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1d · 81
The thought of dying
does not scare me
because I've pined for
the feeling of
Like a beached whale
there was nothing to do
but wait for the Tide
to come in

Feb 12 · 32
House Sparrow
Victoria Feb 12
What else can you do
but build a home
What else can you do
Jan 6 · 45
Victoria Jan 6
Experience taught me
to accept *** as enthusiastic and passive
at the same time

Experience taught me
having **** *** is
admitting that I have no control
And I may choose to have no control
but you can't choose for me

Experience taught me
that I am responsible
for my own *******
Nov 2024 · 58
Death by sky screaming
Victoria Nov 2024
if a bomb fell on our house,
if a meteor burned our city
no one would see the hickey
you left on my neck

-death by sky screaming
Nov 2017 · 228
I Sting
Victoria Nov 2017
To when you were nothing?
To when you were a single cell?
Because I can feel every cell dividing, and God ****** it stings.
It stings
every part of me.
Victoria May 2017
This dark roast isn't as dark as I
I suppose I have found darker things since
Mar 2017 · 357
Victoria Mar 2017
When do wishes become weeds?
When the roots are rotten.
Feb 2017 · 356
Own It
Victoria Feb 2017
Your skin has holes in it
to breathe
So really they can't help that they get in,
they can't help that they get in
Your skin has holes in it to breathe
You picked at some and made them
They picked at some and made them bigger
and because life is how life is, Most of you
and most of them
learned that if you try to fix them you will
Feb 2017 · 589
Victoria Feb 2017
Soft grunts of morning love
Anchoring down the blankets
Rolling over begging you
Pet my belly
Jan 2017 · 309
Not Quite A Withdrawal
Victoria Jan 2017
Tonight my mind is a crucible
my thoughts are calling for a witch hunt
and it might look like I'm dancing with the devil
but it's just Logic
Nov 2016 · 895
Victoria Nov 2016
I missed you before you left me
My heart ached to think of you gone
and slowly I realized
I'd have to get high alone
Jul 2016 · 766
Open Everything
Victoria Jul 2016
Open up and let me in

Open doors and open arms

Open concepts, because I want to make a home with you

Open-ings Begin-ings Start-ing

Open House, the first time I pretended you were mine

Open to you

Oh pen



to paper

and fingers to keys, I could never explain how my legs opened to you because you were already mine and we’d done this before, just not with each other.  Though we already knew that I was the last person you’d touch and you were the last person I’d touch.  After that day,

We closed our doors to the world
Jul 2016 · 528
Third Shift
Victoria Jul 2016
This house makes too much noise
now that you're not in it
Jan 2016 · 316
When I was little
Victoria Jan 2016
One time when I was
little I called nine-one-one
to make sure it worked
Jun 2015 · 406
Heart Song
Victoria Jun 2015

I feel more comfortable raising my arms up
at a concert
Than at church because those words
Spoken through that mic
Shouted through that guitar and the drum that crashes and burst into
my heart
Has the same words as my world
Because HE went through what I went through
and HE came out before me
and HE can tell me there is hope
BECAUSE temptation is nothing
when SIN
is what gets your *** thrown in hell
I don't need Jesus. I have Jesus.  I am just ranting.  I am just being honest with my feeling.
Jun 2015 · 304
Victoria Jun 2015
Tell me how much better I am than them
Then throw your sass in the backseat with the dog
Give me a kiss and tell me something I don't know.
I've got your hand so we can get lost together
I'm pretty sure third gear should be on the
bottom, but you tell me that's silly.
So I'll just look at you and smile because
We're getting **** good at talking without
Which is probably why we can stay on the phone for hours at a time, Babe,
You are the reason that I love you
Apr 2015 · 647
Victoria Apr 2015
Four tablespoons of love
In the form of *****
Swallowed and accepted
Tap it out
Then send me a screen shot
Drunk conversations
Mar 2015 · 702
Heart Song
Victoria Mar 2015
One in a Hundred

What if I am just a psychopath with a god delusion?
(Do psychopaths have a conscience?)
Because I need a secret
I can’t live without a secret
Something has to be MINE
But I can’t even be MINE
Because I am YOURS
And I just want to be me,
But I am you
And I can’t be YOU
Because you are so BIG but
That is ok because I’ll never be like you
Because I am not you
Because I am me
(Is that even supposed to be comforting?)
Victoria Mar 2015
You are my fortress wall
With room enough to sleep
Strong and solid
You are my fortress wall and I will scale your height
You help me reach the top and from there
I can see the world
You are my fortress wall and on your shoulders I can swim in the clouds
You are my fortress wall and you keep my garden safe
I know every stone and from where I stand there are no
Weak spots

Sun Kiss
Because you make me feel like I’m living on a beach
The same kind of happy as sundresses and
Bathing suits
The sun
As yellow because Yellow is my happy
You are my favorite color
My Yellow

Of white and yellow

You make me think of white
Of being fresh and clean
I’m still so ******* high on you
Of white because you make me think
And see and plan. White because
You’re so **** fancy
Mar 2015 · 399
Victoria Mar 2015
They aren’t listening
You could find it if you looked, but
Just because someone hasn’t proven it doesn’t mean that it is not there
Hey, even the animals have same gender ***.
why shouldn’t the humans?
because I only think of santa clause one time a year
And how my parents lied to me
So what if I like when my celebrities run for office
It means someone with money cares
Someone young
Someone who probably knows what it is like to hit rock bottom somewhere outside in an unfamiliar place with the stench of the night lingering into that sudden clarity that makes you scream at the top of your lungs
And why am I still awake?
Define Improvement
So what if our stomachs were made to eat plants
We eat meat now.
Can you imagine if we started shooting our dead into the sky?
I could say Granpa was in the stars
That everyone went to heaven when they died
And about the Arc
Maybe they didn’t have to. Maybe they
Were where they needed to be all along
Mar 2015 · 322
Post That
Victoria Mar 2015
My thoughts are
for your mini post-it's
Feb 2015 · 302
Heart Song
Victoria Feb 2015
How do I live
Let me count the ways
lonely, ecstatic
fully, intentionally, drifting, wandering
am I wasting away
this gift
that was ****** upon me at birth?
Oh, to remember
the conversation God and I had before
before I was made flesh and birthed
that ending conversation
Did I even know what I was saying?
Lord, remember me
and change me so I can return
I pray.
I prayIprayIprayIpray
So be it.
Feb 2015 · 457
Make the fireflies dance
Victoria Feb 2015
Is she special
before you kiss her, or
does she become special
you kiss her?
Feb 2015 · 824
One of the Greats
Victoria Feb 2015
are speaking God's language
and they don't even
Feb 2015 · 303
Heart Song
Victoria Feb 2015
As long as i live
until I die
Remind me that I am not God
tell me again
that I cannot control everything
that I should not control everything
lift me up
as long as I live
until I die
I want to look at you
Jan 2015 · 342
<3 Song
Victoria Jan 2015
I discussed the universe with the
I wiki'd what it meant to have
free will
I read the hate from the
I read the hate from the
I raised my questions to the
tossing my hopes
my hands are open
my palms are up
"please sir,
may I have some more?"
I am so
Where is my manna?
Jan 2015 · 609
Cherry Pie
Victoria Jan 2015
I could tell what mood she was in by the apron she was wearing. She was mixing something sweet. The air hung heavy with powdered sugar. I slipped into our small kitchen and wrapped my arms around her. I could feel the heat of her back on my chest. I gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. She dipped a finger into that sugary goodness and brought it to my lips. I licked that divine icing from her index finger and whispered, "I want more."
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Dog Food
Victoria Jan 2015
eat your tortillas silly noodle
today we are poor
money falls
like rings lost in sonic
the most aggravating noise
eat your tortillas silly noodle
your mom can be so
Light and fluffy.
Dec 2014 · 417
Cheesey Love Poem
Victoria Dec 2014
I didn't know what it was
but it's better now that I do
I was disappointed when we didn't
and from there
things changed
and I didn't know what I wanted
but at that moment I knew
I wanted
When you think you know what love is, but then someone shows you what it can really be like
Nov 2014 · 2.3k
Slumdog Millionaire?
Victoria Nov 2014
He's New York penthouse
and I'm small town trailer park.
Kinda worried my blue collar might
stain the white one he wears so well...
But he likes the way my perfume smells
(I don't tell him it's from Walmart)
when it lingers on his pillows
and I like the way his sweaters fit me
(my favorite's his from college).
He holds my hand in public
and folds my clothes after ***,
I hide under the blankets
as he gets ready for work.
He's New York penthouse
and I'm small town trailer park
but he tells me I'm just what he needs.
So maybe I'll leave my toothbrush in his bathroom
and a dress in his closet,
maybe get comfy (or frisky) on the couch,
maybe I'll let him say "we" a few times,
I might even try it out,
maybe add some future words,
Next summer
Next Christmas.
He's New York penthouse
and I'm small town trailer park
but We
say, "I love you"
Victoria Oct 2014
But you
**** is ****. It took a while for me to learn this. Just because you are dating someone doesn't mean you have to have *** with them. Just because you say you love the person doesn't mean they have a right to your body. You body is yours and God's. There are many ways of manipulation and **** doesn't always have to be a violent act. Threats of suicide and passive aggressive anger and manipulations can wear your soul down. Back handed insults and stabs at your loyalty make you feel like, maybe you should just give in.  This happened to me when I was young. It was still ****. To anyone out there going through it, LEAVE the situation. Tell someone. Psychological abuse is still abuse, and real love comes from the heart. You choose to love and you act accordingly. I didn't get help when I should have. I didn't know what was happening. *** is not an obligation just because you're dating.
Oct 2014 · 434
Tayto Precious
Victoria Oct 2014
you smell like something i could have
but now when i look at you
I have to close my eyes
Victoria Sep 2014
You'll get it when you're older,
but little girl,
you don't have to hold hands
with anybody
with nobody
with somebody
you don't want to.
Sep 2014 · 406
Golden Girls
Victoria Sep 2014
We dance on the rocks and talk about God
the white noise makes a bubble
the broken piece is beautiful in a way
like a challenge
and if we sat there for a hundred years the trees would still feel our presence for a hundred more
making our first impressions the least of our worries
for if God clothes the flowers then how
much more will he clothe you?
hiking trips
Jul 2014 · 786
Dirty Mirror
Victoria Jul 2014

is mad at us


we don't show Him who He is

"Your sin is blocking the mirror, I can't see you"
Jun 2014 · 306
It's always Baby Baby Baby
Victoria Jun 2014
Things look yellow tonight
and I can see your empty hand
let's get into my car
and go looking for the moon
I know you like adventure
I know you like the chase
baby I filled the tank for you
I have your favorite cd in
Tonight the world is yellow
I can see your empty hand
we can drive ourselves to the beach
bring the car as far as we can
watch our yellow become pink
baby I know you like to push it
I know you like to take that leap
I can see your empty hand
I know you play for keeps
Feb 2013 · 315
The Moon to the Sun
Victoria Feb 2013
I want to live for you
because I can't live for myself
I am lost
I don't know what I am
I have no sun
I have no mirror
you were my constant reminder of
what I could be              but my doubt won
I left you and stepped out on my own
out on my own
on my own

I do no good
I am unsure
i searched for you in  all the wrong places
i looked in puddles
i looked in broken glass
i didn't call for your help, i thought i
                                            remembered the way

I wish to live for you
I want to hear you call my name
I want to feel your happiness

once again,
Feb 2013 · 1.0k
Ocular Migraines
Victoria Feb 2013
In the corner of my eye
at the top of my neck
just about
almost maybe
I'm positive
there's a subtle message
floating in the dust
sent by God
telling me
**These Things Do Happen
Feb 2013 · 425
Hello Mother, Hello Father.
Victoria Feb 2013
I can not stand


the only time you


to me like you know

who I am

is when you're angry with

Feb 2013 · 2.1k
Such Excitement!
Victoria Feb 2013
It wasn't a
The seats were leather
the music
was loud

I wasn't afraid
the ground always
and the Batman bandaids
make me look
Jan 2013 · 410
Victoria Jan 2013
This thirst for water
has become symbolic.
That, or
it's cotton mouth.
Dec 2012 · 487
The Peddler
Victoria Dec 2012
a man
came to you
with a potion promising
you the world
would you
All you have to do is
drink. He says, "Take this,
and all of your dreams
will come true."
For all other accounts
he seems sane, he seems
a very logical man.
                                                       His eyes don't seem crazed   and his clothes smell
                                                                        nice. "Take this," he says   Would you get on your              
Dec 2012 · 407
Something something
Victoria Dec 2012
I found it on a Tuesday
it was blue
and oh so new
a tiny crack and
I peeled it back
revealing life
causing death
You know what's a little scarring? Opening an egg and realizing you killed a baby bird. Childhood..
Victoria Dec 2012
"Well, that just doesn't pluck my
He said at the girl.
Those ruby lips pursed
and he wanted to part them roughly
                                                                with his tongue.
She flipped her honey hair
sending a wave of cigarette smoke
                                                               and expensive

filling his eyes
and his head
and his mouth
The urge to grab a handful
and push her to her knees

He grabbed her hand
bringing it gently to his lips
looking into her brown eyes, he

Sep 2012 · 1.3k
Victoria Sep 2012
This music between you and me
is meant to be played
by your heart and mine.
It was meant to make us move and dance,
to pull from us the passions
that make our souls alive.
It was meant to crescendo
at inopportune times.
It was meant to go flat
or strike a wrong chord,
to fall quiet
so no one can hear it
but us.
It was meant to be erratic
and cacophonous.
It was meant to be peaceful
and harmonious.
This music between you and me,
it was meant to sound like this.
Sep 2012 · 855
Sex and Beauty
Victoria Sep 2012
The pillows you lay your head on
at night are filled with bugs
Their marching puts you to sleep. You pull
your dead self over your
dying self, warming your living
self, warning your living self of the
dangers of
making love or searching out the familiar.
The familiar lies like
the drugs you take forgetting your feelings.
What you feel is a truth. What you feel.
What are you feeling?
Feeling down, feeling dragged?
It's Dragsville man
the only way out of this prison is to dig.
Ya dig?
No not you dig
They dig,
and you just lay down. You lay down
and rest in your bed with your

— The End —