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So spake the Son of God; and Satan stood
A while as mute, confounded what to say,
What to reply, confuted and convinced
Of his weak arguing and fallacious drift;
At length, collecting all his serpent wiles,
With soothing words renewed, him thus accosts:—
  “I see thou know’st what is of use to know,
What best to say canst say, to do canst do;
Thy actions to thy words accord; thy words
To thy large heart give utterance due; thy heart            
Contains of good, wise, just, the perfet shape.
Should kings and nations from thy mouth consult,
Thy counsel would be as the oracle
Urim and Thummim, those oraculous gems
On Aaron’s breast, or tongue of Seers old
Infallible; or, wert thou sought to deeds
That might require the array of war, thy skill
Of conduct would be such that all the world
Could not sustain thy prowess, or subsist
In battle, though against thy few in arms.                  
These godlike virtues wherefore dost thou hide?
Affecting private life, or more obscure
In savage wilderness, wherefore deprive
All Earth her wonder at thy acts, thyself
The fame and glory—glory, the reward
That sole excites to high attempts the flame
Of most erected spirits, most tempered pure
AEthereal, who all pleasures else despise,
All treasures and all gain esteem as dross,
And dignities and powers, all but the highest?              
Thy years are ripe, and over-ripe.  The son
Of Macedonian Philip had ere these
Won Asia, and the throne of Cyrus held
At his dispose; young Scipio had brought down
The Carthaginian pride; young Pompey quelled
The Pontic king, and in triumph had rode.
Yet years, and to ripe years judgment mature,
Quench not the thirst of glory, but augment.
Great Julius, whom now all the world admires,
The more he grew in years, the more inflamed                
With glory, wept that he had lived so long
Ingloroious.  But thou yet art not too late.”
  To whom our Saviour calmly thus replied:—
“Thou neither dost persuade me to seek wealth
For empire’s sake, nor empire to affect
For glory’s sake, by all thy argument.
For what is glory but the blaze of fame,
The people’s praise, if always praise unmixed?
And what the people but a herd confused,
A miscellaneous rabble, who extol                          
Things ******, and, well weighed, scarce worth the praise?
They praise and they admire they know not what,
And know not whom, but as one leads the other;
And what delight to be by such extolled,
To live upon their tongues, and be their talk?
Of whom to be dispraised were no small praise—
His lot who dares be singularly good.
The intelligent among them and the wise
Are few, and glory scarce of few is raised.
This is true glory and renown—when God,                    
Looking on the Earth, with approbation marks
The just man, and divulges him through Heaven
To all his Angels, who with true applause
Recount his praises.  Thus he did to Job,
When, to extend his fame through Heaven and Earth,
As thou to thy reproach may’st well remember,
He asked thee, ‘Hast thou seen my servant Job?’
Famous he was in Heaven; on Earth less known,
Where glory is false glory, attributed
To things not glorious, men not worthy of fame.            
They err who count it glorious to subdue
By conquest far and wide, to overrun
Large countries, and in field great battles win,
Great cities by assault.  What do these worthies
But rob and spoil, burn, slaughter, and enslave
Peaceable nations, neighbouring or remote,
Made captive, yet deserving freedom more
Than those their conquerors, who leave behind
Nothing but ruin wheresoe’er they rove,
And all the flourishing works of peace destroy;            
Then swell with pride, and must be titled Gods,
Great benefactors of mankind, Deliverers,
Worshipped with temple, priest, and sacrifice?
One is the son of Jove, of Mars the other;
Till conqueror Death discover them scarce men,
Rowling in brutish vices, and deformed,
Violent or shameful death their due reward.
But, if there be in glory aught of good;
It may be means far different be attained,
Without ambition, war, or violence—                        
By deeds of peace, by wisdom eminent,
By patience, temperance.  I mention still
Him whom thy wrongs, with saintly patience borne,
Made famous in a land and times obscure;
Who names not now with honour patient Job?
Poor Socrates, (who next more memorable?)
By what he taught and suffered for so doing,
For truth’s sake suffering death unjust, lives now
Equal in fame to proudest conquerors.
Yet, if for fame and glory aught be done,                  
Aught suffered—if young African for fame
His wasted country freed from Punic rage—
The deed becomes unpraised, the man at least,
And loses, though but verbal, his reward.
Shall I seek glory, then, as vain men seek,
Oft not deserved?  I seek not mine, but His
Who sent me, and thereby witness whence I am.”
  To whom the Tempter, murmuring, thus replied:—
“Think not so slight of glory, therein least
Resembling thy great Father.  He seeks glory,              
And for his glory all things made, all things
Orders and governs; nor content in Heaven,
By all his Angels glorified, requires
Glory from men, from all men, good or bad,
Wise or unwise, no difference, no exemption.
Above all sacrifice, or hallowed gift,
Glory he requires, and glory he receives,
Promiscuous from all nations, Jew, or Greek,
Or Barbarous, nor exception hath declared;
From us, his foes pronounced, glory he exacts.”            
  To whom our Saviour fervently replied:
“And reason; since his Word all things produced,
Though chiefly not for glory as prime end,
But to shew forth his goodness, and impart
His good communicable to every soul
Freely; of whom what could He less expect
Than glory and benediction—that is, thanks—
The slightest, easiest, readiest recompense
From them who could return him nothing else,
And, not returning that, would likeliest render            
Contempt instead, dishonour, obloquy?
Hard recompense, unsuitable return
For so much good, so much beneficience!
But why should man seek glory, who of his own
Hath nothing, and to whom nothing belongs
But condemnation, ignominy, and shame—
Who, for so many benefits received,
Turned recreant to God, ingrate and false,
And so of all true good himself despoiled;
Yet, sacrilegious, to himself would take                    
That which to God alone of right belongs?
Yet so much bounty is in God, such grace,
That who advances his glory, not their own,
Them he himself to glory will advance.”
  So spake the Son of God; and here again
Satan had not to answer, but stood struck
With guilt of his own sin—for he himself,
Insatiable of glory, had lost all;
Yet of another plea bethought him soon:—
  “Of glory, as thou wilt,” said he, “so deem;              
Worth or not worth the seeking, let it pass.
But to a Kingdom thou art born—ordained
To sit upon thy father David’s throne,
By mother’s side thy father, though thy right
Be now in powerful hands, that will not part
Easily from possession won with arms.
Judaea now and all the Promised Land,
Reduced a province under Roman yoke,
Obeys Tiberius, nor is always ruled
With temperate sway: oft have they violated                
The Temple, oft the Law, with foul affronts,
Abominations rather, as did once
Antiochus.  And think’st thou to regain
Thy right by sitting still, or thus retiring?
So did not Machabeus.  He indeed
Retired unto the Desert, but with arms;
And o’er a mighty king so oft prevailed
That by strong hand his family obtained,
Though priests, the crown, and David’s throne usurped,
With Modin and her suburbs once content.                    
If kingdom move thee not, let move thee zeal
And duty—zeal and duty are not slow,
But on Occasion’s forelock watchful wait:
They themselves rather are occasion best—
Zeal of thy Father’s house, duty to free
Thy country from her heathen servitude.
So shalt thou best fulfil, best verify,
The Prophets old, who sung thy endless reign—
The happier reign the sooner it begins.
Rein then; what canst thou better do the while?”            
  To whom our Saviour answer thus returned:—
“All things are best fulfilled in their due time;
And time there is for all things, Truth hath said.
If of my reign Prophetic Writ hath told
That it shall never end, so, when begin
The Father in his purpose hath decreed—
He in whose hand all times and seasons rowl.
What if he hath decreed that I shall first
Be tried in humble state, and things adverse,
By tribulations, injuries, insults,                        
Contempts, and scorns, and snares, and violence,
Suffering, abstaining, quietly expecting
Without distrust or doubt, that He may know
What I can suffer, how obey?  Who best
Can suffer best can do, best reign who first
Well hath obeyed—just trial ere I merit
My exaltation without change or end.
But what concerns it thee when I begin
My everlasting Kingdom?  Why art thou
Solicitous?  What moves thy inquisition?                    
Know’st thou not that my rising is thy fall,
And my promotion will be thy destruction?”
  To whom the Tempter, inly racked, replied:—
“Let that come when it comes.  All hope is lost
Of my reception into grace; what worse?
For where no hope is left is left no fear.
If there be worse, the expectation more
Of worse torments me than the feeling can.
I would be at the worst; worst is my port,
My harbour, and my ultimate repose,                        
The end I would attain, my final good.
My error was my error, and my crime
My crime; whatever, for itself condemned,
And will alike be punished, whether thou
Reign or reign not—though to that gentle brow
Willingly I could fly, and hope thy reign,
From that placid aspect and meek regard,
Rather than aggravate my evil state,
Would stand between me and thy Father’s ire
(Whose ire I dread more than the fire of Hell)              
A shelter and a kind of shading cool
Interposition, as a summer’s cloud.
If I, then, to the worst that can be haste,
Why move thy feet so slow to what is best?
Happiest, both to thyself and all the world,
That thou, who worthiest art, shouldst be their King!
Perhaps thou linger’st in deep thoughts detained
Of the enterprise so hazardous and high!
No wonder; for, though in thee be united
What of perfection can in Man be found,                    
Or human nature can receive, consider
Thy life hath yet been private, most part spent
At home, scarce viewed the Galilean towns,
And once a year Jerusalem, few days’
Short sojourn; and what thence couldst thou observe?
The world thou hast not seen, much less her glory,
Empires, and monarchs, and their radiant courts—
Best school of best experience, quickest in sight
In all things that to greatest actions lead.
The wisest, unexperienced, will be ever                    
Timorous, and loth, with novice modesty
(As he who, seeking *****, found a kingdom)
Irresolute, unhardy, unadventrous.
But I will bring thee where thou soon shalt quit
Those rudiments, and see before thine eyes
The monarchies of the Earth, their pomp and state—
Sufficient introduction to inform
Thee, of thyself so apt, in regal arts,
And regal mysteries; that thou may’st know
How best their opposition to withstand.”                    
  With that (such power was given him then), he took
The Son of God up to a mountain high.
It was a mountain at whose verdant feet
A spacious plain outstretched in circuit wide
Lay pleasant; from his side two rivers flowed,
The one winding, the other straight, and left between
Fair champaign, with less rivers interveined,
Then meeting joined their tribute to the sea.
Fertil of corn the glebe, of oil, and wine;
With herds the pasture thronged, with flocks the hills;    
Huge cities and high-towered, that well might seem
The seats of mightiest monarchs; and so large
The prospect was that here and there was room
For barren desert, fountainless and dry.
To this high mountain-top the Tempter brought
Our Saviour, and new train of words began:—
  “Well have we speeded, and o’er hill and dale,
Forest, and field, and flood, temples and towers,
Cut shorter many a league.  Here thou behold’st
Assyria, and her empire’s ancient bounds,                  
Araxes and the Caspian lake; thence on
As far as Indus east, Euphrates west,
And oft beyond; to south the Persian bay,
And, inaccessible, the Arabian drouth:
Here, Nineveh, of length within her wall
Several days’ journey, built by Ninus old,
Of that first golden monarchy the seat,
And seat of Salmanassar, whose success
Israel in long captivity still mourns;
There Babylon, the wonder of all tongues,                  
As ancient, but rebuilt by him who twice
Judah and all thy father David’s house
Led captive, and Jerusalem laid waste,
Till Cyrus set them free; Persepolis,
His city, there thou seest, and Bactra there;
Ecbatana her structure vast there shews,
And Hecatompylos her hunderd gates;
There Susa by Choaspes, amber stream,
The drink of none but kings; of later fame,
Built by Emathian or by Parthian hands,                    
The great Seleucia, Nisibis, and there
Artaxata, Teredon, Ctesiphon,
Turning with easy eye, thou may’st behold.
All these the Parthian (now some ages past
By great Arsaces led, who founded first
That empire) under his dominion holds,
From the luxurious kings of Antioch won.
And just in time thou com’st to have a view
Of his great power; for now the Parthian king
In Ctesiphon hath gathered all his host                    
Against the Scythian, whose incursions wild
Have wasted Sogdiana; to her aid
He marches now in haste.  See, though from far,
His thousands, in what martial e
ryn May 2016
My mirror hangs stoic,
as silently it absorbs all it could with unbiased eyes.
All it receives under the day's sun.
Yet it never stores...
Not memories recent...
Not images perceived from the distant past...

My mirror
exists in the now.
It gives me only the present.
It reveals unequivocally the ground
upon which I stand.
It divulges only in the brutal and honest truth.
The kind of truth photographs could never tell.

Today it showed me what I've been seeing
with eyes half shut.
It showed me that,
I am older now.
Older than I was yesterday.
Older than I was a second ago.

Every wrinkle told a silent tale.
Every tale left quiet scars.
Every scar sang requiems of past mistakes.
And every mistake costed me my youth.

My mirror showed me that...
I'm older now because I've learnt much.
And I'm learning much more
because I'm older now.
An old photograph of myself inspired this.
sheloveswords Aug 2013
How can I say "We're just friends"
When I taste you in my dreams
Your honeyed savoriness on my tongue
Formed itself
You dance like an angel
In the center of my pupils
Your song is exceptionally sweet
It humbles my spirit
Divulges me
That we are all just hummingbirds
Vigorously, hunting for a melody
Auctioning off welfares
For pleasures swimming in vain
We've never enjoyed the necter without the pain of
Piercing thorns
With handicapped feet,
We dream to fly
60 miles a beat
How I wish the breeze
Would carry me
Straight to your home of
Butterfly Weeds
Longing for the eightenth year, to sore away
Just as a sweet bundle in Mama's womb
In the nest we mature and anxiously wait
Planted firmly on the dirt
His amour
Gives me wings
And, I flutter
His humming is a pleasing sound
Searching for a fullfillment
Two times our body weight
In the ebony of my skin
I inertly wait
Wishing for reincarnation
Of a harmless, beautiful
Harmonizing its way
Across God's blue sky.

                             Copy Right 2013
                                    ©Patty Ann
The path is jagged and so I have been told
I feel so pathetic feel  old
The canvas I started is thrown on the floor
The room is full of smoke
I cant help feel distressed
I’m hesitant of this mind of mine
I try and surrender but I cant find the time
When all is said and all is gone
Will I see you? Will you fall at my feet?
With pieces of me upon the mountains for only you to keep
I never tried to stay
I knew what I had to do
Wanting to inhale you into a line straight into my mind  
Through amethyst moons and fields of love
You come undone and I have just brought you the sun
Pieces of me dwelling in your nerves
Every ounce of your resilience divulges me
You cant escape what you feel
I beat on this drum
Longing for love that is new
Watch you gaze at me with those shades on
Like an old hippie that just cant grow
Patchouli the fresh scent in your hair
Delicate and weak as you go
Spread your wings
Look at that light it forced itself in
I wanted to stay in bed and sleep
But for the reasons I have to live
It sneaked up on me anyway
It was a Wednesday an  a dreadful day to fall in love
But as I crossed the road you caught me by my thoughts
Make sure you kiss the sky as you fly by
Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
The poetic apprentice constantly
ponders and plans.
He dreams up wondrous writings that through critisms can stand.
He imagines mystical miracles he elaborates with his hand
Unending possibilities his vast
Mind demands

He scoures the depths and peruses vast heights.
He indulges crisp, cool mornings and envelops the nights.
He listens for lyrical lullabies and observes majestical sights.
He journeys throughout space
as he embarks on jaw-dropping flights.

The poetic apprentice searches
The depths of his heart
He dissects it and reads it
And tears it apart.
Then divulges it's secrets
And crafts them into his art

He wishes so dearly that his
Work becomes no disaster
He keeps his senses in tune
In hopes he'll one day be a master
As more work pours out the
Pressure grows faster and faster
But he'll slow down and humble himself
As his work evolves and becomes vaster

Now the poetic apprentice sighs
A great sigh of relief
He wipes off his brow
As he mumbles "good grief!"
His work is now over his
work is complete.
He knows they will like it.
Its his faith, his belief

The poetic poet now bows
To you, his work is bequeathed
I was just trying to bring a writing forward again from a slightly different angle. Just trying to be a little unique with my approach. Ive been thinking a lot of how I need to learn and grow. So through that the idea of an apprentice came to mind. I thought writing in 1st person as I wouldn't create much of a persona with the character. It would have just been me and that's not quite as interesting to write about. That's kind of the thought process with this one.
Father do you see your children?
They are searching for promised Eden
leaders where are our answers?
We lie sleeping in the illusion of justice
We wake and search for our liberties
but our youth is poisoned with ill ideas

The mother cries that she cannot feed her daughter
The provider worries about health as clone animals are slaughtered
We worry about dehydration as chemicals leave our waters doctored
Drugs and guns create a society that is insecure and faltered
Young brothers who have received little education and truth are martyred
Institutions limit us to transparent information about how it all started

The Weeping Eye reveals the hurt and all that leaves us ill
The Weeping Eye divulges elements that disturb our free will
  The Weeping Eye unmasks the men in suits who freedoms steal
The Weeping Eye opens the mind to the wars that leave us imprisoned
The Weeping Eye shakes us as our innocence dies
How this eye frustrates ambition as you find it hard to fly

hard to fly in a world that leaves you mostly to cry
Cry for you have no one by your side to help the pain subside
which side to reside as the colours of flags leave us blind
Nowhere to hide as our homes are surveilled and we're made to bow or they'll have us tied
tied and locked in that place which is of darkness inside

The Weeping Eye will change your mind
When we're left to pick cults and sides
When the big picture is not seen of divide
Divide and keep the hate alive
These tears should uplift your consciousness
these tears drop to ground and form into a mark of sound
a sound which is a voice
     the voice that compels you to make a choice
to be the rhythm of the Light and not of the Darkness noise

The Weeping Eye is a window and a reveltion of you and I. That soul is eternal and freedom bound.
Lunar Luvnotes Oct 2015
I was just having a couple glasses of pinot with my coworker in a bar right by my hostel, a bar with a giant mosaic owl on the wall outside, with his watchful eyes fixed on downtown San Francisco,
when a man bought the whole bar a round, something said friend identified as
a mind eraser.
"The kalua in the bottom pleasantly coats your throat, its that they're delicious that's makes them dangerous." A lovely little factoid from my favorite painter/server/bartender.

The night to follow ironically, was a deep soul connection I won't soon forget, or probably ever.
The drunken buyer stumbles over using my shoulder as an arm rest and says,
"focus on the new,
I always say."
Thats just what I needed to hear I tell him, thanks. We leave the bar, she gets in her uber, its back to the road, I'll mosey on my own,
all alone.

I mosey over and up the alley and ask
the man smoking,
do you know where the hostel is? Right there he says, pointing behind me.
I plop down beside him on the curb and get my pipe out, "oh no, not here, they'll kick you out."
"I paid them fifty dollars already, they're not kicking me no where," I say matter of factly.

The conversation twists and turns to different continents and then returns to the alley, to right where we're sitting.
"Im worried about you"
he divulges. And why is that? Because you're already drunk, why should you need to get high too?
Bc Im on the run, from me you see, I just like my crossfaded path. But if you really must know, this is not my MO.

Im probably just trying to distract him with his own good looks, "why are you so handsome?"
He really is. "I dont know, my parents just made me and here I am."
There you are, I say. He looks at me deeply and I do the same. I cant quite help myself, Im being drawn in.

I know he wants to kiss me but as much as I can grasp that primal energy and tie a string onto it like a baloon, something is stopping me, and that is
that he cannot fill the
shaped hole in my heart. So I sit up straight and just smile, so he smiles too.

I dont want to like you, but I do. And why dont you want to like me?
"Because you," he sighs, "are a roller coaster."
Thank you! I say emphatically, I love them SO much!
Lets smoke on the street, your being loud, they'll come kick us out.

When we sit on the sidewalk against the building I put his arm around me, cuz Im lonely and I know he'll let me. A *** walks by and says, thats a beautiful woman you have, he smiles contentedly and replies isnt she? My eyes are watering and I don't know why they're not stopping.

I think of telling him I'm still in love with you, but that's not really true. Cuz I'm in love with your soul, and he's not always you. I cant explain it away I say I can't shake someone and I feel stuck in gray area. Thats all the info he needs to go off on a tangent  he says love is black and white, and theres no excuses. Love is just love and it has to be enough. You have to let it go, I  look up and tell him I knows he's right and that I'm just drunk.

Its not til I pass out on him that I realize something is wrong with me, that I prefer to cling to company in the street, to his protective energy, rather than pursue his friendship in daylight. Where are my boundaries or my demure subtlety?

He says he's a "long termer" and so check outs not at ten for him, like it is for me, cuz it's five AM now you see,
"why don't we meet at breakfast, and you can sleep in, I'll be running errands, you can have my whole bed to yourself." That's sweet of him but it's a slippery *****. "Thanks" I smile and I'm off to my own bed.

I overslept and never saw him again. I thought of exchanging numbers but deep in my head, I knew I can't slip into another abyss, instead I set sail off to my future, I could have lingered to find that Earthy long termer, afterall I felt so safe with him, part of me relented to picturing us past that night, and the other part knew it's not smart to light a fire with no container, I let things burn too bright just to outshine the former. Well, anyway, that's not me anymore.

I'm a thinker now, and I think as long as I still love you, I'd ruin that poor fool.
No amount of handsome, or rich, or clever or nurturing could replace you.
That is why I'll wait, until however long it may take, to move on until it's not moving on, but moving forward to the light. Til there's no more drunken nights of wondering if you're still in limbo, if you're ever coming home into yourself. I want to be so far past wonder or caring that I'm sure, very sure about the next man I pounce upon. I dont care most the time as it is, its the remainder that kills me. No man deserves to be second best, runners up that I entertain just cuz they're nice to look at, and because of their familiar touch my soul already knows too well to refuse.

No, I'm quite done running. I'm hitting my stride of alone time, and one day my swag will carry me into a future lifetime of not acting on impulse, but immeasurable knowing, that I'm not just reinstating, or replacing, not distracting, but doubling down and betting that we aren't running from any ghosts, only running into eachothers arms, cuz we can't stand to be apart. That's what I want to know. That sort of love. That doesn't just write me poetry after I'm gone, but seizes every moment. I dont have time for anything less. Until I'm ready I'll keep letting go and  relenting to your memory that keeps me from moving on. Only I dont want to want you or any man.

I've ducked many men that find me in obscure measures, as if fate keeps pushing us back together, when I wish at times to be through with your whole species forever.

I'm not ready I said,
to that kindred soul with his shining chivalry, his French accent, and even more French name that I cant remember, Its written somewhere on a scratch piece of paper. His gaze was so ****, especially cuz it was genuine, I'd ruin him.
He insisted he give me all his ****, and his number I never texted.

I'm not ready I said in my head, to the one I never contacted, that left a note on my car making a fuss about my eyes just cuz I smiled at him. He was **** too, and from Santa Cruz, the note said, but he did kinda look like a convict. In anycase, I'm not ready.

They like to smile and stare and I smile back, half the kitchen calls me mama in their accents, Latin men are mamas boys and I love it, their fire and water is my sonnet. I wield my words when I sing, my favorite most handsome cook likes to say Oh My God in an awe filled sort of way just cuz my hair falls down or the rare sight of my hips shaking to the music when I wait for the plates Im taking and I just can't contain it. I laugh because bewitching is my favorite hobby. Solamente aveces.. I wonder .. if he has a novia, pero no estoy listo..

I wonder if the young business man, hungry for my eye contact, whose gaze is not non chalant, following me like a watchful dog, is too GQ and tall and handsome to be marriage material, by which I mean faithful.. I smirk with uncharacteristic confidence, but then there's a blonde showing up for him. Whatever, I wasnt ready anyway.

The list goes on and on, but I do not yet..

I'm not ready.

when I am,
I'll know .
Knowledge is power. Self-knowledge  is the apex of existence, and the door to true love.
Onoma Oct 2014
Clutch this passing
with outpouring hands this sable
Ruffle angelic feathers in a fit of
loving zeal...oblige them holiday.
Tear thy body to pieces of giving...
for lack of better place.
As there shall be places in store where
being may be moved.
It is right, as breath need not mind
to do yet it does.
There's only rise in effortlessness...
and in that rise what is innate divulges
judy smith Jul 2016
Think summer dressing in Australia and Zimmermann has always been front-of-mind. No surprise then, that it was the first Australian label to be picked up by Net-A-Porter 10 years ago - a milestone that is being celebrated by Zimmermann’s fourth (yes, fourth) collaborative capsule collection with the company.

“We’re saying 10 years of good time,” says Nicky Zimmermann on the phone from the Zimmermann’s headquarters in Rosebery. “The actual concept can be in a matter of days, particularly if you have a really good feeling about it like this one.” For her sister Simone, she remembers speaking to Net-A-Porter about it in February - “they were extremely supportive, they’ve always understood the whole designer space,” she says. “You do these sort of things and it’s one day at a time.”

For her favourite piece, she zeroes in on a printed dress with a lace trim. “I just know that I would wear it to a beautiful dinner or a wedding somewhere overseas. It’s got a lovely, relaxed vibe and lots of detail.” Each and every element is exclusive to the collection, from the lace to the print. “Nothing is anything we’ve used before,” Nicky explains.

Evolving from a Paddington market stall 25 years ago to six US stores and more to come (next on the list: London) is no easy feat. “Zimmermann have always had an international perspective,” says Maria Williams, a Net-A-Porter buyer who has worked with the label since starting at the e-tailer in 2010. “They were one of the first Australian brands to go global. They set their sights on the US by setting up stores in New York and L.A. and they’re continuing to grow. They have managed to tap into what every woman wants to wear globally… What’s been integral to the brand since its inception has remained but their move to show at New York Fashion Week and developments in terms of their fabrications have certainly elevated its position on the global fashion stage.” The label will also be moving to a larger US office in New York. “There’s more infrastructure in terms of general staff joining that team,” divulges Simone - not that she’s forgetting Australia too, since she also mentions the Paddington store that will relaunch in July.

“The essence of what we do is always there,” says Nicky. “On the design end, myself and the design team are better for each collection. It’s not where I want to be if I want to be only as good as my first two collections, 25 years ago!”Read more at: |
the riddle of its ties
lies in the reels of her thighs
an event of demonic rise
temptation of an occult order a device
all the truth hides behind her eyes
her eyes bleed black lies
the brightness of clarity divulges spies
and knowing the game you'll know why
why they want to shackle the man who tells no lies
catherine May 2017
her heart burns with fiery passion
it sparks in moments unfathomed
her mind converses
in soliloquy
it reigns above knowledge
her facade divulges
the potency of strength
it conceals the scars
and wounds unhealed
still she stands ablaze
clothed in golden streaks
and red flames of life’s
euphoric haze.
follow my ig poetey account @km.buen :)))
Andy Brendell Jul 2013
So sick,
sick of the torment
the shattered fragments
of words spit
from momentary rage.
So sick,
sick of the silence
the endless dialogue
running through my head
to find nobody around
to hear me out.
So sick,
sick of the lack of
nothing being enough
the void between where I am
and where I want to be.
So sick,
sick of the questions
the continuous banter
that means nothing.
So sick,
sick of the *******
the tiresome surface
which rarely divulges,
I want more, more,
but wants shall not be received.
PK Wakefield Apr 2012
comes from the earth
a flower roughly
divulges tenderest
colours in early
morning dew lathered
becoming immutable

Indigo Morrison Feb 2014
I’ve found a writer that I love
Whose hair hangs loose like wild-flowers
Eyes shaped like almonds
And a smile that I swear set fire to the rain forest

And how weird this must be for me
Because I promised myself I’d never fall in love with someone who saw the curves in my sadness the way only a writer does
But I can’t help but cling to the way he uses his words with me
He has a clear, concise understanding of the fact that although I am a lover of words I am equally in love with someone who does not waste them
He is particular in his speech the same way he is particular in the way he consumes me
His words are just as strong as his love is
His mouth devours me the same way he divulges his truths

The way his light is as iridescent as the sun during the season of Christmas
But I swear his darkness is just as beautiful.
I am bound to the way my name flows off his lips and
His unconscious need to be near...
Whether it is his hand writing inches from mine
Or his legs stationed beneath me
Or the way he sleeps with gentle interludes

He wakes to touch me
Not to see if I am next to him because …he knows any bed that he is in, I am insurmountably indebted to.
He wakes to touch me
To let me know that he still dreams about me in his sleep
That he still wakes thinking of me even though there is no measurable distance between us

He wakes to touch me
Whether it be the “You are love” from his lips
Or the “I am yours” that he mouths
Or the way he makes both Chai tea and coffee for me, only for him to drink which one I decide to reconsider
He wakes to touch my being

And on the days I need to fall away for a little while
Whether I become consumed in a book or indebted to some instance of nostalgia
He waits for me...
And upon my arrival back to our world that we have created… he simply sits a note under our wedding picture …
“I am missing from you”
And I kiss the lips of the love at which I am bound
With a note in my hand
“I can only go without my breath for so long, for I have been longing to come back to you”
And as we find our way back to this place time and time again...
His arms wrap around me whispering “I am here”

By: Indigo Morrison
PK Wakefield Jan 2012
activating the simple
motion of her hips
she divulges the
languid perspicuous rivulets
of her sensual
into the immaculate ocean
of this infinitely crisp
winter city
Nash Wolfe Dec 2014
A heart beat, so soft and sweet.

The red rose grew, for thee eyes to seep through.

The love thy felt, no words could tell;

For underneath the disguise lies beauty that hides.

A gentle touch, deceives much,

For thee to speak, confusion emotions make thy weak.

Heart ache not for pain, but mystical devotions scream thy name.

Endeavoring to be stole thy strength,

Inquiring what is real, correlating to what is fake.

Feeling condemned in one’s life, scavenging for more time

No more time to think, for this thy see;

Thy judgment will soon be received.

Though vow I looked upon, I once held in my arms;

But now it devoured, clock ticks another hour.

Thy sin remained, pour down the rain.

I can’t recant what thy tongue divulges;

So forgive thee, seize thy all.

For thee don’t obtain much;

Thy apologetics are just simple words, a prayer.

Though thy not worthy I call upon,

One that makes thee forgives, forget

Even the little things that hold thy pain back.

Uncommitted to do what’s right, just what’s wrong to thee eye.

Thy depleted all I could, nothing left for thee;

So let thee be.

Here thy am crying,

Wondering why, when they only going to die.
Michelle Paret Oct 2014
Silence divulges into me all I need to hear
Leisurely and trance like
Enveloping my entire make-up
Powerfully gentle
Nurturing-ally soft
Warm, vast yet comfortably compact within its nothingness
Such a healing form of pleasure
An acme of its own
Aggressively soft and beautiful aims for my deepest
From there, radiating back outward
Seeping and sinking through and into my skin
This is my periodic rebirth
Ultimate bliss in this
In this music
Definit Within Sep 2014
I want you to teach me what love is…
I want you to puzzle pieces of this broken heart building trust with every shattered sentiment of this abandoned purity.
I want to listen to your heart beat describe my inner beauty
Within shadows of your intrinsic sweet ballads.

Sweat tears of joy while you are masquerading an earthly angel with every inch of my presage albatross.

I want someone who will give me a prayer, when they's nothing else to offer.
Someone who will give me a smile when they's little less to give.

Remind me how deeply I'm adored over and over again - because every repise divulges pleasure when the chorus hits a break-point of repitition.

Spill unforseen rays of silver moons to glitter my dark sides with blessings of golden pots. My blood to reach a boiling point orchestrated by conductors of your inferno touches, as you gently whipe the dust of this holy flash.

Living is not by choice, Christ; I want someone I would die for.
Meditate under spells of her beauty hypnosis.
My vision to deminish with the sunset of your perfection. With crystal streams of black strings, as the waterfall of your hair lands peacefully at the river banks of your luxuriant shoulders.

I want us to fight till we can't stand each other...
I want us fight till we can't look at each other...
Yet remain together like a kappa logo; a depiction of true love in a series of fury.

I want you to teach me not to forget you, till leaves become broken hearts and shade conquers the village once again. Do things to me that will leave a distasteful essence of any lingering woman before my sight in a cloud of shameful auras.

I want you to love this child as if he's your own, and teach him the first step of being a real man. Shower him with hugs and kisses that ought to polish his shining armour, so you can notice your sheep amongst the million.

I want you to teach me what love is, so I can reflect the given image of this heart in a bundle of loving mirrors.
jeffrey conyers Oct 2024
Oh, they have them.
Yes, they have plenty.
The secrets men know about you.
But out of respect refuses to divulges them to protect you.

Yes, the secrets men know.
About your past, about your affairs.
About secrets of things, you have done.

Sure, there are some just love to blaze you.
In similar ways most women love to do.

Then when harm comes, they seek to apologize.
Sure, what done in the dark eventually come to light.
Except some never will from the secrets men know.
Derrek Estrella Jan 2019
Born to beg
Human touch
Ask of it
Sell myself for it

Inauthentic thrift
Fed winter's coal
Drinking the winter sleet
A conscious envelope

Sympathy divulges vanity
The mind is borne on spines
Beaten backs and chalk lines
The factory smog blanket

The film reel is tainted
Nullified by the future
Blood is upheld through drink
Or the scraps 'neath the kitchen sink

Mistress and minstrel
Colliding in such fashion
The green of grass but the soil
Which accentuates the home

The smoking pipe for the open mind
And love's ill script
Black soot of night, laid on wheat
The farmer's purple grain

The miner earns alone
Miraj Jan 2019
Deep within myself
Lies a different “me”
Who is untouched
By my nuances
My happiness, my sorrow.
He watches as I make mistakes
And the same mistakes
And the same mistakes again
Mistakes that lead to my happiness
Then sorrow.
But he remains silent
Sometimes he gives
Me subtle hints
A glimpse of a path
But filled with promise
I try to
Walk that path
But it’s difficult
Due to changing needs
That divulges me
From my path
I am trying to walk
That path even now
But God those screamers
Whose voice is so
Tempting to hear
They offer a clear path
Without hindrance
But Alas! After a short
While I found myself
Standing on the edge of a cliff
Compelled to make a decision
Not so with his path
Though I tread slow
Atop rugged terrain
Covered with fog
Always there is certainty
of a blessing nearby
gentle consoling voices
that inspire me
to go ahead
breaking the fog
but the screamers
never go away
And in the end
I am torn
Between paths
Only that
When I am forced
To jump from that cliff
I always find
The ocean
Whose tides
Return me to shore
To start over again
And the glimpse
Of his path
Beckon me once more
I do not know
What lies on the other
Side but still those blessings
and those soft whispers
of solace
Reinforce my hope
To move on.
Mason Odle Mar 2021
It starts with a drop of blood
It escalates with one sharp cut
It continues with more pain
It continues with more agony
It divulges into an eternal craving
It leaves for a while
But it always comes back
Insidious. Proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects.
He strolled, two steps back from the crowd;
To breathe, skip a heartbeat aloud.
His heart sighs! He clears the devil's abode.
Evermore suppress the core,
To shove beneath the sheets.
He still grows in void.
He still trembles his feet.
What shapes this bloke's heart?
What tests his deceptive mind?
He proclaims to none,
His trials, the tribulations.
He whispers to none,
Beyond smiles the deep atrocity.
In ghost towns for he reveres solitude,
Into deep valleys to trod through multitudes.
He worships the axe, he deems the pen.
Sober in chalice; he smoked in ashes!
The rough disposition but gentle ticker,
The pride he plummets but gradually emanates,
Where he's tested by divinity.
This bloke soul scratched it all…
He divulges to no soul his toil!
Smittenly shaped by paramour, his intensity…
c rogan Aug 2022
Like a particle of dust

Landing on a *****,
A steep curve sharp as a knife.
A white car, backpacks, a guitar,
Sing life to the rims of the empty canyon
The sound returns  
It echoes like circadian drums.
A chasm, a fold in your bedsheets,
The space between you and your mother.
It divulges words of a great marble book,
Dialogue in dissonance
Pages upturned, eager to be read by the sun.
We run our hands along  
Stories carved in this valley of jaggedness,
Seeking horizon lines  
Under oceans of stone.
Mist falls
Through the sleeping cusp
between two gray shale wings
of the deepest river canyon,
Weaving strings of glacial waters
Like topographic canticles.

An internal breathlessness
Guides us by maps written
In shards of glass.
Rhythms of instinct
Pull me forward
Yet the blade on her hand
Collapses me in
profound solitude.
sanchit mehta Apr 2020
The truth lies within

The truth lies within,
No one knows what a sparrow speaks,
All her feelings are meshed in her singing,
In the swinging of her beak,
One would get what she squeals,
In the rays of morning,
Her speech will be revealed,
The truth lies within the beak.

He loves her,
Truly aspires her,
Feelings can’t be read by the beautiful geek,
Her voice is beloved,
He is afraid to reveal,
Long talks divulges her artificial feels,
He doesn’t know what’s going in her heart,
Finally a deep smile of hers at him,
The truth lies within.

Love can’t be bought by money,
Love can’t be forced by felony,
It can only be felt with compassion,
With care,
And a place in dweller’s coral land.
Some don’t understand what love is,
A glimpse in poor’s brain,
True love can win,
The truth lies within.

A being doesn’t understand the art of time,
Waste it goes,
Drains itself leaving cries
As it goes,
“Time is a virtual thing”,
Maybe you are on false win,
Time cannot be defeated as one slaughters into ashes,
Time cannot be cheated as one’s head gets buried, white clothes, sashes,
It can be your friend if u want,
Just don’t throw it in the waste slot,
Time lies everywhere in defeats, in the sins,
The truth lies within.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2021
perhaps i drink because my life isn't:
what other people's lives are...
perhaps i just can't stand the deflating
monotony of being sober
when the night comes...
when the night comes i want to be:
either drinking... or *******...
i don't dream... i sleep... i get the odd
spell of a dream but it's all very much
jigsaw puzzle... shrapnel...
hardly the stuff of architectural proportions
associated with: inception...

interlude: that feeling you get
when... watching Bewitched... again...
for some strange reason:
life on Mars? Elizabeth Montgomery...
Stepford Wife?
beside the canned laughter...
that 1950s narrator in the first few episodes...
this is the 1960s... sitcom...
not soap opera...
while in the background...
the Beat Poets were running wild...
mind you... you can't get a better:
pluck-my-eyes-out beauty than
Beverly Adams... even pushing 80...
                          how impossible to...

maybe that's why watching the Office
is so impossible... no canned laughter...
a curious little number...
a bit like: "canned applause" on a classical music
record... oh... wait... that rendition
was recorded with a live audience...

so while Bewitched was being broadcast:
all hell broke loose...
it's nauseating... this mythological take
on classical gender roles:
the centre will not hold...
a sympathetic poodle of a woman
that brings about an overpowering of
the status of mother... what is she:
i don't think i want to recognise this creature:
i don't...

perhaps i drink because...
clouds are enough entertainment for me:
the last movie i watched was
the Fisher King... and i only watched it
in about... four sittings...

but i'm not writing about that...
take any product that was manufactured in
the UK... the label sometimes reads
several languages...
the usual suspects... Spanish... German...
Italian... Port-of-Geese...
  (i'm not thrilled about the proper spelling)...
French... most certainly...

but take a product made in France...
e.g. the 1883 maison routin...
sirop / syrop saveur
pain d'épices

  port-to-*******-goose: portuguese:
not guise... port-of-*******-geese!

but what's scribbled on the back of the label?
what languages are important for the French...
the Anglo-Saxon west...
which promptly draws a barrier come
Germany... and their fetish for all things Italian:
but not Greek... certainly not Turkish:
even though the Turks nibbled
at all that's Balkan... i **** Turkish prostitutes...
i should know when i tell them
why i have a clipped wing of a scar
that makes up my right shoulder-blade...
no aesthetic armour of a tattoo to cover it...
she asked: i'm just happy to have all my limbs...
Chernobyl... child of 1986...
that great river of radioactivity did make its
way into Poland:
all the pregnant women were prescribed
drinking Iodine...
all the trees turned autumnal at the height
of spring...
in streaks...

the label of this gingerbread syrup?
French... English... SV... SV... that's Svenska...
no? Swedish?
      Pepparkaka-Smak Sirap...
              rörsocker... se flaska
   (flaszka... a slang term for a bottle of *****)...

then something in Dutch...
   siroop smaak gemberkoek...
        rietsuikier.... natuurlijk kruidnagelaroma...

eh? am i seeing this clearly?
kurwa: niet?!
                cukier trzcinowy...
      naturalny aromat goździkowy...

clove-"ish": girofle, nejlika, kruidnagel, goździkowy
cinnamon: cannelle, kanelsmak, kaneel-aroma...

the Spanish zunge comes... the Spanish tongue...
after the ****** tongue...
on a ******* label of a gingerbread syrup...
well... MA-DE IN FRAN-CE
then Italian... then Danish... then German...
last: Greek...

i have Francophobia... not fear of the language
itself... but... a fear of speaking it without
a French accent...
i read the same list of ingredients
on the bottle...
i feel most comfortable reading
the list in... beside English / ******...
Italian... and Danish...
i clutter up my Deutsche and Svenska...
Greek is palpable: but it's in Greek...
it's not in Latin... so it might as well be in

i feel comfortable in Italian and in Danish...
i could speak those two tongues with:
i could integrate myself into the world
of these people...
however much i might try:
i'd overdo undertaking Deutsche and i'd be
boxing a ghost limb should the Fwench awwive...

speak some Italian: the Scots still trill their aR...
sing-along... less so mit: Svenska...
hardly any Panzermensch in me... although...
anywhere West of the Mongolian horde...
it's not like Bagdad library didn't suffer
like the library of Alexandria...

cheap holidays: cheaper *******:
piglet pink and tattooed...
like i might want the mother of my children
to be: greyish and scuttling...
irritated by the first signs of:
mortal folding... creases of the skin...
what once was read as a linear projection
becomes a wriggling work-out
of a hyped-up worm squiggle...

i was confronted by a girl who i lost my virginity
to... she was drunk i was drunk...
i had three heads on the wall...
of my sorry-***-worth-of-a-abode...
Napoleon... Plato... Marquis de Sade...
she only noticed Napoleon...
she was French... a 3rd year psychology major:
by now i would be a #metoo culprit...
Grenoble my fancy...

           but the resurrected Duchy of Warsaw...
all is bad with Napoleon...
perhaps i should have been
born a Croat...
i must be boring the best of my readership
by now... or... i'm not:
since not many would want to go blind
with these words...
oh i can imagine the latter circumstance:
i'm not cagey & rhyming a shaking-of-the-pear...

how is one to compete for an audience...
when one is competing with...
dead people...
i can imagine competition of
the mortal avarice... between footballers...
between gladiators...
but... when you're staged against...
someone who's dead: the readily: available:
tested audience...
language: immobilised by the scrutiny of...
generically: tested... Homer... Horace...
Dante... Shake-a-Pear..
it's not like the "competition" is unfair
because of ***... nor the rewards...
they're... *******... DEAD...

i best preface myself with: i'm dead too...
Bukowski... Jack Spicer...
                Tzara... Tuwim... Brautigan... Berrigan...
Blake... O'Hara... Belli... Pound...
dead... dead dead dead... dead...
Purdy... it's not a fair "competition":
it's also called: necromancy... loosely...
i'm reading the works of the dead:
reviving them: resurrecting them...
comforting myself with a suffocation
of laying my head on a pillow filled with ash...

it's beside: the argument: it's not fair...
he's a man and she's a woman...
name me one famous female football player!
come to think of it... i can't think of one...
tennis... though?
it's more fun... female tennis... equal pay
implies: they really should play
a 3-set victor...

by writing this little nibble of a scribble...
thank god i looked into Horace...
he just divulges into scribble...
into digression... somehow teasing a maxim...
Horace contra Cicero...
i will not be caged by rhyme!
to hell with rhyme...
look at me... Bukowski was lucky...
he ended up driving a BMW...
i just want enough to pass-by...
somewhat unnoticed...

Canidiae dentis, altum Saganae caliendrum
excidere atque herbas atque incantata lacertis
vincula *** magno risuque iocoque videres...

the thief Voranus...

will there be enough words... just how / as Sagan tortures
the shadows of the dead...
they wish not to speak:
   like witches... they occupy the earth
a wolf's beard with the teeth of a slithering
polka-dotted lizard...

ah!   ha!
arrogance with a tease of agony!
tow the dead: i'll punch myself in the head:
knock knock: toughened wood...
here, now... a most presented...
          could you ever believe it:
sequence of events?

so many people live their cushioned lives...
it makes sense to live so little of my own...
that i live mine:
in the noon highlight of horror...
such mundane exfoliating....
mundanity... Monday-Deity...

   culprit: to hell with the whole load
of y'o'u!
Michael Wright May 2020
There is a quiet place
Somewhere in an undisturbed valley
Where, among the tamarisks
A rock stands sentry
Untouched by impure hands
It watches the moon
Chase the sun
Still solid and smooth
After all this time
Centuries of accumulated secrets
It divulges to none
Unmoved by the tempests
Which scatter the sands
To other quiet places
zozek May 2021
Every morning I salute the sun
the sun salutes me back reminding me that it is another day for me to suffer
It divulges everything with its bright light
and I try to cover things up
until the end of the day, the sun insists to shine the truth on me  
and I reflect it back through the crooked angles and labyrinths of my mind.
I bend the truth in whatever way I like
and the waves of echoing distortions shade the sun

— The End —