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My dearest Frank, I wish you joy
Of Mary's safety with a Boy,
Whose birth has given little pain
Compared with that of Mary Jane —
May he a growing Blessing prove,
And well deserve his Parents' Love! —
Endow'd with Art's and Nature's Good,
Thy Name possessing with thy Blood,
In him, in all his ways, may we
Another Francis WIlliam see! —
Thy infant days may he inherit,
They warmth, nay insolence of spirit; —
We would not with one foult dispense
To weaken the resemblance.
May he revive thy Nursery sin,
Peeping as daringly within,
His curley Locks but just descried,
With 'Bet, my be not come to bide.' —
Fearless of danger, braving pain,
And threaten'd very oft in vain,
Still may one Terror daunt his Soul,
One needful engine of Controul
Be found in this sublime array,
A neigbouring Donkey's aweful Bray.
So may his equal faults as Child,
Produce Maturity as mild!
His saucy words and fiery ways
In early Childhood's pettish days,
In Manhood, shew his Father's mind
Like him, considerate and Kind;
All Gentleness to those around,
And anger only not to wound.
Then like his Father too, he must,
To his own former struggles just,
Feel his Deserts with honest Glow,
And all his self-improvement know.
A native fault may thus give birth
To the best blessing, conscious Worth.
As for ourselves we're very well;
As unaffected prose will tell.
Cassandra's pen will paint our state,
The many comforts that await
Our Chawton home, how much we find
Already in it, to our mind;
And how convinced, that when complete
It will all other Houses beat
The ever have been made or mended,
With rooms concise, or rooms distended.
You'll find us very snug next year,
Perhaps with Charles and ***** near,
For now it often does delight us
To fancy them just over-right us.
Umi Dec 2017
Aren't books just fun to read ?
To find out " Where does this story lead?"
They are nice to read in bed, let you quickly fall asleep
And then you can enjoy slumbering very deep
Unless you read something which messes with your mind
Then you probably stay up through the night and weep
Just try not to make it bind (you)
Books are an adventure for your brain
Can distract you from all that aweful rain
So read more its good for you
Maybe they even help you though (tougher times)
So please my dear give it a go
With the right genre you'll like it, I know
We can do it together,
Cuddling forever,
Under the beautiful light of the moon
Until the night finds its end soon

~ Umi
Carolyn Jul 2014
my eyes are not windows to my soul
they are a mirror of yours
not because I want you to love me for someone im not
but because I dont trust you,
or anyone,
to see through.

To see through the tangled web of lies, fear, lonelyness
self hatered and pitty
I don’t want, anybody to see through that.
For somebody to love me after all of that,
well, they must be just as,
well as aweful as me.

I love you because I can see all of you.
I love you because you are scared.
I love you because you know just what to say even when I don’t want to hear it.

I haven’t let you see in yet, but im working on it.
every day I think about losing you,
because Im too afraid to let you love me
so every time we talk,
i tell you a pice of my story.

My eyes are not vindows to my soul
they are a mirror of his, of hers of thiers
Slowly, my mirror is reflecting back on me
showing me that im not as aweful as I feel.

Im also not as great as you say.

But im getting htere

Every time you call me georgous
everytime you remember my favorite song
or word
or color
you remember everything ive ever told you,
even the lies.

Now, you’ve seen it all.
You’ve seen me at my darkest moments,
youve seen me at my lowes points.
You still love me.

My eyes are not a mirror of your soul anymore.
they are windows into mine.
Kittu Apr 2013
Doctor O doctor.
Can you treat me?
This aweful mind refuses to greet me!

I'v been having trouble controling my thoughts.
Outbursts of creativity and crazy wandering thoughts.

I have work to do and need to concentrate!
But these wandering thoughts have me on stalemate.
The thoughts go here and the mind goes there,
They do not seem to coincide anywhere.

Doctor O doctor can you help me?
Bring these thoughts into order,
and let this mind be.

It concentrates of war,
it concentrates on pain.
None of which have any prospect of gain.

It concentrates on hate,
and the ever growing weight,
Of the population that refuses to wait.

No tollerance or patience,
No thoughts on moulding this nation.
Just fights on rights,
And pointing fingers with might!

No one looks at their duties,
Or the subtle beauties.
Beauty of diversity, and the numerous entities.
That form our great nation.
All it need is unadulterated devotion.

I have work to do and need to concentrate!
But these wandering thoughts have me on stalemate.
The thoughts go here and the mind goes there,
They do not seem to coincide anywhere.

Doctor O doctor can you help me?
Bring these thoughts into order,
and let this mind be.
Melissa: I've still rever'd your Order [she is responding to a Parson] as Divine;
And when I see unblemish'd Virtue shine,
When solid Learning, and substantial Sense,
Are joyn'd with unaffected Eloquence;
When Lives and Doctrices of a Piece are made,
And holy Truths with humble Zeal convey'd;
When free from Passion, Bigottry, and Pride,
Not sway'd by Int'rest, nor to Parties ty'd,
Contemning Riches, and abhorring strife,
And shunning all the noisy Pomps of Life,
You live the aweful Wonders of your time,
Without the least Suspicion of a Crime:
I shall with Joy the highest Deference pay,
and heedfully attend to all you say.
From such, Reproofs shall always welcome prove,
As being th' Effects of Piety and Love.
But those from me can challenge no Respect,
Who on us all without just Cause reflect:
Who without Mercy all the *** decry,
And into open Defamations fly:
Who think us Creatures for Derision made,
And the Creator with his Works upbraid:
What he call'd good, they proudly think not so,
And with their Malice, their Prophaneness show.
'Tis hard we shou'd be by the Men despis'd,
Yet kept from knowing what wou'd make us priz'd:
Debarr'd from Knowledge, banish'd from the Schools,
And with the utmost Industry bred Fools.
Laugh'd out of Reason, jested out of Sense,
And nothing left but Native Innocence:
Then told we are incapable of Wit,
And only for the meanest Drudgeries fit:
Made Slaves to serve their Luxury and Pride,
And with innumerable Hardships try'd,
'Till Pitying Heav'n release us from our Pain,
Kind Heav'n to whom alone we dare complain.
Th' ill-natur'd World will no Compassion show;
Such as are wretched, it wou'd still have so:
It gratifies its Envy and its Spight;
The most in others Miseries take Delight.
While we are present they some Pity spare,
And feast us on a thin Repast of Air:
Look Grave and Sigh, when we our Wrongs relate,
An in a Compliment accuse our Fate:
Blame those to whom we our Misfortunes owe,
And all the Signs of real Friendship show.
But when we're absent, we their Sport are made,
They fan the Flame, and our Oppressors aid;
Joyn with the Stronger, the Victorious Side,
And all our Suff'ring, all our griefs deride.
Those gen'rous few, whom kinder Thoughts inspire,
And who the Happiness of all desire;
Who wish we were from barb'rous Usage free,
Exempt from Toils, and shameful Slavery,
Yet let us, unreprov'd, mis. spend our Hours,
And to mean Purposes employ our nobler Pow'rs.
They think, if we our Thoughts can but express,
And know but how to Work, to Dance and Dress,
It is enough, as much as we shou'd mind,
As if we were for nothing else design'd,
But made, like Puppets, to divert Mankind.
O that my *** wou'd all such Toys despise;
And only study to be Good, and Wise;
Inspect themselves, and every Blemish find,
Search all the close Recesses of the Mind,
And leave no vice, no ruling Passion there,
Nothing to raise a Blush, or cause a Fear:
Their Memories with solid Notions fill,
And let their Reason dictate to their Will,
Instead of Novels, Histories peruse,
And for their Guides the wiser Ancients chuse,
Thro' all the Labyrinths of Learning go,
And grow more humble, as they more do know.
By doing this, they will Respect procure,
Silence the Men, and lasting Fame secure;
And to themselves the best Companions prove,
And neither fear their Malice, nor desire their Love.
Ross J Porter Jun 2011
The hate that I have
I will not let go
Though its wrong,
And a prejudice.

I hate all the people
Who've hurt their own child
Left them
Abandoned and hurting.

I hate all the haters
Who tell others the way
They are supposed
To think and behave.

I hate all the people
Breaking hearts of so many.
In bids for importance.

I hate all the haters
Who blame always the others
For their broke
feelings and lives.

I hate the Author,
I hate the Poet,
I hate the
Writers of songs.

They make me think,
That aweful bunch,
That my hate may be
©2010 Ross "Joey" Porter, all rights reserved
Kenny Whiting Apr 2016
Just how long would it take
For your love to answer this-
Are you positive he loves you
Are you his and ONLY his?
Just how often does she ask
Do you really love me dear?
Are you often times too busy
For to care about her fear?
Just how many times in one day
Do you give your girl a hug?
Are you mostly always running
So you pass her with a shrug?
Just how aweful would you feel
If she gave away your love?
Are you so lost in yourself
Or not her you're thinking of?
Just how's it going to feel
When she finds another man?
Are you gonna care about it
Or it's part a bigger plan?
Just how aweful person are you
For to play with someone's heart?
Are you thinking it won't crush her
When you rip her world apart?
Now just stop and think about it
How you're living life a lie,
Have you thought a bit about it
Who will care just when you die?
You may feel somethings important
Other than the vow you made
To your bride in front of God
Proudly on your wedding day.
Bet your wife will be beside you
When those other things are gone,
Better hurry up and love her
'Cause with you she'll soon be done!
Casey Sep 2012
Im sitting on the edge of a life I used to lead,
all I want is her hand to lead me free.
I am not sure, I do not know
But I believe in love so its time to go
Into the dark and I must say its an aweful lot like the month of may
When the hands keep reaching
And the fingers keep grabbing
All I did was let them keep stabbing
I am not strong, mind is weak
And my body soft
Iv naught to speak
But of my love,  im lion atg heart
Her hands in mine, iv learned the art
Of life and love who can say
What will be at the end of days?
But of my soul, and by my breath
I will love her until my death
Arik Fletcher Feb 2010
a call to bring your armies forth,
the old, the young- so soon from birth,
they come from east, south, west and north,
from all across the distant earth,

a cry, a scream, such aweful sound,
the pain and death rage all around,
so many spread across the ground,
the battle lost- no glory found,

a hush so soft you almost cry,
it gives you wings so you can fly,
high up above all those who pry,
your head from neck in just one try,

the silence sings your soul to sleep,
and takes you from that ancient keep,
your mind from in this dream so deep,
into your waking life will creep.
Nekatu Poetry © Arik Fletcher
Kasaundra Watta Aug 2010
her eyes wander the room
searching for her lost and battered soul
and it begins to slowly
take its toll

a gentle tear rolls down her painted face
a girl who is utterly lost in space..
he broke her heart,
not once,
but twice

it was only like a game of dice.
she weeps in the shadows
and no one knows who she is
or where she'll go

shes a mystery wrapped up in shimmering scars
and she resembles a portrait of a fallen star
she wishes endlessly that someone would help her
possibly find a reasonable cure

every night as she lays herself to sleep,
her agony worsens
as the pain in her lonely heart flows deep
depressing songs flood the radio

and once again,
thoughts rush through her head
of a discusting man
she used to call her precious romeo

now, shes done with the intolerable pain
shes becoming madly insane
so careless
she slashes her taunting vein

*she wears a scarlet dress
knowing that no one can fix this aweful mess
but in this very moment
she couldn't care less
Written By Briana *******lt;33
Jay Cee Shay May 2016
Taste the irony of immaturity
The bitter sweet feel of  fake chastity
The blend of lies and friends gossiping merrily
And the saracasm of jokes that make a good remedy

Feel the sour taste of their smiles
Oh, that fake nod that lures the eye
Thy sweet words they say as you go by
And that deadly embrace like a poisonous pie

Hear those aweful words they have just said
Isn't it enough to cover the bonds and happy times spent?
To wash away all memories of the good times shared?

Well, as salty as they promised, they are bitter.
As sweet as they seem to be, they are sour.
Those deceitful taste that'll make you ponder
And decide to distance yourself to them forever.

Then, out of nowhere, you begin to doubt,
Where will this go? And so you shouted,
This tastes aweful. I've had enough!

Here me as I speak, ignore me no more.
I've had enough of this, enough of you all.
Just go away and find another man with no soul
Just leave me be, leave me alone!

Then you all shouted,
We want you, we want you!
We want to see your agony,
We want to see you fall!

Aren't you contented?
Isn't this what you want?

We want more! We want more!
We'll **** the life out of you,
We want you down!

So maybe you're wondering, what does it tastes like?
Oh child, I tell you this, no words can compare to that!
Their eyes that judge as if they didn't fall short
Their lips that only knows how to say destructive words

*But as soon as it was over, they are gone for good...
Dead Lock Apr 2015
I love to cheat the Reaper
He's always so gloomy
He's always such a creeper

I love to lie to Hell
Burning with brimestone
Such an aweful smell

I love to trick the devil
He even laughs at that
Probely because we're on the same level

I would love to speak to god
But whatever calls him down off his lazy *** must be broken
Or maybe for him, the ground of mortals is to filthy to trod
No offence to all of you worshippers out there, but I need to ask the lord and savior a few questions
Screaming in the chambers of your mind
Silently you wail in pain
There's no silence you can find,
He's in your mind, you're insane.
The birds are singing beyond your ears,
They say what you don't want to know,
Scatter your mind and face your fears,
There's nowhere else to go .
Search your heart and one day you'll find,
Silence is a myth.

The light in the tunnel has been turned off,
You hold out your hand to guide you,
No one will hold you and lead you on,
The darkness engulfed within you.
Blackened tears reflect in your eyes,
They hide away your right to see.
In the distance, muffled in a cry,
One day there you will be.
Search your mind and one day you'll find,
Darkness is a myth.

Someday at dawn you'll meet the lunatic,
He looks an aweful lot like the man in the mirror.
Burnt and broken you fall through the opening,
Into your mind, with the madman, trapped in a tear.
Hungry wolves emerge from your thoughts,
Devour you all and you're left behind to see,
Torn and withered , the soul that you fought,
Was yours, and all that remains is me.
Search your soul and now you'll see,
I'm just a myth.
Just like you, just like them.
KellzKitty Feb 2015
When I'm sobbing you're there
When I'm laughing you're the reason I am
When I'm smiling it's caused by you
When I'm having a day where I falling down you pick me up off the ground
When I feel like giving up you keep me going

Today was aweful for me but you made me realize something
You told me I was strong
You told me they won't matter when I grew up
You told me I'm going to make it
You told me you love me no matter what

Then it hit me...
You're right!
I am strong ive been through a lot and I'm still standing
They don't matter and they never will its highschool who cares
I am going to make it I'm smart and hardworking
I know you love me thats what keeps me going

I have something nobody else has
I have you
EmotionalWreck Jul 2017
Allison Kimmey had said that Nobody is fat. We all have it. Some just a bit more than others.

But me. I have too much. Im tired of looking in the mirror trying to convince myself that I am beautiful. How can I just stand there and lie to myself while I'm terrified of my reflection.

Pictures. Doesn't everybody have some. My pictures are aweful. They deserve to be thrown in the firey pitts of dispair.
Dispair. I have so much. It fills my body to the brim and flows out by my feet. Filling the room slowly as I drown in my own saddness.

Self esteem. Everybody has it. Except me. My self esteem has plumitted to its grave so long ago. When those pretty girls called me ugly. When that cool boy called me fat. Everytime I had to look at the size tag on my shirt and it read extralarge. Because I'm just and extralarge girl arnt I.

And just because I have accepted I'm fat doesnt mean it still doeasnt hurt. Just as a man who has accepted he will die still feels that cold running through his veins as if frost were replacing the blood that was spilling out on the pavement.

Every heavy step I make gives a thud sound reminding me of my wieght. Reminding me of the truth.

Hearts. Mine is sick. My heart bears too much. Now let's forget about the heart conditions it holds for a second. And look a bit deeper. Past the scars it holds from judgment too. Past the open wounds from everytime I've lied to myself. Everytime my friends lied to me. Let's go into the deepest darkest place in my heart. The core. Where it's the pride there. You know. The only thing keeping my heart beating. The pride in myself. Though very little, I still have just a bit left.

It tells me to cut. Because only the weak give up. Only the weak die. And I am not weak. I am fat, I am ugly, I am hurt. But I am not weak. Therefore I live. Maybe not the way people want me to. Maybe the scars on my leg and wrist are as ugly as me. But that's okay. Because I'm still alive.

The dispair I'm drowning in is still there, but I found an air bubble of hope. And it won't last me long. I know that. But I have the hope now. Just because of my pride telling me I am not weak. And that is why I live.

But then, the deppression that I thought I had deafeted saw me. And it said that it was never gone. It was always there. And it reminded me that I don't know how to be happy. I've been this way my whole life. It tells me that I don't know how to smile on my own. I fake a smile whenever I know I'm supposed to be happy. When I'm supposed to laugh. I hide behind the mask I made. Because I am afraid. I don't know how to smile. How to laugh. I have to fake it all and it kills me on the inside.

What is happiness. I wouldn't know. Because I am taking my last breath before I'm lost in my dispaire again. The hope is gone and my pride is crushed. What is left to keep my heart beating now?

Lies. The lies I tell myself everytime I have to look at that disgusting thing in the mirror. This is my lie.

"No one is fat. They just have fat. Some more than others."

This is how I'm dead. All emotion drained once again. It floated away as I sank deeper into my dispaire.
Katherine Laslie Mar 2017
A little lie
A little word
And you're put under my spell
You never knew
You never even doubted
That I was telling the truth
You should have known
You didn't even try
You took my words
And believed them every time
I held you in my arms
Until my heart became cold
You never even second guessed
You didn't even try
And came running back to me
Each time my hands reached
To you again
You poor thing
How you must despair
Being thrown around in circles
How aweful you must feel
Being stomped into the earth
Tell me, how does it feel
To be infused into dirt?
I can hear you weeping
From the corners
I can feel you reaching
Towards the pain
So addicting
You can't get enough of me
You must be starving
As I give you nothing but remnants
Nothing but a piece of me
As you hunger for more
I will become your destruction
As you feed off my addiction
It must be so lonely
Always being barely within
Arm's reach
Falling so hard; so fast
Do you really think I would take your hand?
If all I knew was awesome
Would it be awful
but we wanted it
Evil is a promise....
With naji.....
Seeing theres no opposite.
Feeling best is often
When the worst is yet
To fall on us....
If goofs knew answers
Is u anonymous.....
With a pseudo intellect
consciousness .....
If im so evil
I'll speak of confidence...
Like vampires
In the coffins yep....
Don't sleep the sun
Is hottest when....
You make promises
With God for this....
feeling awful. I feel like im an idiot at times i don't know what to do. I feel like I lost the world
Starlight29 Aug 2014
Mountains of colorless dreams,
Hold the now, distant memories.
Oceans full of salty tears,
Hold the aweful crys of children and peers.
The land of childish toys,
Brought the feelings of happiness and joy.
The beautiful meadow,
Where she first met her handsome fellow.
Old song lyrics play for everyone to hear,
As if nothing ever disappears.

Shards of a once broken heart litter the ground,
Angry monsters hide in the darkness, awaiting to be found.
Broken shoes and ripped up jeans,
Thrown away back when the were teens.
Pictures from when they were children fall from the trees,
The music continues to be dragged on through the breeze.
A trench is nearly filled from letters they never sent,
In there are 100's of different content.

They keep traveling for what they are looking for,
For the need is to much to ignore.
Finally, they finally see the setting sun,
And started to run.
Over a hill, and through a forest,
They finally crossed a bridge, just as promised.
And suddenly it came into view
They felt as if they got a case of deja vu.
They had finally found what they had came for
It was so close, just across the shore.

They had finally found,
The Valley of Future Memories.
It has been a LONG TIME since I have wrote. I know. And I wanted to change that. I really wanted to pour alot into this piece, and I think I did. I know the ending isn't very good. But I like the rest of it. Please comment and tell me how it is. It would mean alot to me. - See more at:
Do you think you
Could hold my hand for
A littke while?
while i cry.
so i can breathe through
This moment
That I've realized
It just swept over me
All at once i see
How much i missed with you
Do you think you
Could hold my hand
While this night envelopes me
Surrounds me with truth
Theyve gone away
Would it be too
Much to need you
during these aweful darkened days
Cuz it is true
Its way too much
For me to do alone
So do you think you
Could take the time too
Hold my hand
While i face these darkened days
If you think you could
Hold my hand through
Till all these tears have fallen away
I would so do
The very same for you
Tho i pray
you'll never feel this way

Lucas Calhoun Jan 2022
That floating feeling,
On the blurring ceiling,
The lonesome dealing,
Slowly breathing, around three o'clock.

The shortening thoughts.
So warm, but not hot,
Soft licking of paws,
A light feeling of awe,
Sheathing of skin,
Breathing akin,
Silence heard,
Flashes of her,
Visions seen,

A wonderful dream right around three o'clock.

Aweful noise, surprising shock,
Body jerking, a look at the clock.
A squint, a gawk,
Realization, around four o'clock.

A wonderful dream,
A wonderful reality,
A possible world, around three o'clock,

The story refolds,
For the mind does mock.
Something I wrote around 4 o’clock. I sleep sometimes.
Charles McCue Sep 2016
Wishing both Passion and Anonymity
The same side of two coins
After ever, Eternity
First defeat had won
A growing cold beneath the flame
The careful waters nurtured
A passing notion for a kiss
Death presents His virtues

Will and Strength both in jest
Along with Constitution
Stir the muddied waters
Governed by Inspiration
Now chastened Fear beneath the moon
The aweful sonnet wispered
Left drunken Sorrow quite confused
On how he could have missed her

The quiet chains of Solitude
Sorrow kept in tow
Drug over the corpse of Pain
Where flowers never grow
The Writer with hypothesies
Sleeps beneath the covers
Quietly while on His sholder
Torture kindly hovers
Cecil Miller Jan 2019
She had a sort of beauty that gets taken for granted.
Other than that,
Nothing seemed special about the lady.

He had model composure
That didn't shake too easily.
Anyone could look
Up to him,
This man that boys would want to be.

They were the perfect couple,
Too sweet too even envy.
There never was a moment
When they didn't seem carefree.

Down came the night,
And when they were in
Nobody else's sight
With all the window
Shades had been drawn
Completely closed -
That's when he drank it up tight.
And when she dared to get too bold.
That's when he'd get her mind right.

She was quaint in all she would say
When out to lunch.
Nothing was mentioned of her long sleeves.

She'd never break the bubble
Of the illusion that they
Created especially
For all the world to see.

The light would always find them
From the way they beemed
In daytime spectacular
Whereever they might be.

Down came the night,
And when they were in
Nobody else's sight
With all the window
Shades had been drawn
Completely closed -
That's when he drank it up tight.
And when she dared to get too bold.
That's when he'd get her mind right

And all he wanted from her
Was a bit of levity
In gentle bits of laughter
But her love was never true.

There was never a time
When he didn't see the truth.
She was too good for him,
And he would always loose.

Why did she look upon him?
He gave security.
He gave her all he had all through the time.
He would never ever measure up to size.

Down came the night,
And when they were in
Nobody else's sight
With all the window
Shades had been drawn
Completely closed -
That's when he drank it up tight.
And when she dared to get too bold.
That's when he'd get her mind right

The children understood
Though no-one knew they could.
It was so normal for them,
Night after scary night.

And once upon a time
Was nothing but a dream
The over flowing ocean of love
Was trickling like a stream
Through tainted territory
Surrounded by a shroud,
Encompanied by sounds of
Screaming through the walls.

Down came the night,
And when they were in
Nobody else's sight
With all the window
Shades had been drawn
Completely closed -
That's when he drank it up tight.
And when she dared to get too bold.
That's when he'd get her mind right

Nobody saw the signs.
Or if they did they let it go.
Nobody would have believed
The way their story'd go.

They were those aweful gunshots.
The children slept right through.
They say she must have drugged them.
She had a job to do.

The note she left them
Told all the world their fate.
She took her husband with her
Beyond the living gate.

The secret lives, discovered.
But moments much too late.
So much is still unanswered,
When the night sees light of day.

When the night sees light of day.
When the night sees light of day.
When the night...
This song is about violence in the home.
I am writing a book. Part of my procesd is writing poems and lyrics to the soundtrack in my head as the events in the story unfold.
Hayley Feb 2018
I stride to the podium tears streak from my sapphire eyes mascara spotted the skirt of my angelic white dress
I take a trembling breathe it seems as though the world falls silent
In that moment waiting for each sweet succulent word to fall from my lips
I clear my throats my trembling voice filling the room
“I would just like to say a few words” I admit scrolling through my phone where my speech was
I take another shaky breath “one on one communication is dead! We
all know that it is dead because we let our phones computers iPads etc etc run our lives control us like marionettes tugging at our strings we want technology to remember birthdays for us we want it to wake us up we relinquished all control to the technology and the marketing companies behind them I look at this great big world I live in and I wonder what happened to the sweet gesture of a handwritten note?” I chuckle grimly “I do not believe that human to human contact will ever be brought back from the dead but mayhaps it can it doesn't need to be like this we can have control again” I throw my phone to the red carpet stepping on the screen “may human contact rise from its dead state!” I exclaim walking off into the dead of night awaiting for the people of the world to make their decision

A/n; the prompt for this was write  a eulogy about an abstract concept that you believe is dead and I wrote this it is aweful
Maximus Tamo May 2016
I met you on Wednesday,
You clung to me like syrup,
At first I dragged you along,
You were not so heavy,

I hardly noticed you,
Then a tiny *****,
And I became aware,
Of a looming future,

By Thursday I was worn down,
I was losing stamina,
You pierced my skin,
And dug in deeper,

I threw up, wanted you out,
But you were set, deep within,
My body fought, brave and hard,
But they day ran down, so did I,

Friday came and I succumbed,
The hurt was everywhere,
You tore out my heart,
And cut out my stomach,

I became a shell,
Of my former self,
Hollow and thin,
Defenceless and weak,

And on into Saturday,
You raveged me,
No longer could I fight,
Your toll was taken,

A light shown though,
At the very end,
And I was pulled to,
By strength not mine,

And when I recover,
I still shall bear,
The aweful signs and marks,
Of my four day ordeal,
Kayotic Tragedy Dec 2016
Acid streaks, leave reminders of their bitter taste
If all are born as angels then I must be a waste
So many seen so perfect, yet some are just pure rejects
So if this mirror does not shatter from my fist, it will break from what it reflects.
Help this mind be put to rest, help all problems be put at ease
And if there is something wrong, help me cure this sick disease.
Is it weight, or appearance? Maybe something new?
Am I really just that aweful, can it all be true?
NP Nov 2019
How closely Joy resembles Life
its transience and good-bye

As the setting of the sun occurs behind the brooding sea
the petals of so withered landscape swiftly reek of Glee,
though as the quaintfilled scent of skin this feeling seems to be
therein sunsets there’s something else than aweful kitsch to see;

When ebbing is the light of day with all delight for night, then
often times one finds the trails Joy left ploughed deeply into the flesh

[Some sweet reminiscence]

For an eternal red is twilights dearest pledge and
Just like joy lies on the edge of endless permanence,

An ephemeral Eternity is then seen.
As when grains of sand tickle
as they trickle
through the

How closely Joy resembles Life
it’s Transience and Good-bye
An attempt to recapture sunsets from the hands of hackneyed quotes and filtered landscapes
Cecil Miller Jul 2022
You see, I've got the heart of a poet in this chest.
I'll be a writer til they lay me down to rest.
Don't let my words ever die.
Sing them day and night.
Let them keep teaching,
Preaching, reaching...
Crying out for love,
Crying out for life,
Fearing for loss of life,
Because of awareness of mortality.
Inspiration for the hopeless
Gives a sense of immortality.
Nobody really ever wants to face the truth.
The truth is hard to face and if you say it,
You will be chased away because it causes too much pain.
Nobody has really ever said it.
We could all save a lot of trouble; Forego the heartache if we would.

It's not loneliness we dread.
It's the thought of being dead.

Is there enough food for me?
Is there shelter from the elements?
Is there health when I am ill?
Is there warmth in wintry chill?
Is there drink when I am dry?

Would it be aweful if we stopped creating life?
What will it matter when the last heart has beaten for the last time?

Have you never asked these questions in the dark?

Is a life from which you are isolated
In some desolate location
A blessing to your life
Or a mere aberration
Really matter much
When you see it on your screen?
Will you see it in your dreams?
Will you let them fade away,
As we all fade away,
As I will fade away,
As you fade away?

— The End —