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Frecky Rosa Mar 2015
What happened to Marty's sofa?
Did Eddie find love too?
Was Roz the best boss ever?
Niles, Daphne, David and...?

Cafe Nervosa turned into a cat cafe?
What happened to the tossed salad and scrambled eggs?

Oh... Oh...Oh

Oh Frasier,
Why did you leave the building?
I miss the show a bit too much
Whipping chip, clipping the drip,
The droplet of alabaster flat-knock,
Rocking the winded chalice off the fat dock,
Plock, Magock.

Skibdoof, pibby.  Dr. Pibb.  Dr. Face,
Take'ed off my face glands,
Jovial hoagie,
Mold'ed Imhotep,
Brendan Frasier is my hero.
The Mummy 3, see it in theatres.

Must See
Ryan P Kinney Nov 2017
I am scared!
Scared of this world

Robert Godwin Sr
Alyssa Elsman

How many more have to die?
By my kind,
By their kind,
Because they blame some other kind
What ever happened to just being

Daniel Parmertor, Russell King, Jr., Demetrius Hewlin

Where were you when the World Trade Center went down?
It’s something everyone alive then will always remember
Never Forget! was our brand motto for American Pride

Krystle Marie Campbell, Lü Lingzi, Martin William Richard, Sean A. Collier, Dennis Simmonds

And now, the death of another is so commonplace
That we forget what and where.
It’s no longer personal enough to register where in our lives that it struck us
Only note that another life has been struck down
Add another tally to the equation
And still it does not add up

Trayvon Martin
Tamir Rice
Samuel DuBose
Delrawn Small
Philando Castile
Terence Crutcher
Heather Heyer

We are completely desensitized
And decentralized
We keep ourselves disconnected
(because we just can’t absorb,
Process it all)
It’s not us
It’s not me
It’s somebody else
Somewhere else.
Until it is
Then we care
How much can we take, before we break

Cynthia Marie Graham Hurd, Susie Jackson, Ethel Lee Lance, Depayne Middleton Doctor, Clementa C. Pinckney, Tywanza Sanders, Daniel Simmons, Sharonda Coleman Singleton, Myra Thompson

The tragedy is the comedy
We laugh so we don’t cry
Sakia Gunn
Richie Phillips
Nireah Johnson, Brandie Coleman
Glenn Kopitske
Scotty Joe Weaver
Jason Gage
Michael Sandy
Sean William Kennedy
Duanna Johnson
Lawrence "Larry" King
Angie Zapata
Lateisha Green
****** August Provost, III
Mark Carson

I can’t say I’ve never thought of committing violence.
Hell, when my ex-wife cheated, it occurred to me
And I can’t say that I have never hit another
I’ve been a kid
My whole life is designed just to grow up
But, I’ve thought of killing myself far more often than the thought to harm anyone else have ever occurred to me
Because my problems are mine;
My fault,
And I am not seeking some scapegoat

Keenya Cook, Jerry Taylor, Million A. Woldemariam, Claudine Parker, Hong Im Ballenge, James Martin, James L. Buchanan, Premkumar Walekar, Sarah Ramos, Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera, Pascal Charlot, Dean Harold Meyers, Kenneth Bridges, Linda Franklin née Moore, Jeffrey Hopper, Conrad Johnson, 1 unnamed victim

I am not going to deny that being a white male hasn’t allowed me to sidestep a whole level of *******
One day, angry white males will be the minority
And we’ll have no one left to blame, but ourselves.
If we don’t **** everyone first
If we don’t **** ourselves first

Michael Arnold, Martin Bodrog, Arthur Daniels, Sylvia Frasier, Kathy Gaarde, John Roger Johnson, Mary Francis Knight, Frank Kohler, Vishnu Pandit, Kenneth Bernard Proctor, Gerald Read, Richard Michael Ridgell

Jonathan Blunk, Alexander J. Boik , Jesse Childress, Gordon Cowden,
Jessica Ghawi, John Larimer, Matt McQuinn, Micayla Medek, Veronica Moser Sullivan, Alex Sullivan, Alexander C. Teves, Rebecca Wingo

The earth has already decided that we are a plague upon it
Maybe climate change is the natural response to the abuse of our gifts

Nancy Lanza, Rachel D'Avino, Dawn Hochsprung, Anne Marie Murphy,
Lauren Rousseau, Mary Sherlach, Victoria Leigh Soto, Charlotte Bacon, Daniel Barden, Olivia Engel, Josephine Gay, Dylan Hockley, Madeleine Hsu, Catherine Hubbard, Chase Kowalski, Jesse Lewis, Ana Márquez Greene, James Mattioli, Grace McDonnell, Emilie Parker, Jack Pinto, Noah Pozner, Caroline Previdi, Jessica Rekos, Avielle Richman, Benjamin Wheeler, Allison Wyatt

What is this world going to teach my son?
That he’s better because of how he looks?
Or what I’ve taught him:
You make yourself better.

Jamie Bishop, Jocelyne Couture Nowak, Kevin Granata, Liviu Librescu,  P
G. V. Loganathan, Ross Alameddine, Brian Bluhm, Ryan Clark, Austin Cloyd, Daniel Perez Cueva, Matthew Gwaltney, Caitlin Hammaren, Jeremy Herbstritt, Rachael Hill, Emily Hilscher, Matthew La Porte, Jarrett Lane, Henry Lee, Partahi Lumbantoruan, Lauren McCain, Daniel O'Neil, Juan Ortiz, Minal Panchal, Erin Peterson, Michael Pohle Jr., Julia Pryde, Mary Karen Read, Reema Samaha, Waleed Shaalan, Leslie Sherman, Maxine Turner, Nicole White

I work as a data analyst
So, I ran the numbers
But, these are more than numbers
These are people: sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, friends, lovers.

Stanley Almodovar III, Amanda Alvear, Oscar A. Aracena Montero, Rodolfo Ayala Ayala, Alejandro Barrios Martinez, Martin Benitez Torres, Antonio D. Brown, Darryl R. Burt II, Jonathan A. Camuy Vega, Angel L. Candelario Padro, Simon A. Carrillo Fernandez, Juan Chevez Martinez, Luis D. Conde, Cory J. Connell, Tevin E. Crosby, Franky J. DeJesus Velazquez, Deonka D. Drayton, Mercedez M. Flores, Juan R. Guerrero, Peter O. Gonzalez Cruz, Paul T. Henry, Frank Hernandez, Miguel A. Honorato, Javier Jorge Reyes, Jason B. Josaphat, Eddie J. Justice, Anthony L. Laureano Disla, Christopher A. Leinonen, Brenda L. Marquez McCool, Jean C. Mendez Perez, Akyra Monet Murray, Kimberly Morris, Jean C. Nives Rodriguez, Luis O. Ocasio Capo, Geraldo A. Ortiz Jimenez, Eric I. Ortiz Rivera, Joel Rayon Paniagua, Enrique L. Rios Jr., Juan P. Rivera Velazquez, Yilmary Rodriguez Solivan, Christopher J. Sanfeliz, Xavier E. Serrano Rosado, Gilberto R. Silva Menendez, Edward Sotomayor Jr., Shane E. Tomlinson, Leroy Valentin Fernandez, Luis S. Vielma, Luis D. Wilson Leon, Jerald A. Wright

I did research to try to find all the victims since I became abruptly aware 16 years ago
There are too many
I could not discover a single database that contained a comprehensive record
No one can keep track of it anymore
I know I’ve missed people
I know there are 1000’s of people now missing people
Even 1 was too much

Hannah Ahlers, Heather Alvarado, Dorene Anderson, Carrie Barnette, Jack Beaton, Steve Berger, Candice Bowers, Denise Salmon Burditus, Sandra Casey, Andrea Castilla, Denise Cohen, Austin Davis, Virginia Day Jr, Christiana Duarte, Stacee Etcheber, Brian Fraser, Keri Galvan,  Dana Gardner, Angela Gomez, Rocio Guillen Rocha, Charleston Hartfield,  Chris Hazencomb, Jennifer Irvine, Nicol Kimura, Jessica Klymchuk, Carly Kreibaum, Rhonda LeRocque, Victor Link, Jordan McIldoon, Kelsey Meadows, Calla Medig, James ‘Sonny’ Melton, Pati Mestas, Austin Meyer, Adrian Murfitt, Rachael Parker, Jennifer Parks, Carrie Parsons, Lisa Patterson,  John Phippen, Melissa Ramirez, Jordyn Rivera, Quinton Robbins, Cameron Robinson, Lisa Romero Muniz, Christopher Roybal, Brett Schwanbeck, Bailey Schweitzer, Laura Shipp, Erick Silva, Susan Smith, Tara Roe Smith, Brennan Stewart, Derrick ‘Bo’ Taylor, Neysa Tonks, Michelle Vo, Kurt Von Tillow, Bill Wolfe Jr.

and NOW I’ve run out of lines and time to read off all 2,977 people who died in 9-11
Isn’t that a tragedy?
EC Pollick Dec 2012
As soon as I
cut the Christmas tree
and the Frasier Fur sap
seeped down my arm
viscous honey
out of the jar
I thought of you.

I thought of all the holidays
We will never have
Of all the presents
We will never open
Of all the dinner parties
with close friends
We will never laugh at.

And in this holiday season
when we're suppose to be
Oh so thankful
for what we have
All I can think about
is what I don’t have

train- May 2015
the way your hands intertwine with mine

to sing, to dance, to watch "frasier" weekly...

it's heaven and hell in our washing machine

though none could else but mumble and grimace meekly

of one thousand listless summers, lilting

for no other beverage is quite as divine

dancing and singing...
Bansi Adroja May 2022
I like traditions
reading the same book on holiday every summer
watching Frasier re-runs with my morning coffee
going to the same restaurant on my birthday
with the same seven friends
meeting at the pub on the corner
for a white wine buzz before heading to the city

Crawling back to you like I do every time
and promising myself I won’t
Dark n Beautiful Jun 2017
A little nod to
Edgar Guest

When you’re up against a bully
Meet them face to face
Lift your chin and set your shoulders,
Plant your feet and give them a taste

Never panic or hesitated: aim toward the lower waist
If you fall to the ground, don’t be discourage
It’s just a stumble, its just the adrenaline rush
but never let it weaken you

See it through!
Forget all those stars that circle around you

The Bigger the Ego, the Stronger the Anger
Kick his *** until he/she does the tango
If the worst is going to happened
Let it be Lose or win:
See it through! My friend
it’s birthing time again

Lift your chin and set your shoulder
Get up and plant your feet and make a fist
Kick that bully ***, Feel your inner strength.

Think of Joe Frasier, Ali and Foreman impeccable timing and their knock outs drops:
only a wise poet like me can only wish you the best of luck
White Willow tree woes
Cylindrical mindset
Continuous flow, woah, wash me away
To darkness
Darken my Evergreen, pine-needle wings
Scavanging for things I know I should not have
They're not always on the surface
Ketamine dreams give me a reason to believe
I can take this gun right out of my mouth
Beat the machine
Run afoul
Be rich
Without a dime around
Mateuš Conrad Oct 2016
i still think
                                           that literature's       "      "
is better assumed as
     mathematics'                             ~
or what's simply abbreviated
                                    ambiguity, sort of,
as apologetics for Heidegger is concerned -
     that there is moral ambiguity in the interpretation
  of Dasein as ecstasis about, e.g. the war in Syria:
    but is that a self-serving ecstasis for the fact per se
    or that other interpretation for concern, which
with the above mentioned notation is a lack of,
       as in for peace to resume as common sense
      and less of what's suitable away from the apathetic
route, and indeed the ecstasis to shout for forced peace
            rather than see it all as without your moral
judgement with you being no moral agent in the matters
     that themselves have to resolve, without your input.
- and it always comes like this, cute little things,
or how you can condense all the theories surrounding
the psychological trinity into superego,
or that verse by Philip Larkin
        that begins wonderfully:
they ******* up, your mum and dad
  (this be the verse) -
  and the two other bits and bobs,
the Gemini scalpels -
       depending on how you wish
to make incisions into thought (or
any other moral quality, for that matter) -
do you wish to be a surgeon,
your own man as it were, and with the ego
cut your own story?
        or perhaps you'd prefer a butcher
psychiatrist lob pork chops of you
    with his depersonalising id?
         after all, he will say:
the laws of the state demands you have
so sort of i.d. (identification credential);
only the rich, a Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany
could ever fit the programme of Herr Doktor,
         Ode Odi Oedipus            Olé!
Herr... auto-****** means i have enough
******* on my ******* that
a gentle rub of the ******* gets me all
hot & bothered and juiced up?
   after all, the maidens of Egypt have
to have theirs cut and endure docile mantras
of why, why, why.
    and please, Herr Doktor, when
will Latin actually die? they keep saying
Latin is dead, familiarly like Nietzsche's god
is dead... but Latin isn't remotely dead,
  the blimmin' alphabet is still here,
how do i know? well, d'uh, i'm using it...
you say id             i say es
   you say ego               i say self
(then you make a Frasier joke about elves)
       and we go on and on in
this cat               mouse              game,
it's all a matter of fashion,
      they all said the above Mr. N was a
great stylist, after all an aesthetician is,
   and now they blabber on as if talking
Gucci pooch'e - this is dead, that is dead,
it's a fashion industry: but less obvious,
more inclined in       what you talk about
than what        you wear.
   '            ', he said
     "        ", he thought he said,
                                 or the narrator said it for him,
                         or the narrator thought he said it
for him, when in fact he didn't say anything
    nor the fact that there was anyone to actually
  say anything at all -
                 kinda a Beckett Watt moment.
           the Watt waltz, and that truly is a mind
   ******; as i sometimes wish narration was
kept in the Irish / Polish standard of notation
- and off we went to the poll booths.
- aye, and we vetoed rather than voted.
who would have thought that two ****-heads would
make the unlikely politicised duo of escapees.
             akin to Ulysses - but i get the
picture, the hyphenated compound words not
yet approved to be actual compounds,
        cite the Oxford committee for doing
****** paperwork, or none at all to modernise
  the Anglo-Smackson.
      ****... in the real world this could be
called pimping - but here... mm hmm:
peacock exfoliation - and i know it, so it's less
smarty and cared about: just... done.
yes, it usually starts rigid, that bit about
    Latin not being dead is extremely rigid
in composition - it's a sore the size of a ****-steak
   on my forehead -
            as is my lack of desperate attempts
to applaud Delmore Schwartz attempt to bring
    Finnegans Wake (the pearl in the crown
of all things difficult) to the people and the swine...
            so he didn't think Ulysses was
difficult enough? jeeze! and this alone reads like
a modern aversion to how young people are
drawn into mutilating themselves -
                  rampant ids             less acknowledged
Larkin moments in discussion:
        or perhaps the opera of suburban happy-go-happy-do?
       kids without even the foggiest of
the lysergic acid of Hanna-Barbera
                        and the Loons -
                                the fun-go-to lunacies of
cartoon network 20th century 90s...
                                       and hell: when we actually
        lived in times of toy story toys;
                 these days i'm getting the impression
a girl is probably going to play with a ***** than
   a barbie - must be the pink and the blonde
                         matched by the how many? jokes
    in mouth as in look doppio standards of not getting it;
but of course, the many other stereotypes.
            well, us kids, back then,
                          ah...         nothing like that coming again.
       summary... in ref. to the title,
   it's next days shrapnel from the debauchery of
the previous night, or why i write drunk and sometimes
get lucky sobering up and do not indulge in the bottle
      and not write something, and end up not writing
something like William Styron's Darkness Visible,
    who also drank, but didn't write and drink,
                  drank on the sobering up note, like
this poem.
well, i figured, if i don't exploit the drinking
       as a sedative unwinding and be bashful
then, resolutely, the sobering up me is still making
  that blood wine:
                          and never did liquidating
   two kilograms of caster sugar in half a litre of water
             feel like handling mercury.
Frasier Mar 2019
Tears shed from the soul.  Her body pleading for acceptance.  The beauty she possesses yearns to be touched ever so delicately, with longing and passion. Her mind refusing to acknowledge even a miniscule sliver of life, which may contain anything, resembling something other than the love she deserves.  
A stranger observes from afar.  His passion for life diminished by the minds inability to allow its soul the pleasure of being touched by something truly beautiful.  As he watches her beauty and elegance dance with childlike innocence through the night air, his soul begins to shed tears. He approaches her and his heart cannot deny the beauty which is she. Her ambrosial smile and delicate laughter pull the two together and they delicately embrace, hands trembling.  
He touches her nervously but precisely on the face as their eyes meet. Within the stare, they find comfort, acceptance, and passion.  He delicately places a soft, gentle kiss on her face.  She feels tears trickle to her cheek from his…Tears shed from the soul.  -Dennis Frasier
Big Virge Dec 2019
I'd Rather Feed Brains Than ... " ENTERTAIN " .... !!!!!  
How Many Who Do Now Use ... ******* ... ?!?  

I'm Saying ... I'm SAYING ... !!!  

These People Maintain ...  
That Doing ******* Helps ... raiSE Their Game ... !!!  
They ... ENTERTAIN ME ... !!!  
They're ... Ever So FUNNY ... !!!  
When Acting Like ... DUMMIES ... !!!  
From Poets On Stage ...  
Who NEED To Be ... "CAGED" ... !!!!!!!!!  
To Girls These Days Who Do ENTERTAIN ... !!!!!  
Words From Their Jaws Now EXPOSE Their Flaws ... !!!  
"I'll send you a text later on this week,  
then give you a call, so that we can meet definitely !"
But What's In Their Mind ...  
Are CLEARLY Some Things of A DIFFERENT Kind ... !!!!!    
"You said you would ring, it's been two weeks !  
What happened to you, now you want to speak ?"  
"I've had some issues !"  
"Yes, clearly you do !  
Don't try to play me,  
i'm no Rubix Cube !"  
"You're so cynical, and really, quite rude !"  
"Hey, i'm not the one who said, I would call you !  
So you deserve to hear some truth,
be careful now, watch your attitude !"  
Actions Like These Should Give You  Some Proof ...  
That Girls ENTERTAIN ... When Acting The Fool ... !!!  
YES Men Do It Too ... !!!  
But Trust Me Girls ...  
I'm ... NOT THAT DUDE ... !!!!!  
My Movements Are Shrewd ...  
And DON'T Entertain In .... " Foolish Ways " .... !!!  
I'll Say It Again ..... !!!  
I'd Rather Feed Brains Than Just ... " ENTERTAIN " ... !!!!!  
I'm Not Frasier Crane I DON'T Do ******* ... !!!  
My Wordplay Displays A Clever Array ....  
While Most Now Want To ... ENTERTAIN ... !!!  
From Women To Men MANY Are The Same ... !!!  
And Feed Me Lines That Deserve A  REWIND ... !!!  
I'm Saying Some Folks Are ... " LOSING THEIR MIND " ... !!!!  
Check These TRUE Stories Told In Rhyme ....  
"What time will you be there ?"
I Get Via Text ...  
"What time will you be there ?"
Is What I Then Sent ....  
So Next I Get These Words In Text ...  
"I'm gonna move soon,  
chill and have a drink when I get in."
I Send ....  
"Alright cool, i'll have one too !  
I'm gonna be late, because of train delays !"  
I Get ... " No REPLY " ... ?!?  
And When I Arrive ...  
The Girl Who Was Texting Is ...............................................................  ­
................  ..............................................­..... NOWHERE In Sight ... !?!  
I Then Send A Text ...  
"Where are you ?"   
From My Mobile Tool ...  
"She's stuck on the road, traffics moving slow ... ???"  
Which Goes To Show ...  
What Comes From Those Who SNIFF The Coc' ... !!!  
Things They Quote Just Give Me Jokes ... !!!  
They Make Manoeuvres That STINK Like Manure ... !!!  
These Stories I TWIRL Are YES The SAME Girl ... !!!  
Of Course I'm Now Thinking She's In ... " Her OWN World " ... !!!  
Now Here's The LAST FIX of This Youthful ***** ... !!!!  
Easy Now .................. CALM DOWN Feminists ... !!!  
SHE Chose To Enlist The Usage of ... " ***** " ...  
When Using Her Mouth ...
To Speak About HOW ...
She Acts Like A COW ... !!!  
One Night I Asked .....  
"Why do you act like you're on crack !  
Trust in this madame, men like me, aren't into that !"  
I Then Chose To Say ....  
"Wherever the wind blows each day, makes you sway,
and then you're swiftly swept away !"  
She Then Said ....  
"I'm an addict of living organic,  
where nature sways, is where i'll play !"  
I Guess That's Cool At The End of The Day ...  
But Then, Of Course I Had To Say ... !!!  
" You do entertain, Coc' isn't organic !  
So don't try to say, that natural ways affect how you live,  
from day to day, for heavens' sake girl, give me a break !  
I've got things to do, so, be on your way !"  
She's Really Quite Young ...  
And Could Be Some Fun ...  
I'd Like To Find Out What She's All About ...  
But Only When SENSE ... Comes Out of Her Mouth ... !!!
I'm Saying Folks ...  
This Girl Gives Me JOKES ...  
Through The Things She Quotes ... !!!  
If You HAVEN'T Laughed ...  
" Do You SNIFF The Coc' ?!? " ....
I'm Saying ... I'm SAYING ... !!!  
I'd Rather FEED BRAINS ...  
Than JOIN The Brigade ...  
Who Say ... STUPID Things ...  
That DO ....  
..... " ENTERTAIN " .....
People REALLY are very entertaining, when all's said and done !
Brisbane bowling trip day 3

Today was the third day of my tenpin bowling trip in Brisbane
I started the day having a late breakfast at 7-30
And after that I went back to the room till 10
Watching Frasier on tv after everybody loves Raymond
After that we headed off to the bowling alley
Getting ready to play bowling, it will be radical
My scores were 136 and 106 and 116
And, mate, I blew those pins to kingdom come
And then after that I went to the cafe at the bowling centre
And bought sweet potato fries with sour cream and sweet chilli sauce
And mate that was a dainty dish, fit for a king like me
I bought three chocolates and one guy who was fat himself
Told me if you eat too much chocolate, you will get FAT
After I finished that meal, I went to the grandstand
To watch Leckie and Stephen bowl
And mind you they bowled fantastic
I watched Shane bowl with Belinda and Paul bell
That was cool
After leckie and Stephen finished, our team posed for our team photo
And the picture was so close to the bowling lane
We were setting off the fowl lines
It was fun laughing at that, yes it was
After we left there, we put our bowling shirts out to get washed, so
They will be ready tomorrow
And after that we went to the OLD MILL for our dinner
I had chicken parmigiana and I made a joke, of a chicken wearing pyjamas
Ha ha ha ha, very funny
And I had a pavlova for dessert
And I walked home, and went inside to hang our
Bowling shirts out to dry in the cupboard
And watch home and away and the neighbours
And the AFL footy, between port and Geelong
Cats won, and I remembered Matthew Reid’s song
We are Geelong the crappest team of all
We are Geelong we’re always dropping the ball
But the cats won, I wanted port to win😹😹😹😹😹
And now we are off to bed, goodnight
At the club we were remembering all the home and away and neighbours
Now we are off to bed
Good night😌😌😌😌😌😌
Stalkin' the come up so haters run up
Watch the guns clutch up make ya head rust
From oxygen rush stiffer than a golden crust
Body decayed no delays we preys evil sways
These days haters love to pay attention but no admissions
To our ambition so keep on wishin' we dismissin'
Fakers make em one with the undertaker
Shake ya up like Parkinson's Tut the don
Luminous one from a sparking globe
Im on fire raps sire set my mind higher
Than the distance from the earth orbitin' the sun
I make numbers run see them zero comes
Behind the ones a billion to none cons
Dont stand a **** chance against Iron Megatron
Dynasty diver soul survivor black McGyver
Improvise tactics much wiser devil's adviser
Chillin' in the high riser like Frasier
With a furr blazer bullets to graze ya
If you a come off as a hater fade ya
Off into another dimension strengthen dominions
Turn my ***** snappers into minions
Reachin' out the barrel what a broke religion?
Check the visions drawn throughout the skyline
Like an airplane creating designs define
Raps into a perfection perfect selection
Bang beats with no protection
plus the infection imperfect resurrection
Since my birth I knew my worth
Wasn't made for this sinful nation
But now I'm stuck in this mudded-atom creation
Primary destiny is to bring out ya mental levitations
Big Virge Oct 2019
People ... These Days ...
Are ... SO ****** RUDE ... !!?!!

and ... Seem To Think ...
They Should NOT Use ...
Words Like ... THESE ...

These Two ...

THANK YOU ... !!!

This ... Gets To Me ...
Doesn't It ... To You ... ?

Ignorant Youth ...
Who Act ... Uncouth ...

Adults Who ...
Fit In ... Their Shoes ...
and Clearly NEED ...
A ... " Manners School " ... !!!

Women TOO ...
Keep Giving ... Proof ...

They'd Rather ... " Act " ...
Like ... " Gangster Dudes " ... ?!?

Abusing Men ...
When We ... Look At Them ... !?!

Some Girls These Days ...
Are Worse Than ... Phlegm ... !!!!!

You ... OPEN A Door ...
They LOCK ... "Their Jaw" ... !!!

Girls Like THIS ...
I Now .................................................... Ignore .............

Would A ...
THANK YOU ... HURT ... ?!?

I Guess It Does ... ?
That's Why ... " These Girls " ...
Aren't Finding .................................................................­........ Love ........ !!!

It's Simple ...
Just ... OPEN Your Mouth ... !!!

You Do It When ...
You Go ... " Down South " ... !!!

Now Girls ... DON'T START ...
To ... SCREAM and SHOUT ... !!!

"He ain't got a clue,
what he's talking about !"

I'm SAYING ...

Some of You Just POUT ...
Like An ... UGLY Trout ...
That's About To DROWN ... !!!!!

Walking Streets ...
With ... " Gangsta Clowns " ... ?!?

FOOLS ... Who Walk ...
On ... DANGEROUS Grounds ... !!!!!!

Picking FIGHTS ... ?!?
ALL OVER Town ... !!!
While Men Like Me ...
Look On and ... FROWN ...

Just Look At ... Roads ...
You Know How It Goes ...

You ... " Give Way " ...
To Let Someone GO ...

They Get To You ...
and TURN UP Their Nose ... ?!?

This Can Sometimes ...
Lead To ... BLOWS ... !!! ...

Or .... Late At Night ....
It's The Same Thing Right ... ?!?

People BLIND YOU ...
With Their Lights ... !!?!!

NO Smile or Time ...
To Be ... " Polite " ...

They Drive Past You ...
With ... EVIL EYES ... !!!!!

One Day They'll Get ...

A FOOL Like ... THEM ...
Who ... Wants To FIGHT ... !!!

Surely People ...
This AIN'T RIGHT ... !!!?!!!

I'm NOT Surprised ...
In ... Modern Times ...

But Felt I Should ...
Put THIS ... In Rhyme ... !!!

Because People Act ...
Like It's A ... " Crime " ... ?
To Do ... What's Right ...
and Be ... " Polite " ...

Most Now Seem ...
To Want Street Fights ... ?!?

But NOT ... The Game ...
and That's A Shame ...

But Could ... Such Games ...
Have Bred ... Such Ways ... ???

It's ...
Merely A Thought ...
So ... What Do You Say ... ?

At The End of The Day ...
People ... DISPLAY ...
An ... " ATTITUDE " ...
That Brings ... DISMAY ... !?!

I Try To REFRAIN ...
From Playing Such Games ...
That ... End In PAIN ... !!!!!

But Like Most Folks ...
My Patience DRAINS ...
Then I Act ... INSANE ...
Like ... " Frasier Crane " ...

Do You ...
Get What I'm Saying ... ?

Don't Make ... BIG PEOPLE ...
LOSE Their ..... " COOL " .....

You Could LOSE Your Life ... !!!!!!
For Being .... RUDE ....
REMEMBER That Line ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cos' ...
That One's ... TRUE ...

It Seems To Me ...
That ... Showing RESPECT ...
Makes Some Feel weak ...

So They ...
When Walking Streets ... !!!

But BLAMING Them ...
Is .... TOO EASY .... !!!

I Blame The ... " Things " ...
The Media ... FEEDS ...

Violence and ... BRUTALITY ...
Are Messages ... The Children SEE ...

Why NOT GIVE THEM ... " Poetry " ... !!!

From ...
Men and Women ...
Just Like ... Me ...

Instead of ... *** ...
and ... UPPITY Teens ... !!!
Cos' THIS Has NOW ...
INFECTED ... Streets ...

So ... Let Me Make ...
This Piece ... COMPLETE ...

It's COOL To Greet ...
People You ... Meet ...
With Some Respect ...

That's STRONG ...
NOT ... " Weak " ... !!!!!

What Does It ... " Cost " ... ?
To ... Use Your SPEECH ...
and Show ... RESPECT ...
To ... KEEP The Peace ...

Respect IS ... EARNED ...
Okay ... That's TRUE ... !!!

But Why Get ... HURT ...
Cos' ... Only A FOOL ...
Would Think That's Cool ... !?!

USE Your Mouth ...
It's A ... Useful Tool ... !!!

and USE These Words ...

THESE TWO .......

... " Thank You " ...
As said in the piece, seeing what I was seeing in human behaviour at the time, it seemed only right to put what I was thinking into rhyme .....
Hi dudes and welcome to the Saturn community concert and our first guest is Kathryn Roswell who was my grandfather in her previous life and she is singing with Martin the Martian
With a top hat here they are
Their first song is agadoo
Which goes like this
Agadoo doo doo push pineapple shake the tree agadoo doo doo push pineapple grind coffee which was Kathryn’s fave song where she knows the words and the actions to and then she sang elvis Presley’s song love me tender which was a song she loved to sing to me ya know her last life’s grandson and then after that Martin the Martian who was John Mahoney from the tv series Frasier singing
I am a Martian with a top hat and I have no tie and I am ready to party all night when your young you will party
To forget about reality and have a little fun oh yeah party right
Yes everyone is ready to party with
Me and Kathryn yo here on Saturn
And I get my top hat and as I am wearing no tie
Just the perfect shade of green
I am a Martian with a top hat
With a naked green body
I am ready to party yeah
C’mon get out your top hat
And put on your dancing shoes
And party party party all night
And then Kathryn and Martin the Martian played a lot of seventies and eighties songs and everyone got down and danced, the songs were
Dancing queen abba
Sweet home Alabama
American pie don McLean
Standing on the outside cold chisel
Duncan slim dusty using all the names of the people here
And then they left the stage
And bon Scott came on stage with Michael Hutchence and Roy Orbison
Michael on drums Roy vocals and bon
On bass guitar they sang
Pretty woman
You shook me all night long
Suicide blonde
You got it
Who made who
Need you tonight
Handle with care
Devil inside
And then they bowed to the audience thanking them for dancing and left the stage
Then the crazy hip hop dancers from Jupiter who were Daniel morecombe
And Graeme Thorne who is me now on earth and Caleb Logan and they danced to great songs like
A hip hop version to YMCA village people and Stan from Eminem and another hip hop version of karma chameleon from culture club standing on the inside looking out which is a song I wrote and performed at the poetry slam and the last one was come on aussies come on the old cricket song and now we have some cosmic belly dancers coming out
Their names are Kim Davidson and Bridget bromhead and Ruth cracknell and they shook their bellies to chicken dance
And nut bush city limits and a Christmas song jingle bells and good ship Lollypop and rock and roll music
And after that the swinging yobbos came out slim dusty Alfred Waldron who was another previous life of mine and my currents life’s late father Barry Allan who is now Betty Campbell
And they sang songs like waltzing Matilda and fly burgers which was my first poem I wrote and a tisket a tasket which we showed our inner ***** and then we played all the afl theme songs starting with Sydney Adelaide Carlton Brisbane Melbourne
West coast Fremantle port Adelaide
The gws giants Gold Coast suns north Melbourne hawthorn st Kilda Essendon Richmond and Collingwood
And finished with the green machine
Canberra Raiders song and we left the stage then I came out to sing this song before the fireworks
It is called the schizophrenic Macarena
1 2 3 4 do the schizophrenic
From the first day you were born
To your current situation
With medication you can be reformed
Yeah mate yeah I am schitzophrenic
Don’t worry about my best mate
His name was rob butler
I wish I could explain it because I know
There was no best friend named rob butler
You see if I was married to Susan brown mate and if I had a family
With two sons David and mike
I know they don’t exist
But in a way I wished they did
And I am schitzophrenic
1 2 3 4 I am schitzophrenic
From the first day I was born
To my current situation
With medication I can be reformed
Wow yeah I am schitzophrenic
I like Christmas
But I am a Buddhist
I like the peace behind it
Despite being anything but at peace
With my crazy mental illness
Then I jumped in the back seat
Of my best mates cab
But the thing about it is
No mate of mine has ever drove a cab
Except Stan niemic but it is not him
1 2 3 4 do the schitzophrenic
From the first day I was born
To my current situation
I wish my childish dillusions will go away cause I hate being schitzophrenic oh yeah bow bow
And now here are the beautiful fireworks and that lit up the sky for 21 minutes, it was beautiful
Bye everyone and I will see you at the next cosmic community concert
Goodbye dudes

— The End —