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muteD Nov 2015
When you feel like
Talking let me know.
Would I sound cliché
If I Said
"I'll be here if
You need me?"

Let me tell you this:
I've been through what
You're going through.
It's not easy,
But you will get through it.
Sometimes it feels like
It's better to not
Then to hope,
Because you don't want
To get hurt.

Well, that's wrong.

But here's my advice:
*Some Things Are Worth The Risk.
She hates when I put her name, so I won't.
muteD Sep 2021
from a pegasus, i was a feather plucked.
drifting through the air, i wonder where my right hand went.
when i clench my fist, there’s nothing there
and as my eyes roam the room,
there’s not another soul in sight.
alone in the cold,
shelter had to forcibly be found.
fleeing through the flames, my stinger fell away
as a charred and scarred phoenix emerged.
aware to the deterioration of the world.
the anger and pain ran down the line,
until the line met me.

i’m different but i’m still growing.
from scorpion to phoenix, here’s to growth.
muteD Nov 2015
Guilt is a massive hurricane,
Wrecking havoc like a tornado.
Stealing your emotions, leaving you blank like a wall.
Screeching in you ears,
And clawing at your soul.
Smothering forgiveness in the flames of hatred for yourself.
Attacking your will to live.
Leaving you like a whimpering baby seal.
Or screaming like a baby craving human touch.
Until all hope is lost and

You're looking up, drowning in a sea of pity, and helplessness.

Screaming from the top of your lungs on the ledge:
**"I'm Sorry!!"
:) This poem was actually for my poetry class, but I thought you guys would like it too!!!
muteD Nov 2015
I Hate
When Your Best Friend Is Hurting
And There Is
You Can Do About It.
I Am
Geez, I hate this.
muteD Jun 2021
I know how I’m going to die.
Trapped inside of my mind with no room to stretch
and no oxygen to breathe,
surly my own thoughts will suffocate me long before
I turn to stone from my rigid posture.

I’ve always wondered what I was meant to be
and if I will ever be able be that..
To attempt to accomplish everything I’ve laid out for myself
is terrifying, especially when
those I loved the hardest
already have a mold ready for me.

as if this was a twisted tale of Cinderella,
I was forced to wear something that could never fit me.
Blisters and bruises weren’t the only things I received.
now I hide inside of my mind,
a body inside of a body,
because how can he hurt me if
the real me is hidden ?
part one.
muteD Dec 2015
In Moments Like This,
I'm Floating.
I'm Higher Than The Sky.
This Moment Is
When I Like The Wrong
Instead Of The Right.
This Moment Is The Most Dangerous Of Times.
Its When I Feel The Most Confident And Brave.
This Space And Time,
Is The More
And The Less.
This is how I'm feeling right now.
muteD Sep 2019
my mind is so chaotic.
a mess.
a hurricane of emotions
wreck me
again and again.
time after time.

I feel like I’m losing my mind
and the want to know the time
and the day.
each day bleeds into the next sore.
every night blends into the next color.

how can I miss something I never had?
I miss the one called my ‘mother’
but I’d rather slit my own throat than talk to her.

‘do you got..?’
‘can you..?’
It’s always about what I can do,
It’s never how are you.

there’s this box around me.
as time passes,
it becomes smaller and smaller.
It’s purpose being to confine me
to loneliness.
oh how it feels to be the loneliest.

nothing makes me feel anything anymore.
anything different.
It’s just the same.
the same followed by the same,
every waking second I’m reminded of the pain
in my chest.

I hate dreaming.
those dreams just remind me of a different time.
a time where having people who love you
was as easy as telling the time
or finding a rhyme.
now I’m left to wallow
and swallow all I have to say
because no one really understands anyways.
It’s always ‘you could’ve..’ ‘you should’ve..’
It’s never
“I understand.”
Written: September 5th, 2019
muteD Jan 2016
I Just Want To Sink
Into Oblivion..
To Stop These Tidal Waves Of Pain.
I'm Tired Of Feelings.
I'm Tired Of The Way
Everyone Makes Me
I Just Want To Be Done.
I'm Tired Of This Life.
I'm Tired Of Breathing.
&& I'm Tired Of Living.
I'm Just So Tired Of Being Tired.
Lord Help Me...
Before Its Too Late.
I'm hurting so bad right now. And noone knows. And noone cares.
muteD Dec 2019
‘I don’t know’.
That isn’t an excuse. That’s not the easy way out.
I genuinely do not know the answer to the question you’re asking.
Oh you’re frustrated?
Imagine how I feel!!
You just asked that question.
I have been asking that question my entire life.
“Why can’t you just..?”
                                   KNOW !
I want to scream,
to cry,
to be heard in some way !!
and not because I need the attention but because I genuinely have something to say..
Something worth hearing..
I’m scared of what’s in my mind.
I’m scared that I’m running out of time.
I’m scared to be alone because I don’t trust myself.
Not around scissors.
Not around pills.
Not around myself.
Do you know how that feels?
Do you know how it feels
to not trust yourself
around yourself?
I am at war.
   My mind
with my heart as a witness,
my soul as the prize
and my body, the battlefield.
I wonder..
Will I be a causality?
It felt nice to write this.. even if it was at 4 in the morning. I haven’t really been writing much, lost in my own head I suppose. Trapped, to be honest. Trapped in my own mind with only thoughts to think to help pass time.
muteD Oct 2018
That’s what I’d call you.
Just plain miserable
and manipulative.
You tricked me into giving you the world .
Deceived me into believing that you’d never do me *****
You blinded me by your lies
“Forget about them , you have me.”
But , I didn’t really have you ..
Did I ?
You took what you wanted .
You let me put you before myself .
But ?
I don’t even blame you .
Maybe if I would’ve been in your position ,
Being offered the world
And only being asked for friendship in return ..
Maybe then I would’ve robbed you of your trust .
And your love .

You were my best friend .
My ace ,
My platonic soulmate .
And I treated you as much .
But, what was I ?
To you ,
What was I ?
A personal tutor ?
Remember those last two essays that you just couldn’t get done ?
Who helped you ?
Who stayed up after an exhausting day at work ,
After having to bike home in the cold and rain ?
Just so you could pass and not worry.
Maybe , I was just a free ride .
Always taking you places ,
Always giving you the keys and letting you do whatever.
You filled the tank maybe twice
within a nine month period .
And I never once said anything .
Oh I got it , I was your ATM.
Whenever you needed money ,
I was glad to help .
Whether it was for an Uber so you could go to your volleyball tournament
Since your own “mother” couldn’t take you
Or whether it was for a Plan B because
Your boyfriend didn’t know how to pull out .
Hm , I guess I was also a personal shopper .
Buying you clothes when I bought me some .
You didn’t wanna spend your money ?
That was fine .
I would spend mine
And you didn’t even have to ask.
I was everything except your friend
and that’s all I wanted to be .

I should’ve seen this coming .
I should have KNOWN .
Looking back
All I can see are the signs ,
Foreshadowing what was to come .
You started to change right in front of my own eyes
but I didn’t want to believe it .
Didn’t want to believe what I could clearly see .
You started to ignore me .
For days on end .
Living in the same house became something like a
Silent war .
Everyone against me .
Including you .
You started to disappear into your room .
There were no more lifetime movie marathons together .
No more staying up and goofing around together .
No more talking about any and everything together .
I lost you way before I knew I lost you
and that makes my heart ache
like a pre-existing bruise
getting hit over and over again .
This poem means a lot to me . Honestly . Someone hurt me and I don’t know how long it’s gonna take until I’m okay and don’t think about it anymore .
muteD Nov 2015
If I died,
Would you notice?
Would you even care?
Or would it be like I'm still there
Locked up in my prison,
Doing you slave work?
Not having a life,
Not having a soul.

If I died,
Would I be swallowed up in shadows?
Never to see the light of day again?
Would the darkness
Consume me alive,
Trapping me in its
Tendrils of death and hopelessness?
Until all I am is less than
A figure of your imagination?

If I died,
Would Heaven pull me up,
Or would Hell yank me down?
Would I be happy in the clouds,
Or tormented in the lake of fire?
Would I feel sweet relief
From a life filled with pain and hate?
Or would I regret
Having left the world to soon?

If I died,
Would anyone miss me?
Would they realize I'm gone?
Or would it be like a song forgotten?
Would I occasionally cross your mind,
Like lyrics?
Would you have trouble remembering me,
Like a name of a song?

If I died,
What would I become?
NO, I am NOT thinking what your thinking. NOPE. NO WAY!
muteD Nov 2015
My Heart Picks Up
Every time I See Him.
All I Have To Do
Is See If He Likes Me.
I'm So Nervous,
But I'm Excited.
I finally have a crush!!!!
muteD Nov 2015
Imagine a pitch black room.
You're surrounded by darkness,
And it's seeping under your skin.
Whispering false truths in your ears,
Making your fears come alive.
Feeding your insecurities,
And knocking you down
Every time you dare to stand up.

The things it says,
Breaks you.
And leaves you whimpering in a corner.
Tears running down your face, and
Afraid to face the world.
"Why am I this way?!!"

Every time you start to feel proud,
That voice starts up again.
"You're ugly!"
"It's your fault! All of it!"
"You're fat!"
"You're disgusting!"
"You make me sick!"
"How can you live with yourself?!!"
And before you realize it,
You're believing and

Dear Friend,
You are not alone.
As cliché as it sounds,
There is light after the storm.
I'm not going to lie and say
"It gets easier."
Because it won't,
Unless you want it to.
And even then,
Its not as easy as it seems.

Just know this:
I am not here to whisper
Pretty lies into your ears.
And I am not going to stand here, and
Watch you sink.
I am here for you.
To be that hand that pulls
You out of your sea of pity.
I am here to remind,
That you are perfect
Just the way you are.
And most importantly,
I am here to tell you to fight.
Fight the Self-Pity.
Fight the Negativity.
Fight the Darkness.
Just Fight,
And you'll make it.

**I Promise.
This is for my friend. You know who you are! I hope this helps!
muteD Jan 2020
The darker the darkness,
the crazier the thoughts.
That little piece of meat,
a sectioned off part of my brain breeds pain.
It specializes in it
and in reminders.
Like a calendar
but this one ties you in
your own personal electric chair.
Each reminder,
Each charge,
Each word
reverberates throughout your entire body.
It brings pain.
Brain pain,
the only thing I truly know.
The only thing I was force to learn.
I wish I could unlearn the things in my brain,
remove the whole thing
and start from scratch.
Must find a way out,
Need to find my way out
of this inescapable maze of my mind.
Even if all that is left to remember me by
is a splatter on a wall.
These are 2am thoughts. Starting to realize I have a love/hate relationship with what lies in the dark and darkness itself.
muteD May 2019
I should break every single finger of mine.
Starting with my pinky
and ending with my thumbs.
I should snap them like carrots
at every ******* knuckle.

why not?,
would be the simpler answer.

but in reality,
simplicity is really
to me.

I wish to feel a different pain.
Even if that means,
grabbing my scissors
and slicing each vein.

I should lay in the street.
Right in the middle.
and wait.
Maybe if I wear all black
I’d be unnoticed.
or I could be myself
cause she seems to be invisible anyway..
either way,
I wish this rain would stay.
that way if i was seen
laying in the middle of the street,
slowing and braking
wouldn’t even save me.
This is the first thing I’ve written in about a month. My depression won’t let me be happy, it just won’t let me feel anything worth feeling. I only feel anger.. and sadness.
muteD Nov 2015
I Tried To Run From My Problems.
I Tried To Leave Them Behind.
I Tried To Become More Solemn.
But, The Tears In My Eyes Would Not Dry.

I Tried To Think Of The Future.
I Tried To Not Focus On The Past.
I Tried To Make My Life Smoother.
But, My Demons Were Too Fast.

I Tried To Never Hope.
I Tried To Never Dream.
I Tried To Cope.
But, The Pain Was Extreme.

I Tried To Give Up.
Yet I Tried To Believe.*
But, If There's One Thing I Know
Its That My Try's Need To Be Complete.
I keep trying to accomplish things, and I have yet to actually accomplish then. I need to work on that.
muteD Jun 2017
Tell me.
So, is this how it’s going to be?
How it will always be?
Me busting my back trying to make you proud,
And you not even noticing or caring to notice?
Is this how I will always feel?
Like I’m not good enough
Like I’ll never be good enough.
No matter how hard I try?
Please open my eyes to your understanding of how I should be treated.
Let me into your mind.
Share your daily thoughts.
Whatever goes through your head when you see me.
What am I doing so wrong?
Why won’t you love me?
Or treat me like your own?
muteD Nov 2015
Is The
Light Of
*The World.
muteD Feb 2020
I wish I could just make myself into the person you want me to be.
Even though for some reason you keep telling me to be myself.
What if you don’t like her?
What if I don’t like her?
Because the person I’ve known to be me,
I don’t like.
I don’t like how she looks.
I don’t like how she talks.
But, no one hears that.
It’s all in my mind.
If I want change, why don’t I change?
These days it really feels as though I am truly going insane.
Late night poem.. Probably will end up changing the title since I’m not a 100% on it. Any ideas? Comment.
muteD Aug 2017
what a strange word.
i wonder what it feels like.
maybe a million an done butterflies caressing your skin.
each flap of their wings drawing you in closer.
or maybe it feels like a wave crashing into a cliff.
you're the cliff
and love is the wave.
maybe it hits you out of nowhere.
i used to think love was a leaf falling from the tree and landing on your shoulder.
so unexpectedly.
so suddenly.
maybe love is unknown.
the things we do not know
and could never know.
i wonder what love feels like.
i wonder...
what is love?
i was having poets block Friday , so i watched a lovey-dovey movie and read some poetry. then, i wrote this.
muteD Nov 2015
I crave human contact,
Like a ****** craves their next fix.
Wondering when I'll be able to get it.
Obsessing over how it made me feel the first time.
Forever chasing that high.
Disappointment filling me,
Knowing that, that is all I'll ever be doing,
Forever chasing.
My body starts to shake,
As I go into withdrawal.
Feels like I'm dying.
Over and over and over again.
Going numb all over.
Ba-bump, ba-bump
Nothing. Silence.
My heart stops.
Just like the peace
Before the storm.
So soft, so quiet.
Right before I step into the light,
I'm injected with it.
Bringing me back, and
Taking me up.
Pass that first high.
Until I'm experiencing something
That for once has left me speechless.
This is,
muteD Feb 2020
I used to think nothing was stronger than love.
As long as we had love, nothing could come between us.
As long as I knew love I would never be heartless.
And as long as you knew I loved you, we would be fine.
Who knew I’d be wrong?
Maybe I love too hard.
That has to be it.
There has to be a reason why I feel so drained instead of feeling loved.
There has to be a reason why the feeling of judgement surrounds me like a suffocating blanket!
Oh! how to be able to breathe would feel..
Maybe I would be able to if I loved less.

Slowly but surely, love is becoming an unknown and foreign object to me.
Something that certainly can’t be attained.
How could I know love after all the pain I’ve sludged through?
It seems as out of reach as receiving any sort of maternal affection.
How could something so positive as Love impact me so negatively?
Maybe love isn’t as cracked out as it were made to seem
and maybe things will become better if I become Love-less.
Love is a strange thing, isn’t it?
muteD Sep 2018
Never say never when time is unknown.
And anything w ‘never’ , can be a lie on its own.


“I’ll never leave you.”
What a delicious little lie.
“I’ll never stop loving you.”
Never ended quick .
“I’ll never switch up.”
How can you be seated on a throne of needles
Dipped in poisonous lies ?
(and not feeeeeel them?)
You changed up like I change clothes .
Doubt looks better when you wear it,
Not when you bite the backs of those who helped you say it.
(I’m talking words here .
Doubt in your words
Planted a seed of
Uneasiness which I cannot escape)
Cloaking yourself in deception won’t hide the treason you’ve committed .
Not when you’re found guiltily.
This is the Court of Loyalty
And you cannot get it .
muteD May 2019
my alone
feels so

like i am a leaf
and I’m just floating.
unable to grasp onto anything.
unable to hold on.
without an anchor,
I just continue to rise
like bread does if you leave it out
for some time.
but what’s different this time
is my mind.
I keep on rising
and a little part of me keeps on dying.

and all I keep thinking is

it’s lonely up here.
Someone asked me to write a poem about loneliness.. with no guidelines,  I tried to write something that she could relate to. But, I realize that the loneliness I’m feeling is different from what I’ve ever felt..  so writing about it, was actually kind of difficult
muteD Jul 2021
Your face seems to be all I see
whenever I close my eyes.

why does he haunt me?
a ghost of love we never truly had,
how could I miss it?

Memories flash through my head
like daggers to the chest.
Wounding me seemed to be the target
before our first encounter.
To gaze, unbothered,
at something so innocent
while envisioning
how to bring me to my knees.

did I love you? or did I love the idea
of you loving me?
I’ll never truly know
because you are a ghost
of my past.

and ghosts don’t answer questions.
my ghosts never shut up though..
muteD Aug 2016
Give me your hand,
Lemme guide you into my twisted mind.
Lend me your ears,
Lemme scream to you my pain.
Provide me your eyes,
Lemme show you the darkness.
Sell me your trust,
and I'll give you mine.
Grant me the gift of forgiveness,
Lemme forgive myself.
Give me the strength to survive,
The will to carry on,
and the heart to care.
**As I pray to a God I may or may not believe in.
The last sentence is a story for another day.
muteD Apr 2016
What is this life?
Please, tell me what it is.
They tell me to believe,
but I don't know how.
How do I believe?
In what, shall I believe?
In myself?
What a joke.
Because to be honest,
I am a failure, who can't do anything right.
Which is what they say, anyway.
But, it's okay.
Because I'll get myself right one day.
*One day soon.
Sooner than you think.
muteD Nov 2015
As much as I hate to say:
Beautiful People
End Up
With Beautiful People.
Which means,
I'm out of luck.
muteD Aug 2017
My head hurts.
A product of overthinking, I would imagine.
And anxiety.
I can never be happy.
Not fully anyways.
Everything has its expiration date.
Even happiness.
Especially happiness.
But, I just don't understand what makes me different.
Why must I go through these things?
Why must I feel this pain?
This headache?
This feeling?
What did I do?
I lived.
I lived and my sister died and that's the honest truth.
But, why?
Why have I been chosen to live a...
Not "chosen". But, forced.
Why have I been forced to live a life I do not want?
A life I do not deserve?
And that's the million dollar question.
today is an off day , like most.
muteD Nov 2015
Out Of The Smoke Comes You.
Not Covered In Lies, But Truth.
Not Afraid To Be Real.
No Matter How You Feel.
Then Life Becomes Too Hard,
And You Think: "Where To Start?!"
So You Realize, Life *****
And There's No Such Thing As Luck.
This is for my poetry class. Is there a hidden message in here? Cause its suppose to have one but I'm not sure if I succeeded in that.
muteD Dec 2015
Sometimes I Feel Like I ******* Up.
And Most Days I Know I Have.
I Miss My Old Life,
The Life I Used To Have
Just 4 Short Weeks Ago.
For The First Time In My Life,
I Trully Regret The Decisions I've Made.
I Regret Burning The Bridges I've Burned.
And I Regret Hurting The People I've Hurt.
For The First Time In My Life
I Realize How Horrible Of A Person I Trully Am.
And I Don't Know If I Can Change That.
Today's just one of those days..
muteD Aug 2019
and regret is
overwhelming me.
left me down bad.
deserted me as a child.
and depression?
it never left me.

but my mother did.

and I wonder why.

could it have been me?
maybe it has always been me.
stuck in a cycle of negativity,
I bring the clouds
and the thunderstorm follows.
When it rains,
it truly pours
and when I cry
my body begs for more.

I am addicted to the pain
that lives in my chest.
The one that has padded
And patted around.
Kneaded and kneaded,
this pain has made itself at home
and has become deaf to my pleading.
So as silence consumes me,
I wonder..
How long will life toy with me?
and when will death take its turn?

will the people around me ever learn?
muteD Aug 2019
and regret is
overwhelming me.
left me down bad.
deserted me as a child.
and depression?
it never left me.

but my mother did.

and I wonder why.

could it have been me?
maybe it has always been me.
stuck in a cycle of negativity,
I bring the clouds
and the thunderstorm follows.
When it rains,
it truly pours
and when I cry
my body begs for more.

I am addicted to the pain
that lives in my chest.
The one that has padded
And patted around.
Kneaded and kneaded,
this pain has made itself at home
and has become deaf to my pleading.
So as silence consumes me,
I wonder..
How long will life toy with me?
and when will death take its turn?

and will the people around me ever learn?
I doubt it.
How could they?
How could they learn
when I am the teacher
and I’m tired of teaching?
This subject,
I keep repeating,
is depression and how it’s eating

How could you be so oblivious
to my screams?
My screams have been screaming screams
so much
my throat is starting to bleed.
Instead of a voice,
blood trickles out
and down my mou-
oh how I miss the feeling of blood tickling my arm
as gravity pulls it down,
as I would pull those scissors down.
That pain is the only thing that makes sense
and because of that,
it has me on the fence.
should I wait for my happiness to return?

or should I slit my wrists and wait for my body to burn?
muteD Aug 2019
I secluded me.
Bolted the lock
and then tossed the key.
and then I looked at myself and asked
‘Why am I so lonely?’
I keep asking why.
wasn’t it my own doing?
why did I cut ties?
why did I disappear from peoples lives..?
and the truth is:
I was preparing to die.
but now
I am alive..
Alive and alone
living a life I’d rather disown.
who would want this life filled w dread?
I wish was dead.
So I wouldn’t have to suffer
from things in my head
and the things in my chest.
I confess
that maybe
I am a mess
and maybe
someone should throw me away.

‘Who can you count on?’
My shadow.
It never leaves me
without a doubt
It follows me.
When I die,
It dies with me.
it’s just me and my shadow,
muteD Nov 2015
I have a secret.
A Secret that is me.
Something my "Mother"
Wouldn't approve of.
She'd say:
"You're a disgrace!"
"You make me sick!
And all I'll know is:
"I deserve this."
muteD Mar 2019
“Don’t touch me”.
That’s what I think in my head every time
you come near me.
“Don’t touch me”.
Keep your fat fingers away from me.
You ***** me
with your eyes and your mind,
you kidnapped me.
Took me on a rollercoaster of a emotions
only to drop me from the top.
You dropped me from the top
and expected me to land on top
of you.
I wouldn’t touch you even if you paid me to.
Even if you wanted me to.
I would rather choose to lose
than to be caressed by you.

I married you.
Decided to spend my life with you.
That was before the betrayal.
Before the kid.
Before you did what you did
and said what you said.
Before sleeping next to you meant
sexually being touched
and before you stopped trusting me.
So I sleep away
from the stress of being awaken.
It’s nice.
Being able to think and hear my own thoughts
instead of hearing your snores
that rock me almost as much as your words do.
As much as your words did.

This is goodbye
and saying I’m sorry would be a lie.
Since you are unable to recognize
what was blatantly in front of your eyes.
I must leave.
I must flee.
I must retreat
and the next time you see me,
make sure you ignore me.
Pretend you ain’t see me.
It’s over.

Your Ex-Wifey
This was written from my mother’s perspective. My first time really adventuring out and trying a new style. Just gonna thank my bestito @freshito (check him out on all platforms)
muteD Dec 2016
I started to realize
That you were becoming my reason.
My reason for everything.
My reason for living.
My reason for going on.
My reason for being happy.

I started to realize that I loved you more
Than I loved myself.
More than I could explain.
More than I thought I could love.
More than you could ever know.

I started to realize that I couldn’t do this anymore.
I realized that you deserved more than I could offer.
I realized that I just didn’t love you as much as I thought.

I started to lose you.

I started to lose myself.

I fell out of love
With the love of my life.

I started to lose my life.
This poem goes with "Falling Out Of Love." I just kind of realized that I wasn't okay with loving someone more than I loved myself anymore.
muteD Sep 2018
Sometimes I get sad.
Like sad sad.
To the point where it feels like a blanket of darkness is surrounding me.
Like a black hole of sadness
and happiness can’t get in.
And a life without happiness?
It’s suicide.
It’s almost like my own hands are strangling me.
Do you know how it feels to be suffocated?
To feel your soul slowly ooze out of your pores?
To have your life force ripped piece by piece from your heart?
Dear God or whoever you believe in,
I hope you never do.

Sometimes I get down.
Like down in the dumps.
To the point where it feels like happiness is a foreign concept.
Like the idea of physics.
Difficult and hard to understand
Especially when you’re your own teacher.
Teaching myself something you never knew to begin w.
So , HOW will I catch on?
I just can’t.
I can’t grasp the idea euphoria, happiness or physics.
No matter how hard I try.
And maybe that’s what I get.
Call it bad karma or bad luck ,
Whatever shoe fits just make someone else wears it
And not me.
Or maybe it’s because I was never taught how to be happy
and how to love myself.

Sometimes I get depressed.
Like depressed all of the time actually.
There’s never a ‘happy’ moment.
Not for long.
Not ever .
I can’t remember the last time I wasn’t depressed.
Maybe when I was a kid.
Back when life was a walk in the park
And all I had to worry about was..
Whatever kids worry about I guess.
I can’t remember what that would be.
All I know is that kids have this innocence,
This happiness,
This light.
But, I never had that.
Not even for a minute.
Like a 24 hour clock of depression
I’m always clocked in.
sometimes i just think.
muteD Nov 2015
The Girl
I See
In The Mirror,
Makes Me

I Swear I
Don't Even
Recognize Her
That Girl.

I Feel Wise.

And Sometimes
I Don't.

I'm Actually
To Be Who
I Am.

I Feel
And Disgusted
With Myself.

I Love Every
Detail About

I Pick Apart Myself.
I Look At All
My Flaws,
And I Think
About The Ways
I'd Like To Change.

I Actually
Love Myself.*

Most Times
I Don't.
muteD Nov 2015
I'm Bi.*
So What?
There I'm out!!
muteD Aug 2016
Locked in a room.
No windows,
No doors,
No lights,
No escape.

Just darknees. Black EVERYWHERE.
Why are there so many walls?!
Of words.
In a language I don't recognize.
I'm stuck in a room..
Stuck in a language I do not know.
muteD Nov 2015
I'm not sure
If I can start again.
I'm not sure
I feel like livin.
I'm not sure
About this feeling
But I am sure
Of being sure
muteD Dec 2020
do you believe in haunted dreams?
not nightmares
but haunted dreams..
because I do.
and that’s because you haunt mine.
every moment of them.

and you haunt my reality.
every waking second is filled with the need to reminisce.
even when I run your scent just seems to follow.
to escape into any type of solitude would grant my unspoken wish.

so I sleep.

but even then my dreams are tinted with
the feeling of nostalgia.
yet it is not from anything I can recall..
to be missing something I never had at all
is a special kind of hell.
you’ve tainted my dreams
as though you’ve put me under a spell.
and it’s weakened me.
leaving me
screaming upon deaf ears
I wonder if my voice will make it out of this fog
you’ve brought.

everything is clouded with
the abyss of you.

you’ve tinted my dreams
in the color
of you.
drugged me and got me hooked.
now if my dreams aren’t tinted with you,
they’re nothing
but bare black walls.
“ That was insane how you ended it 🤯 from start to finish I was intrigued and steady wanting to read more, although the person was expressing themselves, the vivid imagery you presented through your careful choice and placement of words painted a clear motion picture I could truly get lost in, hella deep and very impressive no bap, you snapped...”
- a response to my poem..
muteD Jan 2016
The World Is Filled With Chaos.
Or Rather People Who Create It.
Filling The World With Their Lies,
And Pointless Sayings.
Breaking Hearts,
And Starting Wars.
On And Off The Battlefield
Until Our Body Is Broken,
And Our Soul Is Bruised.
When Will We Realize That All Wars Are Not Worth Fighting?
Sometimes It Is Better To Give Up
When The Person You're Trying To Save
Doesn't Want To Be Saved.
So Instead You Try To Save Yourself
From The World Of Dark Thoughts
But That Places You Right At The Beginning.
And No Matter How Much You Try To Change It,
You Are Stuck In The Cycle Of Life.
This is for what my best friend/fill-in mom are going through
muteD Jun 2021
A fiery pit
is blossoming inside of
my chest.
Where my heart
used to reside
no longer resides
a place capable of any
Hate slithers in
like the first rays
of sunlight
on a Sunday morning
consuming me before I even open my eyes.

and I’m finding out
that the only way to
silence the voices in my head
is to scream my own voice raw
and drown them out.
bubbling up like a volcano
on the cusp of erupting
is every penny I’ve ever collected.
holding the memories of what
could never be again.

I’m not sure what
I hate more.
How you made me feel
or myself?
muteD Nov 2015
How can anyone live with this pain?
I feel like I've lost everything
And gained,
In return.

A theif in the night
Came and took all of it from me.
Leaving me with this
Deep pain in my chest.
Its only been there for a minute
But I can tell
It doesn't plan on leaving.

How can I live with this?!!

I feel like someone's
Ripped my heart out, and
Stabbed me in my chest.
17 times.
And afterwards they told me
"Happy Birthday."

They took everything I ever had.
They pushed me down the stairs,
And kicked me when I was down.
They didn't care about the mess
They left behind
Just as long as it
Resembled a tornado hit.

They knew what I wanted,
Yet they tore my dreams into tiny pieces.
They took my ability to bounce back.
And threw it into the deep sea.
How can I put my life back together,
Start over again,
When I don't even know if I want to breathe?
Wrote this on Saturday.
muteD Apr 2016
Don't you understand?
The pain and hurt she feels?
She compromises every time.
But, nothing ever seems to be enough.
And we all know that one thing leads to the next.
But to completely satisfy your wants and desires,
would go against what she wants.
Why doesn't what she wants matter?
Why is it the same argument all the time?
"I'm not ready"
"I'm not ready"
"I'm not ready"

How many times does she have to say it?

Five Disagreements.
It seems like the only way to make you happy,
is to offer up her body as a sacrifice.
Well, what if she doesn't want to?
What then?
*There's more to this dependency than her body.
Either understand, or forget you know her.
This is for my friend and her issue.
muteD Nov 2015
They say they "understand".
But, what is that?
They say they "know me".
But, who am I?
They say they "want to help me".
But, how could they?
How can they help me,
when I can't even help myself?
muteD Dec 2015
I Don't Hook Up.
And I Don't Go For Guys
I Think Are Unattainable.
But He.
He Makes Me
Everything I Ever Thought I Knew
About The Thing Called,

I Hope I'm Not
Overthinking It.
But Sometimes It Fees Like
He's Playing Me.
When We're Alone
It's All
"Accidental" Touches,
Small Smiles,
And Secretive Looks.
But In A Group,
All That Disappears
In A Cloud Of Smoke.
Almost Like It Was Never There
To Begin With.
Making Me Seem Crazier
Than I Actually Am And
Leaving Me Wondering If
I'll Be Good Enough
For Him To Want Me ALL The Time

When We First Met
I Was Attracted To Him.
And I Felt Like He Was
Attracted To Me.
But The More I Think About It,
The More I Start To Doubt It.
"Maybe You're Not Pretty Enough."
"He's Out Of Your League!!"
"He's Way More Experienced."
"He's Gonna Want More Than You're Ready To Give."
"Seriously, Are You Kidding? COME ON!"

And Soon I Become A Victim
Of My Own Heart.

I Want Him.
I Don't Want To Rush Into Anything.
I Want Him.
And You Know What They Say.
What The Heart Wants,
The Heart Gets.
Okay, so it may seem like this guy is WAAYYY older than me but he's not. He's actually just 2 months younger than me. And this is the guy I was talking about in 'I Finally Have A Crush".
muteD Nov 2015
A friend in class,
Showed me a message her boyfriend
Sent her:

*"I say you're not you
When you wear makeup
Because you spend
So much time
Making yourself
Look like a rose,
When I fell in love
With your roots"
This is perfect!!!
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