Lust, to consider others as mere objects of ****** desires.
The idea of the other man was one that was so unfamiliar to her.
The world of somethings or should I say someone's to whom she was strictly advised to not communicate with.
They did not realise that they were everywhere. In the streets, the churches, the buses, the schools, the screens,,,
Her school.
But when does a parent come to the realisation that their child is bound to met the other man.
Is it a day they wish would come but not too soon?
As a unit when do parent's decide that their child is ready to bear their new life in love?
Or is it a journey their child must venture into on their own?
This was a world that I had to venture into on my own.
But yet I was not alone, for no temptation that has ever enticed or overtaken me, regardless of it's source is uncommon to the human experience.
The years I served and loved the Lord allowed me to see that.
Sun shining through the opaque window was not something I witnessed regularly.
I would quickly pass through the mesh of other men and familiar men, attempting to notĀ Ā be engulfed by their constant entrance and exiting.
I had seen this other man before but I had never permitted my eyes to view him in that way.
But the one day I gave lust permission was the day I enrolled myself into a learning season.
I learnt later on in my life that messing with the other man was something that always left me incompetent; unable to control my own body.
The wisdom I gained after this tumultuous experience lead me to understand that I firmly believed I could overtake lust but I was repeatedly and shamefully left to consume the dust that it left.
It is the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life.
Keep these three in mind.
The lust of the flesh is the constant desire embedded deep in the man.
It is what triggers lust in the man's eye and leads to a growth of pride in their heart.
It is pride which directs them way from sanity and wholeness of their minds, it is lust that turns them away from their values and virtues, the God they serve and most importantly the God they love.
After granting permission to the lust of my eyes I finally witnessed this other man.
His eyes of hazel.
Hair of silky wood.
The stray rays of sunlight showed me the beauty of his beautiful brown eyes.
My heart was enticed.
Now I know that more than anything., the heart deceives.
By giving permission to lust I gave it the liberty to use my mind as it's playground, my soul as it's puppet.
I would venture through the day unable to focus on what I was being taught and why.
I forgot what my goal in life was, why I was there, in that school, in that body, with that name. With my name.
I believed my purpose was stripped away from me, I did not understand that my purpose in that season was to sit experience, absorb and learn.
Venturing through the new life in love lead me to a mistaken identity in lust, because whenever you give permission to your flesh out of His Spirit you are bound to fall into mishaps, In my case to consider the other man as mere objects of ****** desires and not the man that God has created for His Glory and their honour.
Conceiving a child out of lust and bearing it on my own birthed bitterness in me.
Which when fully grown turned into sin and unless I submit this child to God it will turn into death.
I refuse to leave a cavity in the womb of my heart because of lust.
I refuse to be tainted by the lies of the one with no identity, therefore tries to steal mine, because of lust.
So through the mesh of other man and unfamiliar men, I must walk up to the other man and begin to consider him as the man of God and not just the other man.
Because just as the woman was taken out of man, the man was taken out of God.
Lustā Love
Volume 1