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Yenson Aug 2018
Its a scam, its a scam, see the Crimson Gang deftly scamming them
They by sleight have befuddled gullible masses Moral Compass
Made them see wrong as right twisting their brains from the stem
With deceitful guile they shepherded them all to the fools' campus

Slander and fake News galore fed to vacant hungry masses scrum
Knowledge is power the reprobates declares, do not let it pass
We're the majority the bullies screams, knowing they're just scums
Worthless charlatans who rob successes and **** without cutlass

They take a foregone conclusion and coat it with fool's gold crumb
A victim with no intention of going after an uninterested lass
Dumb masses fed fake news fooled into harassing actions dumb
A non-event becomes a show of the controlling might of our class

Crimson gangs interpret a non-events from his deluded sad drum
Creates a warped sick drama round a hapless victim for laughs
Gives street theater actions to masses, these will oppose and numb
Whilst poor victim subjected to 'voiding' madness wonders past

The Crimson leaders laugh so much like pirates drinking ***
Look how we manipulate the masses, they are so simple and crass
With our devious twisting propaganda they eat out of our ***
We simply use them to nail and crucify our victim to the cross
Gang stalking is simply a form of community mobbing and organised stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognised as legitimate, this is the community form.
Gang stalking is organised harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quiet, etc.

It's organised, widespread, and growing. Some describe this form of harassment as, "A psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."
Brent Kincaid Mar 2017
Stinky and Hinky
Both egregious pigs
Set out to **** us all;
They don't care a fig
If all of us starve to death
As long as they get rich.
Stinky and Hinky
Each a venal summabitch!

Stinky hired Hinky
Two minds, one sewer.
Stinky had no talent
But Hinky was newer.
Many people doubted
That either had a chance
But over half the voters
Chose to skip the dance.

So we got two reprobates
With no regard for us.
So, without much fanfare
And no legitimate fuss
The country got overrun
Crooks got left in office.
Now they all are setting out
To, once and for all, off us.

Stinky is a *****
And Hinky is a bigot.
They crap on the Constitution.
And expect us all to dig it.
Stinky uses the USA
As his personal ATM.
Hinky is just evil.
We’ve had enough of him.
Bilal Kaci Dec 2013
I stood in front of the big glass doors
Of some sub urban shopping mall
Conversations buzzing by
Like flies in a bathroom stall
What a ******* ****, Break up with him!
Honey I love you
Overdressed teenagers, women with fur coats
Broke fathers
Rich housewives
So bland yet so intricate
So doltish, yet so innocent

*And oh so bizarre
© 2013 Bilal Kaci (All rights reserved)
Dave Gledhill Mar 2014
The coach capsized and spilled its freight,
a glut of rabid reprobates,
who swarm towards a sea of lights
and fill their cups with harbour nights.

We do not heed the lighthouse glare,
or match the fortune-teller's stare.
We storm the cliffs as if to pillage
the gift shops of this seaside village.

We mill around a restaurant's doors
and nip at hot dogs with our claws.
Stockpiling rock up by the stick,
whilst wearing hats marked 'Kiss Me Quick'.  

Because we cannot hear their cries
for whispered arcade lullabies,
the gulls will dance above the tide
and mock sandcastle suicides.

The distant fort once planted proud,
clings to the hillside like a shroud.
Its craggy face a last dissuasion,
against the sea's saline invasion.

Perhaps the Ferris wheel's arc,  
can count each dawn against the dark.
A spotlight shone upon each heart,
as we rehearse our weathered parts.

Pastime play or parlor show,
we forget the lines we ought to know
and stumble on with blind devotion,
to pour our years into the ocean.

And yet! We catch the child's smile,
projected on a seafront mile.
His mirth casts doubt upon the claim,
that each new act concludes the same.

The beach begins and ends each dance,
each interval a second chance  
to wake the youth we put to sleep
and cast the hourglass into the deep.
I saw a banner
“See something say something”
bestriding a Union City street
raising eyebrows of suspicion
in a hood’s ***** retreat

I see blood red MAGA caps
embolden distemperate fits
ready to answer jingoistic dissings
with an *** kickin liberty chit  

I see a Blue Line stained flag
It slices a field of united states
a wall to seperate us from them
God save us from reprobates

I hear shouts hailing militarism
saluting troops marching to war
Patriots offer sons and daughters
from families of the nation’s poor

I see a hoisted Gadsden Flag
boasting Don’t Tread on Me
true liberty a hissing asp
venomous country tis of thee

I see the stirring marches
aggrieved white nationalists sing
Confederacy of Blood and Soil!
cries for freedom ring

Lotte Lenya in Alabama Song
by Kurt Weill recording 1930

George Grosz
Vienna Street Fight

i saw something
i said something
just saying
Yenson Feb 2019
Our Car-boot sales Militaunts
those crap Socially maladjusted leftist soap-boxers
decided in delirious hysteria they've found a sacrificial lamb
To the altar for slaughter sing our merry band of loonies

Hail  Tolpuddle, Tonypandy, even hail the Suffragettes
(those from Bow, which to be honest weren't a lot)
Are you listening Lenin, Tolstoy, marx and Stalin our fathers
And all you thieves, burglars, reprobates, wasters and psychos
our Revolution takes no prisoners, this lamb is for you all

To the New world of People's' Power we give you a black sheep
Leave the Tories, Bankers, the Sloanes, Fat cats and the Aristos
(they're much too strong, well placed and powerful for us)
This lamb here is just right, nothing like a roasted fat black sheep
we take control and own his life, his blood will run like our flag

We'll control his perceptions and own his mind, ain't so comrades
find his weaknesses and vulnerabilities and bob's our uncle
we'll smear, tarnish, persecute, alienate, humiliate, taunt and harass
we'll isolate, victimize, shred and rain miseries and grief on our lamb
maddened and alone, helpless in our in our psychotic grip, he dies
this is war and all is fair in war, we are narcissistic and don't care

We search for guilt, sin, fear and vulnerabilities, all in absence
So trawl out the fake news and made it all up as we go along
create a love interest, bait him and manipulate his emotions
get a Mata Hari an the man and shred his mind with mistrust  
betrayal, pain, humiliation, emotional abuse, all those passions
Drain his confidence, his self-worth, his beliefs and values
Strip him of all he holds sacred and dear, bring me his head

Comrades, what is going on, why is this taking so long
This is suppose to be a psyche assault, a ruinous psychological war
We are the majority, with the numbers and we are psychotic bullies
we are loonies, narcissists with no souls, hearts or remorse
What do you mean a 'sterling, centred, upstanding noble and brave character'
You're supposed to rain untold terrors on his mind, shred him to pieces, he should be a broken nervous wreck, we want his blood

I have never deliberately injured or harm a fellow human
I have never coverted  or stolen anything from my neighbor
I am not perfect, but I am what I am and for that I make no apologies
I know that only the TRUTH offers real FREEDOM
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."

Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare and from the deadly pestilence.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day,

nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.

You will only observe with your eyes and see the punishment of the wicked.
Yenson Sep 2018
Stinking Thieves and Degenerates thus proudly declared
We will drive you paranoid, give you ******* brain cancer
We will put hot things in your head, head lice they blared
We will plant dissenting seeds in your mind by our passers
Chatter and natter with toxic germination brain  furrowed

With poisons, fears and doubts we'll polluted your mind
We are the majority and we'll recruit followers in numbers
Build a pyramid of lies and hassles to hound and down grind
One tell ten and onwards, chinese whispers makes you to wonder
Peck like vultures at your life  with harassments that's unkind

In our putrid pond, caves and gutters a Grass is what you are
Goody shiny two shoes who stays aloof thinks he's better than us
Whistle clean, no crime or stains, how pompous, how you dare
Evil and destruction is our wont, purity is anathema go you suss
We'll sling mud, blacken you, weaken you and lay you bare

Go call your Jesus to save you, see if he dares tussle with the pack
The ******* cemetery is full of Saints who we've offered free rides
Showed them the Hell we make for good people before we wack
We'll get in your head and mind and trounce your soul with hide
We are knaves, criminals and reprobates and we have the knack

Yes, we burgled and stole from you, that's our trade, what we do
We are criminals not ******* Mother Teresa saving the poor
You work hard to acquire, we work hard to acquire, isn't it so
Then you chose to grass us up, ruin our trade and shut our doors
see what happens to upright and legit, jobless, lonely and broken too.!
Brother watch out, it could be you..............
Do unto others as you want them do unto you............
July 2024
HP Poet: Gregory Alan Johnson
Age: 69
Country: USA

Question 1: A warm welcome to the HP Spotlight, G Alan. Please tell us about your background?

Gregory Alan Johnson: "I grew up in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio called Brook Park. Son of a US Steel customer service rep and a law firm receptionist, both alcoholics. Outside of the occasional chaos and abuse of having alcoholic parents, I suppose I had a fairly normal upbringing. I loved reading, art and baseball in that order. After graduating high school, I got a job as an auto mechanic apprentice. I fell in with a motley crew of reprobates, in which the pursuit of *****, drugs and girls was of the utmost importance. Amid this swirling of foolishness I also incessantly drew and wrote poetry in journal after journal. After 2 years I had assembled enough of a portfolio to be accepted into Cooper School of Art in 1974. Here I fell in with another group of ne'er-do-wells, but this crew was of a deeper variety; intellectuals, artists of course, and thinkers, all fueled by the seventies drug scene. It made for some very interesting days. I dropped out of art school after a year and a half, having learned pretty much all I needed to, and being thoroughly disgusted with the contemporary art scene which was populated with smug know-it-alls. (Laziness and a lack of discipline may have had something to do with it as well, but my current work reflects my disdain for these types and what they consider to be "good"). I ended up with a steady job as a warehouse manager, god help me, but always hanging with the eccentric creatives. I called this tribe the "levy Group" after fifties Cleveland beat poet and lunatic d.a. levy. This group may have made an impact on the Cleveland arts scene, if we didn't place so much emphasis on getting ****** and ******* off. But it resulted in some really amazing creative moments and would inform my work for the rest of my life.

I got married in 1980 if you can believe it, I still don't, and proceeded to raise a family. I was a part time free-lance illustrator and cartoonist, as well as working my full time job as a "manager". All during this time I wrote poetry and created artwork that I showed to NOBODY. I was in the midst of becoming a chronic alcoholic dealing with crushing depression, all the while showing the world a happy face, and this art turned out to be deeply therapeutic, but dark and strange...confronting my shadows, if you will. I managed to raise three boys, who seemed to turn out pretty well in spite of me, but my alcoholism was taking me over. After several breakdowns and some suicide attempts, I finally got sober in 2004. I remain sober today. I love it.

I retired in 2021 after having several scintillating logistics jobs, and decided to become a full-time creative artist. I have had some success doing this, including 3 solo shows. The arts center that was hosting one of my shows actually put up a billboard for it, as surreal a moment as you can get. My work is displaying in galleries in Cleveland and Columbus, and I've even sold a few. I have won "Best of Show" in three different exhibitions, which I can't quite grasp. I am an active member of the Ohio Poetry Association and have been published in three anthologies, and a couple on-line lit mags. I've never pursued publishing a book. I think my poetry is okay, but I'm an artist first. I am hosting an ekphrastic poetry event at my home gallery in Willoughby Ohio this month, which I'm really excited about. And of course I write on this site, which I love."

Question 2: How long have you been writing poetry, and for how long have you been a member of Hello Poetry?

Gregory Alan Johnson: "I have been writing poetry since the age of 18, having been inspired by E.E. Cummings. I wrote and illustrated hundreds of poems in scores of art journal books. The majority of these were destroyed in a flood about ten years ago. I managed to salvage three. I have been a member of HP since 2019."

Question 3: What inspires you? (In other words, how does poetry happen for you).

Gregory Alan Johnson: "I just write. Like my art, my muse sort of taps me on the shoulder. When that happens, I delve deep. There is rarely any theme, it's mostly stream of consciousness. Sometimes I play with rules of verse, but I prefer free verse, which is more fun. I rarely rhyme. When I do, it sounds too much like Dr. Seuss, so I leave that to the other poets here. I tend to reminisce, I suppose because I'm pushing 70. I hardly edit except for spelling, and just hit "save" and put it out there. This ****** off some of my more accomplished poet friends, who labor over their work until beads of blood appear on their foreheads. But I always tell them that I don't take my poetry seriously, to which they scoff with derision...and smile."

Question 4: What does poetry mean to you?

Gregory Alan Johnson: "I have come to realize that the act of being a living human being is profound and miraculous. We are surrounded by incredible things all the time. There is no mundane. There is no boredom. When I contemplate this for even a second I am overwhelmed. All poets understand this instinctively. And I don't mean life is all la dee dah happy time. It can be terrifically terrible and incredibly wonderful, with an infinity of shades in between. We as poets have this thirst to describe all this; most of us feel a deep obligation to do so. And we fall miserably short, which fuels us to try again. And again. We attempt to describe the indescribable, and explain the inexplicable."

Question 5: Who are your favorite poets?

Gregory Alan Johnson: "First, my favorites on HP: Anais Vionet, you Carlo, S Olson, Melancholy of Innocence, Thomas W Case, BLT, patty m, Marshall Gebbie (that wonderful coot), Lori Jones McCaffery, William J Donovan, Jamadhi Verse, Old poet MK, N, John Edward Smallshaw, and so many others, but these names popped right out.. This site houses some amazing talent.
As for the stars: d.a. levy, EE Cummings, Anne Sexton, EVERY SINGLE BEAT POET, but most especially William Burroughs, Charles Bukowski, Keats, Robert Miltner, Mary Oliver, Bob Dylan, Oscar Wilde, Dylan Thomas and Leonard Cohen."

Question 6: What other interests do you have?

Gregory Alan Johnson: "I read voraciously. I'm currently reading "Hotel Utopia" by poet Robert Miltner, "Slick Wrist" by poet Morgan Renae Mat, " A Confederacy of Dunces" by John Kennedy Toole (for I guess the tenth time), and "The Fourth Turning" by Neil Howe and William Strauss. I am consumed by my art career with continuing shows and submissions, some for which I am rejected, which keeps me grounded. I spend a lot of time being a grandpa, doing yard work and staring out the window. I meditate daily."

Carlo C. Gomez: “A big thank you for allowing us this opportunity to get to know the man behind the poet, G Alan! We are honored to include you in this ongoing series!”

Gregory Alan Johnson: "Thank YOU Carlo. I appreciate your support of poets!"

Thank you everyone here at HP for taking the time to read this. We hope you enjoyed coming to know Gregory Alan Johnson a little bit better. I most certainly did. It is our wish that these spotlights are helping everyone to further discover and appreciate their fellow poets. – Carlo C. Gomez

We will post Spotlight #18 in August!

Gregory Alan Johnson is on
tik tok @gregjohnson8009,
Instagram @gregoryalanart,
Facebook: GregoryAlanArtBusiness,
email: greg@gr­

Below are some of Gregory Alan Johnson's favorite poems and links to each one:

Hyperactive Observations:

Love Amoeba:

Several Hungers:

I Was A Stranger:

**** Moon:****-moon/
Strong so strong
They go where they belong
They howl in the night
Like wolves in the fight
They’re world unpinned
By minds that sinned
Not what they appear
Silent with the fear
Unbalanced from the womb
One foot in a tomb
Disturbing a nation
Like a Lovecraft creation
Adore what the world hates
Those loathsome reprobates
Brent Kincaid Jan 2016
Making excuses
With hundreds of uses
All kinds of ruses
To cover up abuses
By venal national leaders
Upscale liars and cheaters
And well-armed bush-beaters
Feeding the meat-eaters.

The uptight Right
With its narrow eyesight
Calls daytime night
And loves a grudge fight
So, they create enemies
With deceitful homilies
And live up to the parodies
That leave us on our knees.

They ignore the Constitution
And make new resolutions
To offer no real solutions.
To our national destitution.
All that matters is monetary
So, they bribe the constabulary;
Call civil rights revolutionary
And laugh at those they bury.

The point is, make no mistake
These reprobates always take
They never take a break.
They cut nobody a break.
They steal and call it rights
And love it when the poor fight.
And while we sleep at night
They steal even the street lights.
Yenson Sep 2019
The fraud bourgeoisie
mobsters and hoods contract
chiller cinema screening terror vision
gutter psychology of the henchmen dopes
presenting the locusts and ants thriller invasion

the throngs underfed
issuing permits and warrants
reprobates, thugs and con-artists do apply
at the Bastille on the Victorian embankment
bring your disorders of crimson and singe the blues

The zen mentalist of Zenda dribbles rut
the guillotine feeders sharpen dirges blades
pale cowards party in full swing and checks abound
call the pirates of red sea and the mob to share the spoils
no coronation for a sun king a jealous mandate thus declared

the pepper-less hordes of lames
find El Dorado in a mirage in lies of bandits
Scipio Africanus in great and graceful throes incarnate
made thousands ploys and cuts anthems of craven imbeciles
wayward profligates who mired their obsolesces in parable David  

And he stood a Colossus edified
braving contract of thieves, ghouls, thugs and recreants
apostates of truths, corrupters of the just pilgrims' progress
burn in shame, reveling in asinine boast of personal fallibility
requiem for dregs, requiem for the humanization of the toxic heathens
Danica Aug 2017
Noxious body under distortion
Innocence got stolen without his permission
Immoral act and dangerous weapon
The killer of our younger generation

His story denigrates by the hypocrites
Atrocious crime of the reprobates
Who ended his life with pernicious gun
Followed by their vicious, facetious laugh

They shot him dead straight to his head
Penetrate his brain that’s how it ends
Goodbye my friend ‘till we meet again

See you at the other side~
Yenson Jul 2018
The tallest poppy sprout refined and majestic in rarefied inner peace

In wisdom, knowledge and truth he embraces his charismatic rays

Self-assured, confident, stoic and compassionate, sincere in truthful pleas

That duly in the service of others, our world would be a better place

Where each and all finds in true hope, their deserving nirvana undismayed

And with honest toil and gainful endeavour, bright smiles will grace every face

Alas, the land is filled with psychopaths, deviants, louts, charlatans and knaves

Mindless simpletons, arrogant buffoons, deluded malcontents, shepples and fleas

Racists, liars, Lilly-liver ed cowards, inadequate bullies and stained underclass with knives

Hedonists, drunkards, pedophiles, lying hypocritical vicars and inglorious common thieves

Fathers and mothers with no control over off-springs and hapless aged locked away in fear

Whilst the shameless cowardly reprobates, uncouth, unwashed declares, we rule the hives

And as the wont of sad degenerate mediocrities,  mesmerises a gang of fools in similar dire

Some say they are the barbarians of Europe, uncultured, arrogant, mindless, jingoistic ***** dusts

Basking at once, then denigrating a proud history made by the elites, who now patronise them

And indoors, sip iced Bollinger, nibble on caviar, and shake their saloon ed heads in disgust

The educated professionals indulge them and offer liberal platitudes, the problem is at the stem

And the pitiful ingrates, dosed on *******, hyped on beer and moonshine from a Polish den

Stagger and pounce about pathetically, and hiss through yellow uneven teeth, power to the people

"This is Democracy", they pontificate, we can terrorize the likes of the Tallest Poppy, that silly Zen

So how does one explain what 'piffling contempt' means to deranged, deluded, inadequate psychos, then

How do indulgent semi-illiterates class, limited by a benevolent nanny State see they project their angst onto better men

And vent their spleen and the frustrations of their limitations and insignificance on to others who they fear and envy.

The pain and miseries of their unfulfilled, mundane and superficial, empty lives, means others should suffer too

So again, So how does one explain what 'piffling contempt' means to deranged, deluded, inadequate psychos

How do you catch a *****, extricate the coward bully, and revive a dead brain, capable of aspirations and higher ideals
uzzi obinna Aug 2016
Listen to these words as you read it,
Words for the living and not the dead,
Many powerful men have been brouht low,
Just by lying in Delilah's bed;
Satan seems to be giving a better offer,
But i must admit that i'm scared;
Zombies creeping into your children's dream,
An outcome of what the media has fed;
"I think i should fornicate a little",
"I am afraid that i might not be wed";
"Lord please forgive me if i hurt you",
"I'll do anything to earn my bread",
You call your children prodigals,
They've chosen a way to tread;
People lying from the altars,
Claiming to be led;
Preachers dishonoring the poor,
The same people Jesus would have fed;
People fighting for the cause of religion,
A group of reprobates misled;
Many retaliating by burning national flags,
As if to say their god is dead;
Lands which patriots fought for,
Now a place where innocent blood is shed;
Do not make hanging from a noose the option,
When all your friends have fled;
You simply might have been lagging behind,
While the world is many years ahead;
Daughters cursing their mothers,
But for their sakes these mamas bled;
LGBTs now forming unions,
Situation of the world is code red;
Hatred, disunity and supremacy over others,
Is all religions common thread;
People afraid to stand for the truth,
Nothing but cowards scared;
But be yourself, save others and hurt no one,
Peace is all our soul needs to be fed.
I try to put myself in the thought of people in this write up so none of all thats mentioned here directly describes me but points out what almost evryone must have thought of in their lifetime.
So while you read this, you might find something you once have thought of.
When everyone is on the take
something has to break

society disintegrates into
empty eyes of reprobates
and it's true that he who
laughs waits longest in the queue

education's up the spout,
ask kids a question
and what do you get?
****** all in there
except for Minecraft
or witchcraft
and daft looks if you mention
story books,

but life's a funfair where some get sick
on the merry go rounds
which sounds unfair,
but it is what if not what it is?
which is a roundabout and
probably in
Milton Keynes.
●███ ███▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ ▄ KA-BOOOOOM!
Retaliation Sequence initiated.. Poke bombs enabled.... FIRE!!!
Dada Olowo Eyo Dec 2018
How utterly lacking in mind,
Truly missing the meat of the matter,
Bounced around by emperors of a stupid kind,
Failing to make the lives of subjects any better;

Bickering over nothing,
The critters in power chew up everything,
Turning bare buttocks to the people,
Dripping honey from foul mouths;

When will the people get a living wage?
Because you wage war against the living,
Paying just enough to go and die,
Senseless reprobates, enoying others' agonies;

But keep watch! O ye emperors!
For the day of reckoning cometh,
When your billions cannot save you,
From the same dish you served the oppressed.
The fragmented, factional and fictional disorganised labour of Nigeria have agreed to a minimum wage of N30,000 per month just above $80. In a country where lawmakers steal millions of dollars every month as emoluments and allowances. That country is really a joke and those running their affairs are clowns - and do not even get me talking about the docile, lethargic folks that call themselves the people of Nigeria. Sad.
She fills me up then cuts me down
makes of me a ghost in loveless town,
(south of Andover)

Sunday and a change in me
piety rules
is that ok?
she said,
with reprobates as mates who
needs to look for trouble?

The rest is ancient history
or alchemy and when they
find my bones in about a
thousand years
they'll say,
here's where he
was laid to rest,
but I get no rest
not even on a
Yenson Dec 2018
The day a putrid gang of thieving bleachers
unwashed illiterate dunces
with crooked teeths and pallow skins
who won't seek gainful employment
but go around stealing from lawful people
intimidate and terrify me
is the day I turn into a goose

Thieving scums, idle boneheads
yadda yadda writes worthless bleachers
not a single one fit enough to lace my boots
these slimes think they can't knock my confidence
Cowards and prime imbeciles
only strong when ganging up and hidden
Never able to stand on their own two hinds

What can bleachers reprobates say
Dumbos and pathetic weaklings unsurpassed
Disgraceful thieves want to gag  and cower me
Spread your bile, discredit hate and spread your lies
You are crooks, racists and haters, that's your job
Scums and stupefied deluded cowards can't terrorize me
Low-scale bleachers beneath contempt
Leo Kendrick Mar 2021
do me a favour
& tilt my ******
face so you can see
the ugliness
of the unborn

the locks of Kansas
are gold pissgold again

choke on my Word
yes my tiny vowels
& skin consonants
while I dream of
**** leopards

my wand is waving
can't you feel it
I have ouranous urges
and I swallowed up
your future progeny

... every life begins somewhere
and not when you emerge
necessarily, with blood
& mercure

if you haven't begun yet
you are caked in glass
in the petting Dome


take that Orphic stub
and pull these scabs of hell
with your darning tongue

your cafe reprobates
seek audience
with the new sun

life , ****** boy
turns your vitriolic
violence into form

lap up the harpsichord
eat the missing letters
and run
Yenson Dec 2021
The fearful mind is the guilty mind

raised in creed of blood let for wealth

versed in chicanery that steals to gain

with porous tongues that lies to death

to others to themselves to cover their pain

plastic ghosts jiving as they carry their wreaths

renowned earth rapists and destroyers made to drain

yet never the brave they carry short swords in sheaths

only stealing courage in numbers as the hide from the rain

they of fearful minds riddled with guilt and shame living by


thus the reprobates minds are punishing restless enemies

Fitness guru (grew)
     to an abrupt screeching halt,
     i.e. did dramatically abate,
whence significant block of time,
     I formerly did allocate
(within recent past)
     for physical work out,
      whence crude writing of mine

     didst clamor (and disclaimer)
     for me to ameliorate
said primitive chicken scratch,
     where this aspiring wordsmith
     seriously considered guillotine
     executioner to amputate
my head as a last ditch
     decision to annihilate

every last trace of anonymous
     Norwegian bachelor farmer,
     who stoically didst annunciate
grim fate with bravado
     expedited and antedate
as most acceptable, expedient,
     and honorable deed to antics
feted visit of Matthew Scott Harris

     measure for measure,
cuz yours truly could anticipate,
viz, the lifetime deplorable
     basket case apostate,
sans slacking of
     state mandated regimen decision
     upheld by appellate
(cap'n Kangaroo) court

     unequivocally, reverently,
     and supremely didst approbate
negligence toot hone body electric,
     would warrant appropriate
action far more serious
     all chief (Tour So)
     headless horseman didst articulate
decapitation (while the salacious

     notes re: despacito
     softly filled the air
     tempting one mere Vlad
     to start Putin on the ritz)
     versus eternal damnation, humiliation
     absolute deathly guarantee,
     asper risking tainted hands
     (albeit even gloved one of tormentor)

     with option to (buy
     hack it kit to) asphyxiate
this extreme sanctioned
     modus operandi
     death sentence issuing
     collective crowdsource
     exhalation to aspirate,
which outcome foretold

     irrevocable fate authenticate
ting, how, when, and where
     condemned overly ate,
omitting athletic training,
     which indulgence
     equalled a dead soul
     weigh ting to
     be fed to Cerberus,

where actions evinced
     urgent strategy to authenticate
combating lackadaisical
     indifference toward
     keeping the well taut body
     fit as a fiddle, and
     nip in figurative bud backdate
ting initial accursed onset re:

     spreading epidemic
     (mindset kudzu contagion)
forcing explicit need for panacea
where ostracized people
     (from a former
     declarative simple,

unquestionably more
     lenient administration),
where undeserving
     exclamatory reprobates
solely given compound
     run on sentences
     including a barbiturate.
Yenson Mar 2021
oh dear
the redundant offspring's of the revolting slave traders
are cracking their odious empty heads in riotous rage
bristling with murderous frustration frothing like rabid dogs
for a warrior uncaptured dared refuse their snares disdainfully
and in further consternation to so called woke thieving merchants
shows these carcasses what strength and intelligence is all about

oh dear
the inadequate moronic offspring's of the revolting slave traders
have been disgraced and shamed and called out as common rogues
liars, crooks, odious reprobates, cowardly consummate embezzlers
nefarious back-stabbing poltroons only brave in ganging an mobbing
inherent bullies who plundered and ***** from east north and south
now seeing the children of their slaves ascending heights over them

oh dear
the puffed up no brass cockerel offspring's of revolting slave traders
in lingering malaise ineffectual and deflated isms are spitting nails
for the one man out there that would never represent a slave
from noble birth he sail and in sublime honour he thrives in glory
their stuff of nightmare the regal ebony that outshines dwindling ivory
they have become crazed and tearing lank hairs out they hobble on war path

oh dear
the ignorant uncouth bumptiously self entitled asinine offspring's
of the psychotic slave traders
are fighting for their birth right to use and subjugate all other races
history does not serve fools well and ignorance is a prevalent disease
oh dear, what can the matter be, dear dear  what can the matter be
Johnny's so long at the lynching party
he promised to bring me silver diamonds, gold tobacco tea and
coffee and also a shrunken head from Peru
oh dear
Yenson Jan 2019
The rancid Commoners in contemptible union
On the high orders of Thieves and House burglars
declared go destroy and control innocent in unison
cast life into misery, torment and woe for that fella

Nefarious dumbos spin lies, mis-info 'n fabrication
slander, defamation and distortion in odious mix
go harass, hound and pester, drive him to frustration
Tell the unknowing he's arrogant, he deserves the jinx

United Dumbos, reprobates, degenerate and thieves
spew nonsensical hotch potch as gospel truth and facts
vilifying innocent man because their guilt painfully hives
Know that these gang stalking criminals hunt in packs

When some adhere to the code of silence in communities
It's because they know what will happen if they talk
If you dare stand up to crooks then expect such hostilities
know also that there are those willing to talk 'n face the flak

Mike Hauser Sep 2019
They give it in a whisper
Throw it out in a shout
Hoping you will listen
To the words, they spout

We all have our own opinions
Whether or not you need
Yet the only time we listen
Is if with me you agree

We've lost the art of compassion
Somewhere along the way
Drawing to the conclusion
Can't believe a word they say

The reprobates manipulate
And then call it daily news
Giving away their own brand of hate
In the words, they use to spew

As the Talking Heads spin
And blame the innocent
What happened to compassion
I often wonder where it went

We all have an opinion
That we gladly share
Though if your's is not in line with mine
Your's does not matter
Yenson Nov 2022
And with a bow
and the flourish of snake-oil merchants' panache
and without an iota of guilt
but with malice deceits and criminality aforethought
the knaves charlatans and reprobates
went to town and sold the gullible villagers a cloned Rolex watch
look how it shines
in lustre royal gold
ain't it precious and oh so precocious
go hang it up and wind it up at your pleasure

And that is exactly
what the gullible villagers do at their pleasure
how can anyone tell the difference
between a fake Rolex and the genuine one
if they've never seen owned or used a real genuine Rolex before
so in hapless foolery
the villagers have a Rolex
a dude to wind up
and gaily show from pillar to post
and not a single one of them stopped to question if its real

Tis parable of times
well versed to the purveyors of sleight and chicanery
a sellers market for gullibles' abound
begging to be fooled ready to believe anything
as the cloned Rolex glitters its their money talking
if it doesn't they haven't polished enough
if it stops they haven't wind enough
if it mistimed just shake it
we script the instructions which villagers is to know better
the villagers are controlled
comrades in crime selling snake-oil is an art
John Dewberry Feb 2020
And caricatures
Silhouettes of what we want
To be
Are ever-present
And ever growing

Sinners, Saints, and reprobates
Are one in the same
It ain’t new
We’ve seen but never labeled
Out of fear for being judged

SSR— we’re a mix of all theee
Yenson Mar 2021
oh dear
the redundant offspring's of the revolting slave traders
are cracking their odious empty heads in riotous rage
bristling with murderous frustration frothing like rabid dogs
for a warrior uncaptured dared refuse their snares disdainfully
and in further consternation to so called woke thieving merchants
shows these carcasses what strength and intelligence is all about

oh dear
the inadequate moronic offspring's of the revolting slave traders
have been disgraced and shamed and called out as common rogues
liars, crooks, odious reprobates, cowardly consummate embezzlers
nefarious back-stabbing poltroons only brave in ganging an mobbing
inherent bullies who plundered and ***** from east north and south
now seeing the children of their slaves ascending heights over them

oh dear
the puffed up no brass cockerel offspring's of revolting slave traders
in lingering malaise ineffectual and deflated isms are spitting nails
for the one man out there that would never represent a slave
from noble birth he sail and in sublime honour he thrives in glory
their stuff of nightmare the regal ebony that outshines dwindling ivory
they have become crazed and tearing lank hairs out they hobble on war path

oh dear
the ignorant uncouth bumptiously self entitled asinine offspring's
of the psychotic slave traders
are fighting for their birth right to use and subjugate all other races
history does not serve fools well and ignorance is a prevalent disease
oh dear, what can the matter be, dear dear  what can the matter be
Johnny's so long at the lynching party
he promised to steal me silver diamonds, gold tobacco tea and
coffee and also a shrunken head from Peru
as if our heads are not shrunken enough
oh deer....oh deer.....oh deer
John Dewberry May 2019
Nobody’s a saint
Except for preachers
Of course
They’ve never done any wrong

Sinners saints and reprobates
Those who practice chastisty
Everyone casts a shadow

Angels have demons
I’ve got a few
skeletons in my closet
They’re naked and self-conscious
I’m nothing special
Just finding my way
poetryaccident Jun 2018
A half a bubble to the left
there is a place beyond this life
where existence blurs to blue
away from normal rules
stated logic bound to pacts
the promises made become chains
establishing norms all agree
are the black and white decrees

demanding respect in response
to derision cast upon
subjects looking to escape
from the hatred they endure
leering taunts from afar
faceless monsters seeking harm
or associates close at hand
with a lack of tolerance

invoking quests for safe ports
the odd grovel when they’re stuck
docility born of survivals gambit
to hide in sight of master’s ire
still the bubble seeks to shift
even though the pain is real
perhaps the reason is from this
need to prosper nonetheless

into dreams that are askew
no judgment offered in the blue
floating outside normal rules
not alone in the crowd
there are other reprobates
sharing natures that transcend
touching God to realize
half a bubble is adequate.

© 2018. Sean Green. All Rights Reserved. 20180628.
The poem “Half a Bubble” is about the desire to escape from the constraints of the world.   The world does its job to drag a person down, crushing them into a mold.  There is an option to remain there.  There is also an option to escape, if only for a heartbeat.
Yenson Jun 2020
Welcome to Reprobates Lounge
abnormal services will continue soon
we have taken your orders via mind reading
w know what you want and your table is ready
chefs and cooks and kitchen hands please get to your jobs
get your ladle &your spoons, start stirring with all your night
dip and stir and stir and dip, put your backs to it and go stir crazy
spice it up and make it up and garnish with vacuous zeal as you stir
In the hot hot kitchen of malcontents famed Sophistry broth is being stirred and stirred and stirred peppered with seeded doubts in aspic
nothing seen and nothing is real we make it up as we go along
its all in our heads but do not stop stirring and stirring
we are all stir crazy
The last prescient perspicacious politician,
who presided at the White House
ran out of office despite victorious landslide win
most Democrats gave their signed,
sealed, and delivered grudging approval,
but could not stem the crowdsourced
riptide of repudiation, a buzzfeeding,
and deafening chorus
of dyed in the wool rambunctious raconteur
Norwegian bachelor farmers
linkedin to radical reprobates,
hence subsequently our boy
from Scranton, Pennsylvania
found himself exiled to Uranus.

Tis now the time for
Forty sixth American president
to best relinquish figurative reins
as commander in chief
cognitive delays erupt frequently
fostering speculation
as to his wherewithal to serve
as oldest commander in chief
(since inception of North American republic)
being an octogenarian
launching a second administration,
I strongly encourage him
to harken back

circa nearly two hundred
and fifty years ago,
when founding fathers
took the global stage
surrendering mantle to Young Turk
such tapping qualified
representative of Generation X
Millennials or Generation
failing to forget at two score and four
constitutes average age of Founding Fathers
some less than 40 years ol in 1776
with several qualifying as founding teenagers
and twentysomethings.

Young Caucasian men all
most of the Founding Fathers genealogy
traced back thru English ancestry
many could attest family roots
extending across various regions
of the British Isles, including Scotland
Wales, and Ireland.

Fraternization among the wealthiest people
in the Colonies when they drafted
and signed the Constitution,
they pretty much expected vested gentry
to continue to guide the young nation.

None of the storied lives
of the newly formed patriarchal government
predicated upon The Articles of Confederation,
prepared by John Dickinson,
and the Declaration of Independence,
drafted by Thomas Jefferson,
both contain the phrase
"United States of America,"
which name officially adopted
by the second Continental Congress
on September 9, 1776.

Hard fought pitched battles would ensue
(and still spark fiery protestations)
eventually securing enfranchisement
for sidelined populations meaning
White Anglo Saxon Protestant men
no longer the exclusive voting bloc...

Unless das auld Don brooks
no Barron naked lady,
and by hook or by crook wins carpe momentum
snags, nabs, clinches, et cetera
courtesy political landscape gerrymandered
to twerk a Republican landslide,
⁦Tuesday, November 5, 2024⁩
choice for forty seventh commander in chief
(the 60th quadrennial presidential election)
securing the mantle of führer -
taking a page from Mein Kampf playbook.

Welcome to triumphant Trump land,
a webbed wide world demanding fidelity
courtesy his totalitarian crushing paws
wielding ineradicable, indestructible,
incontrovertible ******* *******,
whereat trampling colossal pachyderm
crushing into pulp
competitors, (especially contenders
braying, fearing, and opposing Donkeyhotey)
on the playing (né killing) ****** fields
little absolute zero vestige of democracy.

Existential nihilism of mine
would get ratcheted to the max,
cuz autocracy will punish as a crime
any nonestablishmentarian characteristics
diametrically divergent
from the credo declaring
fealty to the national socialism
(a form of nationalism
with socialist characteristics
sometimes referred to as nationalist socialism -

paving thee way for ******,
a form of German nationalism
and fascism promoted in Germany
by the **** Party de rigueur paradigm
guaranteeing for life self declared dictator
and his iron maiden,
who will hastily usher legislation
decreeing unquestionable obeisance
to the prophet (profit) of money
the twin principles

(with a twenty first century
twist and shout) eminent domain
and manifest destiny,
particularly within the realm
describing the outer limits
of the solar system, where dark shadows
witness colonization of the Earth's moon,
and other planets'
promising natural satellites.

Where yours truly predice dystopia
the cut throat machiavellian methodologies,
he (who luxuriates in the role of tyrant)
and his cronies will bleed the electorate dry
proving the maxim
you can't get blood out of a stone
totally false, and fueling, jump/
kickstarting, and orchestrating
(videre licet burning fossil fuels
at the expense of Gaia)
foisting horrendous impetus
on third rock from the sun
maximum destruction the name of the game
far from whatever loss of life and limb
concerning rendering extinct
multitudinous genus and species
constituting the biosphere.

Fast forward bajillion years
Terra Mater Prada raiment she wears.
Yenson Jan 2020
Hey! you plastics
look around you and see the bars holding you in
you are all imprisoned, in your different cells serving time
your ignorance imprison you leaving you vacant and vacuous
your lack of confidence jails you in envy and cloying jealousy
your insecurities and lack of self-assurance has locked you in
your immaturity and narrow-mindedness jails you in stupidity alley
you mediocrity and insignificance jails you in a life less ordinary
your immorality and lack of humanity jails you in rage and pains
your weakness and cowardice jails you in talent-less emptiness
In jail you have to quickly join a gang
to find protection because if you don't you get picked on
by the other sub-humans and animals like you
I see you all for all you are for its so apparent
a bunch of pathetic miscreants and reprobates
talent-less imbeciles and mentally undeveloped *****
looking for somebody to pick on
to make your jail-time more bearable
to vent on and project your miseries onto
You have my commiseration jail-birds
you have my sympathy
but I ain't useless and sick
like you locked up in anguish
surrounded by fear in prison codes
ruled by your controllers and Dons
I am enlightened and free
You are dumb prisoners
and in chains and brain-cuffs
made by you for you
your minds locked up
and the keys thrown
Yenson Jul 2020
My inner values were not bought
from the market of the vagaries emporiums

nor were they collected free
from the pick and mix bargain bucket

they did not come from
the follow the crowd parade of just like mine

neither were they stolen from
the wiles of gaudy pretentious charlatans and fakes
who deceive to deprive while hawking bales of counterfeits

my inner values are made by me for me
with tools handed down from revered ancestors
who give life, sweat and blood to acquire the strength
wisdom and knowledge in learning the sources of edifying truth

In my hearts hides no guilt's or doubts
rather the forge of endeavors and inspired reaches
the graces of providence and the wit of the good pilgrims
birth in the inspiration to know you search to find with virtue

There are no misappropriations about my vicinity
I hide nowts or bodies buried anywhere or secrets to dread
in full legality I fare with no shame or rancor malice or disgrace
so my inner values beholds me unshakably and defies the hell of
the evil maladroits & the vengeance of reprobates & envious knaves

Your songs of doom comes from your dark
damaged hearts to your dark damaged hearts wherein it burns
Is it not said that you reap what you sow,
Yenson Jun 2020
The finesse of Grace knows
Real Princes do not come a dime a dozen
neither do they swagger unnoticed in the pen of yokels
or sit in taverns in abandon ribaldry with the carpetbaggers  
or with haymakers and the naysayers brigade of lame affiliations

For t'is highly and lowly known
these duds merely mouth off in vacuous tirades
filling the air with the stench of uncouth notions
reeling the politics of the gutter parliaments in absentia
in the rabbles House of commons of the uncommon senses

For strewth they have to display
starved attention makes for attention seekers
the alchemy of the reprobates and fishmongers
brews elixir of stunted minds in vivid hallucinations
ungainly choristers yodeling the hangman's blase anthem

As solid as the pillars of Athens
privilege is courage bravery knowledge and truth
freedom comes in cerebral leverage not hedonistic sermons
the scale of mother Justice holds balance in equity not disrepute
we uphold the dignity not the shallow vowels of repugnant liars
in guided light we pour scorn on the johnny come lately cultural bandits
Yenson Oct 2021
By The Ordained Order of Divine Providence
as codified in The Divine Rights Article 001
originated and ratified by The Omnipotent Divine Creator
in Final and Absolute Terms

I do hereby declare as a Bona Fide Prince
attested and accredited as stated above
that both my regal head and mind has Divine Diplomatic Immunity
from any Let or Hindrance, harm or assaults or any injurious designs
by common cheap insidious miscreants and reprobates either pale or
By Divine Ordination it has been codified and Divinely sanctioned that no Evil or any of its rabid festering infernal associates will ever have any power or jurisdiction over this Regal Prince

It is recognized that the denounced and condemned forces of Evil will
try, as its their wont to attack the Anointed, even the Son of The Divine Creator was tested, they failed as they always do, for they have been vanquished from the beginning of Time and so it will always be.

It is noted that miscreants, slave Traders and hapless minions are
as always agitated and in anodyne insurgency, histrionic with envy and seared by the Light, brilliance, wisdom and sublimity of the Prince. The Rejects of Armageddon will always stew in their pains and miseries and their heinous recourse is destruction, mischief-making reprehensible harbinger of sorrow and darkness. But, from them its comes and to them it returns via the same darkness that consumes them.

I am a Bona Fide Prince
By The Ordained Order of Divine Providence
as codified in The Divine Rights Article 001
Satire, written for a dear friend, a man in a million                         with his head, come on comrade Solidarity, lets get him to the Tower, he's taking the mickey....hahaha
Yenson May 2020
Implanted delusions in empty vessels
the Emperors new coat infection amass
errs in irrelevant connections to fantasies laid
innocent looks are coated with lustful meanings
a joke of black becomes a gospel truth to parade
poems becomes declarations of intent as if it were so

Its said this is standard practice in take downs
where every facets of life is shredded and polluted
shatter ridicule and hang falsehood in misrepresentation
the hoods are in town making mincemeat out of a soul
you are in the frame and the deal is constant harassment foul
dowse the spirit with ceaseless false projections bathe in haze

Reprobates cackle of peeling scabs of wounds
over 'n over in repetitive fervor yet no wound exist
truths are ignored and anodynes decide editorials
a wipe-out of reality erasure of content and personalty
union of scums upholds, you will not know who you are
well, let just say my forefathers were never below decks
chained starved and beaten in a galleon headed across the Atlantic

"A luta continua, vitória é certa"
do your worse!!!.......................................

— The End —