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 May 2017 Al
Broken Mirror
 May 2017 Al
I am a broken mirror
I was broken years ago
No one has swept me up
I’m still scattered on the floor
I still make scars
That no one will see
I still see my scared reflection
Yelling to stop the breaking
 May 2017 Al
Dead and Gone
 May 2017 Al
Dead is dead
And gone is gone
You liked her
Because she turned
Your sadness
Into poetry
And you were so
Wrapped up in your mind
You never saw into hers
And now she is dead
And dead is dead
And now she is gone
And gone is gone
 May 2017 Al
talk to me
 May 2017 Al
why won't you talk to me
don't you miss the excitement i gave you
i made you feel so good
right through the phone
your desire burned deep
like you finally made it home
you wanted me bad
you wanted me good
you wanted me anyway i came
just like all bad boys should

why won't you talk to me
don't you miss the excitement i gave you
you felt passion once more
love entered through your chest
you could breathe easily again
alive from being suppressed
yearning ran through your veins
just like the sweat ran down your temple
my lips the subject of your fantasy
real enough to make you tremble

why won't you talk to me
don't you miss the excitement i gave you
 May 2017 Al
Marta C Weeks
I now know
I lost my mind
In pain I grasped for life
In life I clung to death
Not knowing
Not thinking
Just grabbing lips
Crawling into arms
Mattered not
They were not yours
For years after you died
I was not me
I had no self
I cared for nothing
My heart was broken
Leaking pain
Into everyone
Not caring
Just taking
 May 2017 Al
Robert J Howard
Is this a test?
Is this it?
As good as it gets?
God, I hope not.

Need something more
Something to bite into
Solid, taste, satisfy.
Feed my hunger.

Blurred light
Keep on staring
Drift off slowly
Need to snap out of it.

Senses loaded
Awakening me
Push on forward
Every day comes.
Monday's Life Waking Up Stimulation

— The End —