Deep breadth, breathe...
I try to find,
but its been lost,
for quite some time.
Snowflakes, fall...
in crispy air,
but not a breadth,
can I find there.
Tall boots, crunch...
the white below,
as four feet meet,
in foot-thick snow.
Dimples, melt...
into a smile,
as loose cheeks chatter
all the while.
Deep breadth, breathe...
Still not there.
But not because,
of frosty air.
Brown eyes, brown...
Now gaze in mine,
as snowflakes pause
in frozen time.
Deep breadth, breathe...
With ice-cold lips.
A snow globe world;
A snow globe kiss.
Deep breadth, breathe...
My glass life shook.
For now she gives,
the breadth she took.