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2.2k · Feb 2021
The Cave
Dali Feb 2021
A friend: passion, deep as the soul, drinks, blanket, and a cave to chat about escaping the world.
Quite you are they say
But not as what I see when I watch your face
Cause I felt, saw the storms/fires over and over
But no one heed even your warnings
I saw your own beauty that you didn’t even notice
Your soul is a cosmos’s of mystery
A wind mixed with fire
Cause you are a precious and rare
No one will gets you
Nor take your place in existence and your absence
Cause you made everyone fall
To make a call
from dawn to dusk
nor just to meet you for a few seconds at the hall
Can we take every road ?
To escape the world
like we talked before
When we went to see the cave and let our soul to talk before we fall.
1.6k · Feb 2021
Oceanic friend
Dali Feb 2021
An Ocean
Everyone is held by your sway
Calming everyone walking in your space
Joy and mixed feelings while watching your waves
Not easy
But at least you came
White, blue, and a touch of brown and beige
Theses are the colors of the ocean and what near it  
Did I mentioned the color red my dearest?
Cause its the color of your being
And the excitement you make
For me and every human being you meet I swear
Like the ocean and the depth of it
Glimmering, vast, deep as hell
Beneath your own layer of blue
A magnificent fragments/colors but not for everyone to perceive
Cause it would make them fall and you don’t want them to bleed
Blest of solitudes
Purity like the water you always need
This a simple poem for you my jay
&My dear.
1.3k · Nov 2020
The State Of Being
Dali Nov 2020
I'm daring to
Barely stand on my own feet
What shoes am I going to wear
Is it blue, red, nor green?
Don't feel the heaviness of my feet
But everything fit immaculately to my verity sheet
Are these really the colors of my being?
They say emotions really fades away
I don't know now
Cause I heard the eternal aura whispers coming through my thoughts
Or is it just my own whispering sound?
Oh God
I can't speak
Nor find the root in me
Water me
I must water me
I want to see the flowers of my soul
I want to feel the existence in me
There's a black sky
But only to feed the earth's feet
A dashed black color in me
Coming through every breath I take while I speak
1.2k · Feb 2021
A precious friend
Dali Feb 2021
A brightness steps into the room
Bringing blessings and joy to everyone she knew
A bright floor, star decoration on my roof
You are
A precious jewel
As the meaning of your name and what I see
A pleasure to many
Even your silence is a healing to every wound
To the dead ones
Nor to people sinking in blue
Soul burning with sweetness
A laugh even in the hurt
A hope even in the fall
Is it just me?
Nor everyone is fascinating by everything you do
Why words are harder when I try to write about you
Or a meaning or two
Of how you mean to me even if I was  blue
Just remember this a single glimpse of what I feel/received
From you
I am sorry I didn't mentioned how my heart flutter when someone mentioned your name
I love you but you already knew this is nothing new.
523 · Nov 2020
Meaning Of Life
Dali Nov 2020
Don't speak loudly
And listen to the ground
So much to say and a lot to do before we die
Would you even know a meaning or two
Of the meanings of life ?
The soul and the ground
They say shhhh
And listen to the old ones alive
They came along time ago from the ground
And they know how to walk on the grass
And how you should walk down and just watch the sky
Do you even know how to walk along the oceans
With your beloved wife?
I can see your soul tearing up by those eyes
Trying to speaks quietly but you just dont know how.
332 · Jul 2020
A Passionate Night
Dali Jul 2020
let it be night
let me see those eyes
And oh, the spark in his eyes
Would shame those stars
Owl’s deep hooting at night
Deep as his natter about life
Birds dancing in gale
Did we wake them?
Or was it the nightingale
Let us dance like those birds think it were not night
And let me lay
Upon your soft skin
As I watch your eyes
Like they were one of those stars
O, my dear my love
Did you feel the fast thud of my heart?
Hammering, pounding wanting to be out
And a touch of yours would calm me through the night

— The End —