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Raj Arumugam Aug 2013
my brother-in-law’s really fit
I admire him for it

He spends much time
in exercise, in energetic thrusts
He’s a whole aerobics center;
gets all the exercise he needs:
He constantly jumps to conclusions
runs down friends, back-stabs whenever he can
side-steps responsibility
and you could say, is constantly pushing his luck
And pushing it too far too…
and goes round and round in circles
with many false arguments

But one kind thing I can say of him
he’s mindful of my health
for he must have observed how I hardly exercise
and he invites me often to his fitness program
“You scratch my back, I scratch yours,” he says…
But I’m just too lazy even for such effortless exercise
and meanwhile, he continues with his fitness program
namely, as I have said before,
jumping to conclusions and constantly pushing his luck…
while the only thing I can manage
in response to his fitness program
(darned lazy as I am, as he complains to his sis)
is to lift my *******

but frankly, my brother-in-law’s really fit
I admire him for it
...hey, I get enough exercise, as it is, completing the obstacle course of life...
Salmabanu Hatim Nov 2019
I woke up early in the morning,
I bent,
I twisted,
I gyrated,
I jumped up and down,
After half an hour I was sweating,
At last I had my leotards on,
That was enough of aerobics for me.
Morgan Milligan May 2012
Benedict Arnold
We see them. Lying in the terrorist trap known as
The Uncomformers. What happened to them?
Did they say enough is enough?  Stab their
Old buddies in their already turned backs? Well,
I guess some people just don’t understand….
Look at them!
They’re laughing!
How preposterous! They’re supposed to be lamenting or even just
Giving hushed whispers to someone about everyone else.
I can’t fathom—
How absurd!

The Good Girls
Ohhhhhh My Gosh! Can you like,
See how lame they are?
They just, like, don’t do anything.
I mean, I have never seen any of them at, like, any party!
Crazy! I know. They just keep to themselves,
I guess. But, I mean, come on? No parties!
Do they even know what fun is!?
Last night there was this really awesome one where,
I was dancing…..and drinking….and then I threw up in my boyfriend’s car!
Oh yeah,
Were exes now.
Anyway, I just, like, IDK.
I mean, who wouldn’t want to have the ultimate makeup and beauty?
It’s mind-blowing!
I swear their worlds are all, aerobics and songbirds.
But, whatever, you know?

Talk about irritating. I hate people
Who stop fights before the crescendo finishes!
Bor-ring! Drama is what I live for.
Just let people ruin their lives already!
I’m dying for some action over here.
Hel-lo! Your “sensible justice” is causing me to have serious
Gossip underload. Stop getting in the
Way of everything! If you would just come in
One second after you usually do, there would be so
Much more to say.
It would be beyond belief if you just,
Go where you belong and stop
Interrupting before some of the most spectacular
Moments in people’s lives.

Iron King**
This person is not so simple.
Loners that shield themselves from the world
Freaks that don’t want to experience reality
Maybe he’s evil
Attempting to hide a dark inheritance
Living in his mind, the Devil’s oasis
Visions of wonder and agony expressed throughout
Sending out blind waves of hatred to all who will not follow him into Hell.
Super creep.
I hope he leaves me alone.
I haven’t done anything to him…
Evey Aug 2018
"Did you hear Tonya  son is gay?"
"Oh that's cool."

A la  siguinte  semanan naylie  me  comento
"Tonya kicked  her son out of her house for being gay."

As thoughts race through my head I wonder where will he live? he's just a senior in high school

Soon after that I never really thought about him since I never knew him or seen him

lo  conosi por distanica

"Mira  Yvette ese  es  el  hijo  de  tonya  tu  sabias  que  era  gay?" me  dijo  nayeli  que  lo  conoses
As usual, irritated, le  contesto, "ay  ama la  van  a esquchar y  no  no  lo  conosco"

I didn't want to feel guilty for being somebody that whispers through ears

"Mija  y tu  mama va  venir  al  aerobics?"
" Nose "

Tonya No  me  conose ni  tampoco  conse  que  me  da  verguenza su  decicion como  puede  abandonar  a su hijo

My  mom  while she pretended to cover her whispers through squats and lunges.

"Mira  Yvette ese  es  el  hijo  de  tonya"

As I gaze,
flaco  y  Alto.
What is he doing here at the park? his mom is going to see him. He looks happy playing basketball was he really kick out? did she bring him here?

My second year of summer vacation of college I try to be part of LA and South Park with the aerobics women but it is inconsistent the same way how inconsistent my thought of Tonya's  son being homeless

Por  segunda  ves  la distancia  nos  unio

Mami  y yo  sentadas 10minutos antes  que  empiese  la  clase

"Ay  mira  Yvette siempre  esta  aqui ya  nunca esta  bien  vestido "

I guess she did kick him out

Sudadas y cansadas,
When classes end  todas  Las mama  se  van en Chinga,
Tengo  que  ir  a vender!
Tengo  que  hacer de  comer!
Tengo  que  pasar  por  el  chiquillo  a  la  escuela!

"Mejor vete  en  chinga  por  tu hijo Mientras  haces  de  comer no  se  te  olvide  poner  el quarto  Plato en  la  mesa Y  cuando  termines  no  se  te olvide  pasar por  tu  hijo  que  duerme  en el  parque"

Otros anos  mas

"Ay  Yvette dice  nayeliy que  ya  el  hijo  de  Tonya  usa  drogas"

I just listened

I'd feel bad to if my mom never noticed me over the thing she loved the most, aerobics

Sonriente  y  sin  verguenza,
Camina  ase  su  casa  dejando  su  hijo.

It doesn't seem to work its as if he wants her to notice him

Maybe if my mom sees me everyday out here knowing that I live here she'll take me home after she's done with her work out

365 dias multiplicado por 2, espero  que  todabia  tenga  esa  esperanza o talvez  ya  lo  consumio  las drogas
Aaron LaLux Jul 2020
Feeling claustrophobic doing emotional aerobics,
can’t breath so I take a breath and breath in,
and if you can’t be with the one you love,
then love the one you can be with,

time is precious,
can’t waste it,
even though I’m at this terminal,
feeling like a rebel that’s complacent,

typing on these keys,
like they could make a difference,
met Jay-Z and respect Alicia keys,
but this New York State of Mind is indignant,

feels like the world is ending,
feels like no one cares,
feeling like no one feels things,
feels like feeling don’t matter any more,

you know what they say,
one moment you feel like you’re on top of the world,
the next moment that feeling goes away,

we’ve got pandemics,
we’ve got floods and fires,
we’ve got a worldwide lockdown,
we’ve got misdirected desires,

we’ve got not a lot left to believe in,
see people I know in the street,
and feel like,
I’ve got nothing to say to them,

dead inside,
still sparked and alive,
still I log on just to turn off,
but I’m not grabbed by anything online,

nothing is exciting,
nope nothing at all,
so I try to drown out my anxieties,
with orange juice and alcohol,

wishing I knew which directions to go in,
wishing I knew if life was real or not,
it’s 2020 it feels like that doesn’t mean anything,
feels like we got way but somehow we are still caught,

here in this moment,
with no one except ourselves,
what do you do if ignorance is bliss,
but knowledge is wealth,

which to choose,
the choice is up to you,
I can’t give you any advice,
because I don’t even know what’s true,

though I do know one thing,
when I take a breath and breath it’s,
if you can’t be with the one you love,
then love the one you can be with….
I love to p;lay my stereo very loud

so loud, it can wake up the dead

and force them into total panic

I love to thrash out heavy metal

and every day i say to myself

i like the loud music

It doesn’t have to be heavy metal

It could be 80s disco or 70s disco

we could arrange big parties

with bourbon and coke and beer and champagne

we sit the the stereo on our shoulders near our ears

we suddenly go deaf from the blasting sound

the lead singer of AC/DC had to opt out of the band


sometimes the stereo could be for aerobics

where all of our friends gather together

to keep themselves fit

so that one day the earth will be healthy

and the heavy metal will be needed to chill by
K Balachandran Dec 2011
aerobics ,beauty salon,
poetry session--
beauty care for the mind.
Zulu Samperfas Dec 2012
Holidays--everyone should reconnect
even with people you see everyday but
never speak to because you can tell
you won't like them...
show them some sunshine and brighten their day
overheard while showering in the women's locker room:
"How's the baby?"  "He's four and a half."
"Hows Max?"
"He's in Rehab, he's not coaching"
"Ah,oh, ah"
Clothed, she rushes for the door
Continuation with another as I toweled off
"The pool at Concord is cold" "is not" "is" "is not" "well, the air there is cold"
(it's' only five minutes away from here)
Let's try this again, shall we? "So what do you do? I mean, besides swim?"
"I go to water aerobics in the morning
then I swim, then I pick up my kids and swim again. And we had a party and some doctors came over (she looks around, especially at my less than perfect physique,
she is about to expel a naughty, bad word that should never meet the ears of polite company
her eyes are red and look like they will fall out of their sockets
like those little ****** dogs
My friend the vet said one's eyeball fell out during an operation
So he put it back
she's roughly my age, but she has a natural tan in the middle of winter
and the sun has written it's thin lined signature all over her face creating the look
of a satellite image of an area once filled with rivulets of water,
but now experiencing a severe drought
but she truly is 99% fat free)
and they were...OBESE.  Can you believe it?"
Bedside table minds clean paper
Pen at the ready, lying in wait
for wording as I wait for the sandman
Thoughts pole vaulting at high speed
tossing, and turning then settling
unable to make it over the top
Mind frozen in time with selections
untamed uneducated words, hitchhiking
around my head, seeking new adventures
on paper with other more interesting fellows
Words stuck in the corners of my mind
spring cleaning energy is needed here
to pull them out of their aerobics class
Forcing the words down my right arm
in Gymnastic style movements
out of my pen they stream endlessly
inking up the page in the stillness
But I dare not move to switch on the light
for the theme will be broken for all time
BaileyBuckels Nov 2013
So... I'm the open minded girl who speaks her mind and is hated because she has no filter. So here's what happened: Me, being me, walks up to this random guy i find vary cute and tell him. Now, two weeks later he starts talking to me. We both just sit with one friend by the library; Me with my best friend on the east side of the wall and him and his, i'm assuming, best friend on the west and the two just sit and watch me and my friend talk and laugh and fool around. And I really like him, on the occasions we have talked i have grown to like him but we are a grade apart, he is a sophomore and i'm A freshman  (but i was held back)  and i have aerobics the same hour he has gym and we pass each other in the hallways and he has this really cute flirtations he only uses when he smiles at me. I am rambling on like an idiot but i don't care, i want to get this off my chest. all im saying is i don't know if he likes me or is trying to be polite, I'm so confused!!! when i found out his name, it was sean
Im serving lifes with this pen/
Convicted for Killing time


Eternally trapped within/
For my sins
Solitarily confined
In these lines
where do I begin/
Can you read between them
It never ends/
The margin is marginal/
Carte blanch
Ive over stepped my boundaries
Broke the rule cardinal/
Now Im in an invisible/
cell feeling miserable/
My time shouldve been
More productive
This is NA    Not Applicable/
23 hours in the whole
Lost ours in part
Another 60 gone/
Thought is food
scarf down words/
Appetite absurd clearly just observe/
work the mind
Stay fit/
only way to survive inside
Mental aerobics    Various signs/
Shape it
chin up chin down equals a syllable/
My own worst enemy
My dictions     despicable/
Train everyday to enhance
For I know never leaving
These sentences for life/
Are habitual/
Even before I got booked
They extradited my freedom/
The right to write
When I tried to free lance
I was just free writing/
They cuffed my free hands
Life sentence to this pen
Now they want my annihilation
Too many things gone missing punctuations
urushiol Oct 2014
Sweet, sterile, smooth, smothering
Epithelial aerobics abound
Cells curl and desiccate like tips of leaves past their prime -
Just give me one second.

I now live authentically, I say to myself
My heart is in the mountains
Despite words gurgled from my sweaty face in the swirling splendid solitude of darkness –
“Help!” is what I mean to say, but as I break the barrier between liquid and atmosphere
It is the air that chokes my breath -
Just one moment.

Bacterial bile bubbles up
At the sight of
Dirt – contamination – fear
In pores
Out of pores
Under nails –
No, no more nails now –
Stuck deep inside my skin –
That no brush’s bristles can ever scrub away
Still, I try – God knows I try! –
Skin raw and red and deserving.
They’re in my wounds, too –
Salts and chemicals I choose to douse
But it only eats deeper
There is a ragged red hole in my skin now -
Just give me one second.

Jaw tight, teeth ache, head pounds
Hands dry despite the fatiguing humidity
So it helps to see the crimson creeping up the flag of my disposition
I like this proof of biological clarity,
Like rainwater gliding up the capillaries of a plant
In reverse -
So just hold on one moment.

There was a time when I felt truly free,
I know it in my heart of hearts.
I was free once
Certainly, I was free
I was free
I was truly free -
So just give me one second.
Barton D Smock Dec 2014
upright, I display the dead
of my dreams.

is the bald spot
of my father’s

of late, rumors
have surfaced
in regards
to my mother’s


how to jack
a scarecrow

off.  how to go

by the occupant
of an outhouse.

most people are not women, and think
in birth

ZWS Mar 2015
Time to concoct something the doctors can't counter
Callous my temper with imitation, an elation that makes an earthquake feel a bit sounder
If I told you I was a chameleon you would think I'm a laughing sensation
Like a small town crowd of people with personalities no deeper than flounder
But if you hit me I temper like brass in a manner of class saturation, trying to become a metal that cannot be bent or shaken by voices that are louder

Your mirror's can't see me, only you
I copy and pasted your binary in my caffeine induced computer architect blues
If I told you the color of envy was green, would you see right through my chameleon mirage tailored J. Crew

My scales aren't slimy, although you'd figure so by the way I march around in the conviction of my intelligent muse
I'm so perfect in being perfect, it's almost a clue

But paint me another color of your choosing, to mask the mask I'm wearing over my bruising
You wouldn't know what I scream behind all that I'm hiding because it's sealed under all of the mumbles of my crying

I'm calling your faintest noticeable attraction to grow to know my horrendous transaction interactions
When you sit in your desk chair with your tobacco relaxion, judging every crescendo of my orchestra tastes and core reactions

What say you demon for your jailing taxes, and your horns and your perfect brand named wood stained glasses?
Your cuff is off, your deliverance remarkable, you're becoming a ******* classic just by the stale look that your grin passes
Im not ready for aerobics, I'm not elastic, most will tell you if you try bending me into fantastic, I'm not very static
That's why imitation is suicide when you're not dynamic, looking down the barrel of a factory stack of envy plastics
Thomas W Case Jan 2021
Writing is my love that
never betrays.
It doesn't lie or
It never complains that I
leave the toilet seat up or
that I leave hairs in the sink.
It has never said, "You drink too much or
not enough." It always wins the bets,
sets the sun, and skins the cat.
It's always raw and never
well done—medium rare at
worst, and never burnt.
It doesn't ask me to
do aerobics or yoga, and it
would never tell me to quit smoking;
I would stake my life on it.
Writing is my love that
will be with me until
the end.
Here is a link to my you tube channel where I read my poetry.
Vide World Wide Web at hand,
Working fast at finger tips,
Tab on table-top or lap-top,
Access thru windows tip-top.

Wise and wild web-sites host,
Millions of web-masters hoist.  
Click mouse on cursor left or right,
Flood of information flows straight.

Once called cob-web of clumsy corner,
Assumed cozy-web of closed circuit,
World netted by the web of electrons,
Caught by wonders of wizard web.
All pervasive, populous and popular,
Globalized and glorious in daily life
Visible to none in bytes of zero and one
Countless websites encounter the day

Spins in speed and spurs out smart
Dabble or wobble; it helps you to win
Operate thru internet and intranet
It co-operates with the systems in net

Browse; it arouses what you wish
Surf; it brings to surface on screen
Press ‘Enter’ key to control and command
It churns out cheese you choose.

Work from home or humming air craft,
Mail in or mail out to bail out the day,
Respond or correspond; it carries brisk,
Transponder is miles above free from risk

Subject any subject to Google search,
Sure, objects bound abound and surround,  
Web in and out not to be caught in wild web,
Key-Board is key to board your success.

Microsoft hits on monitor like macro shaft,
Prevail and avail link and avoid day’s void,  
Let us harness aerobics of electrons,
And witness acrobatics of electronics.
ann Nov 2014
I told my doctor how when I get really upset I see clouds.
I told her that it looks like someone chain-smoked a whole pack of cigarettes in the time it took me to blink.
She told me she can't explain it.
She told me I need glasses.
I told her I need new medication, that these ones aren't working anymore.
She told me that I'm not letting them.

She told me that depression comes in waves.
And if I stop fighting them, they'll come and go with ease.  
She told me to build a raft.
I told her I don't know how.

I don't know how to tell her that I'm drowning.  
I don't know how to tell her that these "waves" have turned into rip tides and now I'm so far out that I'm lost at sea.  

Excuse me miss, but how do you build a raft when you're never on shore?

She told me I need to start exercising; I guess water aerobics aren't enough.
I told her that I can't breathe.
She told me I might have asthma.
I told her water must have filled my lungs.

I told her that I used to identify as the calm before the storm.
But now I'm a category 5 hurricane.
I told her I've got winds up to 250 mph.
But I still can't find air.

And I'm sorry, Miss Meteorologist, but land won't slow me down.

I told her that I have and will destroy everything in my path.
She told me that now that I've hit land, I can pick up the debris and build a raft.
I told her I'd try.

She told me hello and asked how my raft is coming along.
I told her that my craftsmanship is sub-par.
I told her that the clouds were back.
I told her that she's the reason I can't look at water without it running down my face.

She gets up in the morning worried and messed up,
The mood is hot and flared up,
Today is the annual day and she is not ready,
With manicured, pedicured nails,
And with skin brushed to shine,
How to did she even forget to wash her hair?
The worries shows in the frizz of her hair,
Off she runs to shampoo on chilled winter morning.. Cold is the last thing to deter her today...
She has to be best, the most beautiful...She echoes..
Oh! She is so self obsessed careless yet careful teenager around...!!!

She enters the college with dreams and colors all around,
She can't repeat yellow she wore it on Monday,
Jeans, Shorts, Skirts - ankle length, knee and thigh,
Traditional or not is the fight with mom all the while,
Purses of various colors, shapes and sizes,
Shoes to fit each out fit add up each day,
Watches have thr day too,
With ear ring tossed in the loss of a stud,
With necklace rejected as it's gold not silver,
Nail color should change every alternate day..
Oh! She is so self obsessed careless yet careful girl around..!!

The marriage mellows her down a bit,
With duties to perform, with office to attend,
She still can't repeat a dress in a week,
And nail colors too have to change each week,
But purse remain same barring occasions,
And shoes also have to go for comfort of the day,
Yet in all her small ways
She tries to find that carefree moment of her life,
The life when she is she and not what is expected of her..!!

Kids bring another angle to her story,
The task is humongous, the responsibility huge,
The hair is always frizzled, the eyes sleep deprived,
Yet she manages to bring her she side out,
She maintains her  composure but is deeply worried,
All her flawless skin, her nails, her figure,
Have gone for a infinite  ride, a vacation, a break,
She doesn't throw her old clothes away,
Rather tries to fit in high school jeans be proud to feel she can indeed fit and enter...
Oh!  she is so self obsessed care free yet careful girl around!!!

The I Must Too foreign tour is round the corner,
Her self obsessed brain tickles oh! just four months to go,

She has to invite back her hair, nail and figure,
Plead, Beg, Order whatever she can BUT to have them back she must..

She plans out it's never too late,
Starts with yoga and aerobics too,
Green tea is a part of her life whole day now,
Compliments are coming and she is overjoyed
With new found glory she is queen again,

Tours have to must have 'shorts pic', and a 'Frock pic'  and a 'running around with kids' pic for sure ,
The fact that husband has aged, bald,and *** -bellied doesn't even scare...
Oh! What a self obsessed carefree yet careful girl she is!!

Things that keep her strong are,
The taunts that come along...
From high school till today she grew up on them,
They are the multivitamin and have been that way,
Will they only see you? they ask,
And she is sure they will, they always did...
With all the tasks,the deadlines and the kids growing,
She reminds herself she is still the queen,
She cannot forget and move on as this is she that she has grown on...
Ageing doesn't scare her as she is still beautiful in her own eyes,
"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder" they say,

She is you, she is me,
she is the daughter born yesterday, and the daughter who will born tomorrow, and she is the grand mother too...

Oh! She is so self obsessed carefree girl anyone ever did see...!!!

Sparkle in Wisdom
*Sparkle in Wisdom* will be my pen name here.
Drifton A Way Apr 2016
I take Bibilical aqua aerobics down at the local YMCA, talk about two Ginas and one Richard hah! That'll *** up your mind... You're thankfully welcome... Wow, man ****, when is this after note going to end? Ohhh , I just realized that I said Wo-man ****, which is just a totally different connotation than man, ****, which just to be safe we can all agree moving forward that, that comma belongs between the man, and the ****, ohh ****, ****, ahh I can't believe I'm still reading this ****, what the ****, wait what was I going to do again? Now this ******* has me sidetracked with his slanted Jedi writing, I'm never reading any of his **** again,
Yeah well imagine what it's like to be the mind that writes this...???

Who are we really? I could tell you, ****... ****.

Me - 3 You- 0

What the **** could you possibly write here? - your friend...Mark.
Andrew Rueter Aug 2018
We experience xenogenesis
A horse births a Pegasus
Of a horse in mist
It starts to get ******
Adding its colt to its list
Of things it won't miss

Pick a side
To abide
Be a bride
Of the tide
Of our pride
That divides

Listen to me
Christening thee
As all I can see
So strangers flee
Ending my need
To follow their lead

Clowns label
A painful angle
Of Cain and Abel
By cutting cables
Becoming stable
By turning tables
On their fellow man
Making a bellow band
Of the yellow brand
For this well of sand
Has the smell of demand
Creating the hell at hand

It's a figment
Or a signet
Of a big net
A pig let
On a rigged bet
For a jig jet

Band of brothers
Versus others
Killing colors
Paint by numbers
Tainted slumber
Heart of lumber
That they sunder
Then they wonder
Why we're under

All of their vision
Is in a jingoism
Single prism
Of derision
No precision
To their incisions

The faithful fractions
Of fateful factions
Don't face their actions
But race to reaction
At the pace of passion
To their racist bastion

Darkened tracks
Harken back
To white and black
Skies of flak
From the attacks
Of baritone blaster
Carrion caster
Natural disasters
Killing our pastors
Becoming our masters
So we'd die faster

Counterculture vultures
And contrarian poachers
Convince the loafers
They'll be heard
If they say the right word
Diamonds assured
In a deal absurd

They promise ailment mending
But it's a clever sale sending
A fairytale ending
Of only people we love
And God up above
Nodding in approval
Of the other's removal
So the problem's renewal
Is an unbreakable jewel

These xenophobic aerobics
Corroded and loaded
Us into a low den
Where we're so dead
We can't use our own head
So we make our own bed
And we make it with dread
Spyromundu Apr 2018
As I reach the last stair,
I discover a high rise shrine
When I stare at the peak,
I'm close to fall on my head

It has a large baroque door,
Not closed, so I enter
I leave all the maps outside
I'm full of spice and zeal

I see an elevator facing me,
push the illuminated buttons,
envelope myself in the dove,
and it takes me as a letter

Into the highest floor, I fly
When I land on the terrace,
the man made-day falls asleep,
and the night sky erupts

I find an abandoned telescope,
remove the dust mask,
put my brown seeing aerola
around the soft eyepiece

The silver optical tube
absorbs my golden vision,
takes it on a celestial mission
Delving into the cosmos in chroma

I see a lumen hanging
like a washing line
between two galaxies
An odyssey to discover my heirloom

Now I'm a brainbox,
I surrender myself to
this luminous flux
It looks like a feeder of earth

Everything turns anaerobic,
when Angeline and her siblings
begin to play trumpets along
A hymn for the Oxygen Crisis

I put all the aerobics in vitro,
in order to live in vivo
I'm in the S shaped column,
the centromere of the soma

In a blink of an eye,
an asteroid hits my lighthouse
My kernel explodes
I'm trapped in a series of epochs

My nom de guerre is Helios
The sun calls me Apollo
Driving a chariot of joy
with two racing horses

Until meiosis begins
A king is announced
when a stallion dies
Nucleus or karyon

And I drop back as an ****
Embryo into an egg
thrown in a steam
From Eve to a man sunk in debt
Nothing happens here

In the next village, a man was trapped under his tractor
and in another village, a man fell out of an oak tree
No one asked what he was doing there but his
trousers’ zip was open which caused endless rumours
he also had binoculars, so he was a bird watcher then
only most birds have flown to Africa this time of year.
Emma, the nurse, lives nearby, and she always keeps
a window open when she does her aerobics in the ****  
My left leg hurts I have to use a crutch had a fall you see
but not in our village nothing happens here.
does anything make life meaningful
will it ever make sense
or are we destined to cry for eternity
simply let go and be free
give measure and comparison a rest
set your intentions high
follow the sun
and become musically sensitive
as we make our arrows sharp
we become sparks of the divine
no theories can ever contain this
no words could ever express it
it remains a mystery
yes we can point to the divine
like a finger pointing at the sky
but still the divide is infinite
even as the divine is immanent
there are no splits just unity
yet the girl performs her aerobics
with grace and precision
each split a vision of eternity
i seek lightning and trudge up mountains
you follow rivers and kiss the comfrey
i peak behind the curtain
and smell the sweet embers burning

— The End —