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  Jan 2017 Julia Mae
i fell in love when you drove me home
the world outside so monochrome
we listened to your favorite songs
and i watched you sing along

we drove and drove so fast we flew
i turned my head to look at you
i've never seen you look so free
and then you smiled back at me

we laughed for hours on end
down every turn and every bend
had no idea how far we'd roam
i fell in love when you drove me home

you are so beautiful
i'm noticing more than usual

you are so smart
just trust yourself, sweetheart

you are so kind
you shine so bright i might go blind

you heart is bigger than the moon
i hope you realize that soon

i fell in love when you drove me home
you used your fingers as a comb
i used your jacket as a pillow
we watched the sunset through the window

we talked about our favorite poetry
and how we think that the world should be
we sat there for hours
i've wished so long for a love like ours

i hope you see how great you are
i've have the best times in your car
you are so sweet like honeycomb
and i fell in love when you drove me home
i wrote this about how i hope someone who loves me will think of me and how they'll fall in love with me so i could show myself that i can be loved and i am worthy of love
Julia Mae Jan 2017
today i had someone call me crazy
when they noticed the scars which ravaged up and down my arms
i couldn't say anything, except just think -
so hurting makes me crazy?
the stupidity of how people toss that word around so carelessly
i was never "crazy"
my scars remain as reminders of a past hurt
of a terrible thing i no longer feel the urge to do to myself anymore

so before you label me "crazy"
look at yourself and your ugly thoughts
and how cruel you must be to demean a survivor of their own horrendous thoughts
Julia Mae Jan 2017
the space where you lay
has been too frightfully empty lately
Julia Mae Jan 2017
that we do
no longer
if it isn't
with each other
Julia Mae Jan 2017
because i know that when i crawl into bed beside you as sleep soundly takes over you, the warmth that i feel with my body pressed against yours feels like home, and i know that this is where i want to be for forever
by your side, the warmth, the love, i know i can find nowhere else
Julia Mae Jan 2017
locked up inside of loneliness
and here i thought you were my key
Julia Mae Jan 2017
"there will be so many others"
but i have already found you
the idea of others is dead to me -
why would i so easily
give up on a life
which i want with mine for eternity?
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