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 Oct 2016 Andje
Arcassin B
By Arcassin Burnham

I sense your loving embrace,
can't nobody tell you different love
your a rocket ship in my eyes
you make me feel alive

Beat around the bush but the bush could
Get cut down,
I wouldn't feel this way in shambles if i
Had you now,
I could put away my childish things to
Only later return to a kiss,
I wish that I could taste it,  I could reach
It if it wasn't made of pure bliss,
am I what your looking for,

I sense your loving embrace,
can't nobody tell you different love
your an rocket ship in my eyes
you make me feel alive
and when I'm not talking to the hive,
my heart and lasting memories can be
soon enough repaired

I won't just die
cause the memory of you is still here.
 Oct 2016 Andje
Yasmeen Hamzeh
My heart is pounding fast, but it only seems like the pitter-patter of rain.
Ignore the howling wind, and my sweaty palms clutching the leather steering-wheel.
Road lights flicker in the morning smog and I can feel my mind suddenly shift.
Once a friend but now a foe, that unwelcomed buzz rears in its ugly head.
I almost reach the finish line, but instead I am hit with empty excuses in place of my prize.
The scene fizzles out and I'm left standing on an empty street, shaking. The car keys still in my sweaty grasp.
My hair was unraveling from my sad-excuse-of-a-bun, but I breathe and imagine the way your fingers will nuzzle the worry away from my tresses.
My shirt is askew and its laces untied, I take another breath and picture it peaking out beneath your haphazardly strewn jacket.
It doesn't even matter that I think my pants are horrible, because I know they belong in a heap next to those hideous canvas shoes of yours.
I get in my car and ignore my aching back that hesitates against the uncomfortable seat.
I'm willing to shake hands with oversight, and declare compromise a friend.
It's because your bitterness is only outweighed by the sweetness of the nicks your teeth leave on my shoulder.
Your hesitancy is washed away by the method your eyes fix on our bare reflection.
The loneliness of your silence is snuffed out by the heat of your callouses pressed against my ribs.
I can keep counting and recounting each touch, hiss, sigh, bruise and smile.
The way your arms encircled me before I hesitantly left the sanctuary where you wrecked me all those nights, it numbs the distance I'm left with.
It leaves me terrified of its absence; and the inevitable soreness your memories will leave behind.
 Oct 2016 Andje
Sk Abdul Aziz
The heart is a weird is the one which keeps us alive and it is also the one which hurts and kills every now and's incredible as to the variety of emotions it can possess...from love to hatred to jealousy to compassion to pride to humility to courage to fear to joy to grief and what not.I wish it were possible to stay alive and at the same time dissect one's own heart and see what it contains..what it goes through..what it it sees things.I wish i could experience what it felt like being a heart..being broken..being loved..being shattered..being ressurected and so on.
 Oct 2016 Andje
 Oct 2016 Andje
I feel loneliest on nights
when I'm laying next to you,
but you are a million miles away.
What do I do when it's 3am,
and I need you to hold me,
but you are fast asleep,
and I am as wide awake
as the moon.
Do I wake you?
Of course not.
I let you sleep,
by my anxious thoughts.
~ Thoughts at 3am ~
 Oct 2016 Andje
Anna Starr
 Oct 2016 Andje
Anna Starr
All my favourite songs are tainted by memories of you.
It was your favorite.
I ain’t nothin’ but a low life,
Nothin’ but wasted time
And broken dreams
Nailed together
To a crooked cross;
I ain’t nothin’ when it all falls away,
Nothin’ at all when the curtain parts,
When the stage clears,
When the spot light is on me,
When the audience of the ghosts of loves past
Rises in harmony,
Floating heavenward
To serenade my swan song
The only way they know how –
Leavin’ me with nothin’ but my low life.
You can find more of my poetry at
 Oct 2016 Andje
You can be alone in a crowded room

For people do not care

No hand in hand

Only in lust and greed

No small tender touch

Or a whisper of encouragement

Society is held in cold structure

Under all the fake smiles

Just beneath the skin

Is the real nature
Written 4/8/14
 Oct 2016 Andje
blue mercury
 Oct 2016 Andje
blue mercury
i'm scraping dreams from my skin
with my fingernails.

dreams where you move down here.
where i'm your little spoon
and i'm in your tee shirt.

water beats down
and my skin is raw.

oh, silly little me.

i can't scrape away the pain
in my chest with fingernails

and red hot water.
i'm just staring down the barrel of the bullets i can't stop.
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