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We got the ocean breeze and the seven seas.
humming birds and buzzing bees
plant's and creatures
the beauty features .
farmers armer's and those midnight charmers
we have food not hard to search for,
kids who have to line at  church door's  
         there'e are stores to by our sneekers others off to be a tweeker.
we get clean drinks with out no kinks it's the U.S.A with out no pay.
with a clean head, and a nice bed.
some call it lucky to live in a shed...
a different country roomate with a monkey ,
roof made of hay the dirt bed a lay.
we live like survivors , we search for our dinners , how is it made to be u.s.a winners?
with you're cool cars and movie stars,
you get ocupied ,
             and well supplied...
what a cool plate i'd wish for in fate
you have you're singers we eat with our fingers.
you roll those dice and hope for some nice,
lets go find dinner and cope with some rice....
Look who's at bat and serving at war,
                           you're lifes just so hard with you're  one choor.
      I want MY MONEY!!!
                                                                                             thats ****'s just funny...

_---Look at this world--
                                         with a breef glance ,
                                                                           Think of it more then some school dance.
Death-throws Mar 2015
tonight i cut an angel,

her heart in my palm beating away. her words echoing in my brain, theyd been there all along, such beautiful soft words, words that mattered, words that cared , words that helped , words that pushed me up and  onwards

tonight i cut an angel,

her trust was as strong as steel in me, even when mine felt soft as yarn, she allways believed and faught for me without sense and without judgment
even when her sword was too dull to cut and too heavy to swing
her armor was so broken there was no point in wearing it,
but she wore it for me

tonight i cut an angel,

she is more beautiful then i deserve,more caring then i thaught possible, but frailer then rice paper.
she will allways love me, even when i hurt her, she would stand and smile and sow the hole in her heart closed again

tonight i cut an angel,

she wanted what was best, she knew what was best, she allways had and allways would, but my heart was beating to fast, my head was to strong. i screamed and faught and squeezed razors into the heart in my palm
tonight i cut an angel.

and now ill pray that to god he will send her back

It's simple it's short
the main drug you snort
pumped hyped your proud,
next dumped in the croud.
Lifted Drifted out like a cloud .
Puff this it's cherry my main ***** that mary
out with a ducey took off with ya lucey
one shot six shot guzzlin like it's juice
Got that molly, So call me
$et it we'll ball see.
Drugs over hugs,
we don't need them thugs,
thass  what  I  got  thaught   never  **baught
"Poisonous" -kaitlyn warnken

I live in a grey and white world were i dont always get to see the sun, so I was in The flower garden.
In the garden, I noticed a flower from the distance that was full of color that I couldve never see before. A color your reality would call pink.
Oh how it was a poisonis flower, but to me this flower was beautiful.
I wanted to take it home all for myself. It showed me things i could never see before. I wanted to watch this flower grow. I needed colors and I learned that day that my love for pink was strong which soon became my only and favorite color. I like all flowers, but only I could see the pink in this flower. to the sky I wish all flowers could be pink, but in a world grey and white.. One was a miracle.
Oh how I loved this flower.
But Momma always told me not to pick the pretty flowers... Because They would die...
And daddy always told me to stay away from poisonis things becausw I would get hurt...
But in my world grey and white, I didn't want to leave the only thing that could bring color into my life, the only color I could see. So I sheltered the flower... And ate their leaves the leaves the flower gave to me.
Oh what a poisonis flower...
...Oh what a poisonis flower...

'I think I'm awake now. Ive never seen a place like this before were Everythings colorful.
Why am i grey?
Am i going insane?
Where is my flower?
Where is my flower?
Where is my flower...?

I didn't understand what was going on.
This flower gave me color and I just wanted to have my flower back.. I Dropped to my knees and cried in the green grass and asked the sky with a tear in my eye..

"How could somewhere so beautiful feel so ugly without my flower?..."

Im so grey. It didn't matter if the world saw color anymore... In my eyes it didnt matter anymore.
Nothing mattered anymore. My life faded black and I just wanted to wake up.
I felt like i was dreaming.'

I could feel the poison leaving my body and by this point I woke up.
When I opened my blood shot red eyes and lifted my sore body... I could see my flower.
I looked at myself and I was full of color!
I was pink! Just like my flower!.
I thaught, 'Oh what a poisonis flower
I do not authorize the duplication of this poems, photos, writtings, or any personal information.
If any questions conserning, or about this poem or my page you mat contact me.
My heart will steal,
my words you'll feal,
right in side you're hope will Heal,
Just get through it,
you can do it,
hold on tite or you'll just lose it.
don't go mad inside just sad?
keep your sane and diss the lame
life's a game so look for fame
help some hearts and get the name
speak lit low and help them know
peace is hear for them to glow
take a walk and feal my talk..
see it played your'e favorit show
led the way with my gold chalk..
forget the bad of past you had,
make new be glad,
   your'e tuff You're Rad,!
that pain that hole
often thaught of takes control
that mess that loss that empty goal,
thinkin back that costly toal,
It's your road And it's your choice,
make some sound to hear your voice,
down the path be strong its bumpy,
hear my song and don't be grumpy,
not alone,
stood felt  like stone,
full rock hard ,
I'm  sure no **** my words sock hard,....
[you had felt it so you delt it,
never grew a heartless clue,
I choose nice for your rude lies,
lookin over in despize,
fought the stress don't need a mess
for caught up in you're knot ties.
statin truth nor fantasize
feel it first before criticize,]

you know your heart has just be grown.
You were tuff when  **** got ruff,
bin there done that know the stuff
as it seams those memory dreams
thew away,
oh day by day,
hears your luck it blew my way,
with your heart
"click heal restart"

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Jesse   Mckush
Arrywillbeloved2013© copy right protected
You take there pride, there roar,
what goar..
      You take there skin and get some win?
take that shot,
oh whatta sin
there sold just bought.
that thaught must rot..
there little cubs chopped down to nubs,
oh why oh why,
you'd join there clubs   You take the time.
to aim for gone,
good by nature, Sorrow spirit, they so wrong
last lion song..
I guess it's the end of my need for some ****,
I guess all I got is thid lsd
but really what care,
I'm not even hear
teleport to the couch,
met a pink bear,
he ate all my hair,
**** In my eye he cussed not to cry,
mr bear
you think I wont trip?
one hell of a fry,
back to the room bad trip oh woah doom,
hit my head 'Jingle~
      ;oh yea and I'm single
hey mr. spider, lend me your lighter
back in an hour,
I thaught you died in the shower?.
itsy? bitsy? ,
I'm just rather ditsy..
wait why am i wet?.......................

all for one bet,

;)_    jesse *mckush
Child hood,
growin good,
makin bad I always had,
me i got,
free I thaught,
never wanna grow old
never wanna grow cold,.
I had me an imagination jump from the top,
when I'd fall I'd just never stop
I hit the ground was so gray,
heard no sound left mother cray,
when I had her now  she's strained
got a hubby heart it drained,
has no word her head de brained,
got no mommy till this day,
got a shelter,
bed I lay,
I just think so hard to blink
got me adderall can't be mad at all
lets me know this world,
Be loe..........
I miss my jane we plan to mary when she dips my mind gets scary
  its so wack to watch this show,
wanna dip glow be some fairy.
   still stuck in my world ms. peter pan
I'm just lost on my cheater plan....
to move on,
with me,
got my lost feal,
moms coss.
Helpa with the move
imma toss.......

Jesse     Mckush      *facebook
The perfect child I used to be went to play one day.
she went down this road so very slow,
and ran into a tree.
She woke up later in a strangers house
sitting by the christmas tree.
Oh the fire, Oh the horror, oh what happened to me.?
The pretty little dress around her waist Didn't cover much
Just the nessesities.
her hands were bound behind her back
oh what happened to me?
Just then a man came to her.
  "oh darling Don't worry, Don't worry I am not that mean."
he said oh so quietly. to me.
he gave me some water and I fell asleep
I wake to him ******* me Oh, what happened to me?
I couldn't see
I couldn't move
I could only feal what was happening to me
Hours it felt so painful to me, My heart was broken in three.
my body went numb so slowly I could't breath,
Slowly so, so slowly something trickled down me,
Oh. whats happening to me?.
Just when I thaught it couldn't get worse he whispered so quietly to me.
"I've opened your'e eyes so look close although you have none have fun with my son"
and he left me with his son ,
he hit me. he bit me. and oh so more
                  Then I heard a click and he cut me so very slowly
                   all over me he slid the knife, Intill everything went black and I died.
written   by  savannah    rawdon  just  turned   *twelve
The perfect child I used to be went to play one day.
she went down this road so very slow,
and ran into a tree.
She woke up later in a strangers house
sitting by the christmas tree.
Oh the fire, Oh the horror, oh what happened to me.?
The pretty little dress around her waist Didn't cover much
Just the nessesities.
her hands were bound behind her back
oh what happened to me?
Just then a man came to her.
  "oh darling Don't worry, Don't worry I am not that mean."
he said oh so quietly. to me.
he gave me some water and I fell asleep
I wake to him ******* me Oh, what happened to me?
I couldn't see
I couldn't move
I could only feal what was happening to me
Hours it felt so painful to me, My heart was broken in three.
my body went numb so slowly I could't breath,
Slowly so, so slowly something trickled down me,
Oh. whats happening to me?.
Just when I thaught it couldn't get worse he whispered so quietly to me.
"I've opened your'e eyes so look close although you have none have fun with my son"
and he left me with his son ,
he hit me. he bit me. and oh so more
                  Then I heard a click and he cut me so very slowly
                   all over me he slid the knife, Intill everything went black and I died.

jessica    applegate   my   sister   has   theee   *copy
Blacksounds Apr 2013
The evil in me always living in me
Its like i have a seed slowly growing in me. I can't stop its pattern I say right it says wrong. How can i stop its system when im starting to enjoy its doings. It helps me choose between using ma heart's choice and mind's thaught in life. Im like a child growing knowing only dead thaught i can never imagine heaven's light if this thing is in me its in me its in you its in all of us.
I am living with the evil in me
Tam Robbie Nov 2010
I can see no Islands
Across the glittering sea
My mind is alone within itsself
Playing among the sands

No thaught, no reason
Only feeling, in sepia light
Everything is distant and dreamy
Like a smile from long ago

The nagging emptiness
drowned out by shimmering birdsong
the feelings of dread engulfed
by something worse

Beauty so sinister
A dark whispering among the lights
painful euphoria
and the urge to escape

I washed up here again
so soon after I built my raft and set sail
Hypnotised by the sound of crashing waves
on the island of the lotus eaters
Amina Nov 2022
I thaught:
I am getting over the heart attacks 
then I watched:
I, Daniel Blake

when life lays low  no truth stay high.
when they sing i sit and cry,
tore up mess lost kiss sad hug leaning towards the glory mugg ....... SHot * want to know feal free too show,.
twisted truth lays low you know,. deap dead thaught's just want to glow'  
it brakes you down as if that clown.
by the way clown's are different, they get the bad impressions of people that don't really focus on silly things i guess,  = ]
they go out of their way to  get the attention of people that  have time to laugh,  
.....the real life....
My life,
Hate, it.
loved it till the moment
I know the game with out my name,
****** get the fame boii thiss ***** lame.,
in this world whats left to blame.
all this fake!
built up feals great?.
your at steak cause you're too late...
You took my plate with my meat heart and you ate it....
like dude,
you ate it.
it's behind me it's in side you.
it's my making .
                      you your FAKING.
YES!.   you tookit . _ .
bless bless bless. YOU BOOKIT
--------***** fit yuu tookit >_<.

When i was loe, .... mind to flow,  you mutch too blow cuz ..
waz-a -***! haha :)
and.           when i was High back in my fligh
there was no sorrow for yOOO to barrow..
                                        whatever tho I got doe ,
1 more thing, YOU. Need. To. Know.
steal my thaught and you'll get shot,
i am me and can't be baught :)
says the white girl that wants to be a rapper ha. ha...
anonymousperson Jan 2019
My ****** gave me an sti
I thought the trauma was over
I thaught i could begin to heal
I thaught wrong

My ****** gave me chlamydia
My ****** gave me clamidia
Yet i am the one who feels the shame, the guilt and the pain
darren laird Mar 2010
lwethu Dec 2013
I usually spend hours and days
Trying to figure out something
That could have just taken
Me minutes to remember

See the message you convey
Is beyond what I thaught
This earth could offer.
"You are out of space"
Those are the words that I
Usually say when I'm staring at
Your picture,your beautiful face
Glowing out in the dark,locked up
In this four walled room,soul
Chattered and torn,hoping
That I could feel your presence
Next to me,longing to hear your
Voice,because everytime you open
Your mouth,I imagine of heaven,and it
Feels like I'm right next to God
an0nym0us Feb 2018
Can be good, can be bad
But oftenly sad.
A past we once had,
A time I can't bring back.

Your voice keep ringing in my head,
When will this ever end?
Is this what I get?
For loving you till the end...

I trusted you,
I thaught you were true...
Why didn't I saw through,
Your love that is too few.

Oh how silly
For you I still worry
Burden I no longer carry
But my chest is still heavy.

Everything I see
Reminds me of what we used to be
Still hoping for you to be with me
Even knowing it could never be.

I've been so depressed
This must be the greatest
Putting my sanity into test
I hope it will be less.
tompoet rwanda Jun 2018
My eyes glow high red
can't help but only write
my mind full of regrets
like i haven't lived for a day
sorrow inside my heart like
a mother who lost his son
why me?
is this the forever you've promised?
all you ever wanted was only gains
gain like you were taxing,
like a 3pm anophele on my neck
holding me with a pretty smile
like you loved me.
all your i can'ts and i won'ts
was full of lies
and you left me with
innumerable sorrows
because i loved you
i didn't know that you was
playing me like a tennis ball
with a deadly fictional
i thaught that we was like
covalent bonds,
maybe it was meant to be,
and for now
i'm refraining back to who
i used to be before you demolished
me like what cruck did to green
even if it's cumbersome
my God always win.
This poem is about a girl who was selfish she wanted money and lied to his boyfriend
That she loves him.
tompoet rwanda Jun 2018
my love blossoms like,
flowers in autumn,
being caressed by the sun,
yellow flourished and having fun,
like a mother and her elder son,
i don't know how this has begun,
but i'm sure it'll never end up by a gun,

at my first sight ,
i thaught i'd aught to fight,
but in your dark black eyes,
i found there a worth try,
even if i was needy and shy,
i'm a lyon of 27 july,
and i was able to magnify,
my feeling and fly,

i'm delightful for your solitude,
cause we're made in same mood,
like twins at their crawling stage,
cause we are kind not savages,
from now and then,
i promise to be with you,
till the end of our mission.
Noruega Burg Jan 2017
Women have always been superheroes, but we have been thaught that invisibility is the only power we have.
Women have always been powerful, but only as long as a man was deciding that.
Women have always used their mouth, but only if it was used to kiss, to praise or to smile.
Women have always been beautiful, but only if someone else was deciding that.
Women have always made history, but it is the actions of their sons that we talk about.
Women have always been smart, but our inteligence was mostly used to hide.
Women have always been warriors,
women have always been soldiers,
women are not meant to be silent.
women are not meant to be loud.
Because, we are daughters of the universe, we are children of the unknown, we are our mothers and our daughters.
We are withches, we are princesses, we are timeless.
I refuse to be burdened with guilt,
I refuse to carry the expectations of some imposible thing.
I vow to be always like Eve,
To bite what I shouldn’t have,
To speak what I shouldn’t know.
To be always in the lookout for truth,
To understand knowledge.
I vow to keep making more mistakes,
To scream the secrets that aren’t meant to be told.
To break the prision of what we call paradise.
Because now I understand that my blood is one with the earth, one with man and one with myself.
'How many likes does my life get?
A question we ask ourselves
On a daily base
The youth of today is obsessed with numbers
From followers till likes
Posting pictures and captions
We do everything for the perfect image
Bad days can't be shared and
Smiles are obligated on every human photo
Hiding behind filters and frames
Friends are made but they aren't always real but
Long distance relationships are made and
Forever friendships are hold on to through the phone

It seems to be a bad thing
When we are on our phones in public situations but
Maybe the question needs to be asked
Why are we on our phones?
The change internet caused is big
Where one world opened, another closed

Some people are getting anxious with the idea
Of doing nothing while waiting
They get nervous of just standing there
Questioning theirselves what other people might think about them
So they scroll through their social media
Looking busy with something important
To just not get the spotlight in the darken crowd

Our thumb has made more miles
Then our feet already did
Comparing each with one another
Who looks prettier, who has the greatest life
Isn't it all a lie
Why are we doing this
Don't we know then that
Pictures never tell the whole story

Some of others are locked in the real world
Strangers on the internet can be our bestfriends too because
Not knowing each other is sometimes better
Than knowing them too well

Mental states and diseases are hidden
From crying till screaming
Emotions are locked away
Just to keep the social flow going
Life is like photograpy
We develop from the negatives
Judgements are so present
Opinions already there

Where did we learn to judge
One anothers bodies like this
Who was it that thaught us
That it's okay to be this mean
I mean, this is a hard world

In a group of people
While everyone is on their phone
Where is the connection
Why did we went so far
What makes the real word so hard
That we so often need to escape
People become sick of lying
Tired of trying to pretend
That they are alright
The pressure of being good enough
Of always being available
Is so hard, too hard maybe
Can't we just shut it off sometimes?

And whenever you think that you are not good enough
That the pressure is too much
I am going to tell you a secret
You don't have to believe
Every single thought
That pops up in your head
Instead, make your own story
Because it will be a bestseller
bethwords Aug 2020
i lied
quite a few times
i lied
when i thaught u would mind
i lied on
i wasn't ready to let go
now left is no truth to lie more.
Raj Bhandari Oct 2018
Kusuma Karbela Apr 2021
My fury burn the city in silences
And you sitting there with hundred compliances
Once we talked about black world, white lies, and a huge Grey Ocean
As we are the mermaid whose fins broken

Don't you know the palace is longing for us
Where the ocean ain't grey but crystal blush
I said, "Let's climb the mountain together and win"
You nodded then crashed me like sin

The road are wide
we drive crazily, cross the red light
Thaught we could get there on time
But no single trust come if we live in Grey Ocean
Jan Sep 2022
My course.
O'father i promised you to hold my course.                    
Through the harsh waters  in northern  force. 
Icing deck, elmos fire, insidious leak as my faith.
O'father your poor boy working in swathe.
I hope i make you happy when i follow my star.
Your crew let me bleed from my scars.
O'father who thaught me a man's moral.
I always steer clear of the stony coral.
Your crew kicks me down for everything good.
They are just as corrupt as the boys from the hood.
O'father i did leave the crook on his glorious path.
it seems i am the only one who needs a hot bath.
Your crew has put their dirt on my humble body.
O'father who brought me a poison toddy.
When we drank in the holy galley  at noon.
Only one to blame he'll be officer soon.
Let him the lucifer ****** the maidens.
O'father i have  ursa in my bow.
The ship does turn away from plough.
The crew will mislead in our night
and spoil our fight     //j.k//

— The End —