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Danae Rae Jul 2015
She's drowning herself
Because she doesn't see beauty

Because her dad abused her
Eventually her mom left her
And her boyfriend ***** her
Ultimately her world was ending
The air was thinning
You said your friendship was pending

She drown herself because she couldn't see
She was a spitting image of beauty
Àŧùl Mar 2018
A new kind of acrostic for my Pooja:

While observing this love of ours,
Over the time this world will be jealous.
Me you will always find by your side,
But we won't let 'em drain our hours,
Mine you are solely & I am only yours,
Over the decades, they will observe us,
We will rather enjoy our lovely showers.

Yes, my love, we are going to be happy,
Over the long time span of several years,
Under the blessings bestowed upon us,
Rose of our love has no thorns,
Up above into the bed of soft clouds,
Onto our heads from the divine mother,
Yes, my love, it'll be her blessing for us.

I love you and that's an irreversible fact,
Nostalgia of her loving caring nature is here,
Toss all the worry away into the water,
Onto the surface of an agitated stream,
Think of us both as the same entity,
Never fear the outcome of a nicely done job,
I am your friend and your mother.

Cool whispers will make their way,
Onto your ears they will make ways,
Medley of pop songs they will play,
Even though we will have differences,
My love you cherish, multiply & reflect,
Over the moonlit sky so dark blue,
Calling all the best caring careful souls.

We, you and me, are blessed to be together,
It's as if we were never different actually,
Let's not worry about the unknown future,
Let's just receive what comes with open arms,
Let's not fear anything that has not happened yet,
It's impractical to worry about the unknown,
What if we succeed should be our thought.

Because you love me like you have never loved,
And I love you exactly like you ever wanted,
Being together should be our foremost priority,
Yes, with each other we are creating magic,
But this is just a hint of our potential together,
And we are capable of a lot more after marriage,
Because you and I love each other so much.

Another thing about this love of ours,
A baby will come into your womb.
Reverse quarternary artistic acrostic poem.

My HP Poem #1705
©Atul Kaushal
Kyla Sherry Jun 2014
A* best friend takes care of you
Because they know this friendship will not ever end
Caring, kind, respects you and your ideas, my
Dad is my BFF for life, not only because he cares about me, but also he, lead me through hard and difficult stages in my life.

My dad took me through one of the worst things that could happen to a couple, A DIVORCEMENT!!!
I'm crying in my seat just writing this poem, however it is so very true!
Yume Blade Sep 2015
Because of them
Rules & rules again
Using all their could to hold me away
Ignoring all about my love
Spying me like an adept
Expecting I'm gonna forget
Do not expect me to do it

Hard as it could be
Enraged towards them
All a can is thinkin'
Rage inside me
T**o never forget him
My Heart is Bruised !!
My Body is clean !!!
My mind is away !!
beth winters Dec 2010
i want to scream you through my mouth.
i don't have to exist any longer, as sun
shine or stretched clothing that doesn't
fit any longer, the shirts in your drawer,
the scarves fumbled with and discarded
underneath the stairs of a community c
ollege. if you want this, would you tell m
e. i don't have to step outside this door,
not once or twice without you. because,
of course, there are better things. i don
't think i make any more sense than pre
tty birds that cheep unicorn songs, and
grow shelters for their green-houses. i
could write you a song, if you'd like.

when the sun shines for the second tim
e, i'll let you know. right now the clouds
are labelled grey, and drawing islands i
n the discovering sand does not remedy
seasonal blues unaffected by the medic
ation of your smile and racing for play-g
round swings that cut up my thighs any
way. if i could put you on repeat, i woul
d, but life ain't youtube, and people ain
't paintings you can put in a frame and
hang on the wall, they ain't songs you
can listen to until you go cross-eyed wi
th giddiness. i'm not new anymore, i'm
words i've already written, places i've
already been, i am people unfamiliar b
ecause i've talked to them for so long.
Kyla Sherry Jun 2014
A** holiday celebrated by many to a dad or a grandpa
Because, family members love each other
Caring, Kind and true are the traits of a dad
Dads are one of the roots of a family
Each and every one will get their day to be special, but a father is the most important family member!!!
In my opinion, I think that dads are the most important family member!!!
XOXOXOXOXOXO  Love you daddy!!!!
David Keagan Jul 2012
Abide by the rules of the world,
Because if you don’t they’ll surely just laugh at you.
Chase nothing but the average
Do like they all do.
Even if your heart says otherwise
Forget it
Go about your average day as planned.
Head up the elevator to your confined cubicle,
Initiate work mode.
Job description: “Whipping post”
Know your role
Leave content
Make sure they buy your counterfeit smile because,
No man can afford to be jobless in the land of average.
Often those who rebel are struck down and left at the curb
Poor financially and in spirit
Quick, get home to your average marriage
Reheat your average left overs from the average restaurant you ate at last night.
Sit down on your couch
Television on.
Use your free time wisely because 6 am comes early.
View your average prime time show
Wash the day’s grime off of your body.
X** another day off your list.
You now know what a day is like in the land of average.
Zealous towards nothing but the same.
An A-B-C style poem, my first ever, about the life of a person in the Land of Average.
Autumn Feb 2013
you expect me to care what you do,what you say, what you think,
because you are so use to being judged, because you are so use to being told that that's wrong, not right for you to say, for you to think that,
you expect me to me botherd by your threats,
because you are so use to being scared yourself, because you are so use to not being you out of simple cowardicity, because you are so use to feeding off thoose of the weak you expect us to back down,
you  expect me to scream back in your face,
because so many do that regularly, because you want me to sinnk to your level, because you simply want someone to relate to, someone to be in the same boat as you,
you expect me to rrun away,
because you think you don't deserve what every human does, because you think that if you get help, that if i wanted to help, that you would let me down, because that is what you have been trained to do your entire life, let people down, because you have said no so many times wishing someone would say i know you want to say yes, because you yourself have ran away,
you expect me to stop, and look, and ask what's wrong?
because you think you deserve help, because you think you are lower than i, because you think that i should simply pity you because you are the way you are, because you are in the circumstances you think you are in, because you assume i am a good person,
you expect me to do the right thing,to not betray you,
because you have been cradeld, because you are so naieve, because you have been taught that people in my position ofpower are all good, are to be trusted, are to be romodels to look up to, because you simply want to be right,
you expect me to be loyal, to not lie, to want to be responsible,
because that is what you have been taught is morally correct, because that is what you have been taught is what you must be to go far in life,
you think you are ugly, disgusting,
because you have been told that you are ugly, because you have beentold that people who say you are oretty are lying, because you have been trained, forced, to believe that this is what' s beautiful, that this is whats ugly,
you expect people to care, people to be "good", people to betray you, you expect people to think your ugly, you expect people to say no, to say yes, you expect people to want to strive for better, you expect to be or not to be disapointed,
because your brain was set that opne thing is ight one thing is worng, that you must reach standards to be "good" or to be "bad, because that is wat you have only ever known, because human's are human's. and we are our future death, and we are what will **** this earth, and we are what kills each other, and we are what makes each other happy, and whether we think we are good or bad, whether we need this or thtt it is ecause of society's standards, because of society's rules inwhich "must be obeyed" but what if the true fun part of life is breaking thoose rules, crushing thoose standards, an recreating something that isn't what we have known always.
Amelia Jan 2014
everyone needs
to leave me alo
ne because it hu
rts me too look
at them and I d
on't know wher
e I am and the
bed reeks of s
ex and laundry
detergent and
when I die will
my hair be stra
ightened? mak
e up my own fu
cking lyrics and
cry a lot and c
ount my allies
on my fingertip
s when did eve
ryone start hati
ng me?? am I
going to hell? i
s this hell? mu
sic isn't beaut
iful anymore b
ecause of you,
you ******* fu
ck why do I ev
en bother with
you why did I
even talk to yo
u you were alm
ost as ****** a
s I am!!! I'm sca
red to stick it t
o the man
Àŧùl Feb 2016
For me,
You truly,
Care Sir,
My future,
You wished,
Only bright.

But alas,
It's not,
Thoroughly dark,
Sitting here.

And endeavours,
Not sufficient,
Doomed failure.

Priceless moments,
Indeed wasted,
Eastwards staring,
Caring not,
Efforts wasted,
So sorry.

Because I feel so cheated,
Unforgettable are the marks,
Truly loving makes you prone.

But yes Sire,
I'm only debilitated,
Totally not devastated,
Such pains I'm accustomed to.

Wishing an easier life,
Is not for me at all,
Losing myself,
Long I have been.

So hear in night's ears,
I will rise once again.
This one is for Professor GitacharYa VedaLa
I am so sorry, Sirji.

But I promise,
My potential is only debilitated,
I am not defeated.

I'll rise again.

With love and power of life immortal.

I am in bits and pieces,
But bits will shine.

My HP Poem #1035
©Atul Kaushal
Abigail Sedgwick Apr 2017
Aggravating, but without intention
Insecurities are my mind's
Greatest invention.
Alluded to harshly
In regard to "pretention."
L**onely but loved, despite the contention.
Abigail Sedgwick Sep 2016
Aggravating, but without intention
Insecurities are my mind's
Greatest invention.
Alluded to harshly
In regard to "pretention."
L**onely but loved, despite the contention.
Àŧùl Dec 2016
Naughty young dreamer,
I find your poems intriguing,
Demons within you fight,
Hoping to overcome the longing,
Into a different dimension you think.

You are the ice,
Of the cold winters,
Under the cover of snow.

Ask you don't this attention,
Rest assured as you deserve it,
Efforts you put wouldn't go waste.

Taste you will success,
Happiness, and,
Espouse you will the divine.

Because so I forecast,
Ecstatic you should feel,
So many well-wishers you have,
T**hey all will take you to paradise.
Your own intro says the following:

I am a dreamer.
Most of my poems are baseless and at times don't make sense at all.
Depressed, sad, angry, hurt, alone, broken.. but yeah living.
I don't believe in love. But I think, love believes in me. I find it everywhere nowadays.
I love showers. Showers can wash away everything.
Smoke, dirt, his touch, his words.
I hate school but love education.
Can someone please kidnap me?

HP Poem #1312
©Atul Kaushal
Spencer Aug 2014
R emember when we were in love?
E ven just a little?
B ecause I'll never forget.
E specially the bad moments.
C ause the worst moments with you,
C hanged me for the better. So I'll
A lways thank you for that year point 5
Clovina Oct 2015
What Everyone…



But no one…
Could ever *S

But *You
I think

And you’d always…
Talk to me...
Speak to me…
And tell me…

That I’m weak…
Very  Weak...

And you’ll Cry...
And you’ll Plea
You’ll Call...
And you’ll Scream...


I’ve Lost…

I’m Tired…

I’m Broke…

Would deny your claim...

Do you Think...
You Are?

Can’t See…
Through my  Facade


May be...
Right  Though


You’ve Once...
Told your  Friends...

If They Look at me…

Could See Me...

From the Pressure?


But Baby...
You  Know…
You are  Wrong...

You've  Forgotte­n…
One  Last Thing...

It's that...
I Am…
A Porcelain Doll...

— The End —