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(Phi Beta Kappa Poem, Harvard, 1946)

Ares at last has quit the field,
The bloodstains on the bushes yield
To seeping showers,
And in their convalescent state
The fractured towns associate
With summer flowers.

Encamped upon the college plain
Raw veterans already train
As freshman forces;
Instructors with sarcastic tongue
Shepherd the battle-weary young
Through basic courses.

Among bewildering appliances
For mastering the arts and sciences
They stroll or run,
And nerves that steeled themselves to slaughter
Are shot to pieces by the shorter
Poems of Donne.

Professors back from secret missions
Resume their proper eruditions,
Though some regret it;
They liked their dictaphones a lot,
T hey met some big wheels, and do not
Let you forget it.

But Zeus' inscrutable decree
Permits the will-to-disagree
To be pandemic,
Ordains that vaudeville shall preach
And every commencement speech
Be a polemic.

Let Ares doze, that other war
Is instantly declared once more
'Twixt those who follow
Precocious Hermes all the way
And those who without qualms obey
Pompous Apollo.

Brutal like all Olympic games,
Though fought with smiles and Christian names
And less dramatic,
This dialectic strife between
The civil gods is just as mean,
And more fanatic.

What high immortals do in mirth
Is life and death on Middle Earth;
Their a-historic
Antipathy forever gripes
All ages and somatic types,
The sophomoric

Who face the future's darkest hints
With giggles or with prairie squints
As stout as Cortez,
And those who like myself turn pale
As we approach with ragged sail
The fattening forties.

The sons of Hermes love to play
And only do their best when they
Are told they oughtn't;
Apollo's children never shrink
From boring jobs but have to think
Their work important.

Related by antithesis,
A compromise between us is
Respect perhaps but friendship never:
Falstaff the fool confronts forever
The **** Prince Hal.

If he would leave the self alone,
Apollo's welcome to the throne,
Fasces and falcons;
He loves to rule, has always done it;
The earth would soon, did Hermes run it,
Be like the Balkans.

But jealous of our god of dreams,
His common-sense in secret schemes
To rule the heart;
Unable to invent the lyre,
Creates with simulated fire
Official art.

And when he occupies a college,
Truth is replaced by Useful Knowledge;
He pays particular
Attention to Commercial Thought,
Public Relations, Hygiene, Sport,
In his curricula.

Athletic, extrovert and crude,
For him, to work in solitude
Is the offence,
The goal a populous Nirvana:
His shield bears this device: Mens sana
Qui mal y pense.

Today his arms, we must confess,
From Right to Left have met success,
His banners wave
From Yale to Princeton, and the news
From Broadway to the Book Reviews
Is very grave.

His radio Homers all day long
In over-Whitmanated song
That does not scan,
With adjectives laid end to end,
Extol the doughnut and commend
The Common Man.

His, too, each homely lyric thing
On sport or spousal love or spring
Or dogs or dusters,
Invented by some court-house bard
For recitation by the yard
In filibusters.

To him ascend the prize orations
And sets of fugal variations
On some folk-ballad,
While dietitians sacrifice
A glass of prune-juice or a nice
Marsh-mallow salad.

Charged with his compound of sensational
*** plus some undenominational
Religious matter,
Enormous novels by co-eds
Rain down on our defenceless heads
Till our teeth chatter.

In fake Hermetic uniforms
Behind our battle-line, in swarms
That keep alighting,
His existentialists declare
That they are in complete despair,
Yet go on writing.

No matter; He shall be defied;
White Aphrodite is on our side:
What though his threat
To organize us grow more critical?
Zeus willing, we, the unpolitical,
Shall beat him yet.

Lone scholars, sniping from the walls
Of learned periodicals,
Our facts defend,
Our intellectual marines,
Landing in little magazines
Capture a trend.

By night our student Underground
At cocktail parties whisper round
From ear to ear;
Fat figures in the public eye
Collapse next morning, ambushed by
Some witty sneer.

In our morale must lie our strength:
So, that we may behold at length
Routed Apollo's
Battalions melt away like fog,
Keep well the Hermetic Decalogue,
Which runs as follows:--

Thou shalt not do as the dean pleases,
Thou shalt not write thy doctor's thesis
On education,
Thou shalt not worship projects nor
Shalt thou or thine bow down before

Thou shalt not answer questionnaires
Or quizzes upon World-Affairs,
Nor with compliance
Take any test. Thou shalt not sit
With statisticians nor commit
A social science.

Thou shalt not be on friendly terms
With guys in advertising firms,
Nor speak with such
As read the Bible for its prose,
Nor, above all, make love to those
Who wash too much.

Thou shalt not live within thy means
Nor on plain water and raw greens.
If thou must choose
Between the chances, choose the odd;
Read The New Yorker, trust in God;
And take short views.
ogdiddynash Aug 2018
Your grandmother wants to be friends on Facebook.  

hey you,
can’t recall where or how i know ya,

but your grannie is very kewl,
(we agree on the proper pronunciation)
boldly asked if that included “benefits,”
she heartily answered “**** right”

“one man is pretty much as good as the next,
but younger is definitely better, and you a spring chickadee,
at age of sixty years and three,
so many years ahead to share,
your social security bene-fits,
making me swoon
and giving me ‘flashes ‘n fits’
and given your life expectancies,
spousal wud be nice,
even ain’t a necessity,
looking forward to pleasuring your company”

remind me again,
where do I know you from?


Harmony Sapphire Feb 2015
Evil & crime so predictable & stale.
Stupid how arrested suspects get bail.
Convicted when their victims tell.
Prison is where some stay & are jailed.
They have to communicate by mail.
Sometimes their focus goes in another direction.
Where probation happens after correction.

Child & spousal abuse, drug use, & rehab that is no use.
History repeats
Wives & children still get beat.

Their isn't always a Superman or Batman to be your hero.
With a sword or crossbow.

Details of armed robbery , drug dealing & smuggling.
Stabbings & muggings.
On the inside homosexual love with cuddling.
Human trafficking & prostitution.
Violating amendments & constitutions.

They are how they are from how they were raised.
If their victims could speak from the grave
Or had they been saved.
They could explain & describe how their rapists & killers behaved.

Male & females do their time.
Years in custody for their crimes.
Seriousness of their offenses vary.
Some educate, get jobs, or marry.
Behind bars is where violence belongs.
To be punished for all that they did wrong.

Some from death row are now dead.
Similar to the wildlife in a zoo behind bars they get fed.
© Harmony Sapphire . All rights reserved
John Cena May 2015
sad bad
so no sad
sad happy
happy flappy
flappy clappy
dappy slappy
spousal abuse
jeffrey conyers Nov 2015
Too lovely, to be hurt.
Except, you are.
From the one you sworn your heart.

****** bruises that makeup can't completely cover-up.
Bruises some apparent others covered up by apparel.

Probably being threaten and harass.
Weak men does this.

Tell someone.
You truly don't deserve this.
Even if a few fools claims thy does this out of love.

Even this weak man might uses this trick to say he loves you.

Let no other control your mind.
When only images of abuse he leaves behind.

Death should com from his hands.
But from God above.

Tell someone.
Someone, who cares?
Joshua Adam Jul 2015
Where does one go and what can one do, this wife he married is not the same
words of support and love, replaced by abusive words bent on giving you shame
the sun has turned into rain and you're caught, with nowhere to avoid getting wet
ensnared in the web of her discontent, just holding your head down with regret

You look toward compromise, hoping to work things out and make it right
but you encounter resistance, she wants nothing but you out of her sight
as words fall on deaf ears reality sets in, full of contrition and remorse
making matters worse, she's on the warpath, focused on threatening divorce

Looking at your young children, and the tears in their eyes, what they now see
a crushed father, withdrawn from the world, only wanting to take them and flee
but wisdom perseveres and silence overcomes, dumbstruck on what to do
finally acknowledging, love that once was is no longer, your marriage is through

Packing your bags this last time, as reflections of happier times pain your mind
but trusting in G-d gives you the faith, to your predicament you are now consigned
as days pass and the pain subsides, getting a handle on what was once your life
recognizing the impossibility of any happiness in life, when a wife is bent on strife

Not long after I met a woman, the epitome of everything good in the world to be found
a woman full of of kindness whose words, as her love, were nothing short of profound
coming full circle in my life, the challenges and tribulations have left me with no doubt
choose a woman to love that has a truly sincere heart, and a faith in love that is devout
A sad poem regarding an abusive marriage and where it leads. Anyone who has (lived with, and/or) survived an abusive spouse might be able to relate.
Titus Aduxus Nov 2012
Mrs Merkel, fair and sturdy
Dour and doughty
High and mighty
Saviour of the sinking Euro
Female icon, Teuton hero
Stand up for our rights!.

Daughter of the old Republic
Proud and plumptious
Rarely bumptious
Quantum spousal and mechanics
Scourge of Grecian's and Hispanics
Onward from Berlin!

Lean upon the sturdy lectern
Softly spoken
Never broken
Deliver to the gathered masses
Words of warning and molasses
Deliver us from evil!

Target of the shocking Silvio
Almost mystic
While all things must come to pass
She's most certainly not a lard-***.
Gott mit Uns!
Mitch Nihilist May 2016
the worst thing I’ve ever done
was letting the world
know that I write,
it’s not the 2am phone calls
asking if I’m okay,
it’s not the regret of
of relationships or
the running away,
it’s the look in my mothers
eyes when I write about dying,
it’s the regard to kin
when holding certain
emotions in,
forging positivity
and relaying
the antiquities
of struggle,
the minuscule
moments of will
drill into minds
painting all kinds
of doubtful abstracts,
creating spousal transacts
of how to fix their son,
it’s not the questions
about what I mean when I
say my skin spits goose flesh
or my eyes wrap yesterday
in spruce mesh that
eventually frays,
it’s the days where
I get kindred
phone calls
wondering if I’ll pick up
because of writing
the night before
stating that
I’m skating
on thin ice,
I dont want them to worry
I’ll be fine,
but for now it’s the pen
that has to unwind
the noose from
confining words
I refuse to say.
Mike Hauser May 2013
Today was a slow day on the news wire
Nothing at all going on
The people and things that cause trouble in life
Must have decided to call it quits and stay home

No earthquakes or tornado's to speak of
No mudslides or fires to ravage the land
All the people who bring us the bad news
Stood around just scratching their heads

Not a person was murdered or robbed
No kidnapping or spousal abuse
Nothing much exciting to speak of
That we've grown to expect in our news

No bombs in the Middle East went off
No politicians were caught in a lie
No Hollywood Star said something stupid
No one famous or not even died

Yes today was a slow day on the news wire
Nothing at all going on
Which has the rest of us wondering
If this is the calm before the storm
Patrick Austin Jul 2019
To whom it may concern,

Today marks the one-year anniversary of my departure from the Navy. I have noticed a strong desire from the VA for transitional feedback. I feel that if you want to know what it is truly like to transition in the worst possible way I will share my story. Thanks for your time.

I would like to begin by telling you about my experience during service.

I joined the Navy in 2010 at age 27 to better support my growing family and wife of 5 years. To make this happen we had to put all our things in storage and rent out our house in Denver to convince the recruiters that we could financially support the shift into military life. Doing this was extremely difficult. The recruiters at the Aurora, Colorado office did very little to prepare me for joining. I lost my job shortly before gaining a contract at MEPS. Word had gotten around at work after months of me trying to join the Navy and my employer replaced me.

While taking care of a newborn and two year old son I broke my index toe and was delayed another 3 months before going to boot camp in August, even though it healed before I was originally supposed to leave in May. This forced us to move to Florida to stay with family until I could leave. This also was a huge stressor given that I was unemployed for almost 6 months. We sold our cars and cashed out our retirement funds to live with my in-laws. The recruiters at the Hollywood, Florida office were very helpful and made me feel much more ready. They took me to medical to ensure my toe was healed and trained me both physically and on the basics of military knowledge, which helped me, gain the rank of E-2 after boot camp. Boot camp was possibly the best part of my entire time in the Navy.

I attended sub training and eventually landed orders for Bremerton, Washington in March of 2011. This was great because most of our family was in NW Oregon. Adjusting to the crew of the USS Connecticut was very hard. I felt at age 28 that I was dealing with a bunch of boyish men who never learned how to be professional or kind. There were some exceptions but the culture was not healthy. I was assaulted and exposed to people’s violence and ****** aggression. I felt I had no voice and it was much like becoming a prisoner. As we settled into dry dock for the last 3 years of my first tour, I was glad to be home more.

I made efforts to be useful during this time; I did volunteer work, and aided the process of the ship’s overhaul. I was promoted to the rank of E-5 by three years in service. My career was going well but unfortunately going to dry dock is a career killer. I lacked many opportunities for training and felt fairly incapable of doing my job. This seemed to be the culture of most of the crew as well. My first E-7 was much different in the way he handled things than his replacement. The methods I used to complete tasks fell under scrutiny and my new E-7 took me to two NJP’s in 2014 and 2015, the last year I was on board. I felt singled out as many others had been doing things in the same ways. This was hard enough as I lost rank and had to go to shore duty with much less pay than expected. My wife had also had our third son by this time.

Each of our children were given a blanket diagnosis of autism by the child development specialist at Bremerton Naval Hospital, a TRICARE wonder. This sounded great to my wife who became more and more dependent on being a dependent, it opened the gates for a lot of free assistance. My wife did not have to work for ten years and this made her depressed and overweight, which trickled down to me and my morale at home or work.
Eventually my wife became more and more convinced of the need for the extra care of the ABA therapy and respite care provided by the Navy. She swore that she would leave me if I ever left the Navy. I figured she was just being dramatic. As she let herself go, we both fell into poor shape. I had a hard time with my weight and she became more mentally unstable. This home life greatly affected me in all aspects and did not help my work situation. The more appointments that my wife or boys had that I needed to help with, the more grief I got from my superiors. I feel this contributed to the ‘lesson’ I was taught, getting two NJP’s.

The doctors at the Naval Hospital also tried to treat my wife’s periodic depression with Prozac and other anti-anxiety medicine with little investigation. This only seemed to worsen her behavior in years to come. By 2018, we finally got a second opinion and found out that she has been Bipolar for years. The Prozac only made her even more manic and did little to help. She even left our Christian church and became Jewish, dragging our boys along into it. This unstable home situation greatly affected my work life in a negative way.

Shore duty in Bremerton was not much different as I was working on subs. The main difference was working with older retired Navy folks who were even more crass and horrible than the current enlisted co-workers I had worked with previously. I had a difficult time balancing the civilian work environment with the military pomp and circumstance that floated in the foreground. I gained the rank of E-5 back and left shore duty on great terms.
I was dreading going back to a sub as a Machinist Mate so I put in the work during shore duty to change jobs. I gained orders as a Logistics Specialist on subs, once again in Bremerton. I was to attend school in Mississippi for 6 weeks in 2018. At 35, I had just purchased a second home as we had lost our first home in Denver to a short sale because we could not afford to cover the rent and mortgage on military pay. My wife was also spending more than we could afford.

While in Mississippi, I gave a ride to my fellow/junior students and some of them later were caught with alcohol in the barracks. Because I had given them a ride earlier in the day, my name was brought into the story. Instead of taking my gesture of giving them a ride as a good deed, I was blamed for their choices that were made independently of me. I did not purchase alcohol or consume it. The NTTC command seemed to want a scandal and I went to a third NJP. This time I was not worried because I felt I had done nothing wrong. Things for me changed forever by the weeks and months I spent at NTTC in Meridian, Mississippi. I was treated like a monster and second class citizen and held captive from my family in Washington for 6 months.

I kept trying to fight the NJP but to no avail. Eventually I was recommended for a separation from service, as my appeals were denied. Looking back, I should have asked for a court martial because no proof is needed to punish someone during an NJP at the command level. This was even stated to me by one of the officers who sat at my separation board. It is all about what the O-6 feels like doing. Because I now had three NJP’s they could easily send me home but I opted to challenge this, but it only kept me there longer.

Gaining a JAG lawyer, I presented my case and was exonerated of the charges against me at NTTC. This unfortunately did not eliminate the third NJP from my record; it was just to make me feel better apparently because in the end they decided to separate me from service.

By this time, my family was in shambles. My wife who had just been diagnosed as Bipolar was not doing well and there was nothing I could do from so far away. I had no answer as to when I would even come home. Six months is a long time to be away for little or no reason. She could not understand the situation and felt I must have done something worse. It is as if she forgot who I was all of a sudden after 13 years of marriage. I could not wait to get home to start putting my life back together but I could not leave.
I was told I could not do TAPS or GPS in my home state of Washington. I had to take it all online with JKO as NTTC is limited on most things including GPS classes. JKO training for TAPS and GPS was a joke and it did not even work properly some of the time. I just wanted to get home.

I would have much rather transitioned in the place I would eventually be living and working. I was fine with getting out of the Navy by this time but my wife was not. Before I left Mississippi, I was struggling with money so bad that I had to borrow money from my father and take out a loan from Navy Federal just to stay afloat.

Unexpectedly, USAA insurance called me to ask about transitions and to my surprise, they were talking about divorce. My wife had called them and said we were separated. As I looked into her activities, I discovered she had been sleeping with some other sailor, ITS1 Jason Colbert at NCTAMS, Bangor Washington. I confronted him and his command but nothing was done about it. She now is still with him a year later and ITSCS Shinn apparently did not feel he should be given an NJP but that is not my problem anymore. I assumed my wife cheated and blew our money because of all the stress and that it was her condition that made her act out but even giving her the benefit of the doubt, she continued to stab me in the back by ignoring me and refusing to talk about things.
To make matters worse she filed for divorce and a restraining order on July 11th, so I had no place to return to once I left. I had to start gearing up for another legal battle right after another. The stress of this time caused me to lose 50lbs in only a couple months. I took up smoking as I was not allowed to leave base and fantasized about storming the gate to achieve suicide by police. Amazingly, I survived this difficult time away. I left NTTC on 27 July 2018 and had nothing to show for my eight years in service but regret.
I returned to a flurry of legal matters and had to sell my home and my ex-wife was able to gain primary custody of our boys as the court system is very biased towards women. I never once hit her or tried to hurt her but was treated like ****. I never wanted any of this and it makes me sick. Thankfully, friends from my old church took me in and let me stay for 6 months, close to rent free. Another church friend got me a job with a DOD contractor by September 1st. Even though I was taken care of, I felt the military did not one thing to aid in the process. In fact, they hindered my success. I did it all myself or with the help of my friends.

I now am happy to say that I met a neighbor of my church friends and we are now living together. She has taken care of me since most of my income now goes towards spousal support and child support. There is no way another person could have gone through this type of situation and come out of it as well as I did. This speaks to my character and probably all of the horrible situations I had to deal with in the military. I completely understand why vets become homeless and despondent. There has to be better ways to help vets. Family legal services would be a huge help to name one.

I would love to speak in more detail to another human being about what I can do to improve this from happening to someone else. I do not want to see more vague surveys and emails from the VA.

Thank You.
This felt like poetry when I read it to myself. Life can be so ugly but I am here to tell you that it will get better.
Perig3e Jan 2011
Once you've performed your spousal duties,
and bathed off the stench of him,
and he lay sleeping his swine sleep,
and the night's spirits have spirited him toward morning,
listen for that pebble thrown against your window
'Twill be I, the village swain, 'twill be I!
All rights reserved by the author.
In time,
Her blue eyes turned to amber,
Gaining serenity at the expense of dazzle,
She was, in short:
You know, the proverbial red,
Red rose misplacing its hue?
Over time, becoming the times that
Try men’s souls--as they say—
Particularly in times like ours.
Life at the Vicarage: an in-depth,
Stunningly frank & brutal TRIP 4-2.
Surely, the falcon & falconer
Out of range of each other, at last.
Share drowned innocence,
Sans conviction, intense & passionate,
An in-depth study--if you will—
If you won’t, *******!
A close encounter of mutual
Self-loathing & contempt.
Soon the blood-dimmed tide,
Mere anarchy loose as a goose.
I speak of a time without pretense:
Are you ******* me?
Who has time to investigate
A simple case of what could or
Could not be spousal homicide.
But I digress.
Blood in the streets?
We haven’t seen that ****
Since Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver
& Huey P Newton stalked the earth.
“Lord, Oh God!” we wonder.
“Deliver us a savior.
Rescue Us.
Rescue Me."
jeffrey conyers Apr 2014
Just think?
If men had their way.
They would chose to have a different women every day.
Maybe, play games to have them every hour.
Yes, if men had their way.

If women gave them the option.
Then they blame her for the problem.
To this very day.
Many know in scriptures Sarah(Sarai) created her pain.
Offering Hagar to Abraham for loving comfort.

Then showing jealousy when they baby came.
What did she expect?
Her spouse motor was still running.
Which we see with older men with a younger women.

The more things changes.
The more they stay the same.
Still, if men had their way.
Many would still treat them like a spousal slave.
Which many still do.

There's no loyalty among  female friends.
Especially when they are showing interest in the friend's man.
Who would jump quick?
If he had the chance.

Offer a man the opportunity.
He might ponder the consequences before his action.
But that won't stop him from pursuing his dreams.
Especially if he have the will power to make her scream.

Notice, men relationships comes with rules.
He doesn't mind during fantasy games of his interest.
As long, as it doesn't required another man.

Well, women it depends upon your man.
Cause it's becoming hard to tell which way yours go.
But if men had their way-they would sleep with the cute/ugly/and beautiful.

The ***** that most men operate by.
Is not the one that control most of their minds.
Chandra S Nov 2019


She scornfully remarked,
"Ha, Ha, men?.....
They are dogs,
all of them"
and then went on
and said,
"Most of my friends are men"



It was a casual conversation
but left behind nagging questions:

Is woman really liberated?
For if that were so,
she would be free to sow
the seeds for a malice-free life:
A life that is
marked by sobriety
and unshakable fraternity –
A distinguished burden which principally she
can carry gracefully
till we all reach Goshen.

Has man been always liberated?
You may or may not agree,
I just say what I see.



Among the countless atrocities
on the vast womankind,
a hoarse, feeble voice thus pines:

Look at him;
He has been trained to ****
and be unflinchingly killed.....

He is:
an oblivious slave to his condition,
.....a victim of unmindful persuasions
by apathetic social conventions....
by inherited apparitions
of our grand forefathers.

He has been brutalized too
on his way from a wobbly boyhood
to a hard-bitten manhood.



One could write a manuscript.
Instead I cite a sparse list
about how
he has been systematically marred
by the oppressive
socio-economic-political farce:

......of the defense ministry,
or salvation through insurgency...

......of the drug cartel,
or the liquor-tobacco lobby...

......of the boss's fancy,
......of female friendly courts,
...even sports!!!
......of the spousal gripe.....
and most of all...
....through the stereotype hype.



Is man really enfranchised?
I am a man and I vouch otherwise.

Bully the other boy
just play with a toy
solitary.....a *****.

You are born with a member,
Now, my goodness,
prove to be better
than your female opposite number;
An impossible task,
for no gender
is exclusively first-class.

Prove your chivalry;
find a nice young lady
or carry some forbidden
infamous label.

Hide your malaise,
pretend to be at ease,
do not brood,
or be doomed
as a sentimental fool.

Always be okay alone
wherever you are
whatever you are...
sickly or strong.

Feel guilty.
After all, all social malady
is solely your responsibility.

You are just the "unfair ***" ugly accumulation
of grossly vile testosterone,
no match for the noble progesterone.

My unfortunate friend, do you see…
That radical elite?
That is the "fair-***",
not ye.....not ye.

Apart from a backbreaking childbirth,
most other dangerous or physically stressful work
is a man's traditional berth.

Even the macrocosm
has been a scrooge,
depriving him
from the possibility of motherhood;
...the sensational miracle of natural creation.

Is man really free...?



But yes,
as my good friend said,
there still remains
a thin little thread
of fragmentary credence,
hanging like a dire dog-collar.

It says:
Man is a two-timing slog-dog;
unfaithful to many
but loyal to love,
wagging the tail
for his lovely suffragette dove.

She can heap
his eating bowl
with puppy-love chow
and he will be forever hers.
Inspired by the fault in popular notion that only a woman is disempowered in our social setup. The truth is that both genders suffer though the reasons may be different.

I am just making an attempt to write from a man's perspective, which is often ignored or understood only in a singular way - that all men are by default oppressors of women.

It is not my intention to hurt anyone. Any offence caused is purely unintentional.
jeffrey conyers Apr 2016
As long as you resign you won't face prosecution.
It must be great to be an officer of law enforcement to serve and protect.
Even if you're surrounded among bad apples.

The cops that racist and get caught up in crime.
As long as you resign you won't face prosecution.

The cops that wrongly **** suspects and the juries support them.
When evidence of facts convicts them.
As long as you resign you won't face prosecution.

Notice, something here?
Sometimes you wonder who the real criminals?
The District Attorney like many judges works for the same division called law.

And most likely not brave enough to make those tough decisions to prosecute.
As long as they resign they won't be prosecuted to injustice.

For rapes
For keeping drug dealers money
For spousal abuse
For violating suspects rights
Even for being slightly racist
For hardly anything.

It's great to be a police officer.
Until the city gets sued and lose.
Willard Wells Jan 2016
Today became sad for me,
emptiness my feeling inside.
So dark this place, the hallways I pace,
within my own mind. Examining each file with care.

Searching for what is apparently
beyond my control.
Now a little speck of light has shined through,
the vision is dark.

I realized today, that in life,
many memories have a greater effect,
but with a hard sharper edge that cuts extra deep.
Down through the bone, straight to the soul.

I died a little today,
a little more than yesterday.
Moments in life, child,
divorce, accidents, spousal dispute or perhaps death.

It has come to my conscious mind
that with each tragic event
a small piece of us dies.
Which would explain why I feel dead inside.
Mike Hauser Sep 2017
Today was a slow day on the news wire
Nothing at all going on
The people and things that cause trouble in life
Must have decided to call it quits and stay home

No earthquakes or tornado's to speak of
No mudslides or fires to ravage the land
All the people who bring us the bad news
Stood around just scratching their heads

Not a person was murdered or robbed
No kidnapping or spousal abuse
Nothing much exciting to speak of
That we've grown to expect in our news

No bombs in the Middle East went off
No politicians were caught in a lie
No Hollywood Star said something stupid
No one famous or not even died

Yes today was a slow day on the news wire
Nothing at all going on
Which has the rest of us wondering
If this is the calm before the storm
Argh resolution between
     self and eldest
     dear daughter more remote,
now then locating

     a left handed monkey wrench,
cuz she feels this papa
     did deliberate smote
her upside the head, knocking

     Eden Liat stone cold
     in an abysmal trench
thus, this dada doth fear a mill
     stone shaped albatross
     around thy neck aye will tote,

where rotting bird
     doth emit fetid oppressive stench
gloomily decry death asper,
     paternal progeny blighted love
     epitaph finis fate wrote.

Methinks (nee knows) marital infidelity
     steep dividend warrant wrought
chances greater finding needle in haystack
     versus pointless thought
exercise regarding deus ex machina sought
forgiveness ex post facto, rethought,
yet miracle needed, viz

     twill require against overwrought
progeny's psyche mor'n
     solo requiem Te Deum never sung,
     hence no guarantee

     father as overthought
against embarkation entailing,
     nor divine chorus baptizing can nought
assuage besotted dada's flesh, handwrought

hence fiery eternal damnation
     no gunsmoke match e'en gunfought
by Jesse James, no penitence
     bequeathed only dreadnought
visa vis admitting how affair
     kneaded joyus kindling brought

philandering husband discovered
     emotional refuge (against spousal
     epithet strewn expletive language,
     whence mistress besought
similar ****** satisfaction,
     and subsequent fallout an afterthought.

retrospective reflection stills nothing
     more serious then slap on the wrist
while engaged (~ January 2010) with
     nothing sinful 'bout peccadillo tryst

understandable wife got sorely ******
on the sly behaviour the missus
     blindsided, hence over
     looked and missed
and figurative wedge
     cleft asunder nearly kissed

our marriage goodbye
     extra-marital romp illicit,
though we nearly came to fist
sta cuffs, where salty crude name calling
in conjunction with execrable
     derogatory cussing contribution complicit.
jeffrey conyers Jan 2021
Find the truth in love.
Find that certain someone worthy of your love.
Especially your heart.

We can complain and grip.
Which we all do.
But after those complaints, we still wishing for someone to love you.

Finding someone that's sincere.
From a woman's point, they seek men with their own.
Sounds good ut some good men face upheaval.

Hit with spousal support or child support.
So why she is boasting about her haves?
He have complaints about his have nots.

Of course, some ladies are financially off them most men.
Courts decision has never favored most of them.

Still, some try to find someone worthy of them.
And some good ladies have found some good men simply don't trust them.

Yes, the trust has departed from them.
Andrew Rueter Dec 2018
The concrete jungle
Isn’t what God’s Son sold
Where injustices are untold
And senseless violence unfolds
Yet the homeless are trapped
In the cynical stone maze
Which might be mapped
But they’re caught in the ways
Of the trail they’ve blazed

They wander the streets
Looking for something to eat
Or at least drugs to defeat
All the ways they’ve been beat
They adapt to their environment
Their environment adapts to them
Never finding retirement
In ****** dens
But developing zen
So their mind can defend
What they see again and again

Some start infecting the city
With a mentality gritty
And an appeal to my pity
Doing drug dealer’s bidding
Rejecting society’s fitting
For their own personal living
Yet others bless the towns
With their communal sounds
Of philosophies they’ve found
After going round and round

They can hold pearls of wisdom
Or knives that cause incisions
They can help make bad decisions
Or tell you what not to do with precision
So they probably shouldn’t be treated uniformly
But then how should they be treated normally?

I come across two vagrants
One pulls themselves up by their bootstraps
Becoming someone fragrant
After falling into doom traps
The other offers to **** my ****
And make it quick
Or bust my lip
With a brick
To get their fix
These two must not be treated the same
And neither should be treated with shame
But we must resist playing their game
Of not cleaning stains and becoming lame

So I wonder where the kind treatment
From the compassionate elite went
When the fortunate used to act decent
For their memory of poverty was recent
But children don’t inherit memories
Only money and assets
So they feel wealth is their destiny
Ignoring negative facets

Vagabonds sleep near the intersection of my mind
Where fear and compassion combine
Creating a blurred line
So I can’t decide
Considering both sides
Of the personality divide
So I lazily imply
They’re both the same guy

I write them all off as evil
Saying they’re not even people
Unworthy to be inside a steeple
With the value of a benign beetle
I view them all as losers
And ******* drug users
And insane spousal abusers
And myself as supreme chooser

Not understanding the stakes
I joke let them eat cake
Suddenly emotions awake
They eat my head off a plate
I didn’t learn from history
Now I’m doomed to repeat it
So there will be no mystery
Once I’m eventually defeated
Qualyxian Quest Dec 2018
intense the isolation
social life polite

tick tock degeneration
lurks eternal Night

spousal devastation
criticism her delight

silence as staycation
here I hear no sight

quest for elevation
Exoplanets might

youthful generation
aliens invite?
(I spent noose cents)
begot deux daughters, the major events
both since flew cuckoo's nest,
the eldest angry at papa for offense

sieve behavior fatherly bond
forever sundered permanent rents
unforgiving progeny vents
bile, explosive vitriol whence...

Aye yen for bachelorhood every
now and again doth mildly abate
after saying "I do...,"
when axed by justice of peace

nearly two dozen years wedded
bull hissing, rest assured
I will abbreviate
encapsulate, fulminate, narrate...

and forthrightly admit,
yours truly oft times
yearned to abdicate
spousal unbridled warfare and injustice

reason enough to abnegate
null and void husbandry role
ex post facto finding thyself
questioning pledging troth even

Frosty the snowman would abominate
to say "***** this -
marriage nut for me"
bolt in a huff boot (dang)

ne'er did absquatulate
altercations that adhere
to rule of physics
and tended to accelerate

as muzzled, neigh saying saddled
former groom did
lament and accentuate
his physical needs,

she did not accommodate,
cuz this solitary soul
(with good n plenti horse sense),
never did fully acculturate

with female species,
one whose blunt cold front
seemed to accumulate growing
gripe list bestowed courtesy this mate

*** for tat wrathful pitiless,
(not so cherry) feedback unmatched
within annotated coupled courtship of fools,
this scrivener with steely

iron maiden breastplate,
nonetheless did rack up and accumulate
battle scars hitting bullseye,
since donned with

corrective vision spectacles
hen pecking, needling termagant
untameable shrew did acerate
(worse fate than death -

validated by grim reaper)
avowed covenant thru torturous years
exponentially punishing innocent soul
(slightly biased) did acervate

popping one after
another over the counter acetylsalicylate,
no ampule adequate
to relieve permanent suffering,
thus lifetime electric shock treatment,

nsync quaffing prescription
kool aid battery acidulate
ineffective to activate
palliative, and restore

liberty (yeah) sense and sensibility
subsequently providing freedom
against further wifely scourges
whereby Doctor Phil Ander

refused to adjudicate,
perhaps understandable why I advocate
selfless mercy killing (euthanasia)
for this urbane country bumpkin.
sandra wyllie Mar 2019
What’s Your Name?

she asked over and again. “I want to play a game.”
“I want to play a game.” “What’s your name?” There was
a ****** in her eye the size of Madison Square
Garden. And a 911 urgency to her pleas. Mother nowhere

in sight. Her tangled mustard hair clung to her head
like overcooked spaghetti flung on the wall during a
a spousal fight. She demanded the use of my chair, as if
there were no other ones without warm bottoms planted like

pumpkins in this garden patch of a library. I got up
and helped her find a game on the computer. I called up
a few. She pointed to Dr. Seuss. But I had to go. I fetched
the librarian for her. As I was packing, she stood

up and asked, “what’s your name”, looking at me
through eyes tinted with honey. Sandy, I said. “What’s yours”
I asked her. She told me she forgot. This disheveled girl
knew not who she was. But she knew exactly what she wanted.
December first nineteen fifty nine and
December first two thousand twenty three
represents sixty six orbitz
one prized Earthling
named Amélie Beth Harris-McGeehan
completed round the sun.

About half her life linkedin
with spousal enrichment,
(while hunkered down livingsocial
in Woodbury, New Jersey),
hence the hyphenated married name.

Though said endearing eldest sister
approximately thirteen plus months my senior,
ofttimes during mein kampf,
she displayed maternal (motherly) mien.

Back during mine boyhood
dark shadows along the edge of night
(emanating from outer limits
of the twilight zone)
spooked me to flinch
as did appearance
of the boogeyman induce affright
only exacerbated my delicate mental health
punctuated psyche of mine
with disequilibrium ******-social blight
above named sibling a protector I cite
twilled me in the valley

of love and delight,
an emotional refuge rescued sought
deliverance from anguish
loving succor proffered
peace upon mine body, mind, and soul,
she did immediately expedite
warming cockles of me heart
analogous to affecting, creating,
forging, jumpstarting, offering, and ushering
ideal paradise island temperature
if measured by degrees balmy fahrenheit
pointing, revealing, shining,

and training a guiding-light
unafraid to defend diminutive
docile, inordinately meek brother,
when threatened courtesy bullies
that significantly towered over mine
below average stature height
a measly little skinny, yet zany
(when within comfort of home) lad
naively oblivious to our mother,
when her first born daughter dynamic,
especially smoldering contention
kindled figurative tinder, which squabble

escalated in intensity
sparking vehement feud to ignite
loosing volatile verbal exchange
triggering The Emergency Alert System
to issue warning
lest clear and present danger
(at 324 Level Road)
recorded in history books
licking, overshadowing, rivaling,
and undermining revolution
kickstarted and hashtagged as Jacobite.
alimony = spousal support
abortionist = abortion provider
spying (on a woman) = stalking
nurse, orderly, medic = care worker (British)
flown = airlifted
social worker = community worker
criminal = wrongdoer
crime = wrongdoing
interrogation = interview
car lot = auto center
torture = pain compliance; enhanced interrogation techniques
suspect = person of interest
housewife = home maker = stay-at-home mom
court house = justice center
prison = confinement center
school = learning center
garbage dump = landfill
antique = vintage
caretaker = caregiver
crippled = physically challenged
tradesman = trades worker
soldier = service member
medical care = healthcare
doctor = healthcare provider
clinic = health center
hospital = health
socialized medicine = universal healthcare
house builder = home builder
Department of War = Department of Defense
war = intervention
occupation (of a foreign nation) = nation building
illegal aliens = undocumented immigrants
medic = emergency medical technician, E.M.T.
nursery = daycare center
nursing home = assistant living facility
arrested = detained
imprisoned = detained
prisoner = detainee
prison = detention center
prison guard = C.O., corrections officer
eyeglasses = eye wear
shoes = footwear
policeman = police officer/law enforcement officer
police station = law enforcement center
fireman = firefighter
sportsman = sportsperson
sportsmen = sportspeople
puddling = ponding
enemy = terrorist
infanticide = right to choose
79¢ = .79¢
mistake = miscommunication
blockade = sanctions
waiter/waitress = server
check = cash
bomb = improvised explosive device (I.E.D.)
gals = guys
wife beating = domestic violence
*** change = gender reassignment
******* = transgender
***** = *** worker
stewardess = flight attendant
citizen = civilian
government overthrow = regime change
The Orient = Asia
Oriental = Asian
Afro-American = African American
Indian = native American
Internal Revenue Dept. = Internal Revenue Service
workmen's compensation = workers compensation (without possessive apostrophe)
meeting = meet-up/meetup
snitch, fink, stool pigeon, stoolie = spy, informant
side dish = side
meter maid = parking-enforcement officer
unloaded = downloaded,  off loaded
goal = endgame
sportsmen = sportspeople
physical = wellness screening
***, ***** = homeless person
destitute = homeless
destitution = homelessness
watch man = security guard/officer
nursing  home = care home with nursing  (England)
chairman = chair
P.O.W., prisoner of war (citizen) = civilian internee
rescue Mission = homeless shelter
mail = mailpiece (according to the post ofc.)
employee = team member
alimony = spousal support
abortionist = abortion provider
spying (on a woman) = stalking
nurse, orderly, medic = care worker (British)
flown = airlifted
social worker = community worker
criminal = wrongdoer
crime = wrongdoing
interrogation = interview
car lot = auto center
torture = pain compliance; enhanced interrogation techniques
suspect = person of interest
housewife = home maker = stay-at-home mom
court house = justice center
prison = confinement center
school = learning center
garbage dump = landfill
antique = vintage
caretaker = caregiver
crippled = physically challenged
tradesman = trades worker
soldier = service member
medical care = healthcare
doctor = healthcare provider
clinic = health center
hospital = health
socialized medicine = universal healthcare
house builder = home builder
Department of War = Department of Defense
war = intervention
occupation (of a foreign nation) = nation building
illegal aliens = undocumented immigrants
medic = emergency medical technician, E.M.T.
nursery = daycare center
nursing home = assistant living facility
arrested = detained
imprisoned = detained
prisoner = detainee
prison = detention center
prison guard = C.O., corrections officer
eyeglasses = eye wear
shoes = footwear
policeman = police officer/law enforcement officer
police station = law enforcement center
fireman = firefighter
sportsman = sportsperson
sportsmen = sportspeople
puddling = ponding
enemy = terrorist
infanticide = right to choose
79¢ = .79¢
mistake = miscommunication
blockade = sanctions
waiter/waitress = server
check = cash
bomb = improvised explosive device (I.E.D.)
gals = guys
wife beating = domestic violence
*** change = gender reassignment
******* = transgender
***** = *** worker
stewardess = flight attendant
citizen = civilian
government overthrow = regime change
The Orient = Asia
Oriental = Asian
Afro-American = African American
Indian = native American
Internal Revenue Dept. = Internal Revenue Service
workmen's compensation = workers compensation (without possessive apostrophe)
meeting = meet-up/meetup
snitch, fink, stool pigeon, stoolie = spy, informant
side dish = side
meter maid = parking-enforcement officer
unloaded = downloaded,  off loaded
goal = endgame
sportsmen = sportspeople
physical = wellness screening
***, ***** = homeless person
destitute = homeless
destitution = homelessness
watch man = security guard/officer
nursing  home = care home with nursing  (England)
chairman = chair
P.O.W., prisoner of war (citizen) = civilian internee
rescue Mission = homeless shelter
mail = mailpiece (according to the post ofc.)
employee = team member
Irreparable father/daughter bond,
particularly with eldest an ache
that reinforces inadequacy,
keeps yours truly awake,
more so now versus

countless years elapsed,
when cherished bond did break
since ample hours prevail,
while said progeny
(i.e. star student) diligently accomplishes,

successful swansong swimmingly
freestyle with her (man) drake
near perfect match, who will never
induce emotional earthquake,
perhaps most readers would

write me off as a flake,
whose offspring (averred
same one) understandably
discarded every keepsake
from this papa, who reckons

this boomerang fallout,
finds me gasping for air as if
drowning in a murky lake
and airs woe, which crimps
self assessment make

king (mentally revisiting trysts),
an irreversible mistake
promulgating additional regret
atop how I did muckrake
a chunk of existence,

without revealing namesake
of responsive gals, whose
memory of concupiscence,
which might be dulled and opaque
I hold myself myself totally culpable

enduring (just dessert -
yeah....actually cake)
since impetus emanated squarely
on these slumped shoulders
torturous punishment doth rake

hot coals over blistering soul
some days...not caring
if aye live or die
although deliberate demise, would shake
into jagged fractures
the mental health of youngest

(no matters sees her
papa...professes unbreak
cobble love (undeserved),
thus asper daily effort
to expunge grievousness
self inflicted, which

nobody can unmake...
(also upon spousal) hurt
short lived Casanova days
will keep this bloke wide awake
even after gratefully dead.
The following doth constitute
combination of fact and fiction
unfortunately not sentences
referencing overactive spousal glute
though sphincter roaring
could muscle us into ample loot
(after wife explodes open bank vault)
versus *** spire ring writer root
ting to live nsync ecologically
viz hypothetical analogous member
of indigenous people named Yakut
living in scattered settlements in northern Siberia.

Impossible mission to clear space on the bed,
when yours truly feels dead
tired, nothing does magic trick
than position fathead
of mine (me noggin actually small and roundish)
with brow emblematic of being highbred,
cuz sleeping quarters
overrun By Teddy Bears And Beanie Babies.

Twas the bright idea of zee missus aye air
and I dedicate this poem
yes tis correct, if you bare
lee remember this mister
did formerly she-push-lee duck clear
addressed said spouse
"my little buttock blaster” endear

ring pet name applied for obvious reasons,
(her posterior end pulsates with putrid plume),
and before she begat two 'ere
rip press ably lovely daughters),
anyway thee wife I fear
to publicize contracted a benign
strain sans incurable glare

ring house cleaning malady,
(thus far no unpronounceable hair
raising name affixed
to non contagious ill, nonetheless
accursed conditioned fanatically
jumpstarting organizing unkempt apartment,
whereby to keep tear filling
misery drowning ocean
of sorrows distant at bay,
scrubbing stubborn stains
from clothes, dishes,
and gamut of hibernating
Ursine horde (née motley crue)

that come breathing alive
Nsync with Beastie Boys bay
sic City Rollers Culture Clubbing babes
upon first spring day
engrossed in this, that,
or some other sweeping floor foray
(analogously to Velveteen Rabbit)
shedding matted "faux" fur gray
winter coat when warmer temperatures arrive,
where humongous fur clumps would lay
comprising sudden empty raft

of shelf space minus a may
zing globules, oh...lemme get on track,
regarding poetic melee,
whence frenzied fever "cleaning bug" née
major virus afflicting wife,
would necessitate impossible task
whereby strapping former
feisty Norwegian farm gal
in straight jacket indeed livingsocial

would be no game to play
boot tiring and cruel task of her life Yukon say
24/7 daily challenge devious skullduggery
Smokey and the Bandits
an imp posse sub bill
outlaw gang, who lived like
Aristo curr Rats along the quay,
which unpredictable time frame

thine remaining lifetime sans wife oy vey
would frank lee zap
every last oomph of mine
if able twin door remaining with spouse,
meanwhile 'till she obliviously
plucks persistent sprouting
stranded silver follicle
tiller broad forehead resembles
a minuscule tarmac way.

— The End —