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 Oct 2017 India Hares
school was the only thing
i had ever been good at

i was too clumsy for sports
tripping over my own feet
now i'm tripping over numbers

i could never sing like an angel
voice always cracking missing notes
now i'm cracking under pressure missing the meaning

i couldn't be coordinated enough to dance
always skipping to the wrong beat
now i'm skipping problems i can't beat

school was the only thing
i had ever been good at
and now i'm watching my scores slip
through limp fingers
as my will to keep trying
drops with my grades

 Oct 2017 India Hares
 Oct 2017 India Hares
i am afraid
i will lose you
when you aren't one
meant to be lost
because even the universe
makes mistakes
so i am on
my hands and knees
begging the world
to leave us be

 Oct 2017 India Hares
 Oct 2017 India Hares
being in love
but not being together
is like chasing a mirage
in the desert
the hope keeps disappearing
moments later reappearing
is it really there
or are we hallucinating

 Oct 2017 India Hares
Why do i talk about darkness all the time
When clearly you're the one filling up my mind

When images just seemingly start to appear
My thoughts of destruction just disappear

Your cute little laugh just echos in my head
When thi feeling in my ***, like fire it spreads

On cold early mornings reaching for your hand
Seconds ticking in an hour glass full of sand

Wishing for this moment to last forever
I need to make a move so its now or never
a emo girl just wanting to destroy the world and herself , her body, her mind, her soul. But never forgetting what held her together. her lover .
 Oct 2017 India Hares
if i took a shot
for every time
i wanted you
but couldn't have you
i don't think
i would ever
be sober

 Oct 2017 India Hares
they tell addicts
to move away
from the places
they once scored each hit
so she deleted
your songs
from her playlist
and never stepped foot
near the place you met
because she was addicted to you
and she knew
if she had even a taste
of what you once were
she would crumble
just like your relationship did
she was an addict
and you were her drug
dont make her relapse

 Oct 2017 India Hares
this world is a hurricane
throwing me left and right
tearing me limb from limb
but your arms
are the eye of the storm
a safe haven
my calm
in the midst
of life's mess

 Oct 2017 India Hares
i've been flirting with death for too long
and my heart aches for him to take my hand
for his marks already linger at my wrist
so the least he could do is hold them

 Sep 2017 India Hares
 Sep 2017 India Hares
I have always been a loner
and to me that was fine
I liked being by myself
and I spend so much time
wandering around thinking
about how the world could be

I have always been a dreamer
This world was not for me
theres way too much rules
But I wanted to be free
I dont need power or money on mass
I just wanted to be safe
and not a person out of glass

I have always been honest
and never backed out
stood up for mistakes
And never had a doubt
about doing the right thing

I have never been a coward
and rarely dropped a tear
I always met challenges
and rarely feld fear

But then the day came
When I first saw her smile
To see it again I would run through hell
and it would be worth every mile
She made my brain freeze
and my heart stopped a while
It was a moment like no other
this moment of her smile

Its been a year and my feelings wont budge
but Im too afraid to ask her out
A yes from her would change my life
But i guess that is what love is about

I dont want to be alone anymore
And theres no need to dream when she is around
Her no is the only thing that I fear
but I guess I have to stand my ground

I am a coward
Im too weak for this
I guess I should stop it
And never hope for a kiss

I tried to forget her
and go back to the start
but her glance broke my will
and her smile stole my heart
Actually a true story. I guess everyone has a weakness somehow..
 Sep 2017 India Hares
 Sep 2017 India Hares
There are many things in life
that we want to keep intact
Many people we love and lived with
many people we want to protect
but some people are just doomed to fall
playing a game that they cant win
some people just closed the door
and locked themselves within

There are many things in death
that people want to see
the paradise or endless rest
wishes that go deep
some people are just tired
of living through and through
and others want to live eternal
but those are just a few

Humanity has had its part
we ruled this world for long
we did no good to mother earth
and all our gods are gone
They have rightfully abandoned us
And left us with this earth
that we destroyed and tore apart
from the moment of our birth

Now we all have a price to pay
and we cant retort a word
because we are a generation born
to witness the end of the world
Thanks for reading my poem. I hope you liked it!
I know that humanity has reached its final state. We will see if we are the generation that has to pay for all of this. We will see
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