It's one of those things where if you have it
You know it for sure
And if you're not sure, you don't
A while ago I gave up on love
Because every time I got it, and thought I had it
Some one very close to me came and took it away
And I am left without it
At first I was doing well
I would not fall for it
I would see a nice guy, but would not buy it
Or, a boy would like me, but I'd avoid it
But now I've fallen in to it, the well of love
Oh, how deep is this well, with walls so wet I can't climb up
At last I splash in a pool of water
A pool of love
And in this pool I'm drowning
Now I am floating, flowing down a river
I am spit out at an oasis, a beautiful oasis
But now I'm breathing, even under the water
And now I am swimming, I am in control
I now see the way out, but I dare not go near it
For it is a desert out there, dry and lifeless
A desert with no water, no love
This love, I feel it
I know not if he knows it but I feel it
It's warmth, it's life
I want to surround myself in it
I dare not lose it
Too many times I have lost it
It is mine! I will hold on to it
No one will take it from me, lest they die!
Now I believe in love
And it's all thanks to him
He unburied my love
Now I love him
Just when you think you're giving up on love, when you think there is none left for you. (and we're not talking about the gushy stuff)