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Jessica Griego May 2010
Am i safe?
Safe with whom
Who can say i am safe
Dose safty run away
Dose it want to stay
Who stole my safty
is anyone ever realy safe anywhere- From my inner me
Sarah Sep 2018
This life
It is too simple
Too plain For a person like me
A person who seeks experiences
Someone who chases her dreams
I wonder what it would feel like
To dive in crystal clear water
Or watch a beautiful landscape
To jump from an airplane
And feel the adrenaline rush through my veins
To sing with the crowd at a concert
And dance the night away
To sit by the bonefire
Hearing the sound of the crashing waves
To gaze at the stars in an open field
Or gaze at the northern lights
To get lost in a big city
To experience both safty and fright
To simply live
In a world that is much bigger than the walls of my room
Bigger than my empty passport
Bigger than this simple life I lead
In which I could only experience these things
Through a dream.
Pauline Morris Feb 2016
What does it sound like when all hope is lost
It's a silent scream in the empty dark
No one knows what to you it cost
No one can see it's left it's mark
It happens when you're all alone
When you've tried everything but it doesn't matter
You just try to find a safty zone
But the voices in your head still chatter
Telling you, you can't make it through the day
And at night you plot your death
You are slowly starting to decay
You know on the inside there's nothing left
I know what the sound is when your last hope dies
It's but a mournful whimper
It's only seen in your eyes
It leaves you cold, it's a soul killer
ShyAnne Mar 2021
He was walking home
Ticked off with a broken nose
They stole his things
And with no shame
Left cuts and bruises
Head to toe covering him
No one gets his mind
No one really tries
He hides in the closet
When he gets home
In fear of his intoxicated father
His leather belt
Swinging from his fist
The boy cries in bitter isolation
He can't trust anyone
With no safty
He fears for his life
His mother was killed when he was five
Nine years later
He just wants to die
Multiple times he's tried
Every one of them
He survived
His wrists bleed for releaf
His skin pulls tight
Then it's released
He tiptoes out of his room
This for the last time
His father asleep in the chair
He looked pail
His chest barely moving
If you weren't paying attention
You might think he was dead
The boy got an idea
Such a melancholy idea
He went in to his father's quarters
Peaking under the bed
There lay a box full
Unsold meds
A knife in the kitchen would be his weapon
Nothing but a sigh let out
His father was soon to be no more
His heart pounded
His mind thundered
With anger and pride
"This is for Mom!"
He screamed with tears in his eyes
A knife to the chest
He fought the man
Pushing further and harder
He worked fast
The eyes glazed over
Both fear and joy filling his heart
Into the bathtub
Pills in hand
He turns on the water
He uncaps the bottle
Putting it to his lips
Up turned
He sinks down
Letting the drugs take their toll
This was the price
For freedom
For justice
I know it's dark, but then again...
Dear ******, you have took so much from me.
You took my will to live.
You took my pride.
You took my faith in humanity.
You took my virginity at the age of 13.
You took my innocences.
You took my safty.
Dear ******, you have destroyed me.
You destroyed my life.
You ruined who I was then.
Dear ******, you have made me live in fear.
I suffer from PTSD because of you.
I suffer from depression.
I suffer from anxiety.
Dear ******, I trusted you and you used that against me.
Goodbye my ****** I hope you enjoy rotting in that cell for what you have done to me.

By: Ash Von Stein
I have been ***** over 5 times in my life. When I was 13 was the first one when it happened. That man was the only one that got what he deserved. The rest are still free because there wasnt enough evidence to put them away. I have lived my life in fear because of these people. I blamed myself every day. After five years I am finally coming to terms with what has happened to me.
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
Wandering alone on a dark street
Not knowing where I am
My phone ran out of battery
Now I can't even use "Maps"
It's too dark to see
The signs on the houses
Copenhagen in a nutshell
I'm not surprised...

A stranger walks over towards me
With his eyes fastened on me
In my head panic rises
A thought screaming
******!, ******!
**** paranoia!
Calmly he asks me
Do you know where I am?
He was just a lost boy like I...

We discover
That we both are looking
For the same building
So we walk together
While we keep talking
Just like me
This guy doesn't know
Copenhagen that well
But we found the college
And said our farvel...

It's funny how two heads
Can be better than one
Since none of us
Would have found the college
On our own
But two heads only works
As long as it isn't about feelings
Because then everything
Becomes a mess...

Since there's no one
Who always
Will be feeling the same
As you
And there's no safty
That you and he
Will make peace
After having argued
But that is how
Life's supposed to be...

So this stranger and I
Only managed to function
As a team
Since we were working
On an assignment
Two lost boys
Looking for the college
And then we both know
That we won't meet again...
Just a random poem...
Pauline Morris Apr 2016
What does it sound like when all hope is lost
It's a silent scream in the empty dark
No one knows what to you it cost
No one can see it's left it's mark
It happens when you're all alone
When you've tried everything but it doesn't matter
You just try to find a safty zone
But the voices in your head still chatter
Telling you, you can't make it through the day
And at night you plot your death
You are slowly starting to decay
You know on the inside there's nothing left
I know what the sound is when your last hope dies
It's but a mournful whimper
It's only seen in your eyes
It leaves you cold, it's a soul killer
Everyone has felt it,
but it doesn't exist.
As always, Don't forget to tell me what you think!
Some people like to think outside the box
They like to remain within its walls
Choosing the security and the safty over adaptation and risk

Those who think outside of the box are creative and intelligent people who can get things done. They exploit weaknesses in problems and find smart means of resolving them.

Whilst the residents within the box tend to frown upon change. They can't problem solve efficiently, nor can they see a simple means of solution.


Im too blind to see the box, my hand over my eyes stumbling about. The only proof I have of a box is others telling me its there. I dont know where one wall ends and another starts, four walls boxing me in... this I know for sure. I'm confined in this mental prison, unable to think outside for a radical solution and too insecure and blind to find a safe means through.

So whilst some like to think outside the box,  others like to remain inside.
I simply dont know where this box is to find out...
This was stupid, something along the lines of a metaphor or anellogy...
I dont think, cant problem solve or use common bleh
She lives dangerously
close to the edge.

A tight-wire stretches
across the abyss.

A bird is beaking
"step on out".

What will she do?
there is no safty net.

© 2012
All Rights Reserved. 2012.
Vladimir s Krebs Nov 2015
i might be insane but ill take all the blows for the poeple i know.ill run and be the sheiled that wont give out. ill go crazy to protect people who need a hand. i look threw dangers   eyes when it's the other way around im bullet proof who is crazy enough to take as many rounds as you can fire at me. the eyes of fear are in the ones with i kinds soul. but the ones who have fear are insane anyway looking head on into fear. as many rounds you can get off it wont stop me for bullet proof ideas stay trut to the safty of your people. ever bullet proof idea that is an idea will tell people dont lose control
new ideas will be tryed even if you get hit or go down the ones who are psychoticly crazy will be around as ideas to hold back forces of evil. even the forces of the corrupt that take away life. the bullets will fly but being bullet proof will end the madness that surrounds us in this comunity.

im not crazy but my ideas are great but ill always be bullet proof for what my ideas can do in our future planes to fight the forces that only end life as we know it


i will stand my ground but nothing willl pull or shoot or **** me ill stand my ground till you get thye message that your rain of terrer is going to fail so is your life and forces that has tourn apart this world
i stand my ground firmly not letiing any thing knock me down
Michael Parish Sep 2013
We were sent to a pit
And burried in clear thin
From the rain and
Mud.  The bayonetts screamed.
My face scared,
My chest opened
And layed out
In a picture that took
ten minutes to finish.
They jumped off
Into my youth
And rolled
The canons down my face.
My image burned
Until I found my self
Under the safty of
Calm waters
Where nothing
Concerned my
Fear.  I closed my eyes
And slowly disapeared
Under the picks and grey
Shovels.  Next to my enemies
Colored servant like the way stripes
Stick to a ball.
Lost and assumed here.  My father and mother believe im still Burried in the mountains.
Underneath a rose bed of yellow roses. Please belive me when I say I m not a foe.  Im not a forrest.  
Im boston.  Im the soft hymn emerson forgot to finish.
Michael Parish Dec 2015
I work to win and take the ravens flight
And go because I think I know im rite.
We take off from problems and touch another place.  I left the soil, I can spring away from there.  The open egg grows to leap away from safty.  I work to win and take the ravens flight and go because I think I know whats rite.  Its about time to steal the open breath, so make a mess and work to win the ravens flight.  And go because we know whats rite.  So trust the dive and feel your flight.  Theres no leap thats touper.
Vladimir s Krebs Jul 2018
Her love is so intoxicating she paralyzes with her venom. The toxins are kicking in. She medicates my brain leaving the emotions painless. Agin and again i feel like half awake or in acoma where im not alone. She is my angel my god my vissions i see in my head and my dreams. She spins a web where we lay where she lays me down to rest.  Alone i stand in this life a wisper and a scream. This can be real im going to go insain blowing my mind away. What is left only dilusions of the girl i love. The pain come crashing in with the knife you stabed me twisting till the blood stains your blade. I stand in the rain gettting wet. The tears start to bleed crimison red like when you put crimson red lipstick you kiss me all over with. These games the dreams the vissions you left me with give me the strenght to keep walking threw hell i am traped threw. 3 am you are sitting on the couch you drinking red wine or have you finally trapped your next victim and ****** all his blood out of his vains to show you are my true love. Your love is so strong my night mars never seem to exist when you have me tighlt in your arms. Everyday i see buring firery hell i see people suffer for all there sins they have left scares all over. I will walk threw the vall of death just to be with my wife with her intoxicating aroma she suduces me with. Temtation will only bring me missery. My prince i love you i will catch all the threats in my web making sure your safe. No harm will come when you follow me threw the heavens and hells. She has bit me showing me a life with painless begainaings and endings. My life has been nothing but full of darkness pain and endless battles. My wife is like a black widdow her venom sinks in to my vains like needles setting all my pain go away she sets my fear and endless terros away. She promised me i will not die one breath at a time. She picked me up off the floor when i was to weak to keep going. Everyday my dreams change all i see is her right in front of me her venom gave be the visions of a millions dreams. The thunder storme breakes my silence when the fear is to much to bear. I drift in to my own grave awake or asleep. Feeling like im floating motionless in the ocean where the wakes ******* me down to a wattery grave. Before i get taken she grabes my wrist and pulles me to safty where i will not be dead. I feel like the rain sends my soul away dancing in the rain. Playing with fire is what i like to do she is my little widle fire i love to play with. Her long blond hair leaves me speechless. Everything seems to go crazy into my endless fight i face every day. Every battle i face she always stand by my side and fights all of the darkeast demons that torment me every night and day. Leaving my mind a damgerious thing to play with. My night mar becomes real when i start seeing the demons who have been chasing me threw this endless hell i shall rise to the heavens. I will cast my own shadow to play a psychotic game i like to do when your heart burst with all your emotions at once till your hollow inside.  In the middle of the night i sit up with fear and tears screaming my wifes name even tho she is right next to me. Its 4am nights i see with no sleep upp all night thinking all my thoughts. What is real what is true what is fake. Its time to embrace all the pain you feel and anger you go into. My soul is yours to take her fangs i feel it under my skin feeling like im being burned alive. Her love is all i need to to stay alive her love is what makes my life painless. But she suduces me then gives me her venom leaving me paralyzed into her love and powers of love lust and suductions its our own 50shades of grey with our love we have every day night .

With out her i will slowly drift into madness i will slowly go insain losing everything i hade slowly dying one breath at a time.
the power of lust suduction love will catch you like a spider in a web
Eevee May 2018
Where’s you comfort zone?
Mine is home on the couch,
Traveling with family.

But you always got to take it step by step.
I leave my comfort today,
The safty of family.
I am scared,
But ready to take that first step into adulthood.
Love is a killer,
Who will silence you heart.
But sometimes it brings it back
Through the current of happyness.

It's hope adapted up in a gift,
A completeness on the border of adoration.
It full fills us
To the brink of being over bearing.

But we take with acceptance
Hopeing for the best.
Real love is rar,
So treasure it when given.

Love In unconditional,
A safty net to reassure our hearts.
Its a healer, a life giver, but can also be a stealer.

A trouble maker in the end it's is,
But it's up to you
If it's worth it, to find worth in it.
Love makes a family

But you got to find it first.
Smooth love is sailing, until you make a family.
Then you hit uncharted waters,
Trying your best to navigate through it.
Amanda Shelton Jul 2019
This person 'Suzy Berlinsky' harassed me and after she trolled me she blocked me. Please be warned. She's a troll. I pray no one else has the same problem. I blocked her after she said very rude things on my posts as well. I don't even know her. She doesn't follow my profile and I have never had contact with her until now. I wish the owner of HelloPoetry would ban people like her. It's horrible we can't stop them from harassing more people. Please help! I don't feel safe on here anymore. It's been the fourth troll that has attacked me since I joined. Why are these people allowed to continue? I really love HelloPoetry but it needs to have better safty. Maybe, the owner could make it possible that a profit gets banned from the website after being warned of harassment three times. Just any idea. I run websites and you need to make it safe for all who are using it. I am sorry I had to post this but it's getting worse and I don't feel safe. Thank you. God bless you all.
I am a kind person and I don't appreciate being attacked. I worry about others who are too anxious to speak up. I am speaking for everyone who is too afraid to. I am not afraid to say something if I don't feel safe. Please note that trolls are evil conniving people who don't care about your life, they find pleasure in others pain and reactions. I always recommend don't pay the toll to the trolls. They are ugly beings hiding behind a computer screen. That makes them cowards.

— The End —