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Sally A Bayan Sep 2016

~...i'm balancing ~...~...~
~...~...~ wading on cool
~...~...~...serene waters
...~...~...preparing douse,

.....a volcano,
...burning fervidly...
it musn't spew
..........its brew.  


Copyright September 17, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***once, an angry bird...***
Indigo Morrison Sep 2014
Tell the truth about the way we loved.
We burned down the walls of our own bedroom
We gave the stars a show
The shore something to grab hold of...
We were endless
Brilliant in our together
Innovators in our type of beautiful.
We inspired...
Men to love women whose mind's were worth
kneeling for,
And women who loved men with respect worth
submitting to...
Tell them how we loved
Tell them
Their was love
in the  way our feet moved
in relation to the other
The way our eyes danced through
all of these people
Till their was something worth settling on...
For me it was you...
For you it will forever be me...
I will tell them...
because sometimes the things that burn
the brightest tend to leave one breathless...
In a world so self contained...
We could not burn down these walls for our beautiful...
-The story of a mulatto girl & a vanilla boy...
Anais Vionet Jun 2024
As we sailed the fast river of Rhône
the steady sun bleached it a sparkling gold
like the treasures of Caesar’s kingdom

A curtain of fawn-silken tackle, shaded
back the fervidly garish star scatter,
and cooling flower-scented airs tickled
the senses like touching down-soft silk

"zhuang hong zhuang sheng" (Chinese)
“Put on airs’ - Peter and I are Gatsby gilded.
Why not dress - on luminous forenoons?

Pick a heart, any heart and ***** it, sharply,
with the sight of a handsome man.
I yet breathless, breathe

What weapon is sharper than libido?

I defend myself, with fashion’s sartorial sparkle.
Frankly, I was hoping for something passively ******,
you know, foment a false perception - dazzle
with fancy outwork to tip the cosmic balance

Men will witness what they believe
song for this:
Desperately Trying by Club des Belugas, Anna Luca

From Merriam Webster’s “Word of the day’ list: Foment: to grow or develop
Asch Veal Jan 2014
The coiled phone wire wrapped
around her capricious fingers,
Her chest, pitched then collapse,
air solders clings cleaves splinters,
She sighs, she suspires
And her eyes communicate a vision
veering away from her present self,
Swerving in and out of ambition,
I could never gather all that she felt,
She sights, she seeks skyward
Her mouth leaks what she muses,
her lips remind me of victorian doorways,
The wood, the skin, it bruises
as she absorbs enclosing disarray,
She cries, she is tired
The way she leans in her maroon pants
Her hands plunging in her pockets,
I fervidly hope she finds other plans,
revives abandoned passions, left in cluttered closets
For Nicole
Lisa A Anglin Jan 2010
Do you ever think about me
Does the thought of me ever cross your mind
Have you ever held me close in a fantasy
Or envisioned our bodies fervidly intertwined
Have you ever wished I was near...
When you just needed someone to hear...
Your thoughts and feelings about...
What ever needed to come out.
Have you ever thought about me
When I think about you, my breath catches in my throat
My chest feels empty from the feelings it invokes
Just the sound of your voice...
Leaves me no choice...
I begin to reminisce...
Of your simple and gentle kiss
When I think about you...
And often I do
© Copyright 2008 L. A. Anglin
Samuel Nov 2017
Where has she gone?
All the others are in line,
Mother bear knows.
Three there,
Two here,
One down,
But she is missing.

An inquiry goes through
Over channels
Fierce and loud
Because one isn’t lining up
And it’s that one.

“Tariq is down, hold on” she says
Fervidly praying, breathing heavy
And there she is.
Anywhere but where she should be.
So easy to find, far too easy.

Swearing, scolding
No time for kindness,
Lost, another child lost
And another may be lost,
The most precious one here.

Scathing scoldings go ignored
Too naive, too proud
A child hoping to **** death
Though she calls that barbaric.
Reformed, remade, reborn
But never killed.

And there’s another,
Another cub but not hers
Carelessly walking on,
Not aware of the foe in his midst.
Of her child, the fool.

But she notices, thank God,
But she freezes up, **** God.
Frozen, still, just as feared.
No gun in hand
Shaking, shivering,
Breathing so hard.

“Don’t hesitate,”
The cry goes through
But this too is ignored.
A gun in hand at last
But unused, unfired
Shakily held with weak grip.

Yet a shot rings out.
Another notch for the rifle
And another cub protected,
The most precious one.

He’s fallen and she’s fallen
Him in death, her in shock,
And again the cry is made
“Don’t hesitate”,
And again it fails.
For she’s truly a cub,
Naive child hoping, praying

The mother rushes out
Cursing and pushing away curses
“We need her, Morrison” she says.
“I need her,” she does not.
Out from hiding,
Rushing, running, and, yes,

Still so shaken,
Still too still.
She is grabbed,
Pulled, tugged,
Yanked up to her feet
And dragged away,
Hastily hidden.

Harsh words hurriedly spoken
As she is ****** down.
Not in anger but in fear
And tears flow
And the words stop.
Scowling the bear sits,
Fearing even now in the den.

Quiet falls
Deafening, painful.
Jack shut off,
Others mollified,
And she does not speak.
Only watches,
Watching, eyeing on hatefully,
Glaring as Mother carves another.
One more life, one more line
And she doesn’t understand.
Only judges quick and fast,
Ever the idealist.

And that stings more than death’s threat.
Martin Narrod Dec 2014
Soon my wishes will be verses, earthworms unraveling a silk string that wraps us in the world. Ravishing, I'm raving madly, going crazy, coming, and coming undone. Your physical frame matched with your intellectual marvel drives me totally insane, dumbfounded and looking for all of my marbles. I'd sail a thousand ships to afford even just a glance, you're the oeuvre to all my movements, conducting the symphony of all we have. I've written a myriad of many books: essay, narrative, prose, and poem. That merely begin to document the excitingness interspersed within our knowings.  This mirthy bliss of ours is an overture to our youth, it's this astute aloofness inside these hours fervidly wrapped in a cocoon of me and you.

I'm not coming across, the way that I initially intended to. The truth is I'm clueless on how to take something too awesome for words, and then attempt to put sentences into them. Like those pictures of you I sometimes take when you fall asleep before me. That has been a fantastic example to myself of just a miniature way I adore thee. Scotch, IPAs, and hoppy drinks splattering laughter through the room, now how can I find one of 200,000 words that could even give justice to it.

So whether or not it's romantic, I don't do it for any other reason, except that describing you and I in words is an inadequacy I'm not pleased with. When lips comfort necks, and hair comforts chests. Sleeping nestled like Bell your head nuzzled at my breast. If I could only say, how incredibeautifulamazing it's been- not last month, last year, or yesterday, but every increment between us without discriminating any piece. Then perhaps I'm getting .0001% closer to being able to describe how amazing we make each other feel.
love poem poetry gentlemen romance romantic boys boyswrite chicagopoetrysociety chocolate lips necks necking makingout romanticpoetry nonromanticpoetry rhyme meter between you and I sleeping nestled please joy happiness happy ecstatic classy comfort clueless drinks drinking alcohol laugh laughter mused and amused musedandamused krispies ricekrispies kristine kristinescolan miniatures fervid bliss glowing blushing kiss kissing *** love lovers tryst handsome **** fallingasleep prose freestyle stream of consciousness martinnarrod martinnarrodloveskristinescolan essay book narrative paper longform short shortprose stanza poetrymagazine thousandships helenoftroy greek movements frenchpoetry in french coming ******* *** writers writing men women womensfashion RTW excite ravishing fairytaleromance hope hopeless romantic SexyBoyz boys boyz mere astonish student professional ragstock dross lame IPA scotch hoppy drinks Link Zelda Miley Cyrus Taylor Swift Just physical pulchritude cynosure themostbeautifulamazingwoman in the world I love you more than anything Conductor music musical about music women girls people Life Earth nature earthworms fishing britsarawest westcoast condoms safesex frame painter facebook dot com forward slash martinnarrod britniwest aloof couture
Rose Petal Feb 2014
She felt the jolt of loss the moment she woke.
Her body screamed, "You're still alive! Even though your heart has broke."
It would go into shock every now and then
To remind her that he was gone again.
A feeling so terrifying, so painful, she preferred to stay awake and slowly go insane.
Though she wasn't tired from lack of sleep, she was just tired of the pain.
The color drained from her cheeks and the glow from inside.
No more smiles or laughter, only tears she couldn't hide.
She dared not blink as if doing so would keep them from falling.
Night after night, a cigarette in hand, but he wasn't calling.
She lived her days repeatedly through the stages of grief.
(Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression)
She had eluded Acceptance until she was ready for a reprieve.
But each time after the last, it beckoned even more.
As much as she resisted, the temptation to rest was winning the war.
Soon there wouldn't be much to look forward to tomorrow.
She was ready to let go and end her sorrow.

But he came to her this night, knowing she couldn't say no.
He was killing her slowly in the come and go.
And he had taken as he pleased, bringing more life into his own.
Never aware of what she sacrificed, he had not known.
He finally saw the damage and realized how
She ended up lifeless here in front of him now.
She had given herself to him, every bit of her light.
He shouted, "I'm sorry," and this time he meant it.
There would be no fight.
He knew that he could not truly be without her.
Tears poured down his face and he shouted even louder.
With her eyes closed, he told her he loved her and kissed her fervidly.
And then, something happened most unexpectedly...
She kissed him back as much as she could.
She was brought back to life by the only one who should.
They kissed and kissed and made love right there
With her blood, his sweat and both their tears.
Though they had struggled for years, they knew that this was how it would be.
In the end, with themselves and with each other,
They would finally find peace.
I don't want to ****,
I want to make love;
to caress her cheek with one hand
and to hold her hand,
fingers interlaced,
with the other.

I don't want to ****,
I want to express passion;
to kiss fervidly, yet sweetly,
and then to look her in the Eyes
struggling to gasp the words
“****, I love you!”

I don't want to ****,
I want to just cuddle naked;
to feel our mutual Skin
with and without friction,
with and without hair,
or sweat, or light;
resting, or not,
upon each other.

I don't want to ****,
I want to feel a connection
transcending the physical:
I want to feel the warmth of true Love;
in my Heart,
in my Mind,
in my Soul,
as well as
on my Skin.
This came to me in the shower;
so I got out and wrote it down.
Then, I decided to share it.

I can't tell if this is a dream or a memory;
it seems to be a bit of both.
Frieda P Feb 2014
Consecrate me in your madness
    sanctify this communion,
sketch me in bursting metaphorical hues,
  color'd tinges blushed of cardinal's soft sonnets
paint a picture within inky filigreed lace,
  finely woven silken thread'd tapestries
my religion breathes your affinity
      harmony's rapport of favored essence
twist poetry into my hair,   whilst
   dancing upon the music in your stanza's hymn
bathe me in peachy champagne bubbled prose
  suffuse butterfly shivers up my spine
i breathe the air you've fervidly script'd
   etch'd in blood flow awakens my senses,
the emotions artistes' bleed out
   you are my strength, my power
          my weakness, my Achilles heel ~

swooning in the phases of your darkly lit moons
           cut me deep into the heart & gut
piercing movement of echoes unfold.  
        moving majestic amethyst  mountains,
shred my soul with your dragon's breath
     anoint my *******, oils that seep from thy quill
            make me punch drunk aberration's tipsy
        drenching me in sparkling scarlet wine
clinging from the vines of destiny's path
           my soul's existence is solely dependent
    upon your utterly blissful verses within Elysian Fields
Olga Valerevna Apr 2013
A screen was posted on a wall, the corners of my mind
Were stretched so very thin indeed, reverberating time

And vapid personalities then danced upon the veil
Attempting to impose themselves as those who never fail

In perfect step with everything, their tendencies align
Allow for new anatomies to form upon their spine

Collect, repel, reorganize with regular delay
I cannot tell you what's become of every single day

To calculate would take too long, the change of pace too much
And I've become immune to what is parallel to touch

See, I have learned their song by now, I've memorized the beat
Its rhythm pulses fervidly, intensifies the heat

The space is filled with every breath of those who write the notes
A call to those who cannot keep the music in their throats
Kittridge James Jul 2014
Music floats lazily through the muggy July air
Our legs are intertwined, but like never before
Your face is alongside mine,
there's a fire gleaming our cheeks

I can't help but feel a little electricity
as you stroke my hair,
and peek at me through timid eyes
Exasperated, I murmur,

"Fire. I can't take it anymore."
Set to collision, I twist my body nearer
Your hands graze my waist as
our lips meet fervidly, rhythmically

Impulse and emotion lull
you cuddle nearer and caress my face
I encircle my arms around your shoulders
"This trip did something," I whisper,
"I see you differently."
Isabella Sep 2018
Wan flesh stretched thinly
Against brittle bones,
The flower of youth much
Wilted by the bitter moans
Of winter winds and
Snows, and such;
She traipses through so dimly.

The surface so ghost-like—
Sickly, pale, anemic—
Though she makes the Madness
Seem so vivid, so scenic
Against drab backroads,
Gray towns, and the sadness
That longs, aches, to strike.

And I wonder what are
Those cracks in her skin,
Violet line-art patterned on
The wan flesh stretched thin;
They creep up to her eyes and
Within moments are gone
By a blink, a single star.

Her fingers are shaking
When she tries to speak,
Like spiders spinning nervously
A web that must be solid, not weak,
To carry the weight of several—
Thus, they weave it fervidly
In a manner quite breathtaking.
I feel as though this is incomplete...
The clouds had being fair
And the birds were chirpy
Soaring in the blue skies;and gyre the coconut trees
While the gently breeze
Blew;and the branches skid
Side by side fluttering
And notably,the birds vocal the ditty of love

She sat beneath
And I laid on her tighs
Dedition like a pet
But as I goggled through her bra
To her face;I met
The frolics of her hair
And fantasized
Till I traced down her lips
As the juices she sipped
Smack dab on my neck
And trail my chest

I grasp her hands and licked them
As she span to mob them
"You're beautiful"I said and smiled
Looking through her eyes
Sssssssssshh!!shut up"she muttered"
She lean and held my chest to hers
And fervidly she kissed on my lips

All at once,the droplets of waters
Dangling in the air
Broke the light
And pave path of the spectum
To flaunt its melange
Emblem on us

That moment she troth
Not to open her eyes
But sing till the sun
Disappear over the horizon

I toss myself
And learnt it was all a dream
That moment,that hour,that minute
I made a wish
Lord I pray this dream one more time

©Historian E.Lexano
To you Johanna
Randy Mcpeek Jun 2016
Loves purpose

To everything there is a season,my love,and our season is now at an end.
I am in the midst of shattered,and discarded dreams.
Gathering the pieces to sew them; I know I can no longer pretend.

I look back to when we first met,and love was like a river between us.
It flowed freely,washing away all my doubts,and I drank of it fervidly.
The river has now become polluted and *****,I look in your eyes and see your disgust.

We shared something sweet;I could feel your desire. It was exquisite to be so adored.
You compared my beauty to that of a goddess,I was the epitome of grace.
Then you grew tired of my wit,annoyed with my charms,the love I gave you was abhorred.

Im saddened it’s over;our bliss is hollow. I’ll pick up my heart and go on.
Everything in life fills a purpose,and the purpose of you has been served.
The next season I pray to be one of healing,and love's bitter sting in my memory, gone.

Randy McPeek
Vilakshan Gaur Aug 2017
Let you and me, eternally,
And gleefully, together be
Together, free, in harmony,
We will be for eternity

And in your arms, serenity,
Forever will be soothing me,
And moving me, internally,
Alluring me, continually

I'll love your skin, relentlessly,
Your words strung like a melody,
Will hit my ears, seducing me,
Bemusing me, a symphony,

Your face-- the perfect sight to see,
To see your eyes- the artistry
Let me be lost, in poetry,
Of a gaze so lost in reverie

Your hair like mist, eluding me,
And gently then, secluding me
I'm drawn to you, so hopelessly,
My love for you is ruling me

Your smile, so grand and heavenly,
Those lips, engulfed in ecstasy
You're beautiful, effortlessly,
Perfection is your tendency

A dream, a sight, a mystery,
A gleam of light, illusory,
And touch of skin, so velvety,
As though a touch of destiny

My fervour rises fervently,
As you approach, advertantly
The thought of you, reducing me,
To a poet, musing foolishly

You stare at me, romancingly,
Two dreamy eyes, deducing me
Disintegrating, breaking me,
As if to be diffusing me

I feel like God is choosing me,
To be the one, deservedly,
The one you'll love so fervidly,
My fears are slowly losing me

I am in love, and certainly,
This feeling grows abundantly
Each moment shared so blissfully,
Forever etched in memory

Now I am yours, entirely
No dream, no lie, no fantasy
A love written in history,
It shall be for eternity
Mirza Lazim Feb 2020
Oh, I take leave of my senses gently
In front of your image smiling witchily.
Shine bright, shine bright till I recall
Who am I, who are you?
My brain is itchy...

Am I well? Yes, I am.
Am I well?! I am not.
Deadly freezing in your absence,
Yet it is glowing,
Yet it is hot

I am 'a couple of years alive',
You are 'an eternity old'.
You fervidly turn around,
However, the Sun is cold.

Urging to dissolve myself:
The deepest bliss of sadness...
The symptoms are emerging
Of my future madness.

My soul has an itch to hell
And my dreams will come true.
Even maybe it's not me,
But just my devil loves you
Tita Halaman Apr 2023
My brand new soles passing through my erstwhile souls
I keep clambering up, leaving my former body
I keep growing, I keep outgrowing
I keep changing, I keep forgetting

Yet, my smallest voice keeps singing to me  
Yet, my inner child keeps remembering me
The only space where my smile sparks, fervidly
The only flame that won’t suffocate me,
A poem for a painting
Fenna Capelle Jun 2021
I shall arise and raise a glass
To writhing verse and broken prayer
And pass through minutes of neglect  
I hoped I’d find you there

The hazel wood is rich with fairies  
The Sirens move through dappled grass
Fervidly chased by child or lover
And I shall rise and watch them pass

Long were my days when the summer came
But the fishermen bade me beware
Dark as red wine was the sea that I sailed
I just prayed that I might find you there

For the ocean was dressed in its fancy
Of sea nymphs and monsters of glass
Often fought by hero and wizard
O I hoped that you might let them pass

Well, in all of this rumour and roaring
I had cast my soul to the sea
And passed through neglect and high fancy
And hoped that there you’d find me
Your heart beat is as steady as a snare
And your tattoos act as trace lines for my fingertips.
The rhythm of our inhales and exhales harmonize
As our naked limbs twist and tangle to intermix.

You gently snore into my hair
And your muscly biceps securely embrace me.
The sweet aroma of your skin floods my lungs
As I hopelessly gaze at you ever so lovingly.

My eyes moisten for I wasn't supposed to get attached.
And these feelings shred the strings of my fragile heart.
You saved me when I needed a savior and you
Appeared with an absorbent shoulder for support.

Inevitably, I collapsed into the abyss of unreturned love
And I long for a day where our feelings synchronize.
But, I admit that I'm fervidly in love with my "best friend."
As I fight tears, silently break, and wait for sleep to arrive.
Travis Green Sep 2021
Your super-rich and sweet chocolate skin tastes scrumptious
Like crunching on cookie crisp cereal, like extra buttery
And flavored popcorn, like hot soft pretzels in a bakery

Your eyes are like the rarest and gloriously fierce gray wolf
Emblazoned in breathtaking designs, staring fervidly at me
Making me explode like an intercontinental ballistic missile

Your voice is like a profusion of doors guiding me
To your splendorous planet, filled with appeal and poetic romance
Fruity, silky persuasive, musical, and penetrating

You are the first person that comes to my mind when I think
About the deepness and rhythmicity of love, when I glance
At the rich and renowned lands gleaming inside your soul

I know you are the brightest star of my universe, a sought-after place
I search for in the darkness, knowing when I come across you, I have found my most genuine gem that blossoms like a bird of paradise
Travis Green Dec 2021
When we interlock, words are more than words
Feelings are more than feelings
All I can see is a love so profound
That I wish to dive into your delectable ocean
Inhale your passion, embrace your horizon of sprightliness
Our deep, dreamy breaths ascend more
The desire to draw you closer to me is extraordinarily magical

I treasure the way our worlds blend
How you rain romantic bliss upon me
Make me dream of surrendering to thee
How my senses sweat in front of thee
So stimulated by your bare, astonishing chest
Chest profuse with adventure, passion, and poetry
You dominate my heavenly depths
You make my focus float in uncharted oceans

I breathe you into my system like smoke
I surf on your wave of immersiveness
Relish the way you thrill my universe
Stunning swag king, so elegantly made
You replenish me more than you realize
When I peer at your wondrous brown eyes
I feel the most incredible sensations
The rotation of your creation is so commanding
Splashy tattoos that gain my attention

I want to inhale all your desires
Exhale powerfully bright fire
Become drunk on your masculinity
Press your body on me more
Slow caress me, put your hands on my chin
Kiss me fervidly, journey in my mind
Let your tongue groove on my cheeks
Take me places that are brighter and clearer
Than where we are now

I can’t deny how intoxicating you are
How you move like an exhilarating dancer
Like a super lit DJ, make me feel your blaring beat
As I stare so charmingly at you, so hooked
On the way you flex and *** me
Your body is my place to party
A place to escape inside and listen
To the slow jams of your nation

I inhale the bassline, mesmerized by
The staggering rhymes, how you take me
So close to the verge of immersing extremities
I see abundant and magical stars in my dreams
I succumb to your muscular mansion
Let you enchant the entrance to my inner power supply
Lustfully lick my private paradise
Do whatever you desire, take me higher
Travis Green Mar 2022
He’s an untouchably seductive stud
That fills the void to the doors of my inner being
An enthralling top-notch slow jam in reverberation
He plays profoundly in my soul
A catchy enrapturing sound
That astounds me with its lushly erupting enchantment
I am born again in his euphorically glorious allure
His masculinity is my foundation for elevation
He punctuates boundless amorousness
That travels in the great extremities of my vessel

He is smooth fluid grooviness
That gives me inexpressible elatedness
An all-encompassing and immersing spectacle
A charming, commanding, and treasured gem
I indulge in his sun-sational and vibrational dreams
I feel expansively ebullient sensations
When I am fused to you, when we are in the outer zone
Of fervidly stirring ecstasy
Inspired by thrillingly treasurable kisses and touches
Rob Cohen Dec 2020
While feasting and drinking
weapons lay unmanned
as the attack came swiftly
flipping the board with flash floods
hollowing the halls
swallowing the hoards.

Without moats
dug in preparation for the onslaught
horns began blasting their deafening mort
halting, shaking sitting ducks
in the firing-line
for a live fire final round.

   ashes to ashes
     mirrors burned to smoke on the ground

   brick by brick
     towering castles came crashing down

   dust to dust
     bodies returned in a soiled mound

Panacea drifts in a full circle
turning life-rafts into caskets
floating down the Nile
where suit-and-tie crocodiles salivate and wait
dislocated jaws spread
extended beyond greed or failure
  fervidly seeking to feed and savor
leaving our downstream drifting
reed-basket fate
in the same boat
// a replica //
of the devoured bread-basket savior.
Crafted in HIS image
                  beasts all the same
Travis Green Sep 2021
I fantasize about sleeping with you
Under luscious white covers
My hands traversing over your
Thick sultry beard, your bright
Beige brown lips, sneak in for a kiss
Fervidly ****** your nose, your cheeks
Your half-moon eyebrows, the deep crease
Flowing in your forehead, your lustrous hair
Tell you that you are mine, my super fine
Sapphire, my divine diamond
Glenn McCrary Aug 2011
Within the luxury of her embrace, I felt safe

Fervidly her lips trailed down the surface of my neck

Ever so keenly detouring to meet the crease of mine

Without a hint of dubiety, a dazzling thrill voyaged

Throughout my physique, devouring me completely

She was a ravenous creature who wanted me to herself

Who was I to deny her the pleasure of her wildest fantasies?

Willingly I succumbed to her lasciviously exuberant desires

A seductive sphere of passion and lust dawned between us

Unveiling the myriad of secrets unbeknownst to my heart
Travis Green May 2021
I only want to gently remove your clothes
Let my lips travel up and down your body
Fervidly biting your *******
Sinking in your hunkalicious flesh
Dev May 2018
Talk ***** to me
Describe the colour of your eyes in vivd detail
The way your hair flows in the breeze
Everything, anything about you

Talk ***** to me
Passionately whisper in my ears
about how the marvel movies really are
just terrible, with that low husky voice.

Talk ***** to me,
fervidly plan your future
a chef, paint a picture of you in
a uniform, eyes dark and mysterious.

Talk ***** to me,
tell me something nobody knows
a secret, your embarrassment
abashedly hiding behind your long curly hair.

You're so adorable and cute,
and yet so hot and **** at times
I really am falling for you, the more I know you.
More than I should be in any case.
does ***** talk have to legitimately be ***** talk.

I'd rather this any day
Travis Green Feb 2022
I feen eminently to stream with you
Wherever you go
Take me in your firmly charming arms
Squeeze my ripe, plump headlamps
Enamor my creation
Let me kiss your captivating lips
Rub your **** locs
Press my palms on your cheeks
As we gaze at one another fervidly
I scintillate as you move in closer to kiss my shoulders
To lick my neck and earlobes
His fingers feel my naked back
And warm, gorgeous ***
I am captured in your salacious attraction
Dancing to the rhythm of your romance

— The End —