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Rylie Lucas Dec 2017
Days turn into nights
Nights back to days
But sometimes you'll see
You didn't do anything

You notice how little
You do every day
And you start to wonder
To your dismay

Why haven't I done
What I'd dream I'd do
When I was younger
My thoughts went astray

But now they are back
And I want to explore
See the world again
See it once more

So live your life fully
Don't forget your childish dreams
Because one day you'll find
They're all you'll need

Hold on to those thoughts
Of your dreams as a child
Don't live half a life
Live one fully wild

Wild and free
As long as you know
Life half liven
You'll never know
"I learned to live, half alive" Christina Perri, Jar of Hearts

You should never have to live half alive, live happily and fully
Rylie Lucas Sep 2017
No matter the situation you’re in,
No matter how tough,
You can get through it,
And life will go on.
You could be stressed for a test
Or thinking of the past
But no matter what it is
You can make your life last
People come and go
There is no reason to fret
Over the ones that cause trouble
Their so easy to forget
Think of the present
Not the past
Not even the future
Can get passed
The only thing
That makes you you
Is how you handle now
And if you see your life through
So don’t give up now
Cause there is so much to see
So much to do
And so much life to live
Because no matter how hard
Life might seem right now
You can get through it
And life will go on
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017

Seeing you on
Is like flipping a switch
You make me light up
When my days been a *****
Seeing you smile
Makes me smile
And then I think
And I think for a while
And I think of the times
We had together
And what we had
Pieced together
Lives planned
Promises promised
But then you moved
And I don’t know what happened
You saw other girls
You weren’t you
And I am still confused
About what happened to you
You were such a good person
Always kind, and thoughtful
But moving away from me
Turned you awful
You’d bully
You’d be mean
You’d even ignore me
And you still do not know
How much, to this day
Your words sit in my heart
And my soul withers away
You were my night and day
My story on a page
But now, you’re gone
And I don’t know what to do
Whats ******* wrong with me
What happened to my soul
I let you know things
No one else knows
And you don’t even care
That I cry myself to sleep
Thinking about the past
And what used to be you and me
So whatever you do
If you ever move away
Don't do this to your friends
And never, ever change
Rylie Lucas Apr 2017
when you lose someone
you can never forget
they always mean something
someone like a pet
they are always there
when you need them to be
and you wish you could of
been down on one knee
beg them to stay
to keep their life
because without them
you're left with a knife
and you slowly cut yourself
to take away the guilt
of your friends departure
into another realm
and as you do this
you think to yourself
why am I doing this
And hurting myself?
and so you stop
right before you die
And save your friends from despair
and another entity.
Rylie Lucas Apr 2017
Love is a concept
No one can decipher
And yet we’re always studying
Something we cannot master
People try to make emotions
Into a science
Like they would create
Some kitchen appliance
But everyone knows
That everything is different
For some its one way
And others its insignifferent
Some feel that love
Is just another emotion
But those tend to be people
Who have never had devotion
Its sad to think that some
Will never experience it
And they’ll fall
Into an endless pit
A void in which
Love will never save
These poor hopeless souls
Who never gave
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017
I’ve written about love
And I've experienced it, too
But nothing like
How I feel about you
Too shy to speak up
Too confident to not talk
Do you’re constantly at war
And never going to talk
Unless it’s in your group
You’ll stay silent
Too afraid of embarrassing yourself
But not wanting to be quiet
I love people who aren’t
Afraid to use their voice
And you aren’t
To a degree
In class, you’re someone different
That who you are with your friends
I know this because
My love for you has no end
When you think that I don’t like you
It makes my heart cry
Because you should never doubt what I tell you
Especially if it’s my feelings inside
So just know this, my love
I’ll be there for you always
Never forget that fact
And we’ll be together for forever and a day
Rylie Lucas Aug 2018
Love is hard
To find and to feel
Love is something
Not all believe is real

But I know
When I gaze into your eyes
That love is so real
It'll be my demise

Too quick to love
To trust and to be driven
You have to power to break
The trust I've given

But no matter what happens
The love I feel for you
Is something that you take for granted
One of my chose few

I meet you now
And see your true colors
As the backstabber you are
And not some lover

You hurt me in ways
I didn't know I could feel pain
Nothing can compare
To my feeling of disdain

So to you, my breaker
My fallen love
Maybe I was wrong...
Maybe there is no such thing as love...
Hey y'all, sorry it's been so long! Just got my computer back, so hopefully, I'll be updating more now!
Rylie Lucas Jun 2017
If you think about it
Love is like a game
You move around your pieces
To create a perfect strategy
In chess, you take away pieces
But in real life
Each piece is a
Potential wife
But everyone is choosy
wanting to take the queen
So that whoever you decide to take
Is the one you choose as king
You will rule beside them
For the rest of your days
Or until you are done with them
Then, your days with them are done
Rylie Lucas Nov 2019
You made me feel so much
We were just out of touch
You helped me to feel
Reminded me that life is real

The butterflies
The warm words
The late nights
The exchanged words

But you murdered the butterflies
Drowned them in cyanide
Kept them alive with a kindred fire
Only to burn them up in their own desire
Rejection hurts
Rylie Lucas Dec 2017
Middle School
Full of friends and love
Hate and lust
Being thrown under the bus

Doing the right thing
Is harder than it sounds
Harder than it looks, too
Always wanting to be found

Rescued from the abyss
That feeds off of your sadness
That doesn’t know when to stop
That will make you collapse

Needing support
Wherever you can find it
Taking it from others
If it means peace

Life upside-down
Never know how
To turn your life over
That frown upside-down

So when you find peace
Wherever you find it
You never want to leave it
But sometimes you must

Coming back to resurface
After all the sadness
You see the world differently
Then you saw it before.

People can help
But sometimes they don’t
Sometimes they think their helping
But really they’re not

Don’t fall for the lies
The deceptions they place
To try and make you come with them
And do the wrong things

Because in the end, you’ll find
You never wanted to be with them
You just want to be you
And not just some hologram

Embrace who you are
And what you’ve gone through
No matter what it is
Walk up with open arms

Take what you have
And don’t worry about what you don’t
Because in the end, you’ll find
There’s nothing wrong with you

You’ve been through high times
And low ones, too
But no matter what had happened
You found your way through

Through the darkness, you emerged
Opening your eyes
To a new world of color
Without wearing a disguise

Learning who you are
Can change how you act
Change how you feel
Even change how you react

Because now you know
How to see in color
No longer in the darkness
World seeming brighter

Every day can be a good one
If you know how to live it
All you have to do
Is change how you see it
Writing a poem for my Passage Personal Statement. What do y'all think?
Rylie Lucas Jan 2018
A/N You guys loved the other Middle School poem, so I'm going to write another one for you guys to read. This one will be about when I started 6th grade all through that time. I hope you like it!

First Poem:

Worry flitted through my head
As I walked through those doors, unprepared

Nothing I had ever done
Had left me feeling so undone

"It's okay," I told myself
Not able to trust myself

I walked into my first class
Sat down, as the teacher asked

"What's everyone's name,
And how are you?"

I freaked out
And almost cried

I was so scared
I didn't want to be here

But now I think
Back to that day

And laugh at myself
Because I had no reason

To be scared or afraid

I had so many people there
Who had my back

And I made more friends,
Just like that

But as the year went on
I got more comfortable

I noticed who I should be with
And who I shouldn't

And towards the end
Of that hectic experience

I found out something
That I probably shouldn't

I followed protocol
And told someone

About the boy
Who was dealing drugs

My very own brother
Called me out

And I never heard the end
Of the screams and shouts

I wasn't just scared and alone at school
But they were all online, lying about me there too

Not allowed to talk to them
I dropped out of school and started again

Started new, at a brand new school
To become someone new

To become myself now
As I am always to be

Never doubting myself
Like I shouldn't be
I hope you enjoyed this Pt2 to Middle School. Should I add this to my passage?
Rylie Lucas May 2020
Keep quiet
Don't make a sound
Waking the monster is a bad idea
That come's with a painful end
Two soulless eyes stare up at you
A shell of a being
It's a body filled with hatred
For its mistakes and your happiness
It takes it from you when you least expect it
During a movie, or playing a game
You'll be fine one moment
Just living life
But then you speak too loud
Move too fast
And wake the monster within
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017
Staying somewhere
Is a luxury
Most people don’t understand
That their so lucky
Moving schools
Is like moving lives
Especially when you don’t stay somewhere
For more than a night
Never knowing
Where you’ll wake up tomorrow
Always drowning
In your sorrows
To stay somewhere
To not switch schools
Would be like asking for
10,000 jewels
It’s almost impossible
For you to think
Of a life
Where you don’t wonder
Each night
If you’ll be here tomorrow
Or be somewhere new
Trying to fit in
But always “the new girl”
For my step-brother, who's, for the first time ever, staying in the same school for 2 years in a row
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017
You know that one song
That’s always playing
Never stops on the radio
And freaking drives you crazy?
I know how you feel
If you’re answering yes
But what I want to tell you
Is not to second guess
The people running the radio
Are just in it for the money
They know that different people are listening
Every part of the day
So if you think
Their just trying to drive you mad
Don’t forget to think about
What they could be doing instead
I’m sure they’d rather be doing
Something other than playing
Music for some unhappy people
On any given day
So don’t get mad at them
For playing the same song
Over and over again
All day long
I know I do this, and I really don't know why I chose this as my topic, but I did, so there.
Rylie Lucas Jun 2017
When i saw you for the first time
I thought i would probably die
I fell for you instantly
Image floating through my head listlessly
You’re always there, but not how i want you to be
I want you to spend your life with me
Because i am afraid of what would happen otherwise
If you left me to my divise
If you left me, i wouldn’t be me
I would be someone with the shell of me
You’re my everything,
And i want to be your everything
Rylie Lucas Jan 2018
This is the Teenager Test, To Test if You Are a Teenager. Please Comment Which Numbers Apply To You

1. Have you ever stayed up all night working on a project last minute that you forgot about?

2. Have you ever looked at your computer screen for hours, trying to come up with an idea for a paper?

3. Have you ever stressed about a test so much that you didn't sleep?

4. Have you ever had a crush on someone, but know that they don't know you exist or think that you're weird, stupid, etc..

5. Have you ever had the same crush as your best friend?

6. Have you ever had a best friend that has dated your crush, and you have to magically hold your friendship together?

7. Have you ever gotten grounded because you were trying to help your friend through a tough time but were up way too late?

8. Have you ever waited 3 minutes for a text back, but it felt like 3 hours?

9. Have you ever lost your best friend over a pointless argument?

10. Have you ever been surrounded by friends, but felt alone?

11. Have you ever realized you no longer love your s/o and have to find out how to break-up with them without hurting them

12. Have you ever lost almost all of your friends due to a break-up? Have you ever found out that your so-called "friends" only like you for your s/o?

13. Have you ever pretended that you have a s/o because no one deserves your attention?

14. Have you ever realized that life will go on no matter how much stuff life throws at your face?
Wrote this for Language Arts! What do you think? Also, comment what you think the story is!
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017
This is my broken heart
To love and not be loved in return
To have doubts
To not know where I am headed
To be untrusting
To be lied to
To be led on
To be breathlessly in love
To have jealousy
To have no clear answer
To be broken
To be unheard
To be unsure about love at all
To be unsure of life itself
To be hurt
To cry alone
To always be the strongest
Even when I'm weak

This is my broken heart
A beautiful mess
My perfect, broken heart
Rylie Lucas Apr 2017
When i think of you
My brain goes elsewhere
And when i see you
I feel like i don’t deserve to see you there
For my love for you
Is really great
But i don’t want to make
Another mistake
I feel like i cannot decipher
This impossible code
That opens your heart
To make another ode
My life without you
Would be a natural disaster
It would make me feel like
I’m made out of plaster
So as i sit here
Thinking of you
And i reach out
And grab another hi-chew
My mind starts to wander
To your image in my head
And of useless facts
Like pencils and lead
Without you in my thoughts
My life would unwind
And everything that's happened
Would appear before my eyes
All of the good and bad things
Would play in mind
And soon enough
I would begin to cry
No matter where you are
No matter how far
I will always think of you
And you’ll be in my memory
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017
I've been stabbed in the back
By those I've needed the most

I've been lied to
By those I love

I've felt alone
When I couldn't afford to be

But at the end of the day
I had to learn to be my own best friend

Because there are going to be days
Where no one has my back
Or is going to be there for me

But myself
Rylie Lucas Jun 2017
Even though you're on at night
And it's hard to stay awake
I feel that if i don't come on
Our companionship would be at stake
So as my eyes a slowly shutting
And my hands start to fail
My brain is already
Starting to set sail
To a world of imagination
That i tap into during the day
To let reality
Just fade away
To allow myself to write
And to be who i am
I first have to learn
How to be gentle as a lamb
So as my eyes close
And my hands falter
You say goodnight
And my mind doesn’t alter
Any image of you i have
In my memory database
You’re all i need
To keep me in my place
Hey guys! I'm super sorry I haven't updated in sooooo long! I've had lots of test and school stuffs, including being grounded :'(. I do have to turn in my computer tomorrow, so I will not update over the summer :'(. I will paste every single peotic piece I've ever written right now, so spam incoming!
Rylie Lucas Dec 2017
No one knows
The thoughts that run through my head
The urges I feel
To slit my skin

No one knows
The darkness I feel
It hangs over me
Just out of reach

No one knows
That I'm never "okay"
That the things I say
Are never what the seem

No one knows
The things I see
How amazing life isn't
What we see

nothing is like
How we perceive
We wish things to be different
But they never will be
nothing will change unless we change them ourselves
Rylie Lucas Jan 2018
every day I find
I do something wrong
even if I was told
to do nothing at all
the lists of chores
I'm given each day
are too long to remember
one thing left to stray
that thing can be so small
like forgetting the laundry or dishes
but boy do I get in trouble
wishing for small wishes
to let me escape
to run and be free
no one to hurt
or ever kick me
because whenever I forget
or work to slow
I get slapped or kicked
but I don't let it show
hiding my true emotions
from the ones I should trust
because if they see my tears
I get kicked in the ****
nothing can compare
to the pain I feel
when the ones I love
hurt me for real
now that I know what it looks like
to be ashamed of your appearance
to be looked at with dislike
for no real reason
the scars and bruises
up and down my legs
are too ugly to show
at any time of day
so that's why I'm looked at
oddly in the summer
cause I'm dressed in pants and long-sleeves
like in the middle of winter
no one can understand
how much I do
until I leave for good
and they notice what I do
they shout and they scream
when something is forgotten
but I'm used to it now
that burning sensation
it starts in my eyes
making me cry
and when they see my tears
out of my disguise
I hide myself
behind a veil of smiles
because no one can know
how I long to run for miles
get away from this hell
that is my everyday life
finally find someone
that really makes my day
someone who knows
and understands my horrors
why I don't wanna know
what they plan behind closed doors
one day they'll catch me
with my mask off and away
my horrors will return
come back to everyday
because no matter how fast
or how far I might run
they'll always catch me
and then I must come
back to the home
that can scare my nightmares
where the devil once walked
and still does, I swear
forced once again
to work hard and not forget
for if I slip up
it might cost me my head
Rylie Lucas Sep 2019
Another day goes by
Uneventful, fake
The happiness subsides
Leaving a cold, unforgiving world
In its wake
One day
I'll finally know what it feels like
To enjoy waking up
To enjoy life

Today isn't that day
Maybe tomorrow, maybe never...
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017
Done something terrible
And don’t know how to fix it
So now I’ve started running
And don’t know where to hide
My life’s topsy-turvy
Full of wonder and madness
And that’s why somethin’ terrible happened
It’s not my fault, not exactly
Hit ‘em with my bullet
Shining silver in the night
And now karma’s out to get me
Take my soul and make things right
So since then I’ve been running
And I don’t know where to
But karma’s gonna catch me
And leave me black and blue
Show me what I’ve done
‘Cause I deserve no peace
Replay what happened to them
Again and again in my head
So I’ll run until I can’t
Avoiding what I know’s comin’
So I can try to make amends
With who made me shoot the bullet
Rylie Lucas Jun 2019
You're life is tough
I understand
You've been treated rough
Been thrown into quicksand
But that doesnt mean you give up
Not a chance
Instead youre supposed to prosper
Accept a helping hand
Nothing I could ever experienced
Could even compare
To the life youve lived
Pushing through suffocating dispare
Now I understand
You feel like a failure
But youre not
I swear
Please understand,
When I say these things,
I dont mean them to be fake,
Because they have meaning
Please dont go...
Rylie Lucas Apr 2017
Texting you at night
I suddenly realize
That no matter how much i try
I’ll never modernize
It’s like my life
Is in a black and white movie
And for some reason
I want a strawberri smoothie
In a modern town
I don’t fit in
And in a olden film
I’m just a sin
No one see’s me for who i am
Behind this mask i wear
I’m only every really me
At night when i’m playing truth or dare
When i’m with my fam,
I can take off the mask
But with so many “judges”
I am given an almost impossible task
Not being yourself
Is the hardest task of all
But soon enough you learn
How to perfectly evolve
Rylie Lucas Oct 2018
Someday, my punishment will end
I'll be free form this hellish earth
Until then I must mask myself
And serve my sentence with diligence

I walk these roads alone
With thoughts swarming through my head
Music in my ears flowing like water through them all
Like air through a spiders web

The water drowning my thoughts
Them fighting for air
Soon they will give up
Freeing me from their despair

Days blend into weeks
Mind dulling and dying
But it's okay, for in the end
My soul will go back to hell
Demon in a girls body, fighting for peace, thoughts of death and suicide, always filling my head
Rylie Lucas Sep 2017
Walking down the halls
I realised one day
That I haven't even noticed
That you have been going this way
You’ve been behind me
And I haven’t even cared
But I also didn’t know
That you’d been there
Now I keep walking
And with more knowledge
Blushing uncontrollably
And now on edge
Afraid you might talk to me
I start to walk faster
But wanting to talk to you
I walk slower
So I stay the same pace
And you don’t even notice
How I’ve started to worry
And that my face has gone crimson
Finally reaching my destination
I walk in and feel relieved
But also sad
Knowing that you just walked past
This emotion I feel
Is hard to explain
So I just sit down
And look plain
“Maybe next time”
I think to myself
“I’ll have enough courage
To walk up to him myself”
And with just those few words
My confidence goes wild
And for a few moments
I actually think I could do it
So when I see you again
I go up and say “hi”
And you don’t respond
I suddenly feel shattered
And fall endless
In that fall I realise
That my goals are to high
And I change them
To make them mine
You disappear from my thoughts
And I start to focus
But I see you again
And it all comes back again
All the emotion
And all the realisations
The emotions and lives
I had planned out
Just pop into my head
And don’t pop out
So you’ll always be there
In a special place in my heart
Tucked away forever
Where I can restart
Rylie Lucas May 2020
Scrolling through the past
Is informational
It reminds us of who we once were
And who we've become
Rediscovering feelings
We had almost forgotten we had
And we'd shared them with the world
And we didn't do half bad
I thought I'd never escape her
Her iron grip leaving bruises where she held us
But we did
We made it
Life got a little better for it too

We aren't fixed
We are still sad
We still have depression
But it's not as bad as it was
She's gone from our lives
Our abuser

And she dares to call herself a fighter
I was scrolling through my old poems, and I was reading one comment on my poem "Cuts" from when I was stuck with the woman who abused me every chance she got. If you're reading this, it got better. I'm not healed yet, but it has gotten better. To those of you who've stayed with me this long: Thank you
Rylie Lucas Jun 2020
I don't know what I did
The past is so blurry
I can't remember
What I did to deserve this
My mind won't leave me alone
But you will
My hands move on their own
Texting you again
I know you'll never love me too
I understand you're using me
But red flags through rose-tinted glasses
Just look like flags
Armed with my heart on my sleeve
And rose-tinted glasses
Ready for you to use me
Because pain is the only thing that's real
Rylie Lucas Dec 2019
Shouldn't they
Care about us?
Having compassion
Opens up doorways and
Opportunities. it allows for
Learning and growth.

Instead, they feign these things
Shooing away the cries of pain.

Help us" they scream, their words
Echoing off of walls.
Losing their meaning as they multiply and
Likewise, get ignored.
hahaha...the US school system is ******
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017

Rylie Lucas Oct 2017

She said she was okay
And you believed her?
Let me tell you what's wrong with her
She's tired
That's exactly what she is
She's tired of being  
She's tired of being
                          L  E  T
She's tired of the
She's tired of caring too L I T T L E, and not caring at A L L
She's tired of H O L D I N G it
She's tired of being
She's tired of being J U D G E D for EVERYTHING she D  O  E  S
She's tired of all her F L A W S and I
She's tired of T R Y I N G           P
She's tired of getting her hopes U
She's tired of being treated like *******br>She's tired of trying to be H E R S E L F
She's tired, and you want to know how I know all this?

                       E            D
Because S    is M            E
             H                   R
               E                 I
And I'm R  E  A  L  L  Y T
I'm really tired..
Rylie Lucas Apr 2019
I sit in silence
Unseen and unheard
The world flowing around me
Like water, a blur
An earthquake shakes me
Down to my core
No one else feels this
I start to shake more
My body a vibration
The world a constant mountain
As I shake people don't notice
Of course not, they're too focused
Anxiety is no joke
Yet society sees it as one
It can be caused by anything
Or anyone
So stop with the plexiglass
Stop forming the barriers
Break the glass, step through the other side
Instead of saying "you're fine", your words a rapier
rapier: (n) a straight sword with a narrow blade and two edges
plexiglass: (n) a light transparent weather resistant thermoplastic

In case you didn't know what those words are :)
Rylie Lucas Jan 2018
why cant i sleep
at night like i should
instead im distracted
by things i shouldnt
afraid youll leave
if i sleep
i stay awake
not making a peep
would be dead
if they found me
awake this late
at 1am
please dont leave me
im not ready
to go out into the world
my legs arent steady
help ley me down
to rest my head
and promise that tomorrow
i wont be dead
i wont be alone
ill have you
and youll protect me
against the unknown

a/n i never sleep. too busy writing!
just met someone amazing in the game Town Of Salem! @Cerberbus1116, thank you for reading my depression!
Rylie Lucas Dec 2017
I knew someone one day
and the next they were gone
no one knew where they went
they vanished like snow

snow melts on a warm day
and melts into the earth
my someone's personality
did just so

so now I sit here
wondering where you went
knowing that one day
it'll snow again

hopefully, you'll come back
when the snow falls again
because if snows around
then you're around
and there are no more fears

you make my day much better
distract me from my life
but just now I realized
that my someone is me
that someone is my happy side

so now that I know
that I can be alive
no more depression for me
my suicide will subside

I'll be happy once more
able to see with new eyes
the world in which I live in
will finally come alive.
Stop being depressed and suicidal, wake up, and open your eyes. Because one day you'll see that seeing the world in color is amazing
Rylie Lucas Feb 2018
Something, I have found
Is wrong with me
Nothing I can do
Can make me feel complete

I could climb the highest mountain
And feel nothing
Just like how I feel
Whenever I do anything

I try not to submit
To the demon in my soul
But it's so hard to fight
The ever-growing hole

Nothing can fix
What has happened to me
So now all I can do is wait
For it to overtake me
Sorry, I haven't written I've been busy. What do y'all think?

Check out my YouTube channel
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017
Sometimes, no one cares when you’re sad
When you’re broken
When you’re mad

Sometimes, when you gotta learn
How to love yourself
But you don’t have the courage

Sometimes, you don’t have someone
To stand by your side
And make you feel alright

Sometimes, you just have to stay there
Fight off your regrets
Fight off your depression

Sometimes, you gotta learn that
No one will ever be there for
Except for yourself

So now’s your chance
To pick up your feet
And to make things right
Sometimes, all you can do is sit in your room and cry yourself to sleep
Rylie Lucas Jun 2017
What i feel when i'm near you
Is something unexplainable
When i see you coming  
My heart becomes unstable
You sit next to me
And my face goes crimson
But the funny thing is,
I never know the reason
My life revolves around
Me seeing you
And without that stability
The world in my head goes to
Another place entirely
Something about that place is
It always is you on a stage
You’re my night and day
And my story on a page
And without you
My life would have no meaning
My mind would go blank
And my heart would stop beating
So please,
My companion,
Rylie Lucas Jan 2018
That test
That Homework
That Crush
That problem

Stress comes
In all shapes and sizes
It doesn't matter the reason
Your stress doesn't care
It'll haunt you forever
In life and in sleep
When you're most vulnerable
It'll attack in the most unwanted times
Just prey on you
It's your predator
Always lurking in the shadows
The darkness in your mind
You'll realize one day that time doesn't affect it
It grows with you
Feeds on your worry
And sadness
And anything that could make you feel stress
It'll use against you
Until you find that you're stressed for no reason
Or stressed for every reason

There is a way, however
To keep your stress at bay
If you always are happy
The darkness can go away
Your stress won't be able to grow
Only hide in fear
But the darkness can't fully go away
Because there's always something
That can go wrong
And your stress will feed
And the darkness will grow.
Rylie Lucas May 2018
You've had a hard life
Full of hatred and denial
Betrail and heartbreak
Like your heart is on trial

You want it to end
This treacherous life
To run away free
To give up the fight

But I can tell you now
That nothing can compare
To what you've gone through
Through all that despair

It might seem like
The tunnel of light
Would be much better
If it stopped burning bright

I can tell you
"Don't end your life"
But it would do anything
Except fuel the fight

Your heart doesn't want it
I can see it in your eyes
So I wrote a poem for you
Without wearing a disguise

I might not be the wisest
Or all knowing and powerful
But I can tell you
That life is beautiful

Seeing a sunrise
Or little bits of joy
Will make you realize
Your life's not a toy

Don't take these moments
The futures you haven't seen
Instead, hope that one day
You'll find where you've been

Find your soul and yourself
On this journey of life
Some might even call it
A journey of love
The poem I wrote for a friend to hopefully keep him from suicide. If you're reading this, don't die on me..
Rylie Lucas Sep 2017
Somethings off,
But you won’t tell me
So I think
And think of 3
3 possible reasons
Why you’re all alone
Separating yourself
And facing the unknown
All by yourself
You’re just sitting there
And I do not know why
But I pull up a chair
I ask you what’s wrong
And you don’t respond
So I sit there and yawn
It feels like an eternity
Has gone by before you respond
And all you do is sit there
And give me a shrug
You mumble something short
That I wasn’t able to catch
But what I thought I heard
Is “I’m gonna **** myself”
I immediately said “No!
You’re way too good for that”
I ponder for a moment
What would drive her to this
And then I see her face
And I know she’s been harmed
By whom I cannot say
But what I know is true
She’s been harmed by someone close to her
And someone that I knew
He had forced her to do things
That I cannot even say
The thought of it so treacherous
It’s hard for me to say
Even the smallest details
From this account
Can drive me very crazy
And lose myself
So that day
I had to say goodbye
To someone I loved dearly
And I watched her lie
She was such a good person
And didn’t deserve to die
But this man drove her crazy
With just the blink of an eye
So now I mourn her
Every single day
Because I miss her so dearly
With every passing day
For the friend I lost. She was a **** victim and sucessfully killed herself.
Rylie Lucas Nov 2018
Pay attention to your surroundings
Always count exits
And cameras
And make sure you aren't alone
For loneliness causes the voices to surface
And you know what happens then

Convince yourself you have company
Even if you're alone
Crying in a corner
Facing sword-wielding demons with a rock


Waiting for your savior
To come from above
To help you resurface

They never come
Well, hope this is okay, kinda describes how I feel right now
Rylie Lucas Oct 2017
You don’t know I exist
So I talk to you
And the next thing I know
You’re stuck to me like glue
Wouldn’t stop texting me
Not able to leave me alone
And the crazy thing about it is
I don’t mind it at all
Having you by my side
Makes me feel so amazing
Like I could conquer the world
Like I could do anything
Unable to imagine
What life was like before
I’d walk over to you
And you’d be wide open, like a door
Loving you everyday
And knowing you love me too
Gives me so much confidence
And lets me see my life through
I actually talked to my crush! The butterflies won't leave me alone now!
Rylie Lucas Jun 2017
You’d be surprised
How often you’d find
Amazing moments spoiled
By some random guy
Or by your teacher
Calling you out
For texting your mom
And trying to figure this stuff out
Why would she call you
In the middle of class
While you're trying to focus
Trying to pass
So that one time
He catches you
Is also the time
People are starting to like you
Having your poem
Trend online
Is a goal for everyone
Even mine
So, when i got that email
Saying it was trending
I went into a fandom
That was never ending
And then it was crushed
By that teacher
So now i'm here
Writing on paper
Trying to make sure
I don't fall
Into a void
Where i won't get out
A void of sadness
A common problem
For a common life, i'm guessin'
So i'm sitting here now
Putting words on a page
And hoping that
I only die on a stage
Rylie Lucas Mar 2022
And as I sit
With colors all around
There’s a hole in my heart
It’s source yet unfound
When I can fill this
Temporal void
Is up to the imagination
Of a very special boy
I leave everything to you
My life and my soul
Please finally complete me
To have and to hold
In this life and the next
I wish for nothing more
Then to finally feel happy
To no longer feel bored
Heyo sorry it's been so long since I last posted, my ******* account died and I couldn't sign in. Love you all <3
Rylie Lucas Mar 2018

A for Anxiety
B for bipolar
C for confusion
D for depression
E for everything
F for ****
G for great...
H for help me
I for im fine
J for joking
K for kidding
L for lying
M for mistake
N for nothing matters
O for overreacting
P for please save me
Q for quiet
R for respecting everything but yourself
S for so what?
T for thanks a lot...
U for Underneath it all
V for very disrespected
W for *****
X for eXamine my life
Y for youth all gone
Z for a Zig Zag live of emotions

Be happy, and don't be any of these
Also, half of these most teenagers don't have, but we feel like we do
Rylie Lucas Mar 2019
never given any time
to try to see
the light
at the end
i know this is shorter than what i usually write, and it's also been awhile since i've uploaded anything. thanks for staying here everyone, and im always here to talk to people who need saving
Rylie Lucas Jan 2019
Moods can change and switch
Sometimes on their own
Making a sad moment exciting
Making a happy moment dreadful

Like flipping on and off a light switch
These emotions change
Not on purpose, of course
The emotions rearranged

If a day wasn't already hard
This would make it harder
Being dragged into an abyss
This is what it's like to be bipolar
What I deal with every day, for the people that don't know.
Rylie Lucas Nov 2017
Thinking can
Harm you
In ways
No one
Kind could ever understand

Am I crazy
Butterflies in and
Out of my stomach, everything in
Utter shock,
Time no longer existing

Youth can be decieving
Outward apperance can
Utterly destroy our
Respect for ourselves and
Speaking of self respect,
Everyone has some
Life in them, it's
Finding it that can sometimes be hard

A little fun can never hurt

Life is a mysetery
In a nutshell
Titles as our names
Too much about us leaking through
Little to nothing at times we need feeling
Eventually no longer feeling anything at all

Most people
Overexaggerate little things
Respond inpolitely and
Eventually, never get what they really wanted
Think about yourself a little more
We look down upon ourselves because we're demons, but we should look up to ourselves because we're also angels.
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