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Fynn Sep 2017
I have always been a loner
and to me that was fine
I liked being by myself
and I spend so much time
wandering around thinking
about how the world could be

I have always been a dreamer
This world was not for me
theres way too much rules
But I wanted to be free
I dont need power or money on mass
I just wanted to be safe
and not a person out of glass

I have always been honest
and never backed out
stood up for mistakes
And never had a doubt
about doing the right thing

I have never been a coward
and rarely dropped a tear
I always met challenges
and rarely feld fear

But then the day came
When I first saw her smile
To see it again I would run through hell
and it would be worth every mile
She made my brain freeze
and my heart stopped a while
It was a moment like no other
this moment of her smile

Its been a year and my feelings wont budge
but Im too afraid to ask her out
A yes from her would change my life
But i guess that is what love is about

I dont want to be alone anymore
And theres no need to dream when she is around
Her no is the only thing that I fear
but I guess I have to stand my ground

I am a coward
Im too weak for this
I guess I should stop it
And never hope for a kiss

I tried to forget her
and go back to the start
but her glance broke my will
and her smile stole my heart
Actually a true story. I guess everyone has a weakness somehow..
Fynn Sep 2017
There are many things in life
that we want to keep intact
Many people we love and lived with
many people we want to protect
but some people are just doomed to fall
playing a game that they cant win
some people just closed the door
and locked themselves within

There are many things in death
that people want to see
the paradise or endless rest
wishes that go deep
some people are just tired
of living through and through
and others want to live eternal
but those are just a few

Humanity has had its part
we ruled this world for long
we did no good to mother earth
and all our gods are gone
They have rightfully abandoned us
And left us with this earth
that we destroyed and tore apart
from the moment of our birth

Now we all have a price to pay
and we cant retort a word
because we are a generation born
to witness the end of the world
Thanks for reading my poem. I hope you liked it!
I know that humanity has reached its final state. We will see if we are the generation that has to pay for all of this. We will see
Fynn Sep 2017
The world is inequitable
The one who saved so many
had to go so early

No one could count
how many tears I have shed
an incredible amount
of bitterness and pain

It was you who saved me
who built me back up
It was just your melody
who made me stand tall

You and your brother
and some of your friends
made life so much better
until your very end

You've gone too early
gone with the wind
but now you are free
and no longer on the brink

you were a match made in heaven
too perfect to be true
after all you have given
you went into the blue

The day of your death
was a brandnew doomsday
the flames are still growing
now its our turn to pray

May peace guide your way
to eternity
I will never forget it was you
who saved me

May your halo shine bright
Rest in peace Tom Searle.. he died at the age of 28 because of cancer. I would not be where I am now without him. And I know that im not the only one.
To all of you who think this is not meant honestly.. f*** you. Every single word here came from my heart. I used titles of his songs on purpose.. this is my tribute to him. I do owe him. His music build me back up when i was down. He made me understand. He made me live again after I nearly drowned. I hope you rock heaven now... Memento mori
Rest in peace. I will never forget
Fynn Sep 2017
I might be no hero, but I still got a heart
Right or wrong, i can hardly tell
I tried to do my best from the start
but my best might not work out that well

but arent intentions everything
or is it just result that matters
my whole life ive been struggeling
to make all proud but mostly I failed

Everyone got their special skills
It just took me a while to search for mine
From the depths of the ocean, to the greatest hills
I searched for it, for such long time

And even if I did not find it yet
i know that I am here for a reason
but after this long and tiring quest
which took me more than 8 whole seasons
I just want to pause it and take a nap
in my cosy lovely bed

I havent been home in a while
I hope you my love did wait for me
I cant wait to see your smile
And cant wait to see my family

The true purpose I serve is more than enough
its making you happy and making us two
You are the only girl that I love
theres no better couple than me and you
Something happy.. after all the other poems which had rather sad storys i thought.. well why not writing something more enjoyable for once  :)
Fynn Sep 2017
Once there was a boy, as brave as poor
he lived on the streets of Tamkador
A fearless young lad, stealing his food
some days some bread and other days fruit

He was fast and clever and so he survived
without getting caught and fearing his life

Tamkador was ruled by a king, proud and rich
He had knights, soldiers and even a witch
He did not care for his people only for wealth
He did not care if it damaged their health
Whoever did not do as he wanted
got simply beheaded

He took what he wanted, sending his horde
waiting behind without drawing his sword

but the soldiers were fearful so they did as he told
because better craven and alive then dead and bold

the day then came when the siege begun
and the King refused to end the fight
some poor soldiers tried to run
and got killed by archers in the night

The citizens had no more food
screams got loud, we'll die, we're *******
But the boy from the streets, Asher his name
did not fear death and not the pain

He snuck past the guards to speak to the King
he did not steal food, or gold or rings
once he reached him he spoke out loud
what many people thought but were not allowed

My king please hear me, i speak for your folk
they are in pain they need more food
You need to surrender, they will leave us alive
They just want peace for such a low price
give up your crown and save you people
They wont **** you, they are not evil

They just want you to bend the knee
and pay them a good tribute fee
after you have plundered them
Now swallow your pride and save your men.

The king called the guards told them to fight
but the guards stood still in this meaningful night
Asher took the word and continued speaking
with every word more guards were leaving

All this grief and annhilation how it hurts my heart inside
all the innocent who suffer from your stubborness and pride

Is this what you wanted?

Your heart is cold without a feeling
you wouldnt even understand the meaning
of my words if you would care
but hear me mylord dont you dare
to take your folk down with your pride
we wont wait any longer no we wont bide

Is this what you wanted?

Nevermind how high the cost may grow
you will never break us, no

We want to live and we dont need your lead

This is what we want
Fynn Sep 2017
Her eyes, deep brown with a taste of gold
her hair like amber, and her hands so cold
beautiful like the setting sun
she must be and angel, she must be the one
but there is one thing that you did not  know
a thing she does not like to show

Her life was hard and never easy
she had many nights that were cold and freezy
that she had to share to other men
just to make sure to afford the rent

She does sell love, it destroys her inside
and it gets worse by every night
all those men and desiring glances
that look at her body while she dances

Her life could have been easy, could have been nice
but destiny already rolled the dice
She lived on the street since she was a child
and noone helped her, no one did mind

the only thing that she had on the streets
has been her beauty to cover her needs
and so it started, because no one cared
about the beautiful girl and her begging stares

now its too late to help the young lady
her hair is messy and her eyes are shady
Shes caged in her mind and will never forget
what she has become, what she does regret

An angel
with a broken halo
Based on thousands of true storys
Fynn Sep 2017
This fire does not need blistering branches
just fearsome demons with flaming glances
It cant burn wood or heat your stove
cant throw a spark into the grove
It will not burn you or light your path
This fire is fueled by all of your wrath

And this fire in your heart burns

You try to fight it, and break the chain
But nothing will help, or ease the pain
This knife thats in your back, keeps twisting

And this fire in your heart burns

You cant stop the flames blazing on your heart
until you go deep to extinguish the spark
Deep burrowed in your restless thoughts
lies the answer to the question
you never deliberatly asked

And this fire in your heart burns

The fire grows and drives you insane
it would be so easy to end all this pain
Just a little cut, a friendly red line
down to you wrists and all would be fine
but you resist this cant be the way
and then you fall on your knees starting to pray

And this fire in your heart burns

Your wrath is gone, The fire still hurts
It cant be extinguished by all those words
you spoke to the god your believing in
and all you want is to rip offyour skin
You dont see the solution to the end of this horror
you fall in depression and punch right in the mirror
You decide to end it to escape this life
you walk in your kitchen and take a knife
set it, push it, right in the flames
and the last thing you see is your life in frames

You disappointed your god
made your beloved ones cry
now you started their fire
with your last goodbye

Because this fire burns
Just to pull myself out of heavy critics: I do not support suicide and I never will. I have a friend suffering from depression and I wrote this after we had a long talk. if you are suffering from depression the best thing you can do is to get friends around you and people you trust. There is always someone who cares. Believe me. Never give up.
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