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Jo Jan 2015
i cannot fly
for i am lost,
in a world i do not know
and have yet to understand.
emotions are trapped deep in my throat,
caught in my chest,
intangible wisps of half-formed words,
bent and misshapen,
thrown together like mismatched furniture,
never with the intention of being articulated.
we are souls on the verge of being,
but not quite enough
to be.
walls hover above my head
closing in,
as stones crumble beneath my feet,
rocks tumbling,
into a fissure of emptiness below.
in isolation
i fall,
before the earth shatters
into millions of pieces
of other broken souls,
and we carry each other
as burdens on our backs
even though we are all damaged,
the earth is 7 billion humans long,
the circumference composed of pain, suffering, healing;
souls piled on top of souls,
and we are caught,
caged into a life we didn't agree to live.
we did not sign a waiver in the last moments before our conception,
or in the delivery room,
or when our faces were first greeted by the sun as infants,
we never had a chance to cease to exist altogether.
my wings are clipped short,
and i do not know how to fly--
i'm thrashing against the sides of my cage,
my songs of joy becoming tears of sorrow,
of desperation and faltering hopes.
i'm bursting at the seams
that were hastily sewn by others,
people i hardly know.
they patch each incision with torn bandages,
that come undone with each breath i take,
only to be mended again.
we are fighting to save ourselves
whilst wrestling with the darkest creatures that only ever existed in our childhoods,
our youth being a fleeting memory,
scattered by the wind.
it has become a mindless struggle
as they pull you
binding your wrists behind your back,
as you stumble
helpless to catch even yourself,
let alone anyone else.
for how can you escape from the darkness
when you cannot fly?
and how can you fly,
when you do not even know where the sky is?

John Day Oct 2012
There was a brief moment where life itself skipped a beat,
It was as if the entire universe took a deep breath;
before continuing on its course to almost certain defeat
And in that moment everything shifted
Imperceptibly, to a new heading.

Afterwards, even as the infinite variations on reality
shuddered through time and space
My vision dimmed, a flicker of existential panic;
and the only hint of the act taking place.

This tiny vibration, a tremor
Like the warm fraction of a shadow of a breath,
hanging for a second after someone leaves the room
Plays itself as fleeting phantoms of possiblities.
And then she blinks.

The worst part of this is the knowledge I deny.
The sick, surrending self to circumstance is the real me,
the one who always was inclined to play with fire.
I know what she is capable of, despite what I see;

The pure kinetic force of her power over me
Leaves fractured pieces and frayed edges in my head
And I've known all along I'm out of my league
A predator grin hides behind her shy smile
Words come out wrong like promises from the dead
And my shame is knowing and denying so

It doesn't stop me playing her game of trust and lies
Because in a joke of a destiny I was meant for this.
She is the widow spider, demons in her lustful eyes
Aware of the ending scene, still I greet the execution,
Helpless and mute as if it was my first sunrise.

And in her own way she is something worse
than the darkness inside her, destroying the used
In the chaos of the pleasure it brings her,
She becomes a collapsing angel, tainted and confused
Sick of it all
The demons inside my head
I run away from heaven
Searching for my own way
But I always end up broken
Stagnant cause of my self-will
The reaper is calling me
I understand my fate
There are days that go by
That I'm lost in the way
Well, more days than need to be
Cause I get in my own way
Trying to do things myself
To figure this crap out
But I have to admit
That I'm really not made to be alone
God is always there
Others are reaching out their hands
Wanting me to give in
And surrender the things that need to be
Surrendered but of course I hold on
Same song over and over again
Same **** I am so used to
To give them up what will I do?
I probably feel a hell of a lot better
Why must I cause myself so much hurt
AavelinaJaden Oct 2016
Lovers passionate cry in the heat of the moment
"No I will not drunk drive to Walmart for chocolate" but I kiss you and grab the keys on a way to a night of regret only to find no car in the lot and nobody in the bed. You yell that this is reckless and I whisper that it is relief but I can't speak and your hands are at my neck. Water tossed and star crossed I am a civil wreck. Drowning in a sea of closure and still can't get enough. Emptiness vs solitude in these hearts I call home. The paradox of privacy and the everlasting need to get away. Running from lions,  skipping town,  jogging around questions that I don't know the answer to. I'm tired and tried at the court of course it was my fault.  Injustice in young  and in love. Sentenced with this timeless guilt as I plead for a repeat. Over and over and over again the comparisons,  the loneliness. The nightmares have stopped,  you're taking mercy on me. A white flag as the dark drags me back under.
Holly Owen Oct 2015
a touch
a look
a simple word
causes my whole body to freeze.
a shock wave sent through my body
unable to move
i am not afraid.
i invite this feeling inward and
i allow this emotion to swallow
my soul completely.
i see this light
and let my body accept this presence.
i never intend to let this go
i always to want to feel complete
and whole.
for once i feel enough
for once i feel comfortable in my own skin
for once, i have accepted my soul.
as this light fades from my head to my toes
i allow all tension and all fear to

dissolved into the dark abyss and yet
i do not regret surrending myself
i feel complete and like all the hurt
was worth it to get to this moment.
i do not need another
i do not crave another
i do not need another to tell me i am good enough.
i need me
my love
my heart
my soul
my acceptance.
for in the end,
once the last word has been said
the last breath has been taken
the only person who will be my side
is me
Loving yourself is more important than searching for that love from someone else.
Joy Oct 2016
I'm still miserable.

don't get me wrong -
there are pauses, and there are breaks.
there are beams of light, there are glimmers of hope
and there are days where happiness is so golden,
I can practically feel it salting on my tounge,
dancing in my brain
and some small part of me almost begins to believe that
things have changed -
it's going to be better now.

but of course, night is still well and alive,
in it's deathly gloom.
and of course, the petals always plunge through
in a sickening cold snap
and I am brutally reminded that
is just season, not a way of life.

and although the why is given a different name -
boys, alcohol, displacement, bad job -
i find myself surrending to the currents
that is winter days, where sunlight
burns to cold, midnight ash within a few hours.
every few weeks or so, the darkness returns
pinching out the flame that i had spent so much time trying to reignite and
oh, not again.

but again and again, the night falls,
the stars spiraling out of place until
the cold and the heaviness have anchored in my chest
like a yawning need for eternal day -
I'm suddenly left wondering if i should even fight it.
October, 2016
I have heard of people
tasting stars

and I wonder how their mouths
never filled with ash

I have cradled dying stars and
rocked them

as if they came from
my body

dipping my toe into the
waters of the universe

I am a child of flames
no cooler than the


but I cannot taste myself
without surrending to

becoming that ash
I write so bleak
I don't mean to
My pen is a mess
Vulgarity spews forth
I cuss up a storm
Like a tornado's wind
So fierce and destructive
And in the end
I understand I will pay
I believe in Divine Love
Though I write like I don't
I have searched the heavens above
And found a truth that has meaning and purpose
I'm a sinner
Rotten through and through
The more I ask God for help
The more I want to take from life
I'm a selfish individual
I want everything
And the more I want the more I need help
To rescue me from myself
I have hurt others emotionally
Draining them of self-worth
I have hurt my own spirit
By the life I led
Can I get back on track
And follow what is right
What I know to be true
Can I finally say goodbye to the darkness
And say hello to the beauty of life
What God has granted me
A free gift I don't deserve
To listen to His will
And not my own
Can I do these things
I'm not to sure
It will take me giving up and surrending
Surrending to His Love
conor moroney Apr 2010
Lie through that open night,
stinging frosts of contemplation,
wooden hands scratching away rest from frozen windows,
the pulled out ageing creak of a forgotten floorboard.
All you can do is listen. Never hearing the sweet purr of peace  only
its disheartening cousin of silence. Never slipping out of now and its  pulsing hum.
Never  brushing against yourself and waking up in a sleep,just listening.

Air is now a solid icy chore, a darkened perception of magnified regret.
It drowns in the snowflakes of the stars, not attempting to escape, simply surrending to the openess.
Can you be like a sleepy diamond?The eye of heaven glares louder now
and still has not reached its peak.
No you like the floor board lie fixed in the night,
Mystic Ink Plus Sep 2020
Mind and soul
Wishing you
Gives sublime bliss
I wonder
How would it be
If you
Wish back
Everything about courtesy

To the sacred breakthrough
Forever true
And once again
Here I'm
With a zen smile
Adherent joyfully
What could I ask for more?
Genre: Inspirational
Theme: Spectrum of compassion
Ruth Robbins Aug 2014
The air, the warmth, the spaces inbetween,
surrending to your nurturing love in this haven of earth,
We're floating, I'm flying, we're swimming, we're climbing,
But in this cloud with you we drive our own getaway,
We're asking eachother to stay in every adventure hand in hand.
This isn't Kansas Anymore.
From the streets and the lights,
from the drugs to the fights,
Nothing missed, not here in the hills, dark soil, green grass
a beautiful landscape by the mass.
Life is simple, a beauty in itself and what people say is held to a higher thinking, that maybe life CAN be this way and it's not that we're dreaming.
I'm not in kansas anymore...
You stole me away with your first smile, since then our magic carpet has led us here, what's next?
Edward Jan 2019
Three's a crowd and so is four

I'd rather just be here by myself or with just one other person

The pool is cold with bodies piled in

Bodies on the concrete surrending themselves to the sun

I stare as she lays to my side, a sleeping violet

As words come out of mouth as if someone else is talking for me
ƛrtie Mar 2018
I dashed my hope
of giving voice to the words
that could have so easily been said.
Long after you’re gone,
I find myself hunting heads
between the rabble
not surrending
till I find one as nice as yours.
Long after you’re gone,
I sigh in a taxi around the night because
once more I return home
still without
having cherished the stars with you.
Long after you’re gone,
I’m more mess,more tangle, more cluster
than I used to.
but I keep reminding my drained bones
not to fall but
to stand upright
with maid,
even if they thought you were my backbone.
Long after you’re gone,
every other afternoon
for you
I sing the songs that
give voice to the words that could have so easily been said.
Long after you’re gone,
I reminisce and recapture your time on me
which resembles
the bees and the flowers in the spring,
long before it passes into oblivion.
Long after you’re gone,
I recall the moment
in which i reached your lips with my own
aiming to descend into your world
but you stepped back,
and long after you’re gone,
i haven’t gone under that kind of beauty again.
Long after you’re gone,
I scrawl poems on my bedroom walls
which embellish ways and oddities
in which I resort to
to make you remember.
But long after you’re gone,
I know you are
the poem i always needed.
He came innocently,
Depicting a lovely smile,
Stretching his hand forward,
Telling me of a beautiful friendship.
Looking in awe of me,
Describing my beauty,
Like the fairest of them all.
Surrending my bishop,
A sacrifice worth giving.
Your subtle intentions,
A trickery for the night.
Receiving your Trojan Horse,
A rejecting I did not.
The givings of your aphrodisiac,
Leaving a far worse bitter taste.
You were so dear to my heart
Your unforgettable gift,
A brutal dagger to my innocent heart.
A disflowered ******'s tale regretting giving her virginity to someone who gave her heart ache in return

— The End —