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May 2018 · 420
Untitled- Sarcasm
Amoni Fuller May 2018
Oh magnanimous ruler of poetic plights
Giveth me thine strength to write
With such diction that I'll have two words to each line.
Oh how verbose is my mind
on the page
When I try with all might
To delay my short sight

But you! My magnificent master
No man dare find rhyme faster than thee
All I see
Is the artful complexity
That blesses the page
And I rage!
One word
One line
All 26 characters utilized
I need not surmise
That this is the stage
Of your grandest play
And my demise
There is no correct way, in my opinion, to write poetry. Any form that art takes is first about the intention of the artist and then perception. Both aspects being equally important.
Amoni Fuller Apr 2018
To make a long story short
When I woke up next to you
Your face just a few inches from mine
I realized I had never felt anything like this in my life
Something so peaceful
Something so...whole
Something that made me stop looking for home
Because I'd found it
*Sigh* I wanna cry
Jan 2018 · 449
The Dove
Amoni Fuller Jan 2018
She is the center, connected
She loves beyond love
Yet I'm perplexed
By this dove
Whose wings, divine
Flutter in the fading light

She dives
Though she is so precise
In her flight
That her gentle body, white
Paints the night sky

Now blind

No stars
Not in front
Not behind
Just her
Always there to shine
Brighter and longer
Than any heavenly body I might find
I'm not sure what to do now.
She's so far away
But I still love to watch her fly
Jan 2018 · 479
About a Girl
Amoni Fuller Jan 2018
She looks at life with longing eyes
It holds her, flies
For like a dove
Her speech preaches peace
And love
I love what I know and I know what I love
Jan 2018 · 312
I Feel...
Amoni Fuller Jan 2018
I feel nothing.

Not your kind words,
that drill
through my skull
until dull
and still

Not the wind
I've seen
dancing through the trees
singing sweet melodies
to the lilies below

Not the sun
or its warmth
my blinds are closed
just like my mind
it's cold.

Not even you
who tries to soothe
can fix me,
"The Uncouth"
I felt this way for a long time.
Not as often now.
Jan 2018 · 316
Amoni Fuller Jan 2018
I am a perpetually uncertain individual.

Or the opposite.
I might be the most indecisive person I know, maybe.
If I have children they won't have names.
Jan 2018 · 235
The Cold
Amoni Fuller Jan 2018
My whole life
I have seen people walk outside
and say " oh it's chilly out here"
As if the observation wasn't entirely evident
To me...
Who is also

I had an interesting thought today.
There is no point in your LIFE
that you'll be colder than AFTER.
mmm...a little harsh
Jan 2018 · 526
I Don't Like You
Amoni Fuller Jan 2018
Why won't you say a single thing?
One word.
So I can understand
what you're going through
or how much of it is true

The things people tell me
make me hurt for you
I mean
You can't eat, You can't sleep,
You can't even grieve
What DO you feel?
How often does this repeat?

If you can reach
I want you to grab my hand
I can pull you out
But you have to be on your feet

I don't like you
You don't like me
But if it's you I'm without
I doubt...

Be tame
Help me help you
We're one and the same

You know my name
I've heard that no one can help you if your not willing to help yourself.

— The End —