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Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
All my poems
are wanting
to rhyme

what happened
to the freedom

where's the open door
to ideas that held together
with just the words they were

not depending on a rhyme
words that sounded
so much alike
to be their ties to bind

I'm struggling here to find it
whatever I have lost

then again
I suppose I could be dreaming
about what never was
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
he doesn't seem
to mind
the shower

in fact, it seems
he glories
in the contrast
that his splendid feathers form
against the bleak
and somber sky

the drizzle
merely gives him
greater luster
a glistening
shows off
the one bright spot

in the dreary
winter rain
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
The truth is…
              the real truth…?
                             Do people do that?

How’s my new dress?
                                             It makes you look fat.

Like my new do?
I paid quite a lot
                                             You got ripped off, dear,
                                               You might even sue.

How are you today?
Just a quick answer please
I don’t have the time
To hear of your bad knees.
                                              I’m doing fine, knowing
                                               You don’t want to hear
                                               My problems and stresses
                                               I won’t bend your ear.

A “white lie” is easier
Makes conversation go fast
Then again, you just never know
When you might hear the real truth
It could be quite a blow.
So beware

the truth is…

If you don’t want the real truth?
Perhaps you shouldn’t ask.
I don't usually write silly poems, but at a poetry gathering the challenge was to write a poem beginning with "the truth is" and the truth is I could not come up with anything serious that didn't also sound sappy, so I went for silly!
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
We travel carrying our words.
We arrive at the ocean.
With our words we are able to speak
of the sounds of thunderous waves.
We speak of how majestic it is,
of the ocean power that gifts us songs.
We sing of our respect
and call it our relative.

Translated into English from O’odham by the poet.

’U’a g T-ñi’okı˘

T-ñi’okı˘ ’att ’an o ’u’akc o hihi
Am ka:ck wui dada.
S-ap ‘am o ’a: mo has ma:s g kiod.
mat ’am ’ed.a betank ’i-gei.
’Am o ’a: mo he’es ’i-ge’ej,
mo hascu wud.  i:da gewkdagaj
mac ’ab amjed.  behě g ñe’i.
Hemhoa s-ap ‘am o ’a: mac si has elid, mo d.  ’i:mig.
I was looking through some of my computer files and came across this. I have no idea where or how I originally found it and actually didn't even remember it. But I like it and thought I'd share it. :-)
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
(photo session baby picture)
Serious                                                 ­                                                          
no smile

Come on, child
I don't have all day
What's wrong with you

Oh go ahead
take one anyway
(early school years)
Serious face
no smile

speak up, Child
no tales to tell?
of schoolyard adventures
games to be won?
you're so quiet...
what's wrong with you
cat got your tongue?

sad little face
tears running down
(high school)
Serious face
no smile

rattling papers
quivering lips
how long did this speech have to be?
knees won't stop trembling
how long can one take this misery?
can't see for tears forming

hot burning face
crippling disgrace
tentative: "I have an idea
I'd like to present..."

oh let's move on
that won't work

("why did I bother to come?
I feel like a ****")

burning eyes
lip silently bit
don't let the tears slip
And people don't understand why I was shy and sometimes still am.
Mostly moved past this..mostly! :-)
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
"Even rocks crack I tell you"

their fragile insides exposed
no longer strong
no longer firm

like barren clouds they split
spilling their dusty tears
freeing them
yet not

forming smaller prisons
that hold their tears
and wait
for infinity
to be the dust
of stars again
First line is from a favorite poem of mine "Pride" by Dahlia Ravikovitch
Mary-Eliz May 2017
“One porcelain tea set!”
the auctioneer calls,
“looks like never used.”

“Looks?!” I think,
hearing in my mind
mother’s admonition:
“that’s only for special.”

but special never came.
instead I remember sitting
under the polished oak table

peering into the china cabinet,
daydreaming of ladyfingers,
tiny cucumber sandwiches,

maybe a strawberry or two
placed just so
on the dainty saucers,

wondering how tea would taste
sipped from the gold-rimmed cups,
their fancy curved handles held

between lace-gloved fingers.
“May I pour?”
“One lump or two?”
“Cream or lemon?”

surely all those magical pieces
held secrets within
the brightly flowered pattern,

the secret of when special
would be.

can I change my mind?

would that be allowed?

or maybe...

should I bid?

“Sold!” I hear before I can decide.

“special” would be
someone else
to find.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
Hands raw
from working the land,
back bent
and stooped
he hauls the last load
from the hay fields,
sighing in relief.

The stock will be fed

The sun burns
the horizon
as it has his skin
bronzed and glistening
among the wrinkles,
his face
like the fields
he plows
in spring.

Removing his worn
straw hat,
he wipes his brow,
hears her call him
to the evening meal
as she takes
the wash
from the line.

in shadows of night
their silver-streaked heads  
beside each other
in bed,  
their thoughts
with finances,
how long they’ll endure.
No words
need to pass,
their minds
are as one.

as sleep approaches,
they close
their eyes.

For now

the land is theirs.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
With eager smiles they come
they come with widened eyes
like flitting butterflies they come
and pick the flowers they prize.

They taste **** berries, check what's ripe,
catch toads and set them free,
hopping themselves in synchronicity.

They say What's this? It's really tall
What's this?
they ask and marvel at it all.

With eager smiles they come
they come with widened eyes
like flitting butterflies they come
and pick the flowers they prize.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
such a heavy load you have there
that chip sitting on your shoulder
why not just let it go
let it go before it's a boulder

thicken up your skin a bit
don't jump so quick to defense
nobody's out to get you
you don't have to be so intense

I hate walking on eggshells
I really don't want them to crack
so remove all those shells, brush off the chip
and cut everybody some slack!
This one is for me, too, at times! :-)
Mary-Eliz Jul 2018
I see you there looking at me
cutest thing you'll ever see
pink peach fuzz all over myself
I sort of look like a cute little elf

my nose pokes through the fence
to show my eyes black and intense
I'm just a little guy, won't be a hog
I'll get along great if you have a dog

I'll be loyal, I can learn tricks
I'll trot along, feet making clicks
I want a home, I want to be taken
just please, oh please, don't name me "Bacon"
Cutest picture of a little pig! I want one.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
Stacks of letters
saying "no"

rejection can be
such a blow

most every writer
has some

even Dr. Seuss
though he had a chum

that's how the book
expressed it

when they said
who would have
guessed it

he'd pleaded
to so many

said maybe
ten or twenty

supposed to make
for less regrets

bid you continue
in your


then they drop the boom
bring you back your gloom

they go on to say
in these very terms

he bumped into a "chum"
who worked
for a publishing firm
I have a book on how to get children's books published. I thought this passage was so ironic. They were trying to say "even Dr. Seuss" had been rejected X number of times (wasn't all that many). When they went on to tell about his "chum" it seemed they were saying "even Dr. Seuss had to KNOW somebody." LOL
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
Matchless beauty
O-shaped, our home
Traversing an endless “sea”                                                            ­          
Holding us tight yet leaving us free
Ever forgiving though we don’t deserve
Rotating gently, never a swerve

Ethereal blue when seen from afar
Arched splendor in space
Regaled by the stars
Taciturn, yet giving so much
How can we repay her sweet, loving touch?
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
Matchless beauty
O-shaped, our home
Traversing an endless "sea"
Holding us tight, yet leaving us free
Ever forgiving though we don't deserve
Rotating gently, never a swerve

Ethereal blue when seen from afar
Arched splendor in space
Regaled by the stars
Taciturn, yet giving so much
How can we repay her sweet loving touch?
Rerun from last Earth Day.
Mary-Eliz May 2018
don't know what
was fixed

when Hello Poetry's
site was down

but my mailbox
now seems frozen

little dot goes circling

trying its best
to open

to see if a message
is there

but it's having
no luck

and I'm giving up
in despair
A bit of an exaggeration - my reaction, that is. There does seem to be a glitch somewhere.
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
June explodes green
yellow summer sears

Hazy blue mountains
into sunset's rosy sky
that melts
over them

Singing under a full moon
shadowy seas dream
the white dance of dawn

The whispers gather,
becoming louder
to a thunderous roar

Dawn splits the sky
with golden jagged spikes

sooty clouds darken
to coal
the world is drenched

Cold rain

winter's gray ghost
Funny I'm writing so out of season, as I sit here wishing spring would finally win over winter, When anyone asks "do you have four seasons where you live?" My answer is "often in just one week." :-)
Mary-Eliz May 2017
I search for the right words.
You patiently wait.
I speak...
You understand.

Is it because we know
that each word
that passes our lips
carries with it
cradled somewhere
a piece of our souls?

For so long
as I moved about
in a foggy sleep
a dark and misty dream
my soul was held captive
a prisoner to fear and doubt
distrust and bitterness.

Then I awoke.
I learned freedom
learned to love again.
Yet even now
my soul flows out
with caution
choosing carefully its vehicle
attaching tentatively
to the words.

Like a fledgling
certain it must fly
I speak...
You understand.
I search for the right words.
You patiently wait.

You give me wings!
Mary-Eliz May 2017
her morning walk seems
a spiritual experience
head held high
hair coiled on top
silver wisps floating defiantly

she keeps her routine
in enduring manner

some think her air aloof

they do not look
into the shimmering eyes
notice the serene smile
they do not see
inside her head

where she dances
where the music plays

they only see her lively step
as one to keep pace
with the petite fawn terrier
seeing him
as her only dance partner

they are wrong
she has many partners

she dances with the breeze
she dances with the birds
with the clouds
with the sun
with the moon

on these crowded city streets
locked in her memory
played back
in complete detail

she dances
with the foaming, crashing ocean
the verdant mountains  
mist hovering above
she dances
with giant oaks of the forests
meadows filled with scarlet, gold,
white, and amethyst wildflowers

many think her lonely

they are wrong
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
You can learn a lot
from a Facebook page
just from the pictures shown

what things a person collects
what kinds of things they own

their likes and dislikes
vacations that they've taken

how many kids
how many pets
even what time they awaken

but mostly I like to notice
how many "selfies" there are

sometimes it's quite amazing
you'd think they were
some kind of star

headshots would be another
good name
for those poses oh so hammy

smiling, grinning, grimacing
goofy, questioning, campy

those infamous pictures
on Facebook
shots showing a craving
that everyone look!
I don't do much with FB, but every now and then I kind of "check in". I can't help but notice the phenomenon of the numbers of pictures. One woman has 4 kids, a husband and a dog. I was looking for pictures of the dog for the Pets' book I'm working on. I really had to "dig".  The pictures of herself outnumbered all the others by at least 10 to 1. :-) I mean, kids change - adults not so much;
dogs do fun things and poses - adults meh!
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
I have a story to tell
It’s spiritual, poignant
and real

a young man, my son,
Fought a brave battle
No, not on some foreign soil
Right here inside his head
A seizure…

Oh god, what’s happening?
Briefly, I feared he was dead

Waiting…scared…what to do
What to think…
Tests of all sorts…


A brain tumor
They said

Go home, enjoy Christmas
Then surgery
We’ll open his head

We tried to enjoy the season
With a sword hanging over
Us all
Though each of us
All five…
wept at times
Knowing it was going
To fall
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
January 2002

Doctor recited some number
I didn’t understand what it meant
when he said “not as low as
I’d hoped” my heart sank
into my gut

Later… home
with an ugly scar

on back of his skull
horse shoe shape

didn’t the surgeon know
horse shoes must hang ends up

the luck in them will escape?
Just this morning I started what will be (if finished) a several-part poem of the saga of our son lost to a brain tumor. When I saw today's "prompt" of "luck" I decided to post Part II. I hope it stands alone well enough.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
where have all the poems gone
can't find them anywhere
where have all the poems gone
have they vaporized to air

where have all the poems gone
will no one help me look
where have all the poems gone
are they in some long closed book

where have all the poems gone
they're dying now some say
where have all the poems gone
why could they not stay

where have all the poems gone
gone to ashes
every one
where have all the poems gone
will they return when day is done

will words rise from the ashes
blow and swirl in wind
will they dance to joyous music
tingling beneath our skin

will they gather in a circle
will they place themselves just so
will they strike a chord in every heart
making poems
standing toe-to-toe

where have all the poems gone
flown off like traveling swan
where have all the poems gone
perhaps they're waltzing
with the dawn
Apologies to the author of folk song "Where Have All the Flowers Gone". Also to Greg. It didn't startout to but as it progressed it was influenced by your question of words having their own minds. :-)
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
must be plaid in there
in the cobwebbed little corners
of my mind
maybe paisley
pieces of a crazy quilt
on the washing line
being blown by gusty winds
whipped about
flapping wildly

one stroke
my fingers dance
in silliness
the pattern
left and right
colors mixing
circling 'round
forming no true

like stains from a paintbrush
splashed on canvas

no straight lines

figure eights

when that
is ended

the dance card
gently with a waltz

in prescribed
made the same
for years

when the custom
of the final
bow is done

to the dance floor
my mind will drift once more

who knows
what pattern
will evolve
while it moves
its colors
to its
current tune

perhaps spangles and beads
spinning orbs
of light

or simply
black and white
two colors
forming a silhouette
of a two step

Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
pond shimmers in sun
dragonflies embrace midair
dance forming new life
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
I sense a presence

a brilliant star
in a black eternal sky


in the night
we feel her

she is the fog

drifting in

drifting out

just a breath away

a part of life
the other side

in those darkest
stillest hours
that hushed time
the worlds of dark
and light

she's just above
just around
changing partners

May I have this dance?

she takes a hand
and leads the soul
onto the dance floor
where it pirouettes


separate from its fleshly burden
soft and circling

she smiles  
all is well

once more she has a partner

I sleep again
my soul intact
having not yet
learned the dance
Old one...A re-write/renamed.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
they're in their own class
yet they get a bad rap
those tiny bright suns of
gardens and grass

they give so much
it's really not fair

to make such fun
of the clothes that they wear

clothes that are cheery
and chase away dreary

they're truly a prize
for both stomach and eyes

they offer their leaves
for a salad
it's really true, this is valid

their heads of yellow
made into a brew
can make you quite mellow
and satisfy you

if that's not enough
to give them their due
beauty and charm
sustenance too
giving their all for
a drink and a dish

give breeze
to their fluffy white seeds
they'll grant you a wish
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
Some people think I’m a ****
but that’s not exactly true.
If you let me
there’s lots that I can do.

My blooms are bright like sunshine
popping up, smiling at you.
They invite the insects
like bees and butterflies, too.

They light up the grass in most seasons,
fall and summer and spring.
Children pick them to give to their mothers,
a surprise bouquet they bring.

All the plant can be eaten.
Flowers, leaves and roots
are full of healthy vitamins,
raw in salad or cooked in a soup.

But maybe best is when seeds grow
you can wish hard and gently blow.
As they float away to grow anew,
perhaps your wishes will come true.
This is the Children version of my earlier "Dandelion Whine". Planning to give it a place in the children's book I've been working on. The title of the poem will probably be part of the book's title but I haven't decided what that will be.
Mary-Eliz May 2017
We can't see
in the night.
We can only feel.
Mary-Eliz Jul 2018
though the moon tries
peeks through the trees

we can’t see in the night
but we can feel

weep not for darkness
but for unfeeling hearts

the moon tries
peeks through the trees

we can’t see in the night
but we can hear

weep not for darkness
but for those who won’t listen

the moon tries
peeks through the trees

we can’t see in the night
but we can dream

weep not for darkness
but for those unable to dream

the moon peeking
through the trees cries
Inspired by Federico Garcia Lorca poem.
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
slowly night dissolves
sun and moon melt into one
pink blush of dawn
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
what a hard time I have
letting you leave
your sprawling arms have
embraced me
your sweet warmth
has lulled me
your soulful cries
have torn my heart
and filled me with desire

what a hard time I have
letting you leave
as night comes
with its own illusions
darkness folding
in upon my weary mind
brings soft and silent dreams
to fill the empty space
where I find cool and sweet repose

what a hard time
I have
letting you leave
Mary-Eliz May 2017
Let us listen...

     Just for awhile
     let us silence our minds
     and open our hearts

     Just for awhile
     let us listen from within


     not to gain knowledge
     not to formulate questions

     rather to chance upon
     sacred bonds and
     profound wisdom

Just for awhile
let us not seek information
or answers

Let us not rouse the intellect
but embrace the spirit

If thoughts cloud the brain
let them pass

If replies tingle on the tongue
let us breathe them away silently

Return to them later
but here...

here in this precious time of sharing

Let us listen

     let the words wash over us
     and seep into a still quiet pool

Let us listen.
Inspired by a circle I belong to that practices "deep listening" which each person, in turn, speaks their heart (about a topic chosen by the facilitator) while the others just listen...deep topics, no dialogue, no conversation, just listening to one another. It's so different from regular conversations, chit-chat and small talk which is what people usually experience.

The world needs more real listening!
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
I've seen it now
mentioned twice
by poets in their lines

somehow I must have
this mission that was assigned

I guess I wasn't quite
paying enough

boy! I sure hope
I don't end up
in detention

I must have fallen asleep
in class


better behave
this way I'll never pass

I just found out
April's poem a day

oh well, too late now
perhaps I'll try it in May
After I posted, I looked. Quite by accident, I have written a poem every day so far. Of course, it's only the 7th!
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
Let this shiny ruby
of an apple
be as sweet as sugar cane

as soothing to the soul
as warm relaxing rain

as divinely decadent

as imported chocolat

(then again
even a Nestle's bar
would hit the spot)

And this yogurt
this plain and simple
may it be
as creamy on my tongue

as indulgent

as cheesecake from New York

or just the bakery down the street

let all my healthful choices
my stomach
fully sate

and for heaven's sake

this time

let me



I don't do "diets" anymore. When I read they aren't good for you, I was excited! LOL (I do try to eat healthfully though...most of the time. :-)
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
"There's the little girl with green hair!"

She Runs
She Hides
She Cries

Aunt Mary Lou's visit...
Every time!
She weighed 300 pounds
the "fight" wasn't fair.

~Looking back would love to ask why?
Is it fun to make a little child cry?~

"Orange hair
orange freckles
and your eyes, too."

"No they're not! Stop it!
That just is not true."

She Runs
She Hides
She Cries

Big sisters time and again!
Big sisters jerking her chain!

~Later years..."Didn't you know we were just jealous?" says one.
Oh, she should know that, but you didn't know better,
it was okay when you would make fun??
even though you were older,
ganged up on her, too
making her cry
making her blue?~

So I ask...

Is it any wonder redheads are feisty?
Well, this one sure is!
Feisty and fiery, proud of it, too
Look out, her sharp tongue
could decimate you
No, not really. She's soft as a kitten
mooshy like most of the stuff she has written
if it's needed the feisty comes out
she will use it plus fiery to muster some clout
Do not, whatever you do,
do not give her crap
I'm warning you
do not make this Ginger Snap!
The title is on a T-shirt I want to get.
Nowadays I'm proud to be a member of that rare 2% of the population!
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
It's a losing proposition
you won't come out ahead
if you try to play word games
with one whose life is in what's said

so take my advice and play it straight
no twisting or dodging about
say what you mean, mean what you say
we win that game each time without doubt

though it's not much of a paying gig
we take it seriously
words are at the heart of things
they're what can set us free

so don't play word games
with a poet, my friend
you'll come out behind
in the end.
Mary-Eliz Jun 2018
no care, no stress
no traffic sounds
relaxing in or out
bliss that knows no bounds

building castles
flying kites
seagulls' call
in playful flights

in hammock lazing
palm tree's pleasant shade
reading, writing
sipping lemonade

whispering breezes
softening light
ocean's rhythm
lulling sleep at night

waking to the sky
pink and tangerine
strolling in the sand
beside the water's sheen

no care, no stress
no traffic sounds
relaxing in or out
bliss that has no bounds
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
Each of us wants to know,
however vast and impersonal
all life about us may seem,
however hard may be the stretch of road
on which we are journeying,
we are not alone
but the object of another's concern
and caring.
Came across this recently and thought about the fragile souls of poets,
so this is for all of us
both for when we are the fragile ones seeking
and when we find the strength
to offer the caring and concern needed by others.
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
Have a bountiful hunt on this Easter
on chocolate and eggs be a feaster
but beware - eggs in the grass
may result in such gas
there could be a sudden nor'easter
Just feeling very silly! Happy Easter, everyone!
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
Happy Pi day
have a piece for me

transcendental number
digits that go on infinitely

Celebrate 314
any way you want
make a splash
or party
just don't be nonchalant

Count some numbers
do some math
enjoy and live it up...

perhaps a bubble bath

go outside, climb a tree
any diameter will do
go ahead...I promise

I won't run circles around you
Mary-Eliz May 2017
I am from the planets spinning
I am from the dust of stars
I am from moon’s glow on ocean
I am from both near and far

I am from the hazy morning
I am from clear mid-day
I am from the purple evening
I am from where darkness lays

I am from the East and West
I am from the North and South
I am from the core of earth
I am from the inside out

I am from the foam of oceans
I am from the breath of skies
I am from raindrops falling
I am from the glaciers’ ice

I am from the winding rivers
I am from the sea
I am from lakes and inlets
I am from water, carry it in me

I am from places known
I am from life’s mysteries
I am from the edge of nowhere
I am
      you are
            we are
                   all of these
Mary-Eliz Jun 2017
was it yesterday
was it a lifetime ago

lives mingled
hearts entwined
spirits merged

and life began?
Mary-Eliz Mar 2017
You are earth and water
to my fire and air

My once sailor
who now works the earth
and sweats the salty sea from his pores

My dark-haired, dark-eyed
"Green man" who holds me,
connects me to the earth
my thoughts skim through the air,
sweeping out towards the fiery sun.

You are earth and water
to my fire and air.

Your hair the deep brown
of rich fertile loam,
the color of gold and orange sunrise.

You swim.
I want to fly.

You are earth and water
to my fire and air.

You complete me.
Mary-Eliz Mar 2017
From earth's marrow comes water,
sparkling and clear.
A mother's womb creates life,
fragile and dear.

A pearl in its oyster,
a plant coiled in its seed,
dream of being unearthed
and their loveliness freed.

The poet's thoughts rise
like a mist from the sea,
having known her depths
long and intimately.

The artist's brush conveys
keenly the passion that wells
in the core of his being
that no words can tell.

What makes a flower bloom
is its soul reaching out,
giving love and spreading
its beauty about.

Unfolding brings magic
once hidden from sight
wondrous things from within
released when their time's right.
Mary-Eliz Mar 2018
cattails wave softly
arrow of geese split the sky
summer's end coming
Out of season. Oh well, it'll come 'round again. :-)
Mary-Eliz Apr 2017
The sun descends lower
a pink and orange haze
across purple clouds,
while stillness
across earth
and sky
creating a space
for nighttime
till finally
the Daystar pulls up
its night covers,
letting the darkness
take hold.
Mary-Eliz May 2018
All night long
Below a darkening sky
Comes a howling wind
Drowning other sounds
Each gust stronger than the one before
Finally the rain begins to pour
Growling thunder in between
Heaven's anger seeming
Insatiable as lightning,
Jagged, burns
Knifelike slashes in the sky
Lighting up the darkened
Midnight hour
No end in sight
Only a brief occasional silence
Passing through
Quickly come and gone
Throughout the night
Until morning is slightly
Visible over the horizon
Wind quietens, rain becomes a drizzle
X-it the tempest as the sun's
Yellow rays bring the morning to lavender
Zinnias and sky-blue Forget-me-nots
Not the ABC poem form as it showed on the site where I found it. Went a slightly different way.
"ABC - A poem that has five lines and creates a mood, picture, or feeling. Lines 1 through 4 are made up of words, phrases or clauses while the first word of each line is in alphabetical order. Line 5 is one sentence long and begins with any letter."
Mary-Eliz May 2017
The night swallows
the sun
bartering with the shimmering stars.
Mary-Eliz Apr 2018
Every time
I think I'll stop

I'm not getting
through to you

Every time
I think it's useless

that I'm talking
till I'm blue

Every time
I bite my tongue

and want my song

Every time
I think that I'm insane

I open up
and words fall out again
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