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4.3k · Jun 2015
Untitled (playfully)
M Crux Alexander Jun 2015
Playfully, on my *****
did her ******* painfully prance
teasing us...then tangled together
promising to tell those thoughts forever
My heavy hands
   hovering high over
   your hips:
It's so **** to see
   such a salaciously slow

all just **** fun   >:]
4.2k · Feb 2015
Crazy vs Abuse
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
My heart weighs so heavy
pulling my neck to the ground
struggling to breathe
too cloudy to see
All I need
is to just lie down
Wanting to puke these feelings out
wanting to live without the doubt
of when I'll offend and when you'll shout
(by that I mean speaking hard & loud)
It's so odd that I'm to blame
for wanting to act and be treated the same

Either I'm ******* crazy
and losing my mind
or this is emotional abuse.

093014 ~ 12.49p
3.9k · Jul 2015
The Lion and the Bull
M Crux Alexander Jul 2015
The Lion and the Bull
The Wolf and the Crow
How we met and fell in love
is a mystery we may never know
But, here we are,
twenty years in
and we glare through glazed stares
wondering how to start again
Your freedom of expression
clashing against my sensitive ears
My rebellion against repression
is warring with your fears
How do we cross this battlefield
with our shields in the air?
With our spears raised high,
can we show that we care?
We're ready to fight
and we want to join sides
together against the odds
for the rest of our lives.

Astrologically, a Leo and a Taurus (I hear that's bad.)
In spirit, a Crow and a Wolf.
This is very hard work, but there has never been a more valuable prize.
1.7k · Jun 2015
A king and his queen
M Crux Alexander Jun 2015
dreaming in the early hours
of our hands clasped, breaths shared
away from commitments and bindings
owning the time for anything we dared:
long nights and long mornings
you're breakfast in bed
lazily tangled in affection
your head on my chest while poetry is read
I dreamed we called in--then ran away
made love (then again) to start our day
claimed life together like never before
a king and his queen, forevermore.
1.6k · Apr 2015
of wolf and lamb
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
in the breath of Mother, I pace
I wait.
I know of her coming;
it is inside me.
She is inside me.
Yet, I have never smelled her scent,
nor drank of her life.
I know of her like I know of the moon.
     I am pulled
into her path.
Years of flesh
could never wash away my hunger for her.
Even the sweetest cries of fallen prey
do not take
my mind from the moment
when we will finally meet.
It is my destiny.
My desire.

I lay here on the earth,
my body hidden.
My breathing shallow.
I can feel her near.
Years of waiting,
of feeling the slightest bit closer,
every moment has come to this.
I will be patient, still.

Faint sounds perk my ears,
drawing my attention to the distance.
My mind smells fear,
though I am nowhere near.
I am invisible.
The unseen.

Leaves rustle and my dark beauty emerges.
My heart slows,
for my instincts say NOW
But, I have waited so long,
I will relish this torture.

She is cautious and wary.
Eyes darting, knowing,
yet not seeing.
I am here, my love
Yet, silence is my steed.
I will be upon her before dawn.
Slowly, she creeps away.
Even slower, I follow.
She is never from my sight.
Never again
will her scent be an unknown memory.

Moment by moment
I feel her heartbeat stronger.
Am I getting closer?
No...I am further away.
I can hear her heart beat within my own.
Flutters within me
I have never known
tell me...tell me this is not my pulse.
It is hers, becoming mine.
As her blood will soon flow through me.
She shall strengthen me like no other.
She will complete me.

The forest grows thin
as we move towards light.
This is not my home.
Here, I do not feel right.
I feel like an intruder, a beast.
But, I cannot stop.
I am committed to this.
My life will continue
with her a part of me
or it will remain here and die.
So, I pursue.
       I hunt.
Closer I stalk,
narrowing the distance between my meal and I.
My hunger growls,
yet my throat does not.
The time nears that will join us into one.
Closer...              closer...            closer....
She stops and freezes.
She knows I am near.
Can she feel me as I do her?
Has her life been foreshadowed with my coming?
Does her body ache
or does it tremble in fear?
All that I am wishes to be nearer.

She moves...I take the moment to narrow the gap.
We are closer now than ever before.
I am the demon who shall devour this lamb.
I am the wolf,
I will consume her forever.

I smell her fear through my skin.
She calls to me...
to sink my teeth within
her voluptuous hide.
She freezes and turns my way.
How could she see me?
No, her gaze passes over me.
She just knows I am here.
As she turns away,
I spring from the ground.
I hear her cries as I fly through the air.

Finally, I am upon her!
Her cries muffled by my weight.
My teeth sinking into her neck.
Sweet, warm life
flowing down my throat
as I pin her harder to the ground.
She struggles violently.
Desperate for freedom
that she will never taste again.
She is mine!
Completely and irrevocably mine.
The more she struggles,
the deeper my bite sinks inside her.
Her passion flows hot into my throat.
Her body convulses as imminent death dawns.
Her heart synchs stronger with mine
as they pulse violently to Death's cadence.
Slowly, yielding, she gives herself to me.
Her body, her breath, her mind, her ***.
I drain them all and take her in.
I tear her skin, rip her flesh coming in.
I devour her life and her heart I win.

This is about raw, consensual emotional pursuit expressed in an allegory of a wolf hunting a lamb. Some is very raw, very primal, horrific..and that's how nature is. It is not intended to be direct correlations, but more the spirit of the pursuit from a hungry carnivore that knows only instincts. The woman is the love of my life, with whom I was in a LDR over the internet in the early 90's. We had limited contact and I drew upon this longing and desire to embody the wolf's hunger.
Whether you want to call this a poem or not is ok with me. Call it prose if you like. It was expressed from the same place that poetry flows within me.
M Crux Alexander Jul 2015
I am left defenseless
in a barrage of lust
My love has overtaken
all that's not us.

I dream you
I breathe in your want
I wake and I need you
a little more than before
You are my goddess
my coveted little *****
You give me everything
and I spank you for more
I hold you down
when you need to leave
I steal your breath
when you need to breathe
I love my goddess
when you're on your knees
Close your eyes
and see only me
I am the god
in which you'll believe.
a little ***** D/s irreligious fun  :]
1.1k · Feb 2015
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
What I feel is so confusing and so resentful,
resting like gritty stones in my stomach
Like a force-fed fowl fighting to smile
I swallowed down too much, too whole
Trying too hard to have a great time
Trying too hard to not agitate
Teeth clenched,
eyes not seeing the sights we flew around the world to see
I'm dragging you around
You're dragging me down
You want to relax
I want to explore
You just wanna go home
I never want to see that door
ever again.
I'm making myself miserable
Growing numb from the ache
I'm fighting so hard
because our lives are at stake
like a witch hunt in Salem
I feel the fires all around
But this burning doesn't feel like it used to
when we wrote so romantically to each other so long ago.

022015 ~ 12.42p
1.0k · Apr 2015
Knowing that I can
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Knowing that I can
Knowing what I am
Am I nothing more
than a wolf with a lamb?
...playing so precise
delaying to entice
my ****** appetite
Visions of incisions
to betray my true intentions
nothing means more
than for you to be delicious.
Straining in protest
I love it when you fight!
Knowing I'll ingest you...
but first, that painfully sweet bite.
Rakes down my back
inseminating your nails
the flames forcing me deeper
together in our hell.
playing with a willing partner
1.0k · Mar 2015
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
I've longed for you
for so many years
so many smiles
so many tears.
It's hard to believe
that when I go home
in the early eve
I won't be alone
I'll have you with me.

Cherishing these moments
like a dream come true
savoring every second
knowing we'll make it through
Beyond the struggles
of personality types
Learning to slow down
when we once would fight

Declaring to the world
that you are my Queen
no matter the reality
you're always my dream
Staring at your face
and touching your cheek
Here in this place
our love is so sweet

Never again,
my flower,
will I want another.
You're the petals, I'm the stem;
I support and you cover.
My strength and your beauty.
Protecting you and our love:
my dedication and duty
while the stars are above.

I love you...
as I was destined to.

979 · Mar 2015
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
I feel like we finally started seeing each other
last night when our hands were together
your words were soft
mine, understanding
working toward a life of forever
Who knew love could be this hard?
Back in the 90's
when the net was young
words were our life
like your name on my tongue
We grew closer and intimate
without the feeling of skin
We opened our hearts wide
and accepted the other within
As the years flew by
and distance reigned
life drove us apart
as though fate were feigned
But, together at last
through a fateful verse
I reached out and you answered
dispelling our curse
Now, a few years later
we fight hardest for our love
learning to embrace
when our instincts are to shove
I know we'll make it together
My faith is greater than the Pope's
We have the rest of our lives together
sharing passions & play, hearts & hopes
Symbolizing my commitment and desire
I've given you the hardest stone
You gave me in return
your heart and body to own

030415 ~ 12p
Sometimes true love isn't enough. Sometimes you have to work really hard to change yourself into the person you need to be that allows a relationship to flourish. Always you need hope and endurance to make it through. Recalling an amazing history that's torn my love from me and reunited us, again, many years later. We met on the internet when it was only text and we wrote poetry together, had long (expensive) talks on the phone and we grew to love each other from the inside out. Distance overwhelmed with a country between us and we grew apart. I measured every love after that by what we had and no one could ever live up to what I needed. Over ten years later, a poem rocks my day & forces it's way out through my heart. I sent it to her out of the blue and she responded, still missing me. We moved to the same town and fell back in love, determined to make it last for the rest of our lives.
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
rapacious dreams
of you and screams
haunt the seams
of incorporeal subsistence

(i miss your flesh)

title misspelling intended.
905 · Sep 2015
Morning Prayers / Torrent
M Crux Alexander Sep 2015
As I wake and walk in this torrent
I am filled with your love.
Soaked through
with every bit of me
loving you.
You tease and you play
with hips of heaven
and lips of promises
I'm still excited
...still in love,
and forever will be
for the rest of my days.

Walking to the train in the early morning in the pouring rain. It's dark, cold and wet...and all I can think about is the warmth of her love.
797 · Oct 2015
Moments into flaming time
M Crux Alexander Oct 2015
You turn moments into flaming time
Air to passion; your flesh becomes mine
I'm alive in a way I've never existed
Any desire no longer resisted

You belong to me outside of time
Forever beautiful and forever mine
My goddess is the one who set me free
I am finally alive now that she
is with me.

768 · Jun 2015
Morning Prayers / Old Flame
M Crux Alexander Jun 2015
Your image burns
eternal in my mind
Luscious lustful flame
melting through my rhyme
You illuminate my pages
and heat my quill
The passion for my muse
rages hotter, still.

756 · Apr 2015
Waking moments
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Waking moments
bring insecure pain
a Lycian soundtrack
to the constant rain
forever haunting the silence
sugar-coating the lies
with normalcy & compromise.
Still, I long to fear
   I hunger for fire
   to bring it near
   burning white beneath my skin
   sensations of living
   I miss within.
even within the darkness of depression, I still hungered for life.
741 · Feb 2015
Baring myself
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
I love being naked
walking around free in my home,
from the world and their judgements
their raised eyebrows and side glances

I love being naked
because it feels like my heart
although my heart bleeds
like a motorcycle wreck
A long red line down the highway
leading to what's left

I love being naked
because there's nothing left to hide
It's me, in all my glory,
forcing myself to accept who I am
who I've been and who I might become

I love being naked
but I'm having a hard time
keeping my heart in a safe place
It keeps falling out
Like us
Getting pieces of asphalt and glass and grime
lodged in tiny bleeding cavities
over every little move made

I love being naked
but I look insane wearing nothing but tears

I love being naked
but I don't feel safe
when you're holding blades
in your eyes and lips

I love being naked
I have so many scars to bare
You can see them across my chest
down my arms
even in my eyes and in the corners of my mouth
Most are real; All are emotional

I love being naked
when she is naked with me
because nothing else even exists in my head
Only the drive to consume and resume
what we've always hungered for
But now there's so much shame
So much blame
So much negativity and cold rain

I love being naked
but I have to learn to protect myself.

I love being naked
because my voice has nowhere to hide
No bandana to pull up, no hood to pull down
Just free to be myself with me
No shame, no blame
No ******* confusing games
Just life -- no hype
Just a naked guy.

021915 ~ 6.55a
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
Loving the way we intertwine
our hearts and limbs and minds
Lying together, hearts beating as one;
so easy to feel that forever's begun
I'll never leave without taking you, too
Without my goddess,
there's no reason to go through
another lovely sunrise
not reflected in your eyes.

082713 ~ 8.34a
"Morning Prayers" is a group of poems that comprise a writing exercise that I undertook for a few years. I would write a poem at least 5 days a week, first thing in the morning, devoted to my lover. Sometimes I would really surprise myself.
M Crux Alexander Jul 2015
Waking is so hard
The sky blackish-blue
Eyes fluttering to open
All desires are of you.

729 · Apr 2015
Look at me know
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Look at me now
all tossed & turned
bitten & spurned
like I forgot how
that I painfully learned
those lessons of life
straight from a knife
And from that night
was kindled a light
that strengethted & grew
that guided me through
tho' darkness consumed
I always knew
that you,
my darkness,
were never through
with me
719 · Apr 2015
Trying so hard
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
I missed you last night.
We slept in the same bed
but it didn't feel like together.
Nothing was said.
For a sleeping moment
I had my arm around you
and my face in your hair,
breathing memories of the passion we knew.
I try to focus on small things,
like how your skin gives way
to my pressing lips
or, how the Earth would sway
with our meeting hips.
Remembering the hunger
I would feel from your eyes
Lamenting these nights
while the passion subsides
My greatest flame
and only goddess,
how cruel
has constantly fought us
Yet, never will I yield
and always shall I fight
to claim the dreams we've wanted,
to persevere through this night.
4/10/15 ~ 6.23a
*******, Fate. She's MINE and you can't have her.
717 · Aug 2015
M Crux Alexander Aug 2015
This rising tide of violence
In the silence of fury
The world getting blurry
Fading voices
Baiting choices
Heartbeats in a hurry
Lost decisions in remission
Still staying the course
I force the temper down
Drowned in smoke
To choke the anger out
This time my mind is
I find the rhyme helps it to
Fade Out.
I guess it turned out more of a rhyme than a poem.
709 · Jun 2015
Goddess' Control
M Crux Alexander Jun 2015
She blesses me /
Caresses me
with her eyes;
With her thighs
she lights my fire;
She fights my ire
with submissive kisses;
With possessive wishes
she claims my soul.

******* she is everything to me.
697 · Apr 2015
We immerse ourselves within
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
We immerse ourselves within
simplistic sin
speak unholy rites
to worship again
Our hands clasped
and teathered tightly
we tug & tease
into our temple of flesh.
Screams and chants
fill these halls
unending confessions
scraped into the walls
coming in unison
is our communion
opening wide for our
lustful sacrament.

With prayers offered up
against our sinful second nature
our lips are parting
within salty showers
and union is torn
as our spirits rip apart.
Why, then, is this
"following our hearts?"
unable to resist the sublime pull of our bodies and hearts, we break promises to others and create worship within sin
M Crux Alexander Jun 2015
blindly in the dark
Feeling for your softness
and the embrace of your heart
Your eyes open like light
giving shape to my world
filling it with beauty
like spring petals uncurled
Murmurs of sweetness
drip from your lips
Pressing mine to your face the time slips
slowly into a sultry sunrise.
Waking with a kiss
638 · Aug 2015
Love you more
M Crux Alexander Aug 2015
I love you more
than stealing stars to shine
I love you more
now that you are mine.
I love you more
than the wind can say,
"I love you more
than the air today."
I love you more
than I could ever prove
but, I'll never stop writing
how much I love you.

613 · Dec 2016
M Crux Alexander Dec 2016
Lost for words within endless stares
Losing truth when we choose dares
Fighting for peace like we don't care
Destroying our treasure as though not rare

We can say what we mean
But translation lies
Caging a raven:
Only free when it flies
What we find in our hands
like blood promises made
The color of our conviction
Reflecting like a blade
"Forever" we promised
Yet forever we fight
Only desiring the arms
That hold us tight

The only One for me,
no matter the span
Or depth of sea
Our perfect plan:
My love with me
So far we ran
Just to love free....

Why can't our past chains just let us be?
Fighting for the love you want is never easy.
611 · Mar 2016
because Reasons
M Crux Alexander Mar 2016
I love you for reasons that can't manifest
into physical forms
The ethereal pull of love within me
is beyond reasoning or control
But you asked for reasons, so I'll do my best

I adore your hair and how completely it captures my attention
Your eyes lock me in paradise, so full and wanting
Your form and frame like a comic book heroine, commanding my attention
And ****! Your thighs just keep me alive within my fantasies
You redefined beauty for me
You created a new measure by which I held others
and none other could ever measure up

-[But that doesn't touch my love for you.]-

I love how we play when we both feel safe
I love how you flirt with me
I love more than anything how delicious you taste
Never have I bonded with someone
on such a chemical level
Your skin, your smell, your taste, your curves
all of YOU commands my nerves
You light me on fire and dominate my desires
You are the only one that I ever want
Your smile and seduction have captured me completely.

-[But these aren't reasons why I love you.]-

I love you because my heart, my spirit, my mind, and my physical body
all convene into one known truth: I cannot live without you.
You bring a peace and wholeness to my life.
You create within me a singular hunger that knows only you.
Everything that I am wants you and only you.
I love you, but not because you are beautiful.
I love you, but not because we fit together.
I love you, but not because you're the best I've found.
I love you, but not because I no longer want to search for another.
I love you, but not for any reason I could list.
The reasons follow the love, not create it.
My love transcends above mere reasons
What I feel for you is beyond reason and description
It is a desire to live or the need to take another breath
that happens because the body needs it
...because it's *right.
We never learn a true definition of love because it's such a complicated idea simplified down to a single word in English. It's a shame to neuter such a broad idea that defines so many lovely parts of our existence. What I learned as "love" could easily be different from what someone else learned as it's definition. We all learn from others & make it up as we live and grow. We get hurt and we redefine what it means to us. We get broken and we guard ourselves a little tighter. To some, it may be easily defined, to others, those same definitions failed us.
For me, love is not defined nor labeled. It cannot be trapped within examples and metaphors. It is felt and experienced, unavoidable and incomprehensible beyond its very existence and effect on my world. I /know/ it by it's complete control of my existence, once captured within its embrace.
610 · Jun 2015
M Crux Alexander Jun 2015
I'm so full of desire
for you--my only thought,
my single focus and only want
Dominates my mind
like a true lover ought.
My body aches
and pulls me inside you;
My skin, my eyes, my taste
are all alive for you.
I lay here naked, desireful--
Dreams of only your skin;
waiting, burning, hoping
that you're breakfast again.

the best part of waking up...
609 · Jul 2015
Untitled (My dear goddess)
M Crux Alexander Jul 2015
My dear goddess
whose lips of flame
sear into my body
to brand her name
A loyal devotion
with my body and skin
I offer you it all
in sacrifice again.

596 · Aug 2015
fighting fate
M Crux Alexander Aug 2015
blinding madness
while drowning in sadness
I'm confused and angry
bruising with self-hate

knowing you love me
but the waves stay above me
gasping for air shouldn't shame me
I just want someone to relate

The logic gets twisted
just to be right
instead of sharing compassion
we digress into a fight

The one I trust most
can't hold my heart with care
slowly becoming a ghost
with a distant stare

I regressed to fragility
shards of my heart scratching my eyes
wondering if this love
will be the end of our lives
M Crux Alexander Jul 2015
I love you more
than my breath can breathe
I want you harder
than my heart can beat.

Simple. Direct. True.
580 · Jun 2015
these "Little Earthquakes"
M Crux Alexander Jun 2015
We're so ******* used
to being torn apart
by those we've loved
and given our heart.
Now, it's coming too close
to what we've barely saved
These buildings of stone
can't keep us safe
from loving each other
and these "little earthquakes"

Still devoted,
Still trying...
Yet, so much effort
and still left crying.
We talk it out
find a place
that we agree
and still feel safe
But, then we sleep
and morning calls
feelings change and
we lose it all.
Back to heartache
back to pain
if we 'talk' again
will it end the same?
I want to be your rock
I wanna be strong
My heart'll try forever
...if it'll last that long.

Relationships are a lot of work for some. My queen and I were destined to be together as night and day. Forever touching, longing to be together, but the universe together against us. We found our eclipse and we're fighting to never let it go. This is about those hard times that bring up all of those doubts, insecurities and hopelessness. I had to be strong. I had to want it more than anything I've ever wanted before. And all of that hard work is starting to pay off with gentler times when we're not in agreement. We're learning. I'm learning to be a better man because she deserves nothing less.

[Little Earthquakes is an amazing song by Tori Amos dealing with similar issues.]
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
Sweet sensuality
my lover is queen
A heaven within her
a fallen angel redeemed
Addictive sweet nectar
passionately exposed
A view conquering sunsets
on her back she lay posed
Mouth watering for a taste
hands dying for a touch
Reining back haste
because I want her so much

The rest of my life
dedicated to my goddess
Hell has been quenched
in deference to her hotness
Tonight, I take my fill
and **** my little girl
(as though against her will)
and rock her ***** world

070313 ~ 10.49a
**** words for a **** lover.
529 · Aug 2015
emotional struggle
M Crux Alexander Aug 2015
Who we thought we were
Who we came to be
Neither lived up to the fantasy
We crushed our spirits
And took our souls
The weight growing heavier
As we grow old
Smiles fade into apprehension
As codependency enslaves
The harder we fight the tension
The more consumed by the waves
Flooded with anger and confusion
Judgemental delusion
Hearts ending up hard
In self-imposed seclusion
Unknowing of the future
We still strive for our dreams
Working harder than ever, yet
Living beyond our emotional means
521 · Jun 2015
M Crux Alexander Jun 2015
My thoughts held captive
between a goddess' thighs
Though, within her eyes
is where I feel alive.

520 · Jun 2015
M Crux Alexander Jun 2015
Constantly in my mind,
this little kitten,
for a petting
(she ends up bitten.)
I growl,
   she purrs.
I howl
   for her curves
and the screaming of her nerves.
I pet her
and bathe her
in lustful adoration;
I spank her
then take her
with Daddy's impatience.

bedroom play is fun!
520 · Mar 2015
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
Lost in songs of love and loss
reminding me of all I own
A love that's mine until the end of time
A heart held open so all is known
I cherish this hope that's placed in us
a faith in love and all I trust
I love the way you love me too
I believe there's nothing we can't get through

010614 ~ 8.17a
504 · Feb 2015
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
I try to heal
Knowing nothing has changed
in the way we feel
But we woke up softer
on Saturday morn
and a slow caress
became delicious ****
Fingers interlaced
A gentle morning moan
Waking with your taste,
it's your pleasure that I own
And one was not enough
because, baby, it's been too long
Muffled through pillows & sheets,
I can hear your ecstatic song.
022315 ~ 9.16a
Making up waking up
498 · Apr 2015
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Is this us?
forever tied
     to the tongues'
          receding tide
Lying on our backs
     staring into the sky
Letting the salt wash over
our sentimental dreams
I think I'm saying good-bye.
Torn trying to salvage a (doomed) relationship when the one I love is also in a long term relationship with someone else. It was hard. My heart pulling me in a different direction than everything else I knew I was supposed to do. I tried saying good-bye (it didn't work.)
498 · Oct 2015
Forever young and beautiful
M Crux Alexander Oct 2015
Frozen in time within my mind
you'll never grow old
and beauty will cling to you
like my eyes as you leave the room
Your hair spilling over your shoulders
will capture me like waterfalls
eternally falling
only for you
Your eyes are my sunrise
lighting my day with your smile
and your love, my strength
to endure every trial
Time cannot stop
but neither could my love
cherishing every moment of you
like the night with the stars above
Your darkness encloses me in comfort
As my light defines your curves
with shadows, fingertips, and lust
my devotion expressed through my words
I'll never get enough of Us.
Reminding the one who matters that she will always be the only one for me.
494 · Apr 2015
Touch your blade
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Touch your blade
   then touch me
past my defenses
   you're all I can't see
filling my mind until this void collapses upon itself
and you become the reality

I'm not aware of the bleeding
   unless this infinite screaming inside my skin
is not the world trying to reach in
   and steal your touch

Kiss your razor
   across my soul
Please ~ drag it  s l o w l y
                        let me savor
                              the sting.

Come, now, kiss the tears
I've bled for years in silence
pools just under the surface
lying dormant within the violence
   of being too far away.
488 · Mar 2015
M Crux Alexander Mar 2015
Set up to fail
without even a thought, or
consideration of what makes me who I am:
The honesty I've fought for
Being true to myself
and not forced to lie
to please anyone else.
I'd honestly rather die
than go back to that hell.
Fake people with fake compliments
and never knowing the truth
I learned to shut my mouth
because it was better for you.

3/25/15 ~ 1:48p
My reactions and opinions are Mine. I'm sick of being expected to feel or react a certain way when it is not truthful to who I am. If that means your feelings are hurt, then **OWN YOUR OWN FEELINGS** and stop pushing that **** on me. Eventually, you'll value my opinion because you know it will be the *truth.*
487 · Feb 2015
Cycle of war
M Crux Alexander Feb 2015
Reaching out,
you're reaching down
An extended hand
as I slowly drown.
Just in time
-I was slipping away
Numb from the conflict
yet, here to stay.
Forever devoted
to what we're building
But, my heart is warfare
and used to shielding
Used to fighting
or running away
Trying to live
to love another day
But, with you
I'm up in arms
caught off-guard
with no alarms
It's finding a way
to buffer our space
Learning what to say
to keep peace in our place
But you don't want peace
You just need to express
to just let it all out
no matter the mess.
So we continue the war
of express and retreat
back to the therapist
in brutal defeat.

022515 ~ 10.11a
483 · May 2015
Reaching out after years
M Crux Alexander May 2015
I want to reach out
pull you back
     into my life
To bear the obligatory
to revisit the reasons
I shut us out
Both selfish and selfless
because I love you
     and because I still love you.
Because happiness for you
was threatened by me
because however selfishly I wanted
and because it is never to be.
You are a dream, an ideal
an immortal muse
that should not be real.
But, selfishly, I desire.
Selfishly, I'm weak.
Because god ******* ******
I need you to speak!
I need those words that ignite passion inside me
I need the sound of your breath
so that I may breathe.
I need the stare that
looks deep, then down and away...;
that bitten lip....
that timeless face.
We share stomach scars
and we stared at silent stars
I miss the intensity
   that Distance knew as ours.
I need the unique bond
I've only found with you,
my inspiration.
     My goddess
          my friend,
               my muse.

This is the poem I mentioned in my profile. It came to me after a VERY long unmotivated time in my life where I barely wrote. I was very inspired, thinking of my long lost love and where she could be. We are now together and have found our destiny.
481 · Oct 2015
a good-night kiss
M Crux Alexander Oct 2015
a good-night kiss
soft, forgiving
reminding me of living
reconciliatory touch
a lingering embrace
beautiful eyes
clinging to my face
kissing again
with deliberate softness
a new wish forms:
could we do this more often?
those good-night kisses were the best in years.
476 · Jan 2016
M Crux Alexander Jan 2016
i gave you a broken heart of glass
You cradled me and cut me
You showed me the beauty within the shards
You taught me to live with a broken heart

You took my hand and you held it tight
Blinded with tears, you gave me sight
Frozen with fears, we embraced the night
Facing death, you showed me life.

i was never prepared for who you are
Not the beautiful hair, nor the secret scar
You became a goddess within my soul
Your heart the spark for me to become whole

Our path had many ends that led into the sea
The broken shards that I carried with me
were ground to become sand beneath our feet
And allowed you to walk away with me

She saved me from darkness, despair, and death.
She gave me everything that I have left:
love and hope.
473 · Oct 2015
M Crux Alexander Oct 2015
I miss you so hard today
I feel it in my breath
weighing so heavy
This empty loneliness
consumes when you're away
My goddess, my lover,
if ever you grant my wish
let it be today that I have you in my arms
wish for what matters.
471 · Apr 2015
Who am I?
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Who am I?
Alive at dawn
when hope is gone
cursed to forget
when the sun has set
a monster
a vampire
a thirsty wolf
in love with fire
Who am I
that cannot breathe
cannot see what needs to be
I want to bleed
it would be nice
to take a flight
into the night
end this life
that can't be mine
Blood & wine
Blood & wine
endless circles
in the bleeding sky
night comes quick
as a razor to skin
I open myself
to see within
to feel the sting
across my skin
self control
slowly sin
deface the temple
I live within
Sanguine satisfaction
for deadly rites
blessed blood moon
be with me tonight
fighting impulses, self-searching for meaning and peace.
471 · Apr 2015
Bloodletting in ink
M Crux Alexander Apr 2015
Alone in a hall
with grasping walls
tearing away sanity
as skin from flesh
flaying control
into murderous rage
splattering my soul
to every inch of this cage
Climbing walls inside my mind
locked into self-abuse
a selfish crime
at least it's mine
nothing to share
no one to scare
Bloodletting in ink
on my page of salvation
these lines let me sink
from my torturous elation
Using poetry to redirect cutting and self-abuse impulses. It works.
M Crux Alexander Jul 2015
My goddess bestows
sweet, sensual dreams
the world could never know
what pleasure she brings
I pray to her ***
with every breath
my heart is devoted
with every beat left

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