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 Sep 2017 India Hares
 Sep 2017 India Hares
i want you
in every way there is to want a person

from lazy rainy days
sitting around in underwear
wrapped up in the covers
enveloped in each other

to lustful late nights
high happy and in love
too absorbed with each other
to focus on anything else

i want you
and i see so much in you
that counting all your perfections
would be like counting the stars
there's too many to keep track of
and they just seem endless

i am utterly in love
with every inch of your being
every corner of your mind
and everything in between

i might not know what i believe
or where i'm going
or what i'm doing
but i do hope
you'll hold my hand
and wander blindly with me
because as long as i'm with you
i don't need a destination
you are the journey

i am simply enamored with your entity
captivated by your character
in love
you asked me to write you a poem, i hope you like it
 Sep 2017 India Hares
Dear Daddy,
Do you know what these men say to me?

With their
eyes and their mouths
when I walk on the street.

With a grin and a nod
and a look up and down.
A wink and a kiss
and a cat call heard from downtown.

With my skirt short
and my top
It’s a cold world daddy
and no
doesn’t mean no.

Daddy do you know
how these men look at me?

Like I’m a piece of meat
strutting down the street?
With my head buds in
and my favorite song on.

I’m asking for it Daddy,
I’m in the wrong.

Do you know how it feels
not to wear what I like?

To walk a little faster
when I’m alone at night?

Daddy the world is my predator
and I am it's doe,
Daddy what happens
when I can’t say no?
 Sep 2017 India Hares
True Love
 Sep 2017 India Hares
I might be no hero, but I still got a heart
Right or wrong, i can hardly tell
I tried to do my best from the start
but my best might not work out that well

but arent intentions everything
or is it just result that matters
my whole life ive been struggeling
to make all proud but mostly I failed

Everyone got their special skills
It just took me a while to search for mine
From the depths of the ocean, to the greatest hills
I searched for it, for such long time

And even if I did not find it yet
i know that I am here for a reason
but after this long and tiring quest
which took me more than 8 whole seasons
I just want to pause it and take a nap
in my cosy lovely bed

I havent been home in a while
I hope you my love did wait for me
I cant wait to see your smile
And cant wait to see my family

The true purpose I serve is more than enough
its making you happy and making us two
You are the only girl that I love
theres no better couple than me and you
Something happy.. after all the other poems which had rather sad storys i thought.. well why not writing something more enjoyable for once  :)
I am in high school
but I don’t care
Parents’ r screaming
but who gives a ****
Cause I am teen
who lives in fantasies
Friends r my life
n girls in my dreams
Eyes r red, haven’t taken a nap
late night movies n busy on whatsapp
Drinks on table and hands with book
but mind still wondering, “should I check facebook?”
They say I am grown up
they say I am adult
But tell this to my buddies
who know who I am
Cause I still recite whole alphabets
to check which position it stand
Tell this to my mother
who know who I am
cause she still wonders what happened and feel the pain
when I return from school with white shirt turned into black with stains
So if you r thinking
that I will be changed
so let me tell you
I am in high school
but I don’t care
 Aug 2017 India Hares
i miss you
but i also miss who you used to be
when you cared
and weren't headed down such a dark road

when i look in your eyes
i can still see him
but you're killing him
and i'm not sure if you realise

i will never be with you
when you're like this
because i care to much
to just stand by
and watch your death

 Aug 2017 India Hares
losing you
was like losing a limb

i made you a part of me
and depended on you
for so many things

so your abrupt departure
feels strange
like i'm missing
a piece of myself

and i can almost feel
where you used to be
but now there is just empty space
with nothing but pain to see
 Aug 2017 India Hares
You left me tainted
With pain and tears
So i tried to bleach
To remove every stain
I scrubbed so hard
But i got wounded
So i bleed again
And starts to hurt again
The stains are now scars
And now i will be forever reminded
Of how i tried to remove you
Yet i got marked instead
This is inspired by my shirt with stains. I tried to bleach it then washed again again, i rubbed and rubbed until the shirt was torn! Lesson learned! Haha
 Aug 2017 India Hares
He's too tired of her dramas
That's why he shuted her out
She's too tired, begging for his love
That's why she finally leaves him behind,
This is the ending of their journey,
The last stage of their love story,
For they never listen to the heart, of one another.
Communication is the best tool for every relationships
 Jul 2017 India Hares
 Jul 2017 India Hares
Make out with me
At a house party

Kiss me as if
My lips are your last breath
Hold me close
As if I'm your safety blanket
Touch me
Bite me
Do what you want to me
Be my ecstasy
And every other drug
But not just for this one night
Not just at this house party
Be my drug
Be my king
At every moment after
And after
And after
 Jul 2017 India Hares
I want you.
In my arms.
On my lips.
In my bed,hardened grips.
Silent moans and loud pleasurable screams.
Against the wall,with love making scars.
Take me to my high and I'll take you to yours.
Counter tops to cold hard floors,sweat running down your glistened body.
Endless hours in ****** sensitivity.
Take it slow going rough.
Ruffled hair and heavy breathing.
A mountain peek ****** and I'll ride you down.
A feeling like this , every motion is worth remembering with that special someone

— The End —