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Between leaf and life
Wet ochre leaves bundled exit
Life was lived now gone
Walking in early morning winter of rain and autumn leaves scattered in patches in the ground. Thinking how beautiful but gone. Then, there they once were four months ago high up in the tree, green and offering shade.
  Nov 15 Heidi Franke
I know
I never have enough
still the little I have left
I give to you
so when I run on empty
you would've been
a few miles ahead of me.
Heidi Franke Nov 15
Are you of perfect
Circumference for
A captain in the sky
Voyaging vagabond at night 'til morn'

Walking under the
End of season elms and sycamores
The branches as oars in water
Tilling below shadows come, shadows go, as you stay steady
For I was the water in a rippling stream and you were a solitary sturdy force above
Emulating my gait and gaze

Light hanging with every branch
Into my water
As you lay your supermoon
Beam into our futures
Until you come  again
Leaving your soup of hope in Everything you touched
Even souls

Where will the future be at your return
With hate or love,
Or something in between as a sturdy captain should, be there once more for all the visitors below
Beseeching you for navigation
From on high to below
Altruistic by sight, your perfect shaped stone in the dark of night
Walking my dog at 4 AM under the supermoon Nov 2024 in North America. I envision a world without hate and corrupt vengeful misogynistic leaders. Spread loving kindness and make altruism your guide.
Heidi Franke Sep 29
Disagree with me
Ever which way on a tree
Branch follows no one
Someone expressed concern about Hello Poetry and what constitutes a "poem" .
Heidi Franke Sep 28
Dropping the arrow
Flung to the centering heart
Blood remains untouched
So not harm with a second arrow.
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