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Mister J Oct 2017
Your perfect silhouette carved on my mind
Your sweet bedroom voice on repeat in my ears
Your addictive lips lingering on my mouth
Your alluring taste still stuck on my tongue
Your subtle brown eyes triggers a cardiac arrest
The scent of your sweat still clings to my body
That steamy night still drives me wild
How you hold me tight and made me yours
God, its not even the best part

Whenever we wake up
Staring in each other's eyes
Feeling each other's touch
Gasping for the same, warm air
Exchanging each of our breaths
As our eyes meet and linger
I can't help but fall deeper
****, you're so beautiful
Both inside and out
I'm in love with your smile
The smile that fries my brains
That laugh that electrifies me
Those whispers that bring me ease
God I want them everyday

I want you

I love you

Give me more of you
Let me fall deeper
Don't let me escape
Hold me tight
Cling and never let go
Kiss me slowly
Don't let me pull away
For a gasp of air
Have your way with me
Just give me all of you
I want to see only you
To feel only your touch

Be the best part of my day
The source of my desires
Make me yours everyday
Keep me addicted to you
Make me want for more

More of you
More for me
And as I love you more
I'll make you love
more of me
Just kept on typing what was on my mind. A lot of jumbled words.
Mister J Oct 2017
Whatever I do
No matter how I resist
I am drawn to you
Mister J Oct 2017
What is this wretched feeling?
That eats all my happiness away
What is this weary feeling?
That secretly tears me away
What is this heavy feeling?
My chest being crushed by the weight
What is this dreadful feeling?
No matter what I do it doesn't dissipate

No matter how much I cry out
Nobody wants to listen
No matter how loud I scream
Nobody can hear my pleas
I feel like no one cares about me
Would you please help me?

Sometimes I just want to disappear
And take an adventure to a life without sadness
Would dying lead me to
A pain-free afterlife?
If Death greets me and brings calm
To my grieving, bleeding heart
I guess I won't hesitate
I just need to get out of here

Imagine that?
You still live in the flesh but
Your soul is way beyond rotten
And yet you can't do anything
But whisper it in silence
My heart pumps blood
But it never really is beating
My days go by without me struggling
Thinking about what to do with my life

I am depressed
It's no joke
I feel bad about me everytime
I see them getting somewhere
in this life but I'm still stuck
In the middle of

Can I really turn this around on my own?
I don't know what I should do?
I still want to live but everyday
I'm dying inside

I'm just depressed
I may also be insane
I don't know if I'm manic
Or just really anxious
So will anyone just sit down
And listen to me?

Listen to me?
Help me please?
Empathize with my suffering?
Hear me out?
Will you just stop?
And will you just
Listen to me?




I need help..

Will you help me?
From the perspective of a person suffering from depression
Mister J Oct 2017
As much as I want to answer all your questions
Be the only clarity amidst all the confusion
Be the light in your darkest prison
Be the guide in these difficult situations
Be the star in your unclear night sky
Be your comfort and your stronghold
Be the one who sees you regardless
Be your strength and your weakness
As much as I want to be all that

I can’t

But I have to
I want to
You need me to
I need this too


I love you
I cherish you
I adore you
I yearn for you

So until I can be
All these things
You need me to be
Please wait for me
With all your heart
As I with you
Until I find the will
To say

I can
Mister J Oct 2017
They cling to me
Those memories of smiles
Etched in my mind
Bringing nothing but sighs

Oh how my heart jumped
When you kissed me sweetly
How you brought me joy
Whenever despair plagues me

You were the love I wanted badly
All my life was yours to keep
You were the beat of my heart
The one that deprived me of sleep

Now only your memories remain
Even your silhouette left no trace
It pains me to miss you this much
Knowing that now you lie in another's embrace

I am chained to your haunting memories
Chained to the hurt that you've caused
Chained to the guilt I shouldered to endure
Chained to you still, can't get over your loss

I am chained to your lingering ghost
Chained to the prison of your past
Free me please from this shattered romance
Free me from the pain, Let me go at last

As long as I remained in your chains
And I carry these feelings that will go to waste
I won't get over our whirlwind affair
I'll feel the pain all over again as I yearn for your taste

Let me go, please hear my plea
Don't chain me to your toxic memories.
Mister J Oct 2017
Come and play with me
Flash that lovely smile
and ****** my woes away
Make my heart beat wild

Give me an unforgettable rush
Take me to paradise and back
Kiss me viciously sweet
Like tomorrow never comes

Make me desperate for air
Let me cling to my life
As we go deep within the pleasure
And our bodies take control

**** me dry of all life
As I get addicted to you
Let your scent wash over me
As I go down on your being

Pull me deeper within you
As our bodies syncronize with the rhythm
Move like an untamed animal
With wild and deadly eyes

Let the pleasure consume us
As we **** our sorrows tonight
Moan like no one can hear us
And give me the memory of a lifetime

Love me just for tonight
Need me just for once in this life
Embrace me fiercely as we try to reach the end
Don't let go of my hand as we go to the ******

The sweat dripping from my eyebrows
The heat leaves me blank and dull
Your small body resting on top of mine
Both tired from that torrid encounter

As sunlight illuminates what hides
Morning reveals a stranger's face
This once in a lifetime encounter
Forgotten in a flash of daylight
Mister J Oct 2017
The heavens cry lots
Raindrops falling heavily
Washing off my tears
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