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calion Dec 2013
i am not real
i am queer
i am barely female
i like girl hearts and boy hearts but neither girl parts nor boy parts
i am queer; therefore i am not real
he wants a girl
a normal girl
not a queer child
i am queer
i am not alive
i am not here
i am queer
and i don't see others as queer
i am the only queer and therefore i should not be alive
i am queer
most personal piece I've written in a long while, but needed
Nicole Oct 2018
The person I am now dating
Has come to terms with
His own trans identity
When we met he looked like a girl
But I could sense something within him
Something that resonated with
My own confusing feelings of gender
I asked him if he was trans
And at that point
He used the term nonbinary
I felt really excited about this
Finally there was someone like me
Who definitely was not a woman
But never felt like a man either
It was actually just a space in his journey
And he eventually came out to me again
It's my first time having a boyfriend
Since coming to terms with my queerness
And I love him deeply
But it has not been easy
Mostly because of the fact that
His transition has led me
To come face-to-face with
My own repressed identity
I have to address and recognize
All of my internalized transphobia
Most of which is aimed at the mirror
Fueled by years of denying myself
While I am definitely not a woman
And have never felt like a man
A lot of the time I feel like a boy
And hope that I will pass as such
I am finally ready to really listen to me
And the needs of my identity
To resume my rightful path
On the road to being myself again
tierney morris Feb 2021
I always wondered
Why I didn't fit in
With all the other girls
Who would gossip about boys
Why it didn't feel right
But I still liked guys

My best friend
Who I'd dream of kissing
Not understanding
That maybe it meant something
And I was into girls

I realised something later
Had an epiphany
And decided to come out
It still feels so right
That I liked girls
And not only guys
The people in between too
And why I loved you

When I fell in love with a man
I felt as though my queerness
Wasn't as valid as I'd hoped
Because I wasn't with a woman
And I wanted forever
With the opposite ***

I've learned that it doesn't matter
Either way I'm queer
No matter who I fall for
Whoever I love and marry
And spend my life with
Kellin Aug 2022
My friends have cross tattoos
Verses on wrists and calves,
Hands pierced with nails-
Symbols of a love craved.
But never found; not where
It was promised. Some doors
Don't open, despite the desperate knock.
So we draw the door on our skin.
We're getting closer now,
My friends and I, closer to a life
Without end, to love without condition.
This love we were on our skin

Are we still here
Are we still loving.
Were we as lost as they said?
Jordan Frances Apr 2016
I am a short, stout girl in the corner of the room
my arms were much smaller last June
I search for reasons not to relapse in shadows like corpses
they're all dead, anyway
because my roommate is obsessed with the gym
because my best friend is obsessed with fad diets
even though I have at least fifty pounds on both of them.

I am forcing myself to use recovery speech
because it gets me through therapy more effectively
"fat is not a feeling"
my mind scoffs as I speak
every word copied and pasted from someone else's recovery blog
but my recovery is not avocados and yoga mats and veganism
it is complicated
it is painful.

I am the small, queer girl in the pew at church
so nervous as the skin around my nails begin to bleed
the scar on my ******* says "*******"
to American evangelicalism
and yet my lips still sing the loudest
the product of the "moral right"
how lovely it is to pretend to belong.

I am acting like my body knows what it is doing
as I reach for the hands of my most recent lover
I drop hints to my Republican parents
church members
best friend
but still,
I am struggling.

I am trying to undo the codification of bulimia
from the fibers of my bones
I relearn daily
spun like wool through the continuum
of someone else's broken body
I become a success story
for some
but for others
I am still fat.

I want my eating disorder
my abuse
my queerness
to look normal
to be typical
some say
assimilation is liberation
so why do I still feel
chained and bound?
why am I still
Jake Griffith Sep 2017
A crying infant,
hushed by the soft,
murderous hands
of an angel
doing nothing
more than abiding by
the laws of State.
A State
that will soon
put out
an amber alert
for a would-be child
that will never be found.

A grieving woman
in an era of
naivete and lies
cannot be suspect
of a crime
that defies that of which
she is, a mother
to a missing child.
But prints are fact
and thoughts are not,
the inevitable will occur:
a vacant cell
will soon find
company, and a body
will also soon
become vacant,
like the womb
that shed
the life it once bore.

"I ******* hate you",
and its of no surprise.
One finding
comfort in those
who are seeking
comfort. Lost
and developing
presence in
a crowd that
the "new".

A child losing themselves
in the haze of
an aloof run, towards
a blinding light which
will only cause
them to stray
from the path they
were once on.
An action
that will inevitably go
due to ignorance
caused by the
excitement of

A mother in a daze
of content
smothered her child
with love,
involuntary manslaughter.

One can never be too cautious when committing a crime of passion, but, on the other hand, one can never be cautious when it comes to passion.
Romance and Tragedy: Conflicting ideologies collapsing infinitely, in a state only curable by the latter. Realities stitched together with life and lives.
The condition of love.
Ammy Nov 2018
The sky was filled with cumulonimbus clouds as they threatened to give way any time. Looking out of the window, I let out a little sigh.

Picking up my cup of cappuccino, I sipped it while opening a new tab to my email inbox.

The clouds remind me of you.

I hope you’re doing fine.

Things have been different ever since you went away, but I’m still trying to adjust to the current situation.

I remembered how I had first met you when you came to the bar where I was working as a barista.

It was raining that day and the café had fewer customers as compared to usual days.

You came in with an expressionless face and chose to sit at the furthest end of the counter – away from most of the crowd.

Shivering a little, you made eye contact with me and called me over.

You ordered something on the café’s hidden menu – Espresso with a hint of milk.

That was when we first started conversing.

“May I have an espresso with a hint of milk?”

“I’m surprised.”


“This is your first time coming here, isn’t it? Yet you are aware of our hidden menu.”

“I’m more surprised by how you’d know it’s my first time here.”

I brought your order and you gave me a smile so bright it stunned me.

It was really different from when you first stepped into the café.

“I like it here.”

I returned a smile and went back to my job.

From then on, you came quite often.

I’m not sure if it’s because you liked the atmosphere in the café but I was indeed elated to see you make return trips here.

Slowly, we started to chat more often whenever you came over and found out more about each other.

I loved animals.

You didn’t really take a liking to them.

Both of us love the aroma of coffee beans.

I hated whipped cream.

You loved it.

I liked bright colours.

You liked the monochrome range.

Your parents were hardly home.

My parents were always home.

I had siblings.

You were an only child.

I trusted people easily.

You never did until you really know them.

I liked being in a crowd.

You preferred solitude.

I joked that it’s because you liked solitude which was why you chose this particular seat.

You grinned at me, not saying a word.

Yet I knew what you wanted to say.

That’s right, Bingo.

You’d only order Espresso with a hint of milk.

It was always the same.

When we had few customers, I’d just lean on the counter and talk to you, watch you sip your espresso gracefully and letting out a contended sigh.

“I love the espresso here.”

“But why do you want a hint of milk in it?”

“I wanted to cover up part of the bitterness.”

“That’s so weird.”

“But that’s how I like my espressos.”

“Hmmm~ I only drink cappuccino.”

“And you’re working as a barista in a café. That’s weirder.”

“No it isn’t!”

I guess it was your queerness that attracted me.

After a period of time, we got closer and closer to each other.

That was also when we started going out for meals whenever I had the day off.

We built an unbreakable bond over the years.

But we were forced to separate.

Neither of us had control over it.




Things just changed.

I was in too much shock to respond when I heard what happened to you.

I tried to deny things.

But it was impossible.

I’d never have you by my side ever again.

I have been trying to comfort myself ever since then, telling myself that you would still be somewhere out there.

Watching over me.

Protecting me.

I hope you’re doing fine.

Maybe I’d meet you some day.

If only Heaven accepted e-mails, I’d send you one everyday.

P.S. I really miss you.

P.P.S. A lot.
refresh mesh Jun 2017
Thank you, please, I'm sorry, OK!
This is the **** I've learned to say every day.
You handed me your boyfriend like a present
But wouldn't share with me 1 non-incriminating secret?
You're welcome, sure, it's cool, alrighty,
this is the sensual might of my aphrodite
you interrupt my stories, tell me i'm a mess,
then call me the person who understands you best

If your cracking laugh, loud as a bark
didn't bend me over like a punch to the spleen
defiled again! my own clumsy fault, i suppose
If your approval of my paintings
didn't heat my thighs and send me reeling.
death in my pillow and loss soaking my clothes

I wouldn't have cared if it was just a dumb mistake,
But I smell your poison, heavy in the air
And my throat swallows as much as you want it to take
After years of sharing every horror story
You have not even begun to know me

Or don't you care about shattering this trust?
We are out of supplies needed to rebuild our bridge.
Hovering in anticipation, waiting for you to settle all this dust
But you won't offer a thing that's not inside your fridge.

And I still don't know how to leave you
The myths of queerness are not at all true
Girls might steal as much as they want from me, too
It's all some people know how to do
I got trust issues **** but to be fair you stole my favorite pair of *******
- Jul 2016
You said, in small text:

<p>OKAY. Let’s talk about this. </p>

<p>✨CW: transphobia, mental health stuff, strong language✨</p>

<p>[Reblog the hell out of this post. It’s about to be important].</p>

<p>I woke up this morning to my girlfriend, my partner-in-crime, my best friend, my favorite bean, sending me this photo. She couldn’t believe that it was real and thought that I was playing some sick joke. </p>

<p>Good ******* morning. </p>

<p>Listen up, whoever you are, you entitled little ****. Your opinions, attractions, desires, whatever they are - they DO NOT MATTER. Assuming, based on the context of your post, that you identify as a guy, let me just say this: </p>

<p>You are a small man. You’re using the guise of anonymity to objectify a radiant woman whose depth and breadth you can’t ever begin to comprehend - and I’m not just saying that because she’s mine. You’re also transphobic as **** - and clearly don’t understand that trans-ness and genitalia are actually (and often) far removed from each other. </p>

<p>I’d like to think that I don’t need to explain why the comment “your girl ain’t a girl no more” (in addition to being grammatically terrible) is NOT acceptable, but in case I do, here is MY two cents on the matter of MYSELF. </p>

<p>I fought for this body. I bled for this consciousness, I shined light into places in me that I didn’t know existed and found depression, dysphoria, trauma, and loads of anxiety. I nearly died for this body. If it hadn’t been for a select few people who saw me for the love I was worth, I wouldn’t be alive to write this post. That’s not an exaggeration, it’s a fact. </p>

<p>I’m telling you, stranger, this because there is more behind your words than you know. Each time you take your privilege and cishetero advantage for granted and allow misguided, bigoted words to fall out of your disgusting face-hole or fingertips, you’re reminding me of how I almost died for this body and consciousness. How my girlfriend and countless others like us have been subject to vast physical and mental torment for our queerness, our trans-ness, our SELVES.</p>

<p>I’m addressing you not as you, but as the mass of people you represent. I’m posting this on behalf of the 22 trans people who were murdered last year because of ignorance like yours. I’m posting this on behalf of feminine-identified people everywhere who deal with the wrath of objectification, sexism, and violence that your very actions embody and permit. </p>

Number 44.

This is a coded copy of a draft written awhile ago, see the previous poem for context.
ConnectHook Sep 2015
Sustainably globally gay – we need more of it / socially-conscious progressive group-think / openness through tolerance of diversity in perversity / justice for more more more of gay gay gay / it’s progress it’s now its queer-friendly because it's sustainably globally gay / when gay gets gayer the queering gets clearer / so let's start the conversation about ****-**** gayness / inclusion through cluelessness in transparent openness / by the way - get GAY / before the homosexual conversation queers the queerness of the ongoing conversation / let's celebrate gayness, **OK ?
Did I mention the need for openness and tolerance of absolutely everything Gay? After all - they represent almost 7 percent of the population...
Jordan Frances Apr 2016
My prayer looks like I stutter in front of the dinner table
My prayer looks like thankyouforthisfoodamen
My prayer looks like gets nervous talking in front of people
My prayer looks like two-faced ***** who can't be trusted
My prayer looks like a God I've been taught not to relate to
My prayer looks like I'm cherry picking the Bible
My prayer looks like justifying my queerness
My prayer looks like I'll die trying
My prayer looks like why is my theology less legitimate than yours?
My prayer looks like wound in the flesh
Looks like begging God to stop boys from abusing me
Looks like begging God to strengthen the tendons in my wrist so I can fight back next time
Looks like begging God to put an end to the next times
My prayer looks like plucking fists out of my father's mouth
My prayer looks like domestic violence is not just physical
My prayer looks like ****** violence is not just ****
My prayer looks like I want to call the boy who assaulted me a ******
My prayer looks like I want a better word for what he did to me
My prayer looks like I wish he hurt me and left cuts and bruises
My prayer looks like maybe then, they would have believed me
My prayer looks trying to explain **** culture to my daddy
My prayer looks like fighting back tears when he says victim blaming is over exaggerated
My prayer looks like fighting back tears when his next sentence is how women need to be more careful instead
My prayer looks like forgetting how to pray
My prayer looks like losing my faith
My prayer looks like mourning for what I have lost
My prayer looks like fearing my father
My prayer looks like loving my father
My prayer looks like I just want someone to believe me
My prayer looks like I've only been taught to be sorry
My prayer looks like it is not my fault anymore
My prayer has been decorated in doilies and daffodils
My prayer is told it's just a little girl, to sit down
My prayer has been told it won't change anything
My prayer holds a loaded gun
My prayer can change the world
My prayer isn't sorry anymore
My prayer isn't sorry.
Jordan Frances Sep 2015
We all have a different story.
White male, sophomore says
His father told him all **** should be shot on site
So these words continue to constrict his neck like a noose
Making it impossible for him to breathe
Giving him no room to live
Like the conversion camp he was sent to over and over again
It leaves cuts that have yet to turn into scars.

We all have a different story.
White female, junior tells
How the emails kept popping up on her screen
Like unwanted blemishes that she could scrape off
One by one.
Church members chastising her
Because their favorite boy
Had just been accused of thrusting the life out of her
She is covered in "are you sure you weren't asking for it?"
She's sure.
Blood on her hands that spells out the word ****
And she lathers her body
Drowns herself in it
Until an unassuming girl is able to be her life preserver
But they still have to pretend to be
"Just friends"

We all have a different story.
So used to hearing
"You can't love both."
So used to hearing
"You can't even love yourself."
Now I live in a world
Where man, woman, no gender can love me
Because I make myself too prickly to touch
Whenever someone comes too close
I turn into a cactus
Because how could anyone possibly love someone
Who has been taken advantage so many times
That she cannot find it in her heart
To make love to someone
She has *** with them
But there is no love
But there is no passion at all.

We all have a different story.
Being queer in an evangelical community
Is like being raw meat
In a dog house.
They can smell you from a mile away
Ready for the ****
Do not stab your knife into me
In the kindest way you can think of
By telling me
"I'll pray for you."
Do not pour your poison into my body
By saying
"God loves the sinner but hates the sin."
My existence is no accident
My queerness is not my choice
You wonder why so many
Lesbian gay bisexual transgender questioning youth
Abandon the church?
It is not because of God
It is because these congregations keep playing God
This is the same **** story.
Do you know how hard it is the find an accepting church community?
It is a suicide mission
As I walk into the congregation
Arms open, eyes closed
Waiting to be embraced
Or shot on site.
epictails Jun 2015
There is no gloomy season
To a man who delights in his mind
Crazy though he may seem
His wild existence is our lesson
For even in his queerness, he shined
Living what a lot of us can only dream

Still nobody can fly to where he has flown
For they can never be as brave as he
He is a world on his own

*Unlike you and me
Cleopatra, you hold your rose
So distant, but also so close
From your fertile feline *******
As you nonchalantly rest
Enjoying these men’s final breaths.

Your beauty is hellenistic
Plague of Troy, yet, Spartan grace
You breathlessly in your embrace
Pierce their left hearts, o,despotic
Queen of Egypt, bride of The End

Your exposed ***** still displays
Your bored wetness and cruelty
So they can picture the foreplays
They will last see in Agony
“Mercy, iconic royalty!’’

Your maiden’s body at your side
Is shaken by Thanatos’ tide
For she knows about your queerness
Melting in this morbid madness
For your cruel carnal caress

Queer Queen, bitten you have become
Enslaved and bound to a man’s Rome
So a snake to touch you chose
Let me tell you Damascus rose
You fell for Marc’s male-female love!

For the ******* perfume you drank
Humiliated in your chambers
Do you feel the burning embers
You have been marked with, and the fers
To defend and keep your high rank!

April 7, 2015,
Riverside, California
Travis Green Mar 2023
Being by his side is like a walk in the bright, magical clouds
A vivid, compelling treasure in my dreams, a smooth masculine king
So clean-cut and robust as ****, so lovable and indestructible
I behold his mocha chocolate globes, and I am so bowled
Over by his dope *** smoking machotasticness

Loving him so much that I can’t think straight
I ache for him more than ever, in need of his stalwart
Charming hotness, to be taken into his radiant scintillating mantuary
Where his perfectness captures my queerness
Guides me to the transcendent limits of seamless mind-bending
Ecstasy, I burn with passion for his rare smashing attraction

He sets me afire, makes me burn brighter and hotter
Than a raging radioactive volcano, he stupefies me
He gives me the butterflies, he makes me smile all the while
He demonstrates his greatness to my gayness
I am so completely feverish and blissed out
The more he shrouds me in his uncontainable white-hot desires

He gives me a thousand astounding sensations
The more his stellar silken sexiness blazes through my headspace
I am enamored by the way he stands in my presence
His captivatingly intoxicating fragrance streams all over me
I feen for a chance to sink into his impassioned heart-grabbing
Enchantment, clamp my hands against his phenomenally macho
And wondrous pecs, all lovely and seductive muscles

My sweet saucy brick, his prominent russet etes hypnotize me
A million times more than before, I am absorbed by his gorgeousness
Thoughts of lying next to him, feeling and kissing him
Traveling through time and space, in sheer superlative harmony
I lose myself In the depths of his delectable relishable majesticness
Yearning for him to conquer and ****** my humongous honkers

Lick and twist my stiff glistening peaks with his fingertips
The feel of his bare matchless graspers against my extraordinary ***
Toys with my tight, fuckable warehouse, makes me sweat
As he pleasures me, as he moves his fingers deeper within me
Make me kneel on my knees to go down on his suckable stick shift

Hold him closer to me, let my clutchers rub up and down
His long, macho thighs and legs, put his delicious dangling swingers
In my mouth, peck his belly, caress and taste his treasure trail down to  Lush eye-grabbing rug, dive into the wildness of his liveliness
Steadily working his firmness, arousing the curiosity
Of his top-drawer artistic royalty, fire up his thugness

Have him so carried away as I have my wicked way
With his savage swelling snake, fill the tip with hearty heated kisses
Rap with his mean king-size *******, make him grow harder
Make him moan louder, make his manhood speak to me
While he plunges it deeper into my cakehole

I spectacularly salivate for him, worship his assertive
Immersive muscularity, cherish the way we traverse together
In grandly indelible and poetical harmony
I ******* him harder, faster, causing him to squirt out
Sticky thick milk all around my amorous perfumed lips

So dreamily sensual, so lewd and juicy
I lick it with my tongue and digest it
Look fixedly into his come-hither flickering eyes
Marveling at my magnetic lover man as he  tongue kisses me
Takes me deeper into his bodacious vivacious nation
Of hypersexual high-powered hotness
Tells me that he loves me, tells me that I am everything to him
Takes me in his brutal bulging arms, sends me in endless ecstasies
Leonardo Lollini Jul 2014
When your head is nice and clear
In the morning there is nothing to fear
You create memory's which you hold dear
For everything is awakening

What amazes me is the clearness
It brings me some queerness
There is a lot of quietness
It is gorgeous

Morning is most enjoyed outside
Once you leave your house you won't abide
You hear many creatures
You are one with nature
Certain people mature
When in this isolated state
You feel great
Travis Green Apr 2023
I wanna be in his aromatic ardent arms
Touch his luscious musculature structure for days on end
Bless me with his devilish hot-off-the-press ****** magnetism
Arrest and undress me, assess and finesse me
Stir the inner world of my queerness

Make me delirious and awe-inspired
While I check out his wild, stylish invitingness
In the bare shimmering morning
Taste his tantalizing thoughts
My tender resplendent gem

His dreaminess is like a psychedelic realm
Of picturesque electric hotness
Energetic, reflective impressiveness
Brilliant iridescent majesticness
His bold and impassioned masculineness
Splashes in my submerged mind

He makes me fantasize about being
Washed away into his mind-blowing ocean
Of inimitable and appealing dreams
Speak his matchless verbal words to me
Let me admire his divine and rare beauty

My vibrant, beguiling diamond
Such ungovernable rugged thugness
I wanna be tethered to his exquisitely
Fascinating and scintillating sensations
Feel him attack me with his savage passionate nature

Make my skin sweat, make me beg to taste his third leg
******* it to the max, play with his massive *******
Leave me rapt, grab my top-shelf traffic stoppers
****** at my perky captured daggers
Sear my queerness, hit me deep
With his ****** ferocious dopeness

Make me lose myself in his wildly swirling wave
Of smooth and continuous dreaminess
Share perfect fervent kisses
Cause me to have a strong fondness
For his delicious masculine sweets

Feel his effervescent reverent manliness
Seep into my veins, such raw dancing seduction
My much-coveted muscular lover boy
I love the way he is so unapologetically fresh with it
He burns and enraptures my inner world

He makes me wanna bite into his saucy chocolate architecture
Feel the fueling flickering flames of his life
****** into his unimaginably royal and robust land
Of eminent romantic wonderment
Where he rocks me steady, got me treasuring
Every measure of his delectable magnetic perfection
To the Poet Matthew Dickman

When you mentioned a crow
I thought of Allan Poe
Yet your words wielded
Allan Ginsberg’s queerness
Your awesome Americanness
Shuffled Allan’s wit
With your heart and gut.

You gave us a performance
But none of that heart and flowers
You were real and raw
On paper, in person
Writing about it all.

Out of your world came out
The ardent desire to feed the pyre
Of ravenous demanding poetry
With no rhymes but sentences
A sentence which sent on death row
The rest of the worlds I heard today.

Words are wasted but yours resembled
A cherry-shed coke’s can, vintage 1975.

Lyon, November 6, 2016
Had the chance to meet Dickman in person and have him sign one of his poetry books for me
q Jan 2019
i am from
chipped yellow nail polish
i am from
i love you i love you i love you
i am from
because once is never enough
i am from
bare feet on the driveway
i am from
shooting stars and full moons
i am from
the rolling stones on vinyl
i am from
poetry books and lavender tea
i am from
vines encapsulating the brick walls
i am from
lazy sundays
i am from
brown eyes
i am from
never enough snow days
i am from
pausing and rewinding movies
i am from
where time moves a bit slower
i am from
i am from
mom, i’m sorry
i am from
i love you i love you i love you
i am from
because once is never enough
Dylan Mcconnell Jan 2018
About animals, abortion, and abilities
About bouquets, Buddhism, and bilious people.
About cats, cars, and caring about others.
About depression, death, and the process of dying.
About eating disorders, evil step-mothers, and ecstasy.
About fattiness, fear(s), and the trait of being friendly.
About goats, ghosts, and greetings in different countries.
About happiness, healthy diets, and humanitarian rights.
About intimacy, icicles, and igloos.
About jack-in-the-boxes, the juvenile system, and justified ******.
About kindness, kissing, and kitties.
About love, living, and ladies.
About moms, mediocrity, and medicine.
About no meaning no, feeling naked, and nature.
About ovulation, October, and court orders.
About periods, peskiness, and perverts.
About quirks, queerness, and qualifying for college.
About ****, razors, and reading.
About ***, Sudafed, and scandals.
About taxi drivers, tables and what they hold, along with thoughts
About UW-Madison, unfortunate circumstances, and unemployment.
About vehicles, valuable objects, and violence.
About waistlines, waitressing, and what a waste of time homework is.
About xylophones, xanax, and xanthous.
About you, younglings, and yellow flowers.
About zoos, zanies, and zaps.
Just help for writers block.
Donny's gay intonations weren't lost on the priest who agreed that, Hairy *** Truman's grave MUST be desecrated! if we're ever going to face Japanese party boysenberries with a clean mind & warm heart. The dew on the grass was gone when Donny woke in a pool of his own ***** (not just his *****, but his own *****, not somebody else's *****). What a night! A night of queerness that made every other night of queerness evaporate like the dew (previously referenced). “Donny, you're such a queen!” The guy collecting tolls for the Pennsylvania turnpike said.  (What's it called when somebody collects tolls? Oh yeah, toll-collecting!) “I know it,” Donny said as he held back his own ***** (not the ***** of the toll collector). “Smell your *** **** later,” the toll collector said playfully. “You too,” Donny replied as he committed suicide.
Eevee Aug 2018
Everywhere i turn,
i hear noise.
slamming of fingers on a keyboard.
I can't escape the noise.

It's loud.
so loud my ears are burring,
with hate,
and queerness.
then it's quiet,
then loud,
over and over again.

School is loud,
Home is loud,
you can't escape it,
it already here,
it's loud.
Travis Green Apr 2023
He throws me off balance
With his **** *** splashiness
Ardent adventurous lips
So biteable and lickable
So kissable and treasurable

My smooth chocolate-brown jack
So beardtastic and mantastic
So fantastically bedazzling and enrapturing
Strapping and thrashing rareness
Immeasurable ****** attraction

I wanna kiss his broad, jaw-dropping chest
Nuzzle his walnut brown bullets
Feel his magically shimmering eyes
Pierce through the world of my queerness
Make me so gung-** about
His rich, appealing deliciousness

My ample flavorful Samson
He tickles my taste buds
Makes me feel like I might erupt
With if he constantly touches
My buttery brown skin

He has me under the heel
Of his highly heavenly and stupefying exquisiteness
Stranded in his extremely effective
And impressive web of hot-off-the-press finesse
Locked in his intensely strong wings

He keeps my head spinning
Has me mad jacked up
Lusting after his rugged hot stuff
I love the savagely fierce and magnificent beast in him
The way he stares at me makes me wanna jump
Into his massive wondrous ocean
Of unending dreamy passion

Capture me, ravish me, lavish me
With his incredibly poetic and powerful love
Unleash his continuous and mysterious thunder upon me
Strike me with his wild white lightning
Arouse me with the incomparable swagger
In his aggressive freshalicious masculineness
His clever and creative mind
His smooth, slick, and vigorous style

I fall deep into his authentic prolific realm
Of rigidly riveting enchantment
So attached to his dramatic and mystical fantasticalness
My undauntable phenomenal lover man
I am so hooked on his untouchable hustle and muscle

The way his heart and soul glow
His awesomeness, flawlessness, and suaveness
I am so into everything about him
I don’t wanna live without him
I need to feel him all over me
Forever and a day, I crave to stay in his captivating embrace
Travis Green Apr 2023
He is the most charming and sparkling boss man
With astounding muscle-bound pecs
***** walnut brown crests that make me
Crave to bite into them like a mad savage beast
Lick them, please them, tease them

Rub his indestructible ***-pack
Allow my mouth to mack with his
Let our tongues talk to each other
Nuzzle my nose against his hunky neck
Glide my fingers up and down his temples

Treasure his scented sensuous beard
His venerable dreamy chin
Exquisite kissable cheeks
Adventurous obsidian eyes
That shine so brightly in my sight

I take great delight in checking out
His all-out hot off the fire power
When I am by his side, I can see
The sweetest irresistible dreams
In the magically potent and seamless mirror
Of his brilliant inner world

I long to polish his hotness
With my wet shiny lips
Listen to his unbelievably hot street talk
Draw  me into the lurid luminous clouds
Of his desirable electric seduction

Tune in to the mind-blowing bassline sounds
Of his booming all-consuming thunder
Engulf me in the highly action-packed wildness
Of his amorous and capricious virileness
Feel my fingers glide down his moist gorgeous frame

Sniff his hairy manly armpits
His broad tatted shoulders
One hundred percent dream guy
Soak me in his bold, attention-grabbing dopeness
Press his feelers against my utter luscious busters

Stir my queerness, arouse my curiosity
Make me bow down to thee
Imprint his inventively appealing splashiness
In the great depths of my mind
Rub up against me, make ferocious romantic love to me

Be the new and brightest star in my life
The purest and most veritable charm
That has me so impossibly zonked
Cause me to travel to unmappable impassioned galaxies
Crash into me, slide into my softness

Hear me call his name, feel his straight-up baking hot flame
In the ocean waves of his fragrant sensational amorosity
He gives me the hottest hard-on
Makes me crave to edge with sexually explicit thoughts
Of him running through my mind

He fills me with intense transcendental pleasure
Makes me dwell on his impeccable melanin freshness
So confident, prominent, and unconquerably ardent astonishingness
I wanna feel him peel me in every enchanting way
Embrace his lustful sumptuous toughness

Feel the sizzling hot sparks of wicked-lit ecstasy
Speak ***** **** to me, explore me, toy with me
Allure me deeply with his radiant penetrating greatness
Rock every part of me with his thick, vicious snake
Take me into his burning, passionate realm
Of rhythmic riveting slickness

Breathe his poetic endearments in my mouth
Grip me tightly with his topflight suave delight
Be the dreamlike, out-of-sight kryptonite of my dreams
Provoke me with his noteworthy soul-stirring muscularity
Give me clarity, unearth and cherish my treasury for eternity
Idahsamsclique Feb 2018
Baby girl
I love your wide hips, thick lips and how you try to cover up your weakness
See it's only a matter of time till you realise that you **** this
And my eyes are blessed to witness
Your brown skin, your crown Queen
Girl you're sure to win
And in your direction blows the wind
Paying homage to your every single thin'
Your smile isn't a sin
And though you hide it, it is always what I'm seekin'
Blessed at every moment you are breathin'
Darling i adore your sweetness
You're a sweet mess
Your queerness
How i wish to die in your wilderness
And well los’ the rest
You're my princess
But you will never be in distress
And if you are, you'll be able to deattach
Free at last
Travis Green Jan 2023
When I am with you, it's so dreamlike and out of sight
You shine like the golden, rosy, and showy sunrise
You are the glowing and growing light of my life
My favorite engaging route to take that inspires me deeply
That brightens up my lush rainbow construction

I wanna wander away into your sensual tender infinity
Kiss you impassionedly, caress you everywhere
Eyes to eyes, lips against lips, flesh against flesh
Love me forever and a day, hard and deep
In your superheated sweetness and litastically magical heat

Drift into your translucent soothing dreamland
Traverse the radical paths of your majestic thugness
My main metallic man, you are all I need
All I wish to get lost in, to explore your extraordinariness
Stare at your ****** attractiveness
In the sheer shimmering mirrors of my submerged mind

Your tasty stimulating manliness commandeers my queerness
Makes me succumb to your buoyant flamboyant gorgeous
Feel-good flourishing freshness
Your evocative enthralling artisticness
Has me so high and stupefied

I don’t wanna be without your desirableness
I wanna be lost in your amazingly ample waves
Of jammin’ intoxicating enchantingness
Swim in your romantic oceanic sea
Of extreme licentious dreams
Travis Green Jan 2023
Serene, lush **** boy
Furiously revered and rugged lover man
Full-blown flawless unconquerableness
Your beauteous sensuous masculineness
Makes me salivate to collapse
Into your magical refreshing embrace
In your teeming transcendent energy

You pierce through my queerness
You give me crazy **** urges
To marry with your immersiveness
Taste your inner space
In effortless togetherness
In your ebullient majestic freshness

You consume me, you move me
You make me dance like a high-spirited
And multi-talented cheerleader
I dream of you in a flaming chain
Of immense licentious events
Lost in your brick-solid, eye-popping arms
In the incomparable clarity of your majesty

You captivate me with your inspirational
And intoxicating vibration
Smother me in your mellow magnetic seductiveness
Control and probe my soul
Enclose me in your glowing and growing love
Where I blossom into a spectacular paradisiacal flower
Boaz Priestly Apr 2023
i cannot unwind the
rage from my queerness,
just as i cannot escape the
chokehold that fear has on
my transness

this body of mine is holy
in that i have built myself
from the ground up

but this body of mine is
also so hated because i refused
to become a statistic

i am not going to do people
that want me dead the favor
of snuffing out my own light
before my time

in one form or another, those
like me have always existed,
and will continue to do so

through every stubbled cheek caressed,
every knuckle bloodied,
every testosterone injection,
and every time i recognized that man
in the mirror as who i was always
really meant to be

i will not be erased,
my brothers
and sisters
and siblings
will not be erased

i have eaten too many matches for
this fire in me to ever burn out
C Mar 2019
She was captivating.
She forced you to reconcile
with your name
and the word queer
together for the first time.

It was new and you
only spoke it into existence
for her.
A vulnerability impossible to escape,
but you weren't worried.

She had pretty teeth
and thick eyebrows.
You felt an insurmountable
amount of love for her in a month,
than you had felt for any boy ever.

You weren't worried
until you were.
Women are gentile and kind.
They are caring and safe.
Until they're not.

You are fifteen.
Living behind closet doors,
thick enough to mask your queerness.
It squeaks when it opens,
you prefer it closed.

Your father explained the word, "disown"
with examples.
"Like, if you're a **** you have to move out."
She used that as a stick
to beat you with.

You cry, knees to chest in the shower.
She's told everyone,
while she manipulates and forces
you to believe you're guilty
of being embarrassed of her.

So you begin beating
on the closet doors,
every beating.
No one can hear your screams.
Part of you still doesn't want them to.

You could try calling the police,
but who would believe
a woman is beating another woman.
there's no service in this closet.

You learn about domestic violence
from your parents.
They say they'd protect you.
But if they knew
they'd beat you back into silence.

If a tree
collapses in the middle of the forest
with bruises from someone
that isn't a husband,
or a boyfriend,
or a man at all,
Is she still a victim?
is the collision enough
to break down a closet door?
Travis Green Apr 2023
Being with him brings me
The deepest gratification I can ever imagine
He is the heavenliest sweetest music to my ears
He gives me a thrill, makes me wanna chill with him
Creep into his entrance of supremeness

Stroke every inch of his shimmering masculinity
Cherish the sheer spectacular curvature
Of his immaculate masterful architecture
Touch and kiss his succulent chocolate lips
Move my clever caressers all over
His hunky luxuriant beard

Investigate the unprecedented greatness
Of his creative taking straightness
Feel my queerness surrender to thee
As he surrounds me in his sexually arousing divineness
Pull me deeper into his ardent enthralling wonderland
Wrapped in his serene, generous warmth

Slither my feelers up and down his **** slick structure
So deliciously exquisite and pleasing
To be stranded in his entrancingness
In the bright blackest nights
Needing to feel him swimming in my insides

He makes me purr as he searches
Into the softness of my heart and soul
Give me a ***** as he comes on stronger to me
Love me hella harder, show me his secret treasure
Let me slurp on his firm throbbing disturber

Lick his splashy *******, cop a feel
Of his sensuously seductive pecs
Peck his thick tasty thighs
Glide my tongue all around his ***** lickable legs
Grasp his attractive masculine backside

Let the contagious invigorating smell
Of his legendary immersing debonairness
Dominate and stimulate my nerve cells
Drive me insane with his bang-up, pumped-up crunkness
Experience everything there is
In his deeply mysterious and feature-rich  realm of pleasure

Let him unlock the vault to the most tender parts of me
Make me sink into the overflowing boldness
Of smoking hot showiness
Such a radiant treasured gem
Emanating the most captivating
And exhilarating work of aesthetically absorbing art

I grip his monolithic thickness firmly
Revel in the way it smells
The way he gazes at me so sexually
Taunts my throat with his ultimate forceful thrusts
His moans are so impossibly top-notch

So prominent, rock-solid, and astonishing
I love watching him flex as my head
Bobs on his hard black sausage
Keep him blitzed and thrilled to bits
Be ***** deep in his lit slick ****

Show him the freak in me
Spit on his thick brick stick
Massage his big bouncy *******
Listen to his moans grow stronger
As he discharges his hot, rich **** juice
All over my bright, expressive face
Travis Green Mar 2023
He is so magically savory in taste
So fashionably stylish and sophisticated
Full of rudeness and smoothness
A young crunk stunner
That takes me deep into his bold mind-blowing storm

He hypnotizes me with his undying wildness
Moves me with his brewing and ruling hoodness
The way he flexes his monster-tattooed guns
Makes me hunger for his notorious ******* hotness
Feel his violently vivid masculinity stream further within me

Make me shudder and utter ***** words
Immerse me in the astonishingness
And strongness of his glowing thought-provoking dopeness
Whisper tantalizing sweet nothings in my ears
Talk to the innermost reaches of my queerness

Allure me with his dark, gorgeous eyes
Rouse the wild white-hot fire inside me
Astound every ounce of my entireness
With his lewd sultry manhood
Feel the unbounded power
Of his unrivaled awe-striking invitingness

Guide me into his hot destructive lava land
Where his steamy gleaming dreaminess
Gives me a mad banging thrill
Take me on the hottest ****** ride of a lifetime
Taste his black glassy mantasticness on my tongue
His rugged ***** seductiveness
Lingering in my bloodstream

Make me so **** dazed and confused
Aching for his brazen fragrant takingness
Smother me in his untouchable succulent lovingness
Compel me, overwhelm me, prevail over my senses
Tantalize me with his fiery impassioned splashiness

Dominate my conquerable art world
Mesmerize me from head to toe
Leave me moonstruck and struck up
Blazed and shaken up, so crazy stimulated to the limit
As he attacks and smashes my feminineness

Penetrate my dreams, permeate them
With his contagious vivacious salaciousness
Make me worship every drop
Of his prominent disarming chocolateness
Encased in his decadent, extravagant waves
Of unparalleled entrancing captivation
As he slays me in his naked embrace
PK Wakefield Oct 2021
no poem with compares
to the stinging suddenly
up of what upward airs.
a moon half corporally

has by slow instant chance
itself in utterly nearness
2 on satin shoulders dance.
with no abrogate: queerness,

its indistinct afterglow
hugely downward under
openly golden star's grow.
has not by chance asunder,

the littlest death of bells,
to mountain quiver as rivers and in dells.
Travis Green Aug 2022
Your manful tanned entrancingness romances my undersense
Your mesmerizing supersized biceps
Look so sexually appealing to kiss
To drift into your infernal supernal jungle
Superabundant in hunkiness
So bearderrific and jockalicious

Your smooth, dewy beauty enthuses me
Grabs hold of me, carries me off
To a charmingly fantastical wonderland
Where I melt at the timeless towering sight
Of your red-hot passion-filled statuesqueness
I am highly owl-eyed at your indescribableness
Hairy oiled up muscleman

Your tight, crowned, and mountainness excitngness
Enlivens and spellbinds my queerness
Has me yearning to sojourn
In your four-star freshalicious furnace
Fraught with mantastical paradisiacal wonder
Put sultry soothers on your angular, expansive man *****
Tease and nibble at your mad rigid nips

Dumb hot hunk, let me tumble about
In your statically flashy galaxy
Smell the refreshingness of your magnetically macho sauciness
Full, extraordinary, and nectar-colored lips
Ardent chocolate almond eyes
Crash-hot bearded grabber
Flourishing moist allure
I am such a superlative lavender marveller
Of your treasured pleasurableness

You make my tunnel rumble
You jumble my brainbox
Make cosmic sonic booms arise from my mouth
Strike me deep, hard, and abrupt
With your ferociously mind-blowing thunder
Let me feel the powerful striking force
Of your inexorable notorious alluringness
Enshroud me in the mystifying shining sky
Of your brilliant immersive fireworks
Nitin Pandey Apr 2021
Run for fun, but "cower"
Spent in countless hours...,
Process of strange power,
Rained me up like shower...,
Stuck, have no more chance,
But, can't stop my heart dance...,
#thought #cower #queerness
Travis Green Mar 2023
When I lay my midnight black eyes
On his spicy delightful invitingness
His sunny sublime smile
His fresh gorgeous lips
His thick distinguished beard

I lose all control, craving to flow
Into his brilliant, glassy volcano
Bursting with fiery, fierce freshness
Sip on his dynamite hyper-hot kryptonite
His classical magical splashiness

Taste his imperial lyrical sheerness on my tongue
While he stuns my senses
Leaves me dumbstruck, pumped up, and drugged up
Covered with sudden streaming sweat
Shrouds me in his bright desirous arousingness
Overpowers me with his topflight white-hot delightsomeness

Showers my entireness with the intensity
Of his supereminent transcendent supremeness
Make my heart beat bouncily
Make me weak in the knees
Drowning in the sea of his exhilarating and spectacular manfulness

My valiant amorous sensation
With his splashy barbarous rareness
His dangerously magical and mantastical magneticness
He sets me aflame with how he rains
His tremendously eye-grabbing and hard-hitting game
Upon my unadulterated bodacious frame

Take great delight in his marvelous exotic uncommonness
Longing to touch his utterly clean-cut and striking construction
Escape into his visually delicious and appealing gateway
Of measureless mesmeric grandeur
Where he enchantingly dances and serenades me

Permeates me with blazing hot sensations
With his macho hypnotic essence
He steals every inch of my innocence
Has me mad spazzing out, floating in his bold, potent smoke
Lost in his personable and unconquerable charmingness

I fall into his breathtakingly treasurable realm
Of legendary poetic extraordinariness
Feel how his emotions run deeply
Into the vessel of my peerless queerness
How he has me riding on the wings
Of his brilliant, inventive ****** love

— The End —