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Lía Sep 2014
They call me Ghetto.
They call me
gunfights and drive-bys,
pregnant teens.
They call me Poverty,
and concrete winter walls
splashed with blood-red
They call me
junior-high druggies
and gang-banging muchachos.
They call me Mexico
like it’s a ***** word.
They call me Ghetto.

But haven’t they seen through
the white-washed walls
of the
“American Dream”?
Don’t they know hurt
and suffering,
and neglect,
as well?

So call me Mexico;
call me Poverty;
call me Ghetto.

I am
run-down yards
filled with laughing brown children,
small apartments
bursting with the scent
of tamales,
mingled with joy and the chatter of relatives.
I am home-made tortillas
at Thanksgiving
and wrinkled hands pounding masa
at Christmas.
I am friendly smiles
and shouted jokes
followed by roaring
I am the lilting syllables
of a beautiful
I am comfort.

They call me Ghetto
and so I am.
Big Virge Sep 2014
My Poetry Flows In ... " So Many Ways " ... !!!
Which Goes To Show That My Wordplay's GREAT ... !!!!!
"Your arrogance, will seal your fate !"
"What was that I heard you say ?
Why, because I gave self-praise ?
Well, you I guess, are not God Blessed,
because you're jealous, I suspect ?
In many ways, your mouth must have,
a sour taste, and jealousy,
like being, two-faced, is clearly this,
your first mistake, and will ensure,
your fall from grace !
Your actions in, so many ways !
prove you clearly have no shame !
Luckily for you, I won't say names !
But, trust in this, I've booked you a place,
in the Hall of Shame !
Why Do MOST Poets Act This Way ... ?!?
And Try SO HARD To Stake A Claim To Be ... " THE ONE " ... !!!!!
I'm NO Tom Cruise But Am ... " TOP GUN " ...
And Hold POWER Like ... VADERS' Son ... !!!!!!!!!!!!
See Words of Mine ...  
Touch ... " Time and Space " ...
And Are Compiled In ... MANY Ways ... !!!!!!
So MANY Now ...
That I'm ... AMAZED ... !!!!!
I'll Take Applause But Praise The Lord ... !!!
Cos' By Gods' Grace I Write His Words In MANY Ways ...  !!!!!
At Times Like This I Thank ... " My Mum " ... !!!
For Loving Me Her ... " ONLY SON " ... !!!
In SO MANY WAYS For ... So MANY DAYS ... !!!!!!!
" I Miss you mum !!! "
In More Ways Than I Can Mention ...
But Now It's Time For Me To Rhyme ...
And Make My Way By Making Space ...
For Those Like Me Who DO Relate ...
TRUTH Instead of WASTING SPACE ... !!!!!
For Heavens' Sake They Take The Cake ... !!!
Claiming ....
" Mate, I do create ! "
Sometimes I Really Want To Say ...
" Listen mate, just Shut Your Face !!!"  
But What's The Point Go Back A Ways .......
These People Are As I've Said Before ...
Those Who CLEARLY Are ... " Two-Faced " ... !!!!!
They Simply Use Their ... " Second Guise " ... !!!
To Spread More of Their .... " PUTRID LIES " .... !!!!
They Are The Ones Who Yes ... " Contrive " ...
To Use Our Funds To ..... " CAPITALISE " ..... !!!!!
While Me I Plot To See Them ROT ...  
And Watch Them Slide To Their DEMISE ... !!!!!!!
I Try I ... TRY ... !!!!!
But Sometimes Wonder Is It Wise ... ?
To Think of Ways That May Result ...  
In VIOLENCE ... or Worse GUNFIGHTS ... !!!!!
Well Nowadays In MANY Ways ... !!!
Promotion of Guns Is Now In Sight ...
of ... " Youthful Eyes " ... !!!
As If It's RIGHT To ... " SHOOT TO **** " ... !!!
It's NO SURPRISE Young Blood Gets Spilled ... !!!
Policemen Use Them ... YES That's Right ... !!!  
Gangsters Use Them For Their Crimes ... !!!  
Rappers Use Them So They ... " SAY " ...  
But Then Are Told That ...
" What they say, causes problems !?! "
Corporate Men Have NO DEFENCE ... !!!  
But Emcees PLEASE Use Common Sense ...  
Make Them Pay You Pounds and Pence ...
Or ... Dollars And Cents ...
For CLEVER Use of .... " Pad and Pen " .... !!!!  
NOT Lives of CRIME And VIOLENCE ... !!!!!
Talk About Our Governments ... !!!!!
FEED Your Brain Then ... " Edutain' " ....
Dismiss FIFTY Check .... " KRS " ....  
Free Styling's Great In ... " Many Ways " ... !!!
So ... DON'T Use It To Give Off HATE ...  
To Those Who Have Skin Tone Like YOURS ... !!!
Cos' ... YOU'RE To Blame ...  
When Someone Else Treats You The SAME ... !!!
Do You Really Think That's Hip Hops' Aim ... ?!?
Don't Get Me Wrong ...
I'd Rather See THAT Than Bullets In Brains ... !!!
But Promotion of DEATH Is just INSANE ... !!!!!!
Competing ...  
Goes With Life Like PAIN ... !!!
But UNITY ...
Helps People GAIN ... !!!
By Helping Them Keep Blood IN VEINS ... !!!!!
" Take That IN " ... !!!
HEED What I'm Saying ... !!!
That's PROOF AGAIN ...
of How My Words ...  
Feed DIFFERENT Strains ...  
By Using Them In ...
So MANY WAYS ... !!!
My Views Are COMPLEX ...  
Like My Brain ... !!!!!!!  
And Like My Prose ...
Flows Through My Veins ... !!!  
It's MAGIC But NO David Blaine ... !!!
It's Simply THIS A Gift That's ... " GODLY " ...
Prose I Write Is Far From ... " Shoddy " ... !!!!!!!  
I've Got BIG EARS .... !!!  
So ... Where Is Noddy ... !?!
That's It Folks ...  
No More quotes And No More Jokes ... !!!
" Mum I MISS YOU LOADS and LOADS ... !!!
EVERY DAY And Love You STILL In TRULY YES .................
...... " So Many Ways !!! " ......
The title drove the length, and variety of subjects covered !
A brand new sheriff came to town
I'm sure he's not the last
We've had fourteen in the past year
They leave here mighty fast

Some can't stand the pressure
Others end up in boot hill
It ain't easy being Sheriff
Here in Cactus Mill

He was tall, compared to most folks
That's what the undertaker said
"I'm just scouting for the future"
"In case he ends up dead"

He went into his office
Fired both deputies on sight
He said "you wanna get your job back"
"Then, you'll have to do it right"

"I don't hanker to disruptions"
"In the town ... I rule"
"The laws all must be followed"
"Now,'s time for school"

"We're gonna have a meeting"
"You can follow, or can go"
"I'm gonna clean this town up"
"I just thought you both should know"

He'd printed off some flyers
Had them passed out by the men
It was scheduled for the Baptist Church
It was due to start at ten

He cleaned up and got ready
A good impression he would give
Because this man's demeanor
Chose who'd die and who would live

At nine fifteen he left and went
To the church, to say a prayer
He thought it would be empty
But found half the town was there

We waited till the church bells
Chimed ten times ...and he began
"I'm here to be your Sheriff"
"I'll do the best job that I can"

"I don't like injustice"
"Wrong doers...they must pay"
"I like to keep things, house"
"I make decisions in  a day"

"I'm like a judge and jury"
"I hold my own cowboy kind of court"
"I'm like Roy Bean, I guess you'd say"
"It's my town...It is my fort"

"Gunfights, just won't happen"
"If they do, both men are dead"
"One, because he lost it...."
"The other, cause I said"

"Drinking...keep it local"
"Stay inside at the saloon"
"Don't wander the streets at night"
"Standing, howling at the moon"

"You can wear your guns in town"
"But, I don't want to see them out"
"If I do, then you can bet"
"You'll learn fast, what my court is all about"

"Now, coming in, two miles out"
"I saw a sturdy tree"
"The only one who hangs from it"
"Will be decided me"

"Lynchings...not on my watch"
"Rustling....don't you try"
"The rules all must be followed"
"If'll surely die"

"I have a length of rope with me"
"It's been stretched 'bout twenty times"
"Add one's twenty one"
"So, don't commit no crimes"

"I also have two friends right here"
"Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson"
"Don't make them come on out to play"
"If they do , you'll learn your lesson"

"Back at the jail, there is one more"
"A right old sturdy gun"
"If Smith and Wesson do not work"
"Then you'll meet...Remington"

"I hope that you will follow"
"The rules that I lay down"
"Cactus Mill is pretty"
"I like this little town"

"I might be the new Sheriff"
"And I want to be your friend"
"The choice is which one do you want"
"A long life...or early end?"

He shook the preachers hand then
And he walked on out the door
The towns folk sat in silence
You could hear a feather hit the floor

Now, the question....Did this Sheriff
Clean up little Cactus Mill?
Did Mr. Smith and Mr. Wesson
Keep his hide out of Boot Hill?
Big Virge Sep 2016
"Order, Order !
We will have ORDER !!!
Order in the court !
or, the doors to this court
will be closed to cohorts !"

" Order "... is the call
within... our courts of law

Well here's...
Big Virges'... view...
of how these laws
will... Surely... be used...
and what... these laws...
will finally... Do... !!!

You see...

" Order's "...
being... " Summoned "...
in the... " Lords "...
and in... " The Commons "...

and... " The Cure "... to...
Current Problems ...
is seen as ... " Martial Law "... !!!

Police will now ... ENFORCE ...
without ... " Probable "... cause ... !!!

" Stops "... and ...
" Searches "...

upPED on ... Corners ...

What's their purpose ... ?
... " Public Order "...

But .....
Cameras on streets ... ?

CCTV ...... !?!

Isn't that meant to ...
" Keep The Peace "... ?!?

" OKAY, they're there
to make movies !
So, what's the deal ?
Can you paint the scene ? "

"Sir, move along please
your act's been seen,
our decision, you'll receive,
once you've been screened,
at the end of the week,
with your, Charge Sheet !
When it comes, answer truthfully,
because any deceit, may well
result in penalties, with no release,
especially if, we have to cheat
by using, yes, our editing team !"

You see ...
That's the ... " Trick "... !!!

So ... take these words ... " IN "...
and ... Read them ... CLOSELY ...
cos' these words ... Run DEEP ... !!!

Our lives ... BELIEVE ME ... !!!
are now on ... " Floppys' " ...
... Micro-Chips ...

and Drives named ... (C:)

So ...
What is humanity's ... destiny ... ???

Technology ....
Patrolling ... our streets ...

Armies ... of police ... !!!

Freedoms. .................................................... obsolete .... !!!!
for those ... wanting ... Peace ...

Sounds like a movie ...
I've seen of ... Armies' ... ???

" OH NO ... it's T3 !!! "

" ORDER is "... The Key ...

Restriction of ... Rights ...
to simply be ... FREE ... ?!?

Violence ... from our streets ... !!!!!

I'm YES ... A Supporter
of ... " Public Order "...

Let partying tribes ...
INDULGE in ... " Good Vibes "...

But .....
What kind of party ... ?
sees people ... Pull Knives ... !?!
or call for ... " Gunfights "... ?!?!?!?

But let's ...
NOT TELL ... " Lies "... !!!

Crime is ... on the rISE ... !!!

Crimes of ... ALL TYPES ... !!!
from ... Corporate Crimes ...
to young ... " Homicides "... !!!!

But .....
Ask yourself ... " WHY "... ?

Is it because ... ?
The young are now ..................................... Lost ....... ?!?

or ....
Could it be ... THIS ... ???

Highlighting ... Young Fights ...
as if .... EVERY NIGHT ...
Another kid ... DIES ... !!!

May simply ... "FIT IN"...
with Agendas ... Contrived ...
to simply ... Keep Minds ...
AFRAID ... and ... " DENIED "...
of living ... their lives ...
just like the ... " Rich Guys "...

" Directors "... who Earn ... ?
from ... " Fraudulent "... work ...

How many of them ?
will face ... " Stop and Search "... ?!?

Those in ... Governments ...
and ... " Corporate "... Hybrids ...
whose parties are ... "PRIVATE"... !!!!

with much ... " Nicer Climates "...

ENJOYING ... themselves... !!!
because of ... " Their Wealth "...
with women who ... " Sell "...
Their bodies like ... " SHELL "... !!!!
have done with ... " Oil Wells "... !!!!!

" Take Time ".....................................
Think it ... through..................................

But ....
Here's some more clues ....
as to why ... I Now Choose ...
to ... " Today "... take this view ...

Youth have died ... " Early "...
For YEARS ... on streets ...

But back then ... WEREN'T Worthy... ?!?
of ... PRIMETIME TV ...

But Now ... THEY ARE ... !?!

Terrorists .... are at Large ... !!!
is now the ... BENCHMARK ...

That's what's being ... " Used "...
to fill .... TV News ....

and ... " Sadly "... ABUSE ...
our LOST ..... WaYwArd ... youth ... !!!

Will .... " Eton "...
and ... " Harrow "...
REALLY SEE ... " Stop and Search "... ?!?!?

It seems ...
kind of ... " shallow :"...
to think ... They'll ... " Concur "...

Do ... " The Rich ...
have a ... THIRST ... ?
to walk with ... What HURTS ... !?!

Guns and Knives .....
amongst the ... " Rich Types "... ???

Why would they ... do that ... !?!
in ... " Daddy's New Pad "... !!!!!!

I guess what i'm saying ...
is ... " Stop and Search "... BLATANT ... !!!!!

is MOSTLY ... for blacks ... !!!!!!

"Well, blacks do the killing !
Which is shown now, to millions !
Everyday, all over the place !
So, answer that Virge !"

is what ...
" They "... will say ... !!!

Those who feed ... LIES ...
into minds and ... " Numb Brains "...

Those who ... DON'T THINK ...
BEYOND Links ... in the ... " Chain ".... !!!

The ... " New Order "... Preys ...
on ... Ignorant Strays ... !!!...

NOT those ... on streets ... !!!
but those who ... Compete ...
for a piece of ... " Their Cake "...

that has a ... FOUL TASTE ... !!!!!!

We will have ORDER !!!"

" Must have ORDER ?
Man, just hold your corner ! "

Who exactly are ... " They "... ???
to treat people like ... " Game "... !?!

What makes you think ... ?
that they can train ...
the brain of a ... " Pig "...
to actually ... THINK...
and NOT behave ...
like some ... " Supremacist "... !!!
who's just ... Too **** ... QUICK ...
to suspect a kid ...
because of his ... Colour ... !!! ? !!!

" RACIST Mother F..... !!!!! "

"Order ... ORDER ...
You're out of order !!!"

" OUT OF Order ?!?
Are you a Coc' Snorter ?
I'm not a Big Baller,
or Gangsta' shot caller !
I'm just a straight talker
who's CRISP, just like Walkers',
when airing my views, about
Real Issues, that clearly confuse
and are used to abuse, our right to,
yes, choose, when and with whom,
we choose to make moves !

How would you like ?
to have THAT, done to you ?

My name AIN'T, Jack Horner !
Why should I be cornered ?
Searched and questioned
in the name of nonsense ! "

It's all a pretence,
to turn people against,
those they ... Don't Hate ... !!!

but ... each day ...
have to face,

from ... Council Estates ...
within the ... UK ...
to Projects ... They Blame ...
in the ... United States ...

These issues relate ...
and yes ... Correlate ... !!!

So .....
DON'T MAKE ... Mistakes ... !!!
and ... Mis-Read ... " The Game "...

What's happening ... There ...
is coming ... BEWARE ... !!! ...

Just think of it ... " This Way "...
George ... and ... Tony Blair ...........

They told you ... A WAR ...
was coming ... For SURE ... !!!!!

So ...
What'd you think ... NOW ... ?!?

Has ... THE WAR ...
Reached ... " Your Door "... ?!?

Or ...
Do you feel ... " Clowned "... ?

Or ...
Are you ... like me ... ?

A ... " Public "... ENEMY ... !!!

Who'll face men in ... " Gowns "...
because ... when I speak ...
I do so ... FREELY ... !!!! ...

and ... NO ...
WILL NOT ... Stand down ... !!!

" Order "...
is the call ...
as I said ... Before ... !!!

But ....
What is it ... for ... ???

for the ... " Weak "...
and the ... " Poor "...

NOT TO ... Fight anymore ... ?!?

or simply for ... " Borders "...
to keep them from ... " Hoarders "...
and ... " Midnight Marauders "... !!!!!!!

and TRUE LIFE ... Reporters ...
whose views they want ... "cornered"... !?!

because of ...
Their call ... to ... ENFORCE ...

.... " Public Order ".....

Listen Here :
My vision from some 8 years ago, of where we were headed, and sadly, much that I thought, has and sadly, continues to come to pass ..... These words are not those suitable for weak hearts, or those who like to play the well .... Y'all

Listen Here :
Big Virge Jul 2016
Well Well Well.....      
What Can You Smell ... ???    
ME ... I Smell A Crock of LIES ... !!!    
From TOP LEVEL Policing Guys ......    
I Also Smell ... INCOMPETENCE ... !!!!!!!!!    
That's Why I Wrote A Poem ...    
And Entitled It ... " Who's Next ? "...    
So People ...    
Where's Your Common Sense ... ?!?    
Someone Needs Some Recompense ...    
Right Now It's A Family ...    
Whose Son Has Died ...    
" IN A TRAGEDY !!! "....    
Their Son Was LIVING ...    
.... " HAPPILY "....    
Before He Met ...    
.... CALAMITY .... !!!!!!!!!    
This AIN'T A Doris Day Movie ... !!!    
This Is Cos' He Was BULLIED ... !!!    
By Those CLEVER ... Met' Police ... !!!    
NOT Like Kids With Stupid Tricks ...      
But From THIS ...    
REAL Gun Bullets ... !!!!!    
This Is Something TRULY SICK ... !!!!!!!!!    
These Are Things They DO Commit ... !!!    
To EVERYONE of Colour NOT just Brazilian Kids ...    
Ahhhhhhhhh Let's Just Get The Facts CORRECT ... !!!    
He Was ... " Asian "... ?!?    
NO ... " African "... ?!?    
Who Cares He Was An Immigrant ... !!!!!    
These Are Words of IGNORANCE ... !!!!!    
IGNORANCE Is Like NONSENSE ... !!!!!!    
Try Using THIS ... INTELLIGENCE ... !!!!!  
BETTER Still Use ... " Common Sense "...    
Who Is It That BENEFITS ... ???    
From A Life of Street Gunfights ...      
NOT Black Folk TRUST ME ... That's Right ... !!!      
How About ...    
TRUE English Types ...    
Those Who Are WHITER Than White ... !!!    
And HATE To See Non-Whites In Sight ..... ?!?    
That's A Plight These Racists Like ... !!!    
And Then ENFORCE With ALL Their Might ... !!!!    
To Put Us Down In English Towns ... !!!    
That's Why So Many Young Blacks FROWN ... !!!    
UNLIKE Most Poets I'm NO CLOWN ... !!!    
Because My Words Buy Souls Like Pounds ... !!!      
Who Was BOUGHT This Time Around ... ?!?      
To KEEP The Truth INSIDE Their Mouth ... ?!?    
This Is REALLY SICKENING ... !!!!!    
Even Those Who Are ... " LEGIT "...    
May Get Hit For Where  They Sit ... !?!    
NOT With Belts But With BULLETS ... !!!    
Or With Axes Think On That...    
Racists ...    
NEVER Die Like THAT ... ?!?    
Watched ALL NIGHT From Council Flats ...    
By Police ... What's Up With That ... ?!?    
They Take Life With Too Much Stealth ... !!!!!    
While They Just RELIEVE Themselves ... !?!  
Those Are Words That Are HEARTFELT ... !!!    
Check The Report Your Heart Will Melt..........    
if You've Got Some DECENCY ... !!!    
UNLIKE YES These MET' Police ... !!!!!!    
Who Think It's Right To Simply Be ...      
ABOVE The Law While People GRIEVE ... !!!    
This Poem Comes From MY ANGER... !!!!!    
But These Days Does It Matter... ???    
What We Say or What We Do ...    
Because Our Youth Are Being Schooled ...    
NOT The Truth ... !!!!!    
Trust Me I Am Staying Cool ...    
Your Proof Is How I Air My Views ...    
WITHOUT Resorting To Abuse ...    
Incitement's Something For A FOOL ... !!!      
This Is NOT Something I Do ... !!!    
So Just Before They Try THAT ONE ... !!!    
Hatred Is ...........................  
Something I ............................................................. SHUN....................    
I Write These Things For EVERYONE ... !!!      
Don't Just Trust Technology ...  
Or These KILLING Met' Police ... !!!    
QUESTION What They Say To You ...    
Make Them Give You CONCRETE PROOF ... !!!!!    
Sift Through LIES To Find THE TRUTH ...    
DON'T Buy Into Lies They SELL ... !!!    
Calm Yourself ................................  
Take In .... " GOOD SMELLS ".... !!!    
And REMEMBER This Poem Called ......    
.......... " WELL WELL WELL  ".......
Recent American Policing issues, made me think of this poem, which I wrote when yet another version of events arose, some considerable time after the initial stories surrounding how the police messed up the Jean Charles De Menezes (RIP) ... alleged terrorist shooting at Stockwell Tube Station in London, came out .... So, when criticising US Police, just remember the UK's, " Special Relationship " ... with American Policies, and how it does what it does to it's citizens ....
Terry Collett Nov 2013
Once school was done
and after your tea
of beans on toast
you went with Janice

to the narrow passages
behind the ABC cinema
evening creeping in
she next to you

getting the jitters
street lights
here and there
casting shadows

making pretend giants
and you'd pick up
from the ground

and put them
in your pocket
what do you want
them for?

she asked
make myself
a cigarette later
you said

she said disapprovingly
you mustn't
that's horrible

and those
left over cigarette butts
have got
people's spit in them

but they make
good cigarettes
you said
her face grimaced

you took in
her red beret
to the side
of her fair hair

her blue eyes
on fire
if I did that
Gran'd spank me

well and truly
Janice said
trick is
not to be caught

you said
a rat ran by
and she screamed
a rat ran by

my foot
she stepped back
and grabbed your arm
yes you get them here

at this time
of an evening
you said
I shouldn't be here

she said quietly
Gran thinks
I'm in the park
well as far she knows

you still are
you said
but that's lying
she said

no it is being
careful with the truth
you said
you walked along

the passageway
and came out
on to the New Kent Road
and at the front

of the cinema
with its big billboards
and little photos
of the film being shown

and what was
to be shown
you peered
at the photographs

Janice beside you
how about
I bring you here
on Saturday?

you said
she peered
at the photographs
then at you

it's a cowboy film
she said
yes and its got
good gunfights in it

and I can practice
how they do it
she frowned
not sure

if Gran'd let me
she said
say you're with me
and she will

you said
she didn't look
bit her lip

treat you
to an ice cream too
you said
how much will it cost?

she asked
you said
but don't worry

my old man will pay
he usually does
she bit her lip
a little more

have to ask Gran
she said
you said

then you walked
along the road
past some shops
then stopped

at the fish and chips shop
smell that
you said and sniffed
she sniffed

isn't that good
you said
she sniffed again
smells of vinegar

she said
and fish and chips
you said
she looked at you

her blue eyes
lit up
by the light
from the shop

want some chips?
you asked
I've no money
she said

I've got 6d
that'll get us
a bag to share
she nodded

so you both
went into the shop
and the warmth
and the smell

and the noise
from some radio
blasting out
a Bill Haley song

and ordered a 6d
bag of chips
and added
salt and vinegar

and walked out
and across the road
and down Meadow Row
the moonlight bright

lighting up
the beginning of night.
.A young boy and girl in 1950s London.
Lexander J Apr 2015
Do I disgust you? Do I repulse you
is my fashion sense really that vile?
Am I too ******, do you feel queasy
when I flash my sabre-tooth smile?

Am I too black? Or maybe too white?
Do my exquisite tastes blind your eyes?
Am I too sultry, is my bare-faced adultery
the very thing that you despise?

I am a king, I am a queen;
my greed grows from below to above -
my alacrity I stretch, to hear people retch,
I am a commander of one and the origin of love,

Yes I'm an exponential craze, I live to amaze
entering blistering gunfights blind -
so disgracefully *****, reaching the ripe age of thirty
and I've already left my thousand sins behind,

So do I still disgust you, still repulse you
with my repugnant smile?

Yes I can be ******, make you feel queasy,
but trust me it'll all be worthwhile.
mark john junor Jan 2014
the sun setting on the high mountain passes
brilliant colours in the sharp cold air
he rode slowly along the path
holding the reigns in one hand
the other resting on his colt revolver
his dark coat pulled up
covers his face
from the biting cold
some hours from now
further down the trail he will rest a bit
before pushing on
make the rio grande before the week is out
make the border and freedom before
the hangman can claim him
he shifts his weight on the saddle and
his horse flicks a worried ear
his appaloosa was his friend
too many miles shared and they had come to understand
and know eachother too well
from the desert towns dry and bitter
to the rain swept mountaintops of colorado
from saloons and dancing girls
to the long hard chase of the lawman following
had seen more miles than care to think
such a sweet tale
such adventure as he had dreamed of
when he was a boy
robbing trains and gunfights with bad man
but mostly he thinks of his country rose
and her little house near topeka
and how she said that there was always be
room for him in her bed and heart
with the hard won smile she gave him
rough round the edges but she was soft in every way
that a road weary man like him could hope for
thought of her now
all these miles away
as the sun sets on the high mountain passes
so deep with winter snows
so silent under crisp moonlight
her face there in his heart
as he drifts through the darkness
drifts through the years and miles
forever more
one hand on the reigns
the other on his colt revolver
some men were born never to rest
born never to know a home
Big Virge Jun 2015
Ya know ...
There's ... So Few Left ... !!!
who come ... Correct ....
when it comes to ... Mic Checks ...
and their chance to ... IMPRESS ...
Most now ... NEGLECT ...
REAL TALK ... instead ...
They jump on stage ...
and act ... All Fake ...
just to ... Get Paid ...
and ... make their way
.... " Slithering " ....
like .... snakes ....
YES ... Fakes they are ... !!!
from ... head to ... heart
There's ... So Few Left ... !!!
who .... WON'T ACCEPT ....
their payments from ...
these ... Fake Agents ...
Fake ... Businessmen ...
FAKE ... Governments ... !!!
and ....
Fakes who send them
to their .... END ....
and there's ...
So Few Left ...
who use their heads
to show ... good sense ...
and REJECT ...... stress ......
Many ... are tense ...
So ... Quickly Press ...
for ... Arguments ...
that ... Defend Nonsense ... ?!?
Their case ... i'm afraid ...
has ... NO DEFENCE ... !!!!
when wars they wage
breed ... Violence ...
There's so few left ... !!!
Enlisting ... Strength ...
and what ... God gave ...
A ... Working Brain ...
to help ... ease pain ...
and ... Divert strain ...
to a ... lesser place ...
in time and space ...
where Rage is made ...
to ........ Dissipate .......
and ...... Fade Awaaaaaayyyyyyy .....
There's so few left ... !!!
who talk ... This Way ... !!!
because ... most heads ...
now ... choose to stay ...
Far ............................... away ...
from talk that's ... STRAIGHT ....
It's Media Lies ...
and ... Stereotypes ...
that ... " Cloud their Minds " ...
and keep them ... Blind ...
There's so few left ...
who ... see through ... lies ...
and secrets ... "kept" ...
like those ... OPENED ...
from ... "closed closets" ...
Know what I mean ?!?
let's keep it ... CLEAN ... !!!
and ...
STRAIGHT UP ... Yeah ... !!!!!
It's women I *** ... inside my bed ... !!!!!
But ...
What about them ... ???
There's so few left
with ... Natural ******* ... !!!
and Common Sense ... inside their heads ... !!!
Their heads are ... FILLED ...
by ... Their Girlfriends ...
whose lips are ... "chilled" ...
Up and .... Downstairs ....
when it comes to ... men ...
I said it ... YES ... !!!
They've got ... PROBLEMS ... !!!!!
Some men have said,
"They're not ready yet
for how I flex
or my poems !"

because I guess ... ???
in fact ... I KNOW ... !!!!!
I hit the heads
of girls who show
their ... Ignorance ...
by giving them ...
no place to go
except back to ...
boyfriends who ... Use ...
and leave them ... ******* ... !!!!!
and YES .... " Confused " ... ?!?
when they're ... ABUSED ... !!!!!!!
Be CAREFUL who ... !!!
it is you choose ...
You Know ... The Rules ... !!!
If you pick ... A Fool ... ?!?
You're bound to ... LOSE ... !!!!
Now that ...
You've been ... SCHOOLED ...
YES .... You're excused .... !!!!!!!!
There so few left ...
who can ... " Take The Truth " ...
Most now ... " Accept " ...
to ... " Bed issues " ...
Which I guess is why ...
There's ... So Few Left ...
who ... Use their minds ...
and use ... " Their Pens " ...
to write poems that stand against
humanity's slide to street gunfights
and media lies that are designed
to feed ... young minds ...
now ... Ready To Die ...
OVER WHAT ... Coc' Lines ... ?!?
or ... Bling that ... SHINES ... ?!!!?
For what ... For WHAT ... !?!
Take this ... GUNSHOT ... !!!
The system wants
to see you drop ... !!!
Think about that son
before you're stunned
by an officer with
a ... Taser Gun ... !!!!!
There's ...
PLENTY of them ... !!!!!
Across the U.S.
and in England ... !!!

"So, protective vests
have you got one son ?"
Now ... Don't get me wrong ...
If you argument's ... STRONG ... !!!
BIG UP ... Ya Chest ...
to your ... Very Last Breath ... !!!!!
But ...
" Wrong and Strong " ...
has ... NO DEFENCE ... !!!
What goes around ...
comes back to ... Hound ... !!!
So ... CHECK Yourself ... !!!!!
before you're dealt ...
a card that's marked
with ... death in text ...
That signifies ...
Your Journeys' ... END ... !!!!!
If you take offence ...
to things i've said ... ???
Let me say this quick !
My poetic script ...
is meant to ... UPLIFT ...
What my words express ...
is REALLY ... " Well Meant " ... !!!!!
I'd like to see .....
MUM and DADDY .... !!!!!!!!!!!
MORE ... Truthful Scripts ...
MORE SCRIPTS ... like ... THIS ... !!!!!
MORE LOVE ... less hate ...
MORE ... Dinners On Plates ... !!!!!
MORE ... Spiritual Health ...
MORE ... Knowledge of Self ...
MORE .. Help for The Poor ... !!!
MORE CHORDS ... less wars ...
MORE ...
Women with STRENGTH ... !!!
and less ... ignorance ... !!!
MORE ... Conscious Men ...
and less violence ... !!!!!!!!
and MORE ... " Wise Heads " ...
Teaching ... children ...
and ... MORE POEMS ...
that speed ... Knowledge ... !!!
because ...
" Trends " ... now suggest ...
" There's So Few Left " ......
There really are .....
Charles Barnett Feb 2011
So this is how it is.
What life has become,
a fleeting chase for
the next **** and
the next buzz.

What a long way
we've come from
our childhood dreams
of space voyages,
and gunfights.
Presidencies and
Yenson Sep 2018
It Thursday and it's gunfights at Reds Dumbos OK Corral
Them motherf--kers have got their fingers on the triggers
Triggers of fake news and delusions made by liarsmith for'all
Put on your blindfolds nutcases an let's have reddy fingers
We rule in this corral and oppose Lone Wolf with lead walls

There ain't no Sheriff in this madtown cause we run the show
Lawless Reds and Morons Shepple Gangs we're ****** known
Fast on our triggers made by Lies Scams and Nonsense in Bow
Lets go make believe we oppose what is not happening in town
We will haze the people and tell them this is how power flows

We are Criminals, thieves and hooligans but just say Politicians
Yell that Lone Wolf is the bad man and we gotta f--k his mind
No jobs, no woman, no loving, no joy and peace just perdition
****, Lone Wolf is too good a man and we can't let that be found
People like him always do well and that ain't our f--king tradition

On your horses Reds and Morons Shepple Gangs we go to war
We have to bring this Saint down or our ******* give us nothing
We fight for *******, drinks, beds and look tough men at the bar
Fire those triggers and make saps think our scam is something
We make up false stories and get those mugs acting stupid on par

Now ain't that a hoot, We are the Reds and morons Shepple Gang!
We rule this City with Lies, scams and roll..........

"You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time." - Abraham Lincoln
Asteroid O’Belt Sydney Junction (Beer in Bar-Alley)
With the right words, you can make music on any planet of spatial arrangement. Dark matter keeps the balance of eccentric space, where a blue-suited handsome man, shines; however blackholes lurk to turn Spike Spiegel into a dream where he lives. Is it a dream or has he ever felt more alive than being back in the action with the moral courage that threatens his very existence Don’t forget he has a gun strictly for assurance. With warships, there lurks a year in 4050. 2000 years in progress, we may have evolved in terms of interactions. Fast forward, there are different people in whole new worlds. Like epiphanies, these characters take their place in the chatter of a celestial crowded cinema in downtown Shinichiro street.
The doctors chatter with dark undertones and hushed intentions:
“Well, it’s not like the phones are cheaper. Ever since we got their first. The phones have come sooner than virtual intelligence take place in this ghost.”
“The ghost seems to work actively.”
“Seems to be shutting down in fact.”
Shadows cast on the processes of entropy there many optimistic pursuits for the present.
But, in this modern civilization, what do we have the battles and gambles among the bounty hunters interested in staying in the loop of where the money flows. But, the real artists are the creators in this desert of opportunity.

“Woah, Spike.” – Spike hynogogically resuscitates from his cybernetic sphere
“Wake Up.”- Jet
Presentation matters but, the old technology rumbles in the cosmos among the old cosmopolitans you’ve had in your fruitful day at a casino of blackjack and bounty hunting. Somehow, Faye Valentine comes with a bang and a bad gun in the back. Holstered but focused on the game.
“Fold the chips, for you?”- bent slightly over the steep end of gambling. Mrs Valentine can’t seem to get out her mind her job as dealer for Table 2 in a hexagonal room of full-scale gambling operations.
Clearly, absorbed in the rattling crowds of these snakes in the rabble. Or maybe there are actually snakes. ***** it.
“Raise.”- Dewey Striker
“See that’s a million.”- Faye Valentine
“Let’s hand it to the strong gentleman for his courage, but, exciting game of Woolong and Woes or simply Poker”- Table 1
“Nowhere as good as these drinks are in Jupiter. If I win, I’ll write it all down in my journal.”- Table 2
“Probably, better to put myself out there at the right time. You raise too.”
“Earth’s building itself. Well, people are the same.” – Table 1
“Oh imagine, if we had more planets to destroy.” – Dewey Striker
“With that, money? Yeah, baby. Write down a cheque next time.” – Faye on Table 2
“To **** the one among us, who has whereabouts about a notebook that had all the people who have been linked to the death of Spike Spiegel killed would take us years.” - Faye
“What!” – Table 2, someone wins
“Nice try, but, that book’s all the history remaining of someone I knew.” – Faye Valentine says daringly.
“The notebook stays with me, until you have enough to buy off the notebook. I’ll start with 100,000 woolongs. How about that, missey? You know the notebook of all the accomplices that ever worked with a Doohan.”
“Do right honey, you’re lucky you’re in the right room. I need the information and I’m a rich gal.” - Faye
Spike and Jet in Discussion:
“Apparently, Vicious had barely managed to finish him off.”
“Do the others know?”
“Faye remembered, but, let it go.”
Recluse in Exclusive Reminiscences (Part I)
Jet & Spike completely lost in the intricateness of the bounty-hunting. Might be a terrible idea to eat bell peppers and beef. But, if you’ve got an aching stomach from ton of drinking and stairwell trips, you’re gonna have a hangover. If the Prairie Oysters were still not his thing, only thing that changed is that the more he drank, the less he liked the planet. For his favorite there had to be a special occasion like a bottle of the finest whiskey that the joint would serve from the golden days of heart-warming company in the heart of this Japanese place.
“Oh but there was one time. When I ate…”
“That was long back 4001,
Commandeer and imagine my surprise when the ole Siren, Jet. That’s his name; there was a need to rename Spike Spiegel to the old school be-bop that pretty much enriched the video star. There was a bomb, I don’t know what happened; there are piles of rubble and pretty much every bounty hunter missed it.
“Says, he wants to destroy a planet. Somehow, there’s some secret stone interwoven with the need of the hydrogen-powered machinery to change the deuterium in the accelerator.”
“Well, we could use the quantized possibilities and run an algorithm with the specific plasma type.”
“But, that would mean we would have to bypass the gravity field blockers.”
Simply put, there was some riff-raff about the bags in the first place. Kept them off the scheme of people who were idiomatic in their habits, and that seemed to do the trick.
“Well, the Francium is resonant with the cell rejuvenation heuristics.”
"So, go to Pluto. Where do I find the little kid? After since I got to you. The dog."
"Spike, Faye's not welcome. Leave her out of this business."
"We made it clear, but, no parting ways unless we find the guy who erased her memories."
"Yeah, maybe you could contact her. But, let's keep it straight."
"Fade into the television; before the victory is yours. Television is on an old couple of people who have coffee and beans; saying them both remind me of all the people I owed at the hot-dog store we just passed by."
"Might be a good idea, right?"
"You think so?"
"What about Faye and the little kid."
"One of the most annoying kids. He'll find us if we surface on this awful map of nowhere."
"Well, we are on Jupiter. Everywhere is nowhere here."
"You've been here a while."
"The days get longer, each time."
"Yeah, what about the weather? Always turbulence in the skies. ****, it’s cold."
“We’re on the moons, Spike. We have air-heaters in our lousy, ******* spaceship.”
Jet, do you ever maybe wonder giving us a visit, here on Pluto. It was the farthest planet I could think of. Changing my life was great. I won't meet, and I'll remember you as a person, a stranger now in my own paralyzed heart beat. I can't feel my jobs get any more exciting. Vicious happened long back. God knows. Now, we steal back from society."
"God only knows." - Jet, baffled by no name of the planet
No name was given; however, that made Spike rather elated with the heightened discussions happening on Mars. There the assumption they made about their friend had concluded on Pluto. Here on Jupiter, you are always working with the better people to make a living. Too many moons, and further than the Asteroid Belt still lies the interstellar galaxy all beyond our amazing stipends. All of them, owe it to themselves, bounties are perfect to fill your midnight blues. And nothing to snack gives you the existential jeepers. Better smoke before evening kung fu time before you flow like water into the background of the Bounty-Hunting business. Once you're dead, you can't come back alive, but, freedom is a specious young kid floating in space and hacking your whereabouts. He’s about 19 years old.
“Your friends would be proud of you.” – Edward seems to have beat a chess grandmaster. The same old adversary from the blues of the old loss. Edward, you’re smart. Figure out, where’s Spike.
“Spike, where are you?” – Dewey Striker
“Can I help you?”- Faye Valentine
I suppose we must have misread the situation, but, the cross and frowning kid is not your f
Holding up a picture of Spike at the beahc.
“I wonder I should go back.” – Faye hurrying to her Casino table
Pack your bags and umph
You’re leaning into yourself, and the legs feel fine and the peak of my appeal seems to be, my whole package. But, even a gun couldn’t save him from someone she thought she lost forever. Spike was the only person in the galaxy who she knew was dead for sure. You can never tell in such a large galaxy, but, there are better views of sunsets in Venus. Did I want to die? When I knew he died in the fire of bullets and completely riddled by a long series of hovering flashbacks.
Story Part II (Continued Clueless And Moving)
The windows must open to a better life. Spike’s hungry.
“Well, your smokes are in the bag you carried. Didn’t bother stealing a single one of those Macintoshes you got from that place on Earth.”
“Jesus, man what part not touching other people’s stuff, don’t you get?”
“The part where it concerns us paying for the food stamps.”
Spike quizzically asks “Do they still do that?”
“Jet, don’t tell me we’re living off the previous million we had in woolongs. Not some ****’s mushrooms this time.”
“By the way, forgot to tell you. The recorder is on, I decided to get one of those VHS tapes.”
“Yeah, about that?”
“Hmm.” –Jet
“Faye got kind of emotional on the “day.”” – Spike
Government data shows that you two are bounty hunters. Those passing wormhole customs need to pay a price. See the sign.”Await your turn. Or pay up your woolongs.”
Jet yells at Spike, and seemingly hastened,” Seems like we have to pay up.You guys charge a grand for this?”
“You mean we didn’t come for more questioning?”- Spike
“Well, Spike we have to stick to what the customs say. And sure every single woolong counts as a bit of developed product. How about Mr. Agent? Do we get a free pass for a good ole’ blues gig?”
“Mr. Spiegel, please explain to your friend over here. You cannot go without the code for the customs department.”
“Spike, Faye gave us some sort of code in the back of the letters.”
“How did she know I was alive at the time?”
“Well, I told her you wouldn’t have survived the bullets. But, you could escape from the bloodiest gunfights in the history of this team.”
“Mr. Spiegel, I wonder if you would be caring to ask the services of our executives at your cryogenic storage?”
“How do they know, Jet?”- Spike
Turns out, the cryogenic patients are monitored. This is a sacred bond of servility to a life beyond the mortality of humanity and immorality of society. IN the end the immortality and the authenticity of your identity lives on. They called it the “Ghost.”
“Do they know about G.H.O.S.T?”
“Mr. Spiegel, we are getting late. Can we please finish this easily without involving organizations of vast power and affluence.”
“Growth of Hyper Oscillating Specimen Testing”
“Wait, what?”
“I mean we have to get out of here fast and we do not have time before Vicious comes and kills us.”
How We Escaped?
Basically, we turned to our best instincts as to whether a secret lurked behind the planet’s corrupt system. Jupiter had become a place of leisure, but, the alcohol was getting to our minds.
“Yeah, we checked names.”
“We checked faces, and no sign of those doctors.”
“The dream doctors seem like real nightmares.” – Jet
“Good one, Jet. But, having the nerve to ask the customs agent about Vicious really put him off.” - Spike
“Oh, man. That scared him.” - Jet
A cold beer was opened, and what happened afterwards is unreal; and as we approach our planet Pluto. We follow the invite, and the code is some sort of invite. If it was going down, me and Spike were gonna be there for sure.
This is my book. It is about how Spika and Jet encounter some doctors involved in the past. And Faye tries to reach out, but, they can't get past customs to catch her before it is too late.
Brian Rihlmann Nov 2018
Dad and son
play video games together,
spraying their enemies
with bullets,
and chucking grenades,
grinning as the blood
and body parts fly.

They watch movies together too:
westerns with gunfights
and men bleeding,
dying in dusty streets.
Car chase action flicks
with crashes and explosions.

The kid's seven now,
got his own BB gun
he shoots at neighborhood cats,
even killed a few,
and that's all right.
Another year, Dad's
gonna teach him
to shoot the.22

But he got the belt
when Dad caught the boy
in his **** stash.
He squirmed, sitting
at the dinner table that night,
welts stinging his little behind.

He got the buckle end of it
when Dad caught him
and the neighbor boy
trying out some of those
things he'd seen
in the magazine photos.

"No son of mine
is gonna grow up
to be a ******!"
Big Virge Oct 2020
Now Lemme' Deal With This QUICK...
This... ISN'T A Diss... !!!
But If Iron Sharpens IRON... ?!?

Then I'm The RHYMING...
..... " IRON Mike Tyson "..... !!!!!

ORIGINAL Like... Dyson...
CLASHING Cos' I'm TITAN... !!!


Lyrically EXCITING....... !!!
..... ALIEN To Sightings.....
of Groundless Big Virge Writings... !!!

SHARP Like Sharks...
Whose Path's To Hunt Down ARKS...
FILLED UP With... WEAK Hearts...

Whose Path Is CONFUSED... ?!?
Cos' They Just CAN'T REMOVE...
Their... Historical TRUTH.... !!!

That THEY Come From Crews...
Whose Past Was To Choose...
To ABUSE Using NOOSE... !!!!!!

As If That Would Chart...
A Way To... Believing...
Themselves To Be Beings...
... ABOVE OPEN Ceilings... !?!?!

Themselves With Their Teachings...

SHARPNESS... Dulled...

My Sharpness DEMANDS...
Knowledge... ADVANCED...
Beyond Those Who Hold STANCE...
Where HATRED Embarks...

I'm SHARP When I... " Chance "...
And Commune With THE CHEST...
Where SHARPNESS Is Blessed...

WITHOUT Bullet Proof Vest... !!!!!

To Stay... Steps AHEAD...
of... PRESSURES Today... !!!!!

Because I'm NOW Aged...
Beyond Being Teenaged...
And Am NOW Not As Strong...
As My Younger Self Was... !!!

So Now HAVE To... THINK... !!!
Before Using My Fists....
Or Guns FILLED With Clips...

So That I Can LIVE... !!!!!!

WITHOUT Facing Heads...
Whose Sharpness Is Left...

of Good Ol' Common Sense... !!!
Cos' It SURELY Ain't RIGHT... ?!?
How They're NOW Taking Lives... !!!!

Gunfights And Knives...
To ROB... SOMEONE's BIKE... ?!?

These Words Are NOT THINGS...
... MADE UP From My Mind... !!!

My Mind Is Inclined....
To KEEP Well Advised...
of... Modern Day Crimes...

That RUN WILD Like FIRE.... !!!!!
I... WILL NOT RETIRE... !!!!!

The Thing That Kickstarts...
My Days of... Existence...
And Furthermore LIVING... !!!

Which Is Why I MARK CARDS...
With Words I... IMPART...

That I... Like My Mind...

... " Keep It Moving "...


..... " SHARP ".....
Simply inspired by the phrase ... " Iron Sharpens Iron " ...
The Fire Burns Aug 2017
Old sun bleached boards
creak underfoot, some sag,
under the weight of years
and threaten to quit as I step.

The old rusty open sign,
lies through its teeth,
as its one remaining chain
complains in the breeze.

A dust devil walks slowly
through the old worn out town
bringing the smell of history
with notes of manure and gunpowder.

Shattered windows and broken hearts
are seen and brought to mind
peppered with exciting gold rush
and gunfights, scenes from another time.

I return to the now, as my ignition starts
and I drive down the lane, once filled
with horses and buggies and schooners,
in the distance shiny new, behind me ghosts wave.
Big Virge Sep 2020
” Come On Now Bro !
You NEED To LET GO of That EGO ! "

Because Just Like PRIDE...
It's A... SLIPPERY Slide...
That You May... FIND...
Becomes What DEFINES...
The Reasons WHY...

When You Should Be SHREWD... !!!

And... " Humble Yourself "...

Let GO of... That SMELL...
Cos' It DOESN'T Serve Well... !!!!!

Is OLYMPIC GOLD Like USAIN Bro... !!!!!  

LET GO of HOPE If It's On A Road...
Where You KNOW You CAN’T Go... !!!!!

Let GO of Those Flows...
That... Just Like DRO'...
AFFECT How You Roll... !!!!!
So You Hit DUD Notes...
And Make IGNORANT Quotes...
That... SINK Your Boat... !!!

LET GO of The Vibes...
That... THREATEN Your Life... !!!
Like... GANGSTER Ties...
And YES... GUNFIGHTS... !!!!

UNLESS You're The GUY...
Whose... FASTER Than LIGHT... !!!!!
When You Know That It's Time...
To Let... BULLETS FLY... !!!!

I Suggest You... LET GO...
If You're... NOT THAT Bloke... !!!!!

Or YES That Girl Whose QUICK To HURL...
UPSETTING Lines At Those Who Find...
How Anger CONTROLS Some Girls Like... " Coc' "...

Or YES... *******... !!!!!

Let GO of That DOPE...
Do You Get What I'm Saying... ?!?

Let Go of....... Them **'s.......
Once You've Sexed Them Bro... !!!

BEFORE One Night You Wake To FIND...
That She's... OUT OF HER MIND... !!!!!

So Thinks It's RIGHT To TAKE Your Life... ?!!!?
Because She KNOWS That You COULDN'T Let Go...
of Your BIT... " ON THE SIDE "... !!!!

THINK About It Bro Before You KNOW...
What It Is To Roll Like That Bobbit' Bloke... !!!

NO **** To... HOLD... !!!
Because Wifey CHOSE...
To... CUT OFF And CHOKE...
Your ****** Flow OVER Some **'s... !?!

Who Left You... BROKE...
With Your **** Now SEWN... !?!

Because of WHAT...
Their... DUTTY Holes... ?!!!?

Trust Me Bro It's NOT A JOKE... !!!
When What You Hold...
Is YES... FOOLS GOLD... !!!!!!

So Many Things...
To Choose From IN...
This World We Live...

Just Like... RACISTS...

There Are Some Things...
That We NEED TO RESIST... !!!!!

Are Things I HOPE...
Will Guide LOST Souls...

To... SLOW Their Roll... !!!

That It's WISE Sometimes...

To Let PRUDENCE Flow..........

And To KNOW When It's RIGHT...

..... To Just.....

..... " LET GO ".....
There are some things in life that we all could do with letting go of ...

From, time to time ...
Lawrence Hall, HSG

                      Yes, We Are a Republic – Much Like Haiti

              As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish
              the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore

                                -Pasternak­, Doctor Zhivago

In America every night is Kristalnacht
Everyone seems to hate everyone else
Gunfights in our parks, mass murders everywhere
Communist-made fireworks celebrate freedom

From state to state a reichskirche is on the march
Employment is down, prices are up
Vultures circle our dying President
Some in Congress promote raw genocide

The Supreme Court authorizes presidential crimes -
As St. Thomas More said to Lord Norfolk:
                                                                ­  “I show you the times”

— The End —