Yesterday we talked and I realized
we aren't the soulmates that I wanted us to be
We grow neither at the same pace
nor in the same direction
Maybe we've been soulmates one day
But I guess we've outgrown each other
Who was your ******* rock? The one you relied on when others relied on you? I was the keystone who kept you together and kept the others together unbeknownst to them. I was the bandage sealing the wound from the bacteria of the world, from the ill thoughts and mean-spirited things of the world. I was your ******* crutch that supported you and helped you stand upright in this world. But just like a crutch, like a bandage, I was discarded once the problem was summarily handled. I hope you bleed out next time.
This is the first thing I've written in months. Nothing like anger to make someone impassioned, heh? Either way, I just had to get something out or this was going to eat me up.
 Sep 2020 Maria Hernandez
Noah H
I couldn't tell you the exact amount of time that has passed since the last time I saw you
It has to be at least two summers
I haven't felt you in what seems like decades
But your still invade my dreams some nights, a hostile presence in unwelcome territory
I'm just trying to think of ways to destroy you
I want to take every minute I ever shared with you and tear them apart like paper
I want to cast hooks into your body and rip out every single "I love you" I've ever said
I want it to hurt
I want you to bleed
I want you to bleed for every "I love you" you made me believe
I want to take back every smile I ever gave you
I'm so ******* angry
How is it that I'm still afraid
Just the knowledge that I live in the same state as you is enough to tie my stomach in knots

I hate you
And I want to erase you
I can't say for sure if I would go back and redo it all
You taught me something
You must've taught me something
But no one taught you anything
So you played too rough and broke something
And I can't even find what you broke

You'll always be a ruiner

You're going to run out of things to ruin eventually and then you'll just be left all alone, surrounded by the rubble you created

And I can't wait
The only thing that hurts worse
than losing someone, is the
anticipation between when
you realize they won’t last forever
and the point at which they are gone.

Like enjoying a nice night with old
friends, there is always the fear of
it coming to an end.

You try to drown it out, and for a
short time it works, but like
painkillers, in the end it
only hurts worse.

This sort of pain, is often kept quiet.

Humans are trained, to just try and hide it.

With that being said, the only thing to do.

Is put on a smile, and pretend it does not affect you.
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