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Mister J Sep 2017
For all my life I've been searching
I've tripped, stumbled and I had lost my way
For all these years I've been yearning
I was fooled and blinded looking for the one to stay
For all the broken hearts I thought I could endure
I stood up, picked up the pieces and restored what remained
For all the tears that fell before I grew and matured
I tasted and swallowed the pain more than what I could sustain

Someday I know I'll find someone
To share this burst of life we all possess
Some way I know I'll get to where
I could come give you my love and caress
Somehow I know I'll get my chance
To prove to the world that I deserve your love
Someday I know I will find you
The fallen one sent for me from heaven above

The search began when we were apart
The search bore fruit when I found your heart
The search ends when our love begins to start
This search for the belle who scribbled her name on my heart

I think I found you.
Sept. 5, 2017, 4AM.
Mister J Sep 2017
As the sun chases the moon in perpetual cycle,
As the ocean currents swirl in endless uncertainty;
As the winds come and go to wherever it pleases,
So does the heart changes its color constantly.

The young heart opens up like a flower in spring,
Gentle yet cautious, budding yet reluctant;
Love nourishes it like mild rays of sunlight,
Like an innocent child, forgiving and repentant.

As the days go by the heart slowly blooms,
Nurtured by love and care, by trust and faith;
With emotions growing in each passing moment,
The heart takes you deeper in its natural state.

When summer arrives, the heart becomes passionate,
As torrid as the scorching sun, driven and consumed;
Like a flower standing gloriously, beautiful and lively,
With all doubts and hindrances, all barriers removed.

Love is at its strongest yet most vulnerable phase,
Raging like a dangerous storm on a path of destruction;
When passion can inflict a wound with one wrong step,
Everything starts to fall, piece by piece into abolition.

Like the leaves of a tree shedding in autumn,
Hands slowly slipping, Love barely breathing;
The heart rapidly descending into paranoia,
shrouded in fear, in weakness and uneasy feelings.

Then the storms come to topple what was left,
The heart in a whirlwind of emotional disarray;
Which is why men has also called  the autumn ‘fall’,
because love falls, turning to animosity, hate and dismay.

Winter knocks at the doors of a cold heart,
Where it is on its deepest, most isolated chapter;
Where bitterness stings the like an unbearable venom,
the heart frozen in pain, growing ruthless and harder.

As the darkness creeps in, seeping through the walls,
The cold air suffocating, the temperature intolerable;
The snow growing thicker in the absence of warmth,
The heart stands still, its walls becoming unbreakable.

But amidst all the angst and the sorrows one bears,
The seeds of hope will never leave the young heart;
It wouldn’t abandon those who love purely and faithfully,
And it opens the heart once again for a brand new start.

Like the seasons of the year the heart needs change,
From passion to bitterness, from uncertainty to trust;
Like a rose in the middle of a garden, it needs to endure,
The changing phases of life, to learn and adapt, it must.

One day, the young heart will learn and mature,
Stronger and more passionate than it ever will be;
Then and there, God will grant it the love it yearns,
For it has learned to sacrifice and love unconditionally.

These are the different facets of the human heart,
Like the changing tides, it shifts and morphs suddenly;
It is wild, full of life and hope, like an untamed lion,
And it loves fiercely, unpredictable, and passionately.

Love naturally comes in a flash of light,
so one must learn to endure its sudden impact;
That's why the heart must change repeatedly,
To prepare it for uncertainty, not to be pushed back.
Old write. Enjoy :)
Mister J Sep 2017
I can't sleep tonight
Thoughts running wild in my mind
They don't want to stop
Haiku #3
Mister J Sep 2017
Don't stare at me with teasing eyes
Don't stir my feelings with playful smiles
Don't stiffen my muscles with soft touches
Don't leave me blank with inviting kisses
Don't melt my heart with warm breaths
Don't give me a rush with that passionate wanting
Don't give me a reason to desire you even more

We don't want a relationship filled with abuse
A relationship where wanton rage reigns
We don't want a love that turns into poison
A love that becomes ****** and repulsive

As much as I crave your every taste
Fall for your game, let no time go to waste
Breathe the same gasps of air with you
Freeze time whenever I share it with you
Rushing into your arms for the rest of our days
As much as I want to be with you this instant
Let's take the pace slow and steady
Instead of a quick and brittle love affair

Let's build a quake-proof connection
An affair with strong and sturdy foundations
Where our desires can freely be expressed
And our love meant to protect and caress
Just us indulging in our passionate wanting

I don't want any compromise for building "us"
I want a slow but steady path towards you
I will wait even for a long time, even if its a must
I don't care about how long, I simply desire you
You, the one belle that caught me by surprise
The one belle that drives my dreams every night
For that one belle that caught me by surprise,
The one that drives my dreams every night. ;)
Mister J Sep 2017
Cherry blossoms fall
Drifting towards my cold heart
Melting my sorrows
Haiku #2
Mister J Sep 2017
The winds blow gently
On my cheeks they kissed sweetly
I yearn to be free
Haiku #1
Mister J Sep 2017
You are a heartstopper
My heart in a cardiac arrest
Whenever you look at me

You are a breathtaker
My lungs gasping for air
Whenever you breathe near me

You are an anxiety
My attacks keep getting worse
Whenever you smile playfully

You are a disease
My body feels weaker
Whenever you touch me

You are a morning calm
My mind feels at ease
Whenever you appear before me

You are the wind
My hands can't feel or grasp
Whenever I try to catch you

You are a dream
A whispering spectre
Whenever I imagine you and me

You are a wish
Something that my heart wants badly
I hope our story becomes a reality
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