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Sep 2020 · 190
Slime-God Sep 2020
Shadows cross my path.
I rest myself in their shade.
Sit, linger with me.
Sep 2020 · 111
Light travel
Slime-God Sep 2020
Sun shines down the road.
Leading into tomorrow.
Leading on, for you.
Sep 2020 · 111
Wish for a feeling
Slime-God Sep 2020
I wish my world felt tension.
For years I've felt guilt,
felt sorrow and regret.
These days though, I just feel tired.
Thusly so my spirit dreams on,
waiting out the days before change.
Waiting out the days before tension,
or whatever other blessed something shakes my world.
I wish my world felt anything at all.
Sep 2020 · 352
Slime-God Sep 2020
A quaint beginning,
marked by visions of grandeur.
What torment is this?
Sep 2020 · 129
Slime-God Sep 2020
Reeling from the breeze,
The leaves are robbed of their will.
So too, is the tree.
Sep 2020 · 173
Nomad Intellect
Slime-God Sep 2020
This echoed migration of thought,
nightly, through my mind belies a sort’ve contempt for the lauded progression I so heartily cling to.
Knowing this, I turn a blind eye to the abject suffering the repeated offence causes.
I shrug off another night spent whiling away nothing and assert that the ritual is necessary.
I know, of course, that this is a lie.
But when it is the lie which propagates that same self-assured sense of potential for eventual change;
It is perhaps not wrong to suggest that the lie has become reason.
For better or worse, I do not know, nor will I likely ever know for certain.
But still, the pondering of endless, pointless why’s marches on and carries me away to it’s heavy rhythm.
Dutifully I write along to this rhythm, and in doing so,
I begin to call myself a poet, the word itself a form of hiding.
A deterrent for progress.
I turn inward to feelings I now call artful, once harrowing, and I weep.
I understand that the change has indeed already come.
That those things I once sought to rid myself of have in fact changed.
They have become the crutch upon which I carry myself further into my own supposed wisdom; another lie.
Though not for anyone else, no, not another way to convince them that this is healing.
For myself. To swear again that this is comfortable, or right, or at least that it isn’t killing me.
But is it?
Is it okay? Is it killing me?
The thought shifts.
I lose it, just another echo tonight.

I wonder when it’ll rain again?
This poem WAS work in progress, I've since finished it c:
Dec 2018 · 208
Surface tension
Slime-God Dec 2018
fetid skin,
so worn and thin.
it bears not hope,
to keep it in.
Awash beneath,
a sea of sin.
You'll go without,
and die within.
the mind is, the mind is, the mind is surface tension
Dec 2018 · 169
Distant shores
Slime-God Dec 2018
A broken shore
of wave-beaten stones,
the wrecks of ships,
and scores of bones.
The quest of kings
who, **** for thrones.
The lust of those
who, write down poems.
Dec 2018 · 408
Slime-God Dec 2018
Pigment of the evening
overwhelming, by thought
artfully winding, and weaving,
for naught.
Though your vision is endless
your colour needs work,
it’s drab, unto darkness,
your pallet’s berserk.

You must change;

You must change how you’re feeling.
From bottom to ceiling,
I swear that you’re healing.
Disregard the unfeeling,
forget that you’re reeling.
Do not be caught kneeling
in thoughts now congealing-
to naught-
but the pealing-
of bells;

Or be lost.

Not to life,
but to cause.
Draped in strife,
trapped in was.
this one ended sooner than I had intended.
Dec 2018 · 212
Slime-God Dec 2018
Crack of thunder,
scent of rain.
Wait for spring
to ease my pain.

Ease yourself,
my addled brain.
Wait for spring,
for sounds of rain.
Dec 2018 · 231
Pen, run red
Slime-God Dec 2018
Cutting teeth,
for me,
was more akin to
cutting tendons.
life had faded out of view,
and had been traded in for pen, runs.
A wretched fate for fetid few.
I can’t escape it;

my pen runs.
Nov 2018 · 287
Quiet, Tomorrow
Slime-God Nov 2018
I’m gonna die.
I’ve made my peace with that
it’s fine, it’s simple,

but why's it seem like lately
always growing, ever strangely,
this feeling,
that I’m walking
drawing closer
to an end
that might come early.
worried? surely.
but I’m not;

I’ve seen it coming,
Seen it dawning,
seen me falling,
crawling closer,
to an end;
that distant friend.

I won’t pretend
I fear it.
For closer, as I near it
I can feel my spirits calming,

Nov 2018 · 204
Sea of Sorrows
Slime-God Nov 2018
Sea of Sorrows,
let me drown.
Fill my lungs,
and drag me down.

I’ll swim, a soul
awash in still,
awake to dream,
my new Bastille.
Nov 2018 · 130
Hail to the king
Slime-God Nov 2018
ruler of a dead soul,
nothing else,
what a king,
what a blessed ruler
breaking vows
of the service that he swore
to himself;

no one else.
Nov 2018 · 465
Red Marble
Slime-God Nov 2018
Angry planet, bark!
Bleed-out into the dissonance.
Light yourself on fire, now
and sprint the ******’ distance
to the end.
Nov 2018 · 135
The Herald of the Maw
Slime-God Nov 2018
Harken to the Herald
of the great fetid maw.
watch him struggle
for his sanity
with tooth, and claw.

A Baphomet of ******* men,
enigma, to his brothers.
Listen to his blasted tongue
and know his every word’s another’s.

for yes he speaks in silvered words
it's known by even chirping birds.
But no one’s seen
the broken dream
that all his words have come from.
Nov 2018 · 477
Slime-God Nov 2018
Sober again,
Sombre again,
paranoia creeps out
the closet again

little bit of panic,
little bit of Popov
lose a little pride
but control yourself

take hold, yourself
never let your thoughts wander
or you lose yourself;

don’t lose yourself
Nov 2018 · 503
Run about
Slime-God Nov 2018
Reckless runner, run away,
Blaze a path down broken roads
make that choice and never stray
run until your heart explodes.

Beat the pavement,
beat that past,
what a joke
you’ll never last.
Nov 2018 · 1.2k
Chemical mood
Slime-God Nov 2018
Inhale smoke,
exhale my memories,
laugh at a joke,
and forget about your enemies

Wake up sober,
freak about the future,
struggle through another day,
and start it all over.
Nov 2018 · 1.4k
The Conflict Kid
Slime-God Nov 2018
I let another day slip by
do I really have a reason?
was it Too tough to try?
I haven’t had a good dream in years
but I’m well-passed mourning
and I’m Too tough for tears.
But yet I’m still here
I’m still here and breathing.
Don’t need dreams
and I don’t need meaning.
Don’t need anything,
despite this feeling
of change;

I do want meaning
and I do want purpose
but it doesn’t change the fact-
that I’m so ******* nervous,
for the future, I’m fearful
the past, I’m forgetful
presently I’m panicking
the situation’s stressful

I'm not asking to be successful...

I just want to be happy.
Nov 2018 · 375
Tomb, Happy
Slime-God Nov 2018
I sit and sulk a seeping sorrow
spreading through the scorching sand
as silence slowly fills the land.

and deep beneath;
a squalid tomb
a dark and smoky little room
it’s there I sulk
and there I brood
It’s where I’ll likely meet my doom
Slime-God Nov 2018
I am waiting to die
as I sit here staring,
blind, and uncaring
I am waiting to die.

For I once had dreamed
of a world where it seemed
that someone like me had a future;
I don’t

Though not for my failings
but simply for boredom-
as my mind is ailing
I pray for post-mortem.
Nov 2018 · 223
A Madder, Monster Matter
Slime-God Nov 2018
I never natter openly
about the things I might not see
but in my head, so quietly
Their forms begin to madden me
Nov 2018 · 178
Slime-God Nov 2018
There’s nothing to be pleased about.
There’s nothing here but sorrow.
There’s nothing left to go without.
There’s nothing but Tomorrow.
Nov 2018 · 298
Slime-God Nov 2018
Smoke on the wind, moon in the sky.
A little boy watches his best friends die.
He's awake through the night, not once does he cry.
Come the next morning he only asked: "why."
Nov 2018 · 200
Never finished
Slime-God Nov 2018
A million faceless vermin burrow deep into my mind.
They feed on broken sentences, and words I couldn’t find.
Nov 2018 · 106
Slime-God Nov 2018
It's been long past due-

for a memory, or two-

to remind me of the days-

when I was happy, like you.
Nov 2018 · 202
Slime-God Nov 2018
suffocating, stuck, struck suddenly stressed
what’s a man to do when he’s sunk, sad and depressed?

The blind, bitter, *******’s been bountifully blessed
but can’t hold his head up high or even bother to dress.

He takes tablets of toxins, he’s told it’s only a test
he’s at the end of his rope now and he’s totally threshed

He’s seen a lot of ****** sights, seen his sisters suppressed
he’s seen the face of god too, but he wasn’t impressed.

— The End —